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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. lapbandtalker

    3 weeks post op and traveling to India for 5 weeks

    I say eat what you want. You haven't entered the weightloss phase of the lapband system...right now you are just healing. Adjust your foods as your doctor has prescribed- but enjoy! Come back and let us know how your trip went.
  2. lapbandtalker

    don't cook

    So you are wanting to cut back your carbs? There are many of us who don't cook-for whatever reason. And it does make it more challenging to eat right. I switched to Lean Cuisine or Weight Watcher frozen meals and pizzas. I've found that helps. Right now I have a chicken enchilada w/ rice meal, toaster strudles-blueberry, Banquet crock pot Pot Roast meal, frozen waffles.....not sure what else I have in my freezer. You don't have to cook, that's the good news. There are many ways to get the nutrients you need. Cater your meals in if you need to and if you can afford it.
  3. lapbandtalker

    underwires & port placement

    I know what you are talking about! Since June 07, I've not worn a bra. For the first week it was post op, to heal...but I found them uncomfortable. When I go for long drives, I find myself adjusting my wasteband because it simply just hurts my port. And my bra wasn't an underwire either.
  4. lapbandtalker

    despearate need of help!!!!

    The lapband was made for people just like you....for real. If you can eat and eat (and it's not coming back up) then you are not restricted enough to lose weight. Some can get a tad of restriction and lose weight. Some need more. Others like me and you need the pipes cut off-almost. But know you are not alone. Your doctor will be your best advocate. The guidelines for the band says if a patient is having a difficult time following eating less....an adjustment is in order. (I'm paraphrasing of course) Get that adjustment.
  5. lapbandtalker

    Banded & The Single Life

    That's a good question. When I'm ready to hear about his prostate exams, ingrown toenails.... I guess that's when the relationship is ready for me to tell him about my dental fillings and lapband. Since I'm old school, talking about issues like these aren't hot topics for the first date...or even second, third, etc. Good luck!
  6. It happens to the best of us so don't worry. I've never heard of anyone doing damage the first time they do this.... just drink (quickly, gulping) pineapple juice or sodapop....it will loosen and come right up- hopefully. I had to go to the ER for surgery, well...they gave me a general and then had to 'retrieve' it ....they used a net thing. Try the liquids and try to relax yourself and your body when doing this....let it come back up.
  7. lapbandtalker

    my port is killing me

    I'm not a March 09 bandster but I know what you are talking about. I'm almost 2 years out and just a week ago I felt the first pain in my port area. Last night was sharp as well. It's not constant with me but I am wondering if it's on the move. If your doctor isn't concerned....maybe that's a good sign.
  8. lapbandtalker

    keep getting colds since banded (for women)

    Colds? Try pneumonia. I know what you mean....it's like I was never sick (or only once a year) before I was banded and now... well now is okay because I'm 2 years out...but after I was banded in June and started losing weight in August...by October I was in the hospital. Then a month or so later, again...then again in the spring. Just hang in! Like you, I thought it was nutritional....but what? Let us know what you find out.
  9. lapbandtalker

    Am I eating too much?

    If you've just been banded, you shouldn't have a pouch. The pouch comes after the band is adjusted (several times usually) to cause restriction around the stomach. Good luck!
  10. lapbandtalker

    after reaching goal weight

    Ooohhhhh....didn't know that. I haven't needed any....so far. I'm about 2 years out and am still losing so I'm going for the opposite- an adjustment to remove some of the fluid.
  11. lapbandtalker

    weight loss

    None, sorry. But many do lose weight by dieting.
  12. lapbandtalker

    after reaching goal weight

    What's a top up?
  13. lapbandtalker

    Am I eating too much?

    No, in my opinion you are not eating too much. If you are hungry- eat! If your doc has you on a special diet, follow it. You have not entered the weightloss phase of the lapband system. So don't worry about weightloss- take this time to heal.
  14. lapbandtalker

    How I am Paying for my surgery!

    Many do come up with innovative ways to pay for the surgery. Mary Kay, Avon, Mc Donalds', ....while back many wanted to work at Starbucks for the insurance. If you have a will, you will find a way. And look at you- you've found a way! Congrats!
  15. lapbandtalker

    What is the next steps when you reach your goal?

    Many will tell you that exercise is key....but in my case it wasn't exercise...it was genetics. My skin toned right up. I was thinking about a procedure to get skin removed but my doc suggested I wait a while- he was right! It can tighten up on it's own-but again, it's something inherited. Exercise is so vital for a healthy lifestyle. Those who DO exercise are often happier/healthier than those who DON'T.
  16. lapbandtalker

    New to NC- doctor search

    Fill centers specializes in caring for patients who are already banded...but yes, many of the providers in the network are surgeons who perform banding on patients. Those who move around alot or just want to switch doctors for whatever reason find fill centers to be a great option. But there may be some in the network who are not surgeons...that all they provide are adjustments and aftercare. thank you. Wake forest! Plenty of docs? Right?
  17. lapbandtalker

    Not losing

    You eat too much and/or you have not achieved restriction which is vital in the lapband system. Some, even after 3 adjustments, still don't have restriction...so it's eating as normal. But once you get that band tight enough to limit the amount of food you eat- that's when you can expect weightloss. Now is the time to try to make better food choices, to begin a new relationship with food. Your band isn't being used yet- not til you get restriction....so keep going back every 4 weeks for an adjustment....you'll get restriction eventually. Come back and let us know how many adjustments and cc you have when you finally get restriction.
  18. lapbandtalker

    anyone else have the 10 band that holds 4cc?

