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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandtalker

  1. lapbandtalker

    6 days post op and starving

    You chose your doc/surgeon for his expertise so now is not the time to go against your doc's advice. If you are on a liquid diet you have tons of things at your disposal to eat/drink. If you are on a clear liquid diet choices are reduced a bit but still alot to choose from. But if you are on a 3 tbsp diet....I don't know what to tell you. How long do you have to wait in between each 3 tbsp for? My post op was eat when hungry. I could have had an entire can of broth....if I wanted it...but slowly. Call the nurse and ask her what you can have at this point. But be sure to tell 'em that you are starving!
  2. lapbandtalker

    Should I be concerned?

    Yes, you should be concerned. Air in the abdomen is awful. I just had a broken foot, bed rest and the gas builds up something awful. Sharp stabbing pain when I get up. But moving around is the best thing you can do- that's why nurses have patients walk after a procedure, in part, to help move gas. I'd let your doc know how much pain you are in. He may recommend bed rest for a day or two...you never know.
  3. Hi from your neighbor in Thomasville. Was banded before I moved here and don't have a doctor for adjustments.....yet. Good luck on your journey.
  4. lapbandtalker

    military hospital..tricare...help please

    Be careful. Your doc may approve you, sure...but what if Tricare doesn't? Plus, if he was willing to approve you, why doesn't he just chart your records of weight and then say you've already lost 15 pounds from your highest (assuming you have). Just be careful. My first instinct was eat, gain (or put lead in your socks) then go back to him for a weigh in.
  5. Anyone ever met goal and found they weren't happy? My goal weight was 150 lbs. I'm 5'4" and that was a size 10/12. I got to 125lbs and was a size 2/4....that lasted a few days. I went in for a total unfill due to plastic surgery and possibility of vomiting from the anesthesia or procedure. Yep, I did heave ho a few times coming out of anesthesia and have gained 13 pounds. I'm at 138lbs or so, it fluctuates 136-140. I can no longer wear my size 2/4s....I'm in a 6/8 now. I know I should be greatful to be this weight as I was 140 when I started having children so I am lighter now. Anyone have to adjust mentally to their goal weight?
  6. Just got back from my second procedure in Tijuana. 2 years ago was lapband, this past week was rhinoplasty. Am considering dental implants next year...but got to do the research.
  7. lapbandtalker

    Lapband's dirty little secret

    That's not really the way things should be- but since our health care system is based on profits and not care, many of us in the US run into this....and not just with lapband. I've run into it with dental- yes, something so simple as crowns. Anytime you have a procedure get a referral from your doctor BEFORE you move...perhaps select a doctor based on his networking. We live in such a mobile society it's weird to think that just because someone moves they won't have the same quality health care....but it happens everyday.
  8. lapbandtalker

    Band Surgeons Lookup

    Thanks for the post! I checked it but it said there were NONE in my area. Put in a zip code of the next biggest city, still NONE. I'm in the sticks! But I put in my former zip from out west...my doc wasn't on the list. Yet he is the most sought after doc out there. But I'll check it again in a few months to see if anyone around here is listed....I have to go to Mexico for an adjustment because it's just cheaper to fly to SAN and back than it is to my former doctor, rent a car, etc.
  9. Many doctors go to Mexico for training but sometimes they come up here to do seminars/training for US docs. But since they've been doing lapband here in the US a while, many docs get trained by US docs....so as long as your doc is trained, it's cool. Makers of gastric bands have cirriculums so he could be trained in more than just one type of band. I had to do what you did....walk a doctor thru it. I moved to an area where this procedure isn't popular-yet...so the ER sent me to another doctor who works in radiology and heart/lungs and is an expert in ports. I still have to guide him on what to do. Am going to Mexico this week for an adjustment because the doc here took out all my fill (which is what I asked for) but I've gained 12 pounds in these 3 weeks. I've heard of docs not providing services to "Mexican patients" and I've heard of docs in certain areas that won't provide them to "Vegas patients". Doctors are businesses just like any thing else and many have issues with losing their prospective $$$ to a competitor. I think all this will fade as the procedure gets more popular because our society is so mobile....many move cross country or whatever. I'd love it if a doc around here would get trained to do adjustments. You are very lucky!
  10. lapbandtalker

    Please Give me Advice!!!!!

