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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by DaMomb

  1. This is really hard. I know exactly how you feel. I went back to the liquids/mushies after my little crazy day. My doc did say if I got really hungry I could eat mushies. But we do need to take it easy because we do not want to hurt our bands. Try to get back on track because eating hamburgers and french fries is not the way to lose weight and get where we want to be anyway. Have plenty of things that you CAN eat/drink, so that you won't be so tempted. I am right there with you. I will be saying a prayer for you to have strength to do it right while I am praying for myself. Don't listen to the ones that get all high and mighty and act self righteous. They have made mistakes too and I am sure they are trying to be helpful. Good luck on your weight loss journey. We need it! This truly is what they call "bandster hell".
  2. Thanks so much. I am back on the wagon today. :cool: I just really needed to tell someone (nothing works as well as accountability). And keeping it to myself was making me feel sooooo guilty! And the guilt was making me feel depressed.... and the depression made me want to eat.... yada... yada.... yada.... I have my 2 week post op Tuesday and I will let him know that I have eaten regular food. You are very kind, and your concern really helped. I am determined to make this thing work. :pray2:The Lord is my strength and my song!
  3. Thanks for all the replies. I am determined to get back on the horse again today. I did realize that I would be able to eat, but not quite so easily and without feeling full at all. The nurse talked about sipping water cuz it would go through so slowly...that has never happened. And the things I have eaten, have gone right through the band. That is what I thought would be different. I thought the swelling in my stomach would help until the first fill. You are all great to help. I really appreciate that no one was real judgmental. I know I have screwed up. Now I just will work very hard to unscrew up... Getting on here and making yourself somewhat accountable really does help. Thanks
  4. Well said Veronica. I had no idea it would be this hard. I was well informed, but have been eating post op. I hope that I have not hurt my band, but being on here tonight has helped me to hear some things I have needed to hear. I am going to try my very best to get back on the wagon tomorrow. Start out with a protein shake like i did on the pre op.... It does make me sad when people are so judgmental. We are all in the same boat here and looking either for some help or hoping we might be able to help someone... I, for one, know that I have screwed up, and am not blaming anyone (surgeon) for not informing me. I am just admitting my own weakness and looking for a little support.
  5. DaMomb

    7 hours, Emergency room and me

    what is a port revision?
  6. so do you think depression causes us to overeat, or overeating causes us to be depressed....I personally think that eating is a way to "medicate".... Oh well... my moment of depression shall pass. I am looking forward to hearing how your doctor appointment goes tomorrow.. I hope you get that "sweet spot" of restriction that everyone talks about... Good luck!
  7. Memere.. i was banded last tuesday, the 30th. True on the surgery making me depressed. Not only did I have lap band surgery, but 4 weeks before that I had my gallbladder removed. I am on an anti depressant, so it is odd to be feeling this way.... Angela.... what you say is encouraging and discouraging both.... Yay that it eventually did work... but OMG.. 6 months??!! I want to be losing weight now.... *sigh* I am not a very good wait...er..... I have not been secretive about this, so everyone I know is watching me expectantly.... maybe i should have kept it to myself... hindsight is definitely 20/20
  8. Will this be your first fill? The weight on my ticker is from my first doctors appointment for the lap band. I did not realize that after having the band put on, I would want to eat so badly and without any restriction, this is hard.... It has made me really depressed. I guess I thought once the band was on, I wouldn't want to eat, but that is not the case at all.... Hope you get your fill, and that things are better for you! Good luck. I am right behind you.....
  9. Good luck. Everything we are feeling, everyone on this website has felt. And if they made it.... we will too! I do agree with one of the threads that I read where he said that the more we feed head hunger, the more hungry it is. We have the tool... now we just have to use it! In the words of the old gospel song "We shall overcome"! You are right tho... this website does help. :tt2:
  10. Memere... if we had willpower, we wouldn't have needed to be banded. I just got banded Tuesday, and I am really feeling depressed today watching my family eat. I didn't realize what it was til my husband asked if it was hard for me, and then I realized that was exactly what I was feeling. I want to eat so badly. :tt2:( It seems like forever til I can eat real food again..... I know that this too shall pass... but for the right here and now... this is hard!
  11. I am going in tomorrow to have an IVC filter done before surgery on Tuesday. It sounds painful, and I am not looking forward to it, but it might help if someone else has had it done and could tell me that it is no big deal.
  12. Thanks Ilyn What a timely reply. I am putting my shoes on right now and getting ready to leave. It just sounded awful to me when I read about it, so I was a little worried, and nobody I have talked to knows anything about it. Well.......Here goes!
  13. DaMomb

