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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. lapbandtalker

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    That's a good question and should be a sticky- for those who paid deposits for surgery date AND either cancelled or changed the date- 1) did you get your deposit back a) if so, how long did it take if not, what was their reason 2) did you reschedule with the same surgeon a) if so, was there any type of change of date fee All good questions- open to any surgeon- no matter where they are located. And this is for all patients-self pay or insurance-doesn't matter.
  2. lapbandtalker


    Emily, hate that for you. Please ensure you do the research...actually there is a thread above yours called researching Mexico lapband doctors- look thru that. Then you will find many go abroad (not just Mexico) for healthcare and yes, the band. The FDA didn't approve the lapband here for use in the US until way later than Mexico was doing it- so you will find some of your most experienced surgeons south of the border. I went to Mexico June 2007 and went with Dr. Huacuz. I'm done and now it's just maintenance- but it's nice to know that IF I start gaining, all I have to do is get an adjustment to help me out. As you research you should ask about how many complications/problems have arisen- if any surgeon says "none" RUN- don't walk in the other direction. That means they haven't done that many OR only take low risk patients OR are lying. The best doc I know on the eastern seabord here in the US has had deaths even- he took on patients who were going to die already and no other doctor would help them. They (the family too) were desperate for help. And remember, some patients-no matter who the surgeon is- could have complications. So, research, research, and research. And then pray, pray, pray. Good luck with everything and feel free to ask questions- and get referrals- real ones. (it's been posted how fakers will bash surgeons just to promote their own surgeon or someone will claim to be a patient of such and such when they weren't, etc)
  3. lapbandtalker

    Any one use Dr. Daniel Huacuz-Tijuana?

    About the deposit- many other surgeons/clinics require a 1,000 dollar deposit. Dr. Huacuz only required $500....but in keeping with the industry, I do believe the deposit has or will shortly increase to $1000 as well. When you schedule a procedure, Dr. Huacuz isn't the only one involved. He ensures all other healthcare professionals are ready- like cardio, labs, radiology, anesthesiologist, etc. You don't pay them, he does out of what you pay him. So not showing has consequences for alot of people. Juan Carlos Fuentes requires 50% deposit (yes, half) Luis Suarez requires $500
  4. lapbandtalker

    Lap and Billboards

    I never heard of lapband until I passed a billboard in Utah. And I thought - what a genius idea. Had the surgery that summer.
  5. How do you research a Mexican doctor?
  6. lapbandtalker

    Ever heard of: DR. GREGORIO GARCIA FELIX

    Anyone have any tips on how to research a doctor from Mexico? I have places he was affiliated with at two hospitals- but I can find references to them in medical journals but don't know how to find out contact phone numbers. Anyone?
  7. lapbandtalker

    Really need advice on a very tight band...

    It was the pain that prompted me to go for an adjustment to remove the fill- all of it. I had been too tight for 8 months... lost alot of weight, for sure could eat anything because I knew it wouldn't stay down but after fainting and the pain- I was on the verge of "failure to thrive" the medical cause of death so be careful.
  8. Just in case anyone else reads this old thread- it seems the price has remained stable in Mexico. It was 7k for me 2 years ago but now it's 6500.
  9. Ann Curry is interviewing Brad Pitt at the Cannes Film Festival and the woman won't let him answer the questions...she keeps talking and talking. Geesh! I've seen many interviews and when a correspondant asks a question- they let the subject answer....not this one. I couldn't believe it and she kept touching him. Wow, it was one more unprofessional moment for the Today Show.
  10. I'd like a nose job aka rhinoplasty. My lapband surgeon was great and I've had textbook results. Now I'm ready to go back. And I wish I could go to Brazil or somewhere because 20/20 and Dateline have done stories about how it's all the rave to have nose jobs....those surgeons are skilled! Anyone gone to Mexico for plastic surgery? Know someone? I'm considering Dr. Huacuz as he's my lapband doc but frankly there just isn't alot of info on him doing nose jobs. I've known people who did the tucks and lifts...but not noses. Anyone?
  11. I go in 3 weeks for my surgery and Dr. Huacuz is a bariatric surgeon who has skills in other areas....he has a team of surgeons Dr. Gregorio Garcia Felix- who is doing my surgery on my nose.
  12. lapbandtalker

