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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DaMomb

  1. DaMomb

    GNC products

    Went to my GNC for the Max Protein and they did not have it. The lady called other stores and could not find it there either. She said if I had the number off of it, she could get it for me (a 6 digit number). If anyone has it, let me know. Thanks
  2. I have had my initial appointment, dietitian appt and psyche eval. Just waiting now for approval from insurance and surgery date. Want to know everything I can find out. I am so excited about this change I am about to make in my life. The decision has been agonizing, but once the decision was made... complete peace. I am sure I will spend lots of time in this forum in the coming days and months....
  3. DaMomb


    I HAVE MY INSURANCE APPROVAL!! YAY!!! Hopefully will be banded either the 11th or the 18th of this month! I am so excited. My gall bladder surgery went perfectly, no problems and I feel great (tired but great). Hoping the lap band surgery goes as easily. I am so ready for this....
  4. My surgeon thought my liver seemed to be rather large, so sent me for a liver/gallbladder ultrasound before surgery. They called today and said that I have gallstones and will have to have my gallbladder removed before my lap band surgery....:drool: Has this happened to anyone else?
  5. The good news is I had my gallbladder removed yesterday, and it was absolutely no big deal. I feel great today, and I am just that much closer to getting my band on now. I CANT WAIT! I hope the world can handle the sexiness that will be me!! :oD Thanks for all the replies.
  6. Thanks for all the replies. Although I wish I could have both done at the same time, I am so excited to finally be "almost" there! My knees hurt and I know that will be better after I lose weight. Also have been having a lot of problems with bile and now I am wondering if that has something to do with my gallbladder..... Who knows, but at least it will all be taken care of soon. I love this forum. Everyone is great!
  7. I really do like my surgeon. He is very thorough and seems genuinely concerned. Many websites and forums like this one said that others had both surgeries at the same time, so I am a little disappointed that my surgeon does not do this. Anesthesia is one of the things I do not look forward to and between the EGD, gallbladder surgery and lap band, I will go under anesthesia 3x in a very short amount of time. Oh well... Bring it on... I am definitely ready. One of the things that I did think about was how frightening it would be (if I had not found out that I had gallstones beforehand) if I had a gall bladder attack after being banded. I imagine if that happened, I would have been afraid that it was from the band. So I am overall glad that I am having the problem taken care of now.
  8. I did ask that and they said that he doesn't do that because there is a risk of infection I think. They said the lap could be done as soon as 2 weeks after gallbladder removal. Not looking forward to 2 surgeries in 2 weeks though. Thanks for the reply
  9. DaMomb

    GNC products

    That is the one the nutritionist recommended but I don't see it on the gnc website. There are some promax products but nothing called Max Protein.... Maybe I am looking in the wrong place... Thanks for the reply. I will have to go by the store and ask the salesperson.
  10. dear DebbyDowner (jk) One of the things I have learned is that if we don't learn to love ourselves fat, we will not love ourselves thin. I am waiting to be banded, but that has been my journey for several years now. I notice that I am noticed more now, and I am still fat (and old, LOL "44"). They don't necessarily notice the weight, they notice the attitude. I truly think I am cute. (Don't misunderstand me... I HATE being fat), but I say things like... "I am the cutest little fat girl I know". And it makes ppl smile. It is a battle, but one worth fighting and winning. Every time you think of a negative, counter it with a positive... My butt is big (small, flat whatever), but I got some nice knockers... My stomach sticks out... but check out my legs... they are nice!!! As women we tend to focus on all of our faults... it is not conceited to focus on our pluses. Think of yourself as attractive. (Not thin) Think of how much you could offer in a relationship. Ppl pick up on that.. I promise..
  11. DaMomb


    Thanks for the reply. I see you were banded in 04. Have you been able to keep the weight off?? The most encouraging thing for me is to see long term success. I have always been able to lose weight easily, but always put it right back on just as easily. The thought of losing the weight and keeping it off is something I cannot even imagine. I am waiting for insurance approval now.
  12. DaMomb


    Thanks for the reply. I am also waiting to be banded and trying to find ways to "eat" (protein requirements) after banding. I have tried a few of the different protein drinks, and I am not impressed... so I have been attempting to figure out how to spice them up and still be doing what I am supposed to be doing. Good luck on your band, and let me know if you try the juice and protein. I may buy the juicer anyway as it will just be another healthy lifestyle change... )
  13. DaMomb


    The skinny girl that is inside, dying to get out, thinks that the waiting sucks... The fat girl who is in control at the time, and realizes that the bounty of Thanksgiving and Christmas is just around the corner, is willing to patiently wait til the New Year.... I have a feeling that the two (fat/skinny girl) will have differing opinions quite often over the next days, weeks and months..... Rest assured that the skinny girl will not be overpowered by the fat girl! )

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