    In a Panic

    My date is also the 30th! I am really excited, but have felt similar at times. The fat that I have hated and been at odds with for years, somehow now doesn't seem so horrible. Silly Me! Of course it is horrible, and this is going to be wonderful! I have to go in tomorrow to have an IVC Filter, and I am a little more worried about that than the actual surgery..... Oh well.... this time next week, it will all be over and I will be on my way to the new skinnier me! Way to go all you December Bandsters!
  14. I cannot figure out how to bling my profile. I have been trying to get the weight loss ticker on and it will not work. I am just having a really hard time finding my way around. Not sure how to find info/threads on specific things. Seems like when I do a thread search, it pulls up stuff that has nothing to do with search. Also tried to download a pic, and after it downloaded, then it said it wasn't valid or something.....Sheesh... I wish I was 16... then I would be smart enough to figure this all out... If anyone can give me some pointers, it would be greatly appreciated.... :thumbup:
  15. I came back today, and my ticker is gone.... :cursing:grrrrrrr wassup wit dat?????
  16. DaMomb

    Started my 10 day liquid diet today!!!

    I start mine tomorrow. Been sitting here for the last 2 hours trying to figure out a menu as my doc will want to see my food diary. Trying to get in the amount of carbs, proteins he wants me to get daily is really difficult. But the beginning of the diet means I AM REALLY CLOSE TO MY SURGERY DATE!! I am so excited. Christmas will really be hard... Good luck to all! Every time I feel a hunger pang, I will say a prayer for all the December Bandsters!:laugh:
  17. DaMomb

    Do you have a December Date?

    December 30th!!! Yay! Just barely made it by the end of the year! Now I am praying that I don't get sick or anything..... I had my gallbladder out last week. Nurses, doctor etc tell me it should be about the same. I am hoping, because my gb surgery was a breeze. No pain, no gas, nothing. I felt great afterwards. Just a few days of being really really tired. The incision sites are still a little sore, but no big deal. I am a little concerned about the liquid diet tho. I have tried to skip a couple meals and drink a protein shake instead, and in about 2 hours I am starving. Stomach growling, gettin irritable, headache, starving!!!! I told my DH he better be patient with me during that, and if he dares to say "Well, your the one that wanted this", I might kill him. He laughed and promised he wouldn't say that! Lord, I love that man!!! Btw.. I love the title.... Holiday Hotties! That's great!:wink_smile:
  18. DaMomb

    December bandsters

    Anything is like that. For 20 positive things you read, you can read 1 or 2 negatives, and then we think... Oh no! Just keep a positive attitude. I think that is the most important thing. Believe this is gonna be what works for you. Imagine yourself banded and in control for the first time. That is what I do. I know it is going to work! And last but not least.... a cookie??? Big deal! The diet is to get your liver smaller before the surgery. One cookie is not going to blow your liver back up. Just get back on the band wagon, and go from here. Good luck to you! I'm right behind ya!
  19. Yes Heather, they do begin to appreciate you once they leave home. Honestly, he probably never even noticed you were fat... LOL They just see mom. Although my youngest son has said a couple of doozies to me.... when he was about 4, I was getting in the car and he says "Wow mom, your really fat!" My oldest (about 8) says "Austin! That wasn't nice!" My youngest son replies incredulously, "Well the whole car moved when she got in!" It really has always been funny, but still something you don't forget. Another quick funny story is after having my first son, I had lost all my weight and was feeling pretty good about myself. I had my pre pregnancy (pleated) pants on and my shirt tucked in. My little nephew looked at my (post pregnancy belly) in those pleated pants and said "It looks like your pants are on backwards. That looks like your butt". And sure enough, he was right.... another funny story, but it all ends up in the "my fat girl journal".....
  20. Sitting here reading all these comments is truly heartbreaking. As I am waiting to be banded, I have actually had the kindest comments from several people saying "you aren't big enough to have that surgery" and "I think you look just fine". Part of that is because I have learned to love myself and have gotten to a place where I think I look great and I feel good about who I am (not about being overweight, just about who I am). I am more than a size 22 or a 240+ pound woman! But with that said, I have had my share of comments as well. After losing 74 pounds on phen/fen, my mother in law (who is actually a very nice lady) said to me "I am so glad you lost that weight. You were really starting to look bad". Wow. I couldn't believe she said it. And I am currently 25 pounds bigger than I was before phen/fen, and I wonder what she thinks now. Another thing was a boss I used to have. I was the manager, and did the hiring, and he would tell me not to hire fat girls. I would look at him and think...OMG... do you not realize I AM FAT???? But the one I hate the most is when ppl are talking about someone being really big, and then they say, 'oh, way bigger than You'. Like that will make me feel better. I will just be glad not to be the fat person that all other fat people are compared to..... Or the best is when someone will say "She was huge. I bet she was 200 pounds!" LOL ... I just look at them and go.. 200 pounds???? WOW! hehehhehehe Something to remember tho YOU CAN FIX FAT! YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!! Pple that say these kinds of things are just stupid!
  21. DaMomb

    December bandsters

    Mine is the 30th!! I can't wait. Gotta make it through Christmas tho.... but it's all gonna be worth it! Good luck to all!
  22. Thanks!!! I could have swore I did that *sheesh* Now I have