    looking for anyone in the DE MD area

    I know Dr. Sofronski, he did a RnY on my sister. She's done great! She had insurance, I didn't so I went to Mexico for lapband and used Dr. Huacuz. You are in good hands there and go to the meetings. I went with my sister for about a year and learned alot. Good luck!
  13. Approaching my 2 year bandaversary and just had my band completely unfilled due to complications. I reached goal 1 year ago but kept losing. When I got 10 pounds below I went for an unfill (not all, but some). Then another unfill (little bit more for ease). Since then my weight was stable at 136-140 pounds. My life fell apart in October 08 after my best friend-Mother passed away, then my oldest two left home for the military in November and then January...so having gastrointestinal issues is no surprise. Even other family members were having 'issues' (vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, etc) But mine continued. So October 08 was my last meal (that I kept down) I lost more weight and found 125 showing on the scales, my bones were showing thru my skin-my ribs looked horrible. I was often tired and fainted a few times. But I had not found a doctor since moving across country so I was making plans to go to Mexico for an unfill....next month. A family member said it didn't look like I'd make it til next month so I went to the ER. I'm a veteran so this is the VA. The first ER doctor scoffed at me after seeing in my records that I had the band in Mexico 2 years ago. Then after labs came back they IV'd me and started the potassium infusion. They were admitting me. What have I done? Was my thoughts. I bet my band slipped or something horrible had happened and I just totally ignored it. How stupid I felt. The xrays showed my band but I recommended a barium swallow (the VA had never even seen a band much less treated one). The radiologist gave me this white powder that was to expand my stomach. I gently reminded him that I was blocked and that the powder wouldn't make it to the stomach....he said go ahead and swallow it quickly- I did and immediately foamed it up. He did the barium and said nothing is getting thru. He commented that my surgeon did a great job because the band is exactly where it is supposed to be and there is no slippage or any other issue- it's simply too tight. Relief! They sent me to a civillian doc who had never done adjustments but was a radiologist in a cardio unit who has done ports for other implants....after using his needle I recommended the butterfly, the small one. 1.2 cc was removed. I ate my first meal of bananna, of course, wheat thins, cheese, pinapple juice. I slept like a baby! First time since my mother passed away. I was literally starving to death. Today I had apple juice, more wheat thins, cheese, bananna w/ Peanut Butter. I did lose some of that- but I guess I need to take it easy over the next few days. But wow! I've learned this: when you are banded, always have a good doctor by your side. Moving? Then when you look for a house/job/whatever....be looking for a lapband doc, too. It's that important. Well, I'm totally on my own now- no more relying on restriction. I gave up my Mt. Dew and vow to not ever drink sodapop again (let's see how this works out). Thanks everyone for all your support.
  14. lapbandtalker

    Chronic vomiting and the band

    Just an update: 4 days since unfill and I feel great. I didn't realize how sick I was until I got the potassium infusion and hydrated and then started to eat again. I have so much energy, there is a spring in my step. I gained 5 pounds in 3 days but lost one already- my body was so dehydrated. I'm at 129 pounds....let's see if I can maintain this weightloss. 5 days without Mt. Dew
  15. lapbandtalker

    Gain 4 pounds in 2 days- HELP!

    Was banded 2 years ago....June 07.
  16. I was loosing too much weight and got sickly (ER visit where had potassium infusion and fluids) [band was too tight, too] I vowed to eat more. So I've had juices, cheeses, fruits and some Peanut Butter and 2 weight watchers meals. From 125.9 to 129.9 in just two days. My plan is to lay off the juices and go to Water next week but I really need nutrition. I think my body is just in emergency mode and trying to store all my foods for energy. Anyone have this happen- rapid weight gain when eating low sugar/low fat foods? What should I be eating instead of fruits and dairy and Protein?
  17. Banded June 2007.

  18. lapbandtalker

    Chronic vomiting and the band

    Yes, a complete unfill. I gained 2 pounds just by digesting a banana, cheese, juice and some wheat thins. I know I've got to be very careful as weight can creep back up on me. Weightloss is easy- it's keeping it off that worries me. So, I'm at 128 pounds today and feel GREAT!
  19. Anyone ever heard of him? Anyone ever been to him?
  20. lapbandtalker

    Oprah's weight loss surgery show

    I saw a news show on the deep brain stimulation....is used to treat 'any' disorder or will be able to one day. This weird neurological disease where the muscles cause bending and contorting - can be fixed with DBS. Overeating, drug addiction, gambling- all fixed with DBS. I'm all for it. I'm 129 pounds and would get this today if my doctor offered it. Even at 129 I am an overeater by nature.
  21. Thanks for your concern.....contacted a doc in Mexico- yes, I know.....swine flue- but I can get round trip airfare and a hundred buck unfill...cheaper than any doc around here. So, I'll be going next month.
  22. Oh, want to add.... today everything is fine. It's after lunch and I had no problems with Breakfast or lunch AND I've drank an entire bottle of Juciy juice so far- I get my nutrients in when I can so today I'll concentrate on Vitamins and Proteins.
  23. Thank you for your post. I've had these symptoms of sliming since last summer and have unwanted weightloss (I'm below 130 now and 150 was my goal). I had multiple life stressors all within 2 months of each other: mother passed away, oldest daughter left for Army, middle daughter left for Marines, moved, inherited a crazy cat, ...the list can go on. Stress was, what I thought, causing my band to get acute restriction while at other times it was fine. Now I carry cups in my purse or plastic bags in the glove box and eat a few bites and slime it up. Been doing this for the past 7 months. I don't have a doctor. Can't find a doctor. And the few I do find that will provide an unfill want upwards of 500 dollars- I don't have it. So....my band has probably slipped. Besides the sliming and weightloss- are there any other symptoms or will it cause any permanent damage to my stomach?
  24. Wondering something.... It took me 17 years to pack on all the weight so I know that just because I've arrived at my new weight-it's not over. Gonna take time to make this permanent as it will be easy to slip back into old habits and gain weight. That said, I maintain restriction still to prevent me from overeating. I'm having plastic surgery done on my nose and am wondering if I should get an adjustment to unfill some so that I won't risk sliming - don't want to hurt my nose. When they say this is a process-they aren't kidding! I'll be doing great and then I'll have an episode where I ate too much, didn't chew enough-whatever and I'll slime. Anyone have restriction when they have surgery? Or was everyone pretty much NOT relying on the band at all?
  25. lapbandtalker

    How serious is this?

    hahahah I'll be sitting in church, everything so quiet then ---- the noise starts. I don't know if it's coming from my throat or what!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