    I have the 9.75cm and got up to 2.5cc. That did it for me the entire weightloss. You'll get it, just keep going back every 4 weeks for an adjustment.
  19. lapbandtalker

    soda... maybe a solution for some

    saw "soda...maybe a solution for some" and thought I'd pop in, eventhough this is the mens room....I'm searching for a solution myself. I go thru a 2 liter a day or almost...I just can't stop- especially now it's getting warmer outside. I'm sure it's mental but if I wasn't drinking the sodapop I'd drop weight really fast. Okay, I'll leave the mens room now and try your suggestion. Diet Dew.
  20. lapbandtalker

    What is the next steps when you reach your goal?

    Nothing happens, pretty much. There's not some ray of light that comes from the heavens and music playing in the background.... you just wake up one day and while on the scales you've reached your goal (often times you pass it) Decisions have to be made at that time...but not quickly. Really take your time to review the past and present. Continue making good (or better) choices with food and your relationship with food. If a week or so goes by and you lose another pound or so....is that okay? If so, keep working it! But if you lose a pound or so and it's not okay...then adjust what you eat. Perhaps increase your calories a bit. Or, do what I did and go in for an adjustment. It may take a few adjustments to stop weightloss. It took me 2. But I'm still loosing. My goal was 150. When I passed it, I thought I'd keep going...I was on a roll afterall. Then 140 was my NEW goal. I seemed to stay around there +/- 3 pounds....for well over 6 months. But now I'm loosing again. I'm down to 132 and am looking a little sickly. But I just remember to eat and eat often and continue to make better choices than the past. Oh, diet? I never dieted. I just ate LESS and made better choices of cooking more than dining out. And for me (and many others) that works. But some find they have to not only restrict the amount of food (the band) but what kind of food they eat (dieting). I've just tried to find a sense of balance between good foods and knowing when it's okay to eat dessert or whatever. Hope this helps.
  21. lapbandtalker


    Great post! Couldn't help but laugh because I can imagine the panic you are in. I lost ZERO pounds during pre-op. I lost ZERO pounds post-op. I lost ZERO pounds after my first fill. So, if you've lost even an ounce you've beat me! Your ticker shows you've lost something so far- be happy! Congrats on being human AND just wait and see- before you know it you are going to come back and post you've lost your first 25 pounds.
  22. lapbandtalker

    I ruined my Lapband progress............

    You didn't ruin anything. The band was made for people just like you (and me). I was banded then: my mother died my oldest daughter moved out to college then left quickly to care for my dying mother my middle daughter moved out to college at the age of 15 then 2 weeks after my mom died went to USMC boot camp then my oldest daughter went to basic for Army I left my cushy life in Las Vegas to be at my mom's side to care for her because it got too much for my daughter. I lost my home/and lifestyle to make the move. Now I'm in a trailer w/ an inherited cat. Nursing school is GONE now because I had to ditch the dream to take care of my mother. I lost my mom and my oldest two daughters, I have one age 14 at home now...single mom. I stuffed myself w/ junk chips/icecream/pizza and literally ate and puked, ate and puked some more. I ate at a trash can and kept cups in the car so I could puke while driving Stress? Eat if you want to eat. The band has got your back. When you are ready to lose weight, you will. But your progress wasn't ruined. The entire weightloss and maintenance IS in itself a process....you will go down down and maybe up....but you are in control. Take time off from dieting if you need to. Stay close to your doctor during this time. You may need an unfill and take time off. Or your doctor may think you need to reach restriction so that you can stop dieting so much and let the band assist more. Just don't give up!
  23. lapbandtalker

    Olive Garden NOT accomadating!!

    I spent alot of time/energy at trying to eat out...asking cashiers if I had to pay up front, to asking waitstaff.... I just gave up. Now, my daughter orders a meal and I will 'add' : at Outback I add a sweet potato at TGI Fridays I add a salad at Ruby Tuesdays I add a potato you see where I'm going with this. I simply get 2-3 spoonfulls of whatever my daughter is eating and put it on my plate. I have not ever had to say, mention, or ask again. BTW, I stopped going to Olive Garden last year as I just got tired of the tasteless salad and breadsticks. They used to be yummy, buttery and the salad plenty of dressing. Now they are both dry.
  24. lapbandtalker

    How many pounds did you lose in a month?

    First month I lost 0 pounds. Second month I lost 0 pounds. Third month I lost 2 pounds. As you can see, I didn't get any restriction w/ my first fill at 6 weeks. It was the 10 week fill that started my weightloss. I didn't need another adjustment until I reached goal.
  25. lapbandtalker


    Most doctors say different things about it, as you can see. My doc says soda pop is liquid candy and that's why anyone shouldn't have it. But other than that, he has not told me to stay away from soda or caffeine.

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