    I lived like that for 7 months. When banded we have to make choices either to do it or not...as in reduce the amount of food. (some people just can't do it) But when quantity isn't the issue...it's WHAT you can or can't eat...that's something my lapband book doesn't even talk about. ( I have the one from Inamed-the owner's manual). I could eat things that were thin/hard/cruchy....but applesauce/pudding/etc would come back up. Come to find out I was too restricted. I had the Fluid removed 2-3 weeks ago and have gained 12 pounds....am going for a fill this week. Just stay close with your doctor as you may can work with the restriction you do have and get some major weightloss. But don't do it at the expense of your health. A slight unfill may be in order. Your doctor can help you out on this one.
  11. lapbandtalker

    Please do NOT take this wrong..

    I think I read the same post. Let's assume her doctor did more than just implant the band. Let's assume he either left fill in it or put some in. Other than that, I guess there would be a small percentage of the obese population that could be so psyched and motivated about 'surgery' that just cutting them open and stitching them back up could allow them to lose weight. Kinda like the placebo effect but with surgery rather than pills. But if it works....great! I had to have 2 adjustments and recently had it all taken out because I was starving to death but then gained 10 pounds...going for a fill next week.
  12. YES!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you posted this thread. My nose seems bigger, too. So much so that in less than a week I'm having rhinoplasty. Don't know about tall and short but my feet shrank half a size. My butt was never big so my seat in the car is still in the same position....but I don't need as much seat belt!
  13. I'm still here and the same. There was this Dr. Phil TV show a while back that had people on there who thought their lives would change IF they could just lose weight. Many others have written extensively on this topic....the only thing that changes when you lose weight is your clothing size, how many cubic inches you take up space, and health issues. I agree with TopTier, your issues aren't with your weight....it's with your thought processes. Your choice in mates isn't about your weight. Fat or thin you make the same choices. But you are demonstrating a desire to change-but first you must get to the bottom of it. I think it's self esteem, but I'm no social worker. Do yourself a favor- begin by getting rid of anything and everything that doesn't lift you up. Friends, family, bills, tv shows, music, food, clothing, shoes, junk in the corner, - anything. Good luck on your journey and please come back and give us an update.
  14. lapbandtalker

    June 2007 Bandsters

    I too am finding myself gaining, Suzzzie. I'm having rhinoplasty done next week so I get the bright idea to go for a complete unfill 2 weeks ago- you know, just in case the nausea is awful from the anesthetic. That too I was losing too much weight. Well, I've gained 15 pounds in 2 weeks. So, before I leave the hospital I'm getting an adjustment.
  15. lapbandtalker

    Do you use a straw?

    I began using one post op. I'd rather drink than eat, thus I drink alot of calories. I'm working on that issue now but the straw helps me slow down my drinking...to be able to sip all day.
  16. I was banded 2 years ago and am perfectly satisfied with the way this journey has gone- classic textbook. Great surgeon, great selection of band, following guidelines...etc. Pre-band I was a binger from sun up to sun down. One drive thru after another eating and eating. Thru this process I've overcome my desire to binge. I no longer turn to food for comfort or medication. I do not socialize or Celebrate events around food (except Thanksgiving). But I have an addiction to Mt. Dew. I drink a 2 liter a day. 2 -3 weeks ago I stopped. I have been a nervous wreck...not sleeping, waking up abruptly, sweats and chills, headaches, irritablity, ....you know the drill. I'm seeing the scales slowly creep up- about a pound every 2 weeks. I've made an appointment for a fill- but not for a good reason. So that I can drink more and eat less. Crazy! I need to fix this but am lost. Are there any pills that treat addiction? Maybe a treatment plan for 30/60/or 90 days? (I'm not a pill taker) Right now, I'm mixing Mt. Dew 1/2 and 1/2 with Diet Dew. I don't mind the taste and am really trying to kick the habit. Please help.
  17. Today is my 4th day w/o sodapop. I've gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Getting an adjustment next week. I purchased an electric juicer- 3-4x a day I slice a lemon or orange and juice it w/ ice cold bottled Water and splenda. So far it's working.
  18. lapbandtalker

