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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bethm

  1. Hi :smile2: I have a 10 day diet where I have 2-3 Protein shakes a day (1 is glucerna though and only has 10 grams of protein hmmm.. suggested by my nutrionist.). I can have sf Jello and broth. Also can have cottage cheese and light yogurt a couple times a day but both make me vomit. This is very very hard. My stomache hurts literally. The deep hunger pains hurts. I admit also have head hunger where I dream of dancing cheeseburgers and sushi and such. I am full committed to doing this without messing up. So my question is.. does the extreme hunger go away at some point during these 10 days? Are there tricks to divert your attention from how hungry you are? I went to bed in tears last night because I was so hungry and imaginging myself making a sandwich and it was just awful. This is day 3. I haven't lose any weight yet. I step on the scale and expect to see a pound or two gone since I went from a million mountain dews, iced coffee xtra xtra, fast food and other bad food to Water and Protein Shakes. Is this normal?
  2. bethm

    The Water Rule

    Huh.. odd. My doc said no drinking 1 hour before and 2 after.
  3. Wow you all use yours? Good for you! I got mine a month ago. I have moderate sleep apnea. I tried it for a week and a half and have a dent in the wall where apparently I whipped it off my face in the middle of the night. So I just gave up. Because.. ugh. I have to bring it to surgery though and I'm going to ask that I not have to wear it that night. It freaks me out anyway. On a sidenote I did buy some lovely pur-sleep stuff that makes it blow really pretty scents into your nose that was somewhat relaxing. If you wear it you should check it out. They have free samples on their website. Love these forums. It's always good to get advice from everyone but make sure you ask and follow your docs advice. (told mine and he said NBD if I didn't wear it.. just need it for surgery)
  4. bethm

    Do you have a December Date?

    Thank you :tt1: I didn't think that the hungry feeling would go away and was surprised the past day or so I've been ok. I was ready to climb a clocktower or be on cnn holding a mcdonalds hostage before that.
  5. Hi There's a 60+ forum you can check out too. Scroll down in the forums listing or I think this should get you there: Sixties - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum Never too late!
  6. bethm

    Do you have a December Date?

    Hang in there! Did all of you who are hungry after the band almost right away have to do a preop diet? I'm day 9 of the liquid diet and not really hungry (surgery is the 11th). So maybe if you can stick it out for a few days following what your doctor said the hunger pains will subside? If you did do a preop and all of a sudden you're hungrier again I'm gonna worry lol Also I am really liking the Unjury.com shakes.. and the chicken soup is great here in New England during this cold spell and they are pretty filling. (I don't work for them or anything) Just trying to help. This will all be worth it and you will get the band tightened and it will be a lot easier.
  7. Day 9. 3:43 pm. (heehee) I'm doing okay. I haven't cheated except for 1 mouthful of string Beans on day 1 or 2. (can't remember. I was in a psychotic no-food fog) I'm hungry but a lot of the time I sit here and marvel that I'm not. It's sorta a rollercoaster. But I'm so close to my surgery now (dec 11th) that I'm just busy being nervous about that and the fact (AM I LUCKY OR WHAT?) that I'm due for my period tomorrow or surgery day (yay!). I don't want to cheat because I think there's a method to this along with all the liver shrinking stuff and that is I've come to realize .. I'm not going to die without being able to eat food. It's temporary and whoa.. I sorta have willpower. Go figure. Because this ain't no weight watchers (which I thought was torture) and I'm doing it. And I am loathe to say it's easier because it's not by any means easy, but not the all consuming, crying my eyes out hunger that I had the first few days. That said I am still having to hold myself back from eating everything in my house including my cats.
  8. Hi :wink_smile: My surgery is December 11th. I have a family I know loves me but I've been doing this journey alone. I'm a single mom of a 20 year old daughter who plans to be scarce during my recovery *lol* Unexpectedly my family has been there for me during this 10 day liquid diet listening to me whand have been really good at making me feel like they would be there to pick me up and drop me off. But.. one thing I've found and look forward to taking advantage of is there is a rather large community of lapband folks. My doctors office has a support group every 2 weeks, social stuff, walking groups and seminars where you can meet people. Perhaps yours does too because the people who can understand best what you're going through are the people on the same journey so look forward to new friends That's just my two cents. I wish you the best. Do this for you. That's been my mantra all along. Everything else will fall into place. Be selfish :cool2:
  9. bethm

    Anyone have "The Rabbit"?

    I love my rabbit <3. My favorite is my hitachi wand though. Check it out if you haven't!
  10. 12/11 here too Started my pre-op on the 1st. Excited and nervous! :wink_smile:
  11. Thanks it helps to know I'll be covered.. but there's not a snowballs chance in heck I'm watching the surgery! HOLY COW. Maybe after but definitely not now!
  12. Thank you so much, all of you. I am trying very hard not to give in to panic. Your words mean so much.
  13. bethm

    December 8-12???