    Tijuana band adjustment

    I need an unfill- anyone know of any doc in Tijuana who can do adjustments?
  19. I feel like a Madoff victim by the first post..... those were very intelligent, world wise, wealthy people who got scammed..... so as humans, we always don't do what is best...nobody is perfect. TSB- I think you are on to something. Most often when someone is changing a lifestyle, they do it one thing at a time...or 2 things at a time. But those who just say that today is the day that I'm gonna ________....usually don't make it to their goal. Sugar and caffiene....hmmm... I think I'm gonna work on the _________. Should I tackle the sugar or the caffiene first? That focus stuff sounds great, ParrotHeadCathy..... but I've not seen it yet in my area. Maybe if I - BINGO...lightbulb moment. Let me work on the caffiene first. I can switch to Sprite or Gingerale. My mom used to give us that when we were sick as children....maybe I can lose the caffiene first then tackle the sugar next. Anyone ever did this?
  20. The band stays in. I reached goal and kept losing and then got dangerously low... so I think I can advise you on this subject. When I reached goal I was on a roll so I went down another 10 pounds. But then I kept loosing. I ate alright but didn't 'overeat' or binge like before. Went in for an adjustment with a little bit of Fluid taken out. Things happend w/ life stressors that caused GI issues for me and I regurgitated daily. I went in and had the remaining fluid removed. I gained a few pounds to a good, healthy 130 pounds. But after eating Subway and Taco Bell in the same day I gained 3 pounds. 2 days later of good eating, I am 130 again. So, once you reach goal. You are good to go unless you have unwanted weightloss. In that case you get an adjustment. If you ever gain or keep losing...you can go for an adjustment at any time- for the rest of your life. This is the first time ever that I lost weight and do not have a fear of gaining it back (yo-yo)...because I have a tool to impliment if needed.
  21. Anyone ever went there for an adjustment? How much do they charge?
  22. Anyone ever had their band adjusted by Dr. Huacuz? How much does it cost? I remember reading somewhere that there were two packages, 1 that included pick up from SAN and the other pick up at the border-or walk into the clinic. Thanks!
  23. lapbandtalker

    Lean Cuisine

    That's what I live off of, that and Smart Ones and the other Michellego or something lean frozen meals. My sister was going to do Jenny Craig or NutriSystem and I suggested she try the Lean Cuisine Diet - to see if she could stick to portion control and frozen meals....why spend a fortune when there's Walmart? Anyways, I like most of it but my favorites are the Quesidillas- Breakfast or entree. And the pizzas are great, too. I don't like the Mandarin chicken one, or the breakfast sandwiches-maybe those are Smart Ones from Weight Watchers-can't remember.
  24. lapbandtalker

    Sliming or vomiting ...HELP!!!!!!

    I agree. Don't panic, first of all. This is completely normal to have happen. You are learning how to eat again. Eat a few bites, chew well and STOP for a while. If you are still hungry, eat a few more bites later. Do not drink any fluids with your meals-this can fill up your pouch so there won't be any room for food. Perhaps change the foods that you are eating- does EVERYTHING slime back up? And then if you can't resolve the issue, you can always go back to your doctor who can guide you. You may just need some guidance or an adjustment. Good luck!
  25. lapbandtalker

    Please help, so confused! :-(

    Honest feedback, here you go- the surgery is not for you if you are not willing to change how you consume/use/medicate yourself with/eat- FOOD. You must want weightloss bad enough to risk (and you know the risks) having the procedure. For me- it was worth it.

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