    December 11th here :sad_smile: Excited and nervous.. Lost 13 pounds on my pre-op so far!
  14. bethm

    What is your Age/Date/Weight/Location?

    Hi :thumbup: I'm 41 and live in MA. I'm being banded by Dr Adam Glasgow in Norwood. I started my preop 6 days ago at 317. I'm 304 now. My goal weight is 150 and I'm 5'7 1/2". I get banded December 11th :girl_hug:
  15. So I'm metformin twice a day for diabetes. My gluci or whatever would average 135 or 140. I'm on day 5 of the liquid diet and I'm testing between 111-125. I'm curious why it wouldn't be extremely low since I'm just having sf fudgesicles, Protein drinks, Jello and Water. It seems like its still kinda high considering I haven't eaten. What do you think? Is this normal?
  16. bethm

    Do you have a December Date?

    hehe Vickie. I have wiifit. Got it for my bday in sept. Like the hula hooping thing but honestly it got boring quick. Everything is in 2 min exercises then you have to grab the remote and switch to the next. When jogging you can't catch up to the lead guy and smack him in the head or anything. The yoga stuff is kind of goofy. And not sure how the balence exercises help get your heart rate up enough to be considered exercise. I prefer putting the ipod on and walking.
  17. Hi :cursing: I am on day 4 of my liquid diet and I know this is sort of a dumb question but I've been drinking bottles and bottles of water and I am literally having to go to the bathroom every half hour. Is this normal?
  18. Thanks so much :whatchutalkingabout I'm on such a rollercoaster right now emotionally :wub: Good to know I'm normal lol
  19. Hi all, I'm 41 and need to lose 160 pounds. I started the liquid diet Sunday and my surgery is December 11th. I am excited, nervous, scared and all sorts of emotions jumbled up. I find myself scouring the forums which my doctor advised me against because while there's lots of information there are also equal amounts of negative or incorrect. I would LOVE a mentor who started their journey around my size and around my age. Things I am worried about are.. will I look like really bad when I lose weight because I have so much to lose and my age. I know that I will have loose skin but I can never afford plastic surgery. Thanks so much :whatchutalkingabout Beth
  20. Wow that's a long liquid diet. That said this is my 4th day on what you are on. (including broth. your doc prolly wont have a problem with it.. but ask!) and the first 2 days I literally cried myself to sleep thinking about my favorite foods. The first day the hunger pains were really really bad. The good news is.. today is manageable. And today I stepped on the scale and seem to have lost 7 pounds since I started. So I guess my message is.. it gets easier. You get proud of yourself. I didn't really believe it when people said it day 1 and 2 and even 3 TRUST ME. lol Hang in there :cursing: We're all on the way to getting healthier and happier!
  21. bethm

    130 pounds!

    This thread is so motivating! I can see the worry from you pre surgery that I have since I need to lose about 150 and how much you've lost already which is alot! So awesome :cursing:
  22. bethm

    Do you have a December Date?

    Awesome Trina :cursing: You're an inspiration. Really needed to hear that :thumbup: My surgery is Dec 11th. Today (day 3) is the first day that the hunger pains aren't making me cry and I feel a little better. Hoping it continues to get easier! Good luck to everyone :wub:
  23. No sf puddings. And I'm pretty sure I can't have cheese or marinara sauce. :smile2: I am trying to drink the Water. yesterday I drank 64 if you count the water in the tea I drank plus the 3 16 ounces of dasani. Water doesn't seem to take the edge off.
  24. I started my 10 day pre-op diet. Holy cow it's rough and I'm just day 1. People tell me after day 3 it's easier but all I thought about at work allll day was food. My stomach was rumbling so loud that I could hear it even with my headphones with music on while I programmed. Torture. My diet is: gatorade, Powerade, apple, orange and grapefruit juices: 2 cups or less daily. sugar free Jello, popsciles and fudgesicles: as much as I like as long as they're sugar free A cup of skim milk, low fat yogurt or low fat cottage cheese: 3 or less daily Atkins shakes or carb solutions shakes: 3 or less daily (I got powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury shakes in vanilla, chocolate and chicken soup) You may have as much as you like of broth ONLY Soups in any flavor. As much as I like of sugar free beverages like diet soda, crystal light, coffee and tea. Then there are diabetic allowances like small amount of regular cottage cheese, light yogurt, stuff liek that. So my question is.. what is broth? Just chicken, veggie or beef? Because in the broth area of my supermarket I found butternut squash broth, tomato and some other nifty things but I don't know if that's considered broth. Anyone?
  25. My day is Dec 11th! I started the pre-op diet today and I am sooooooooooooo hungry that my stomach hurts. :/ People have told me this passes after day 3 so I'm just trying my best to stick with it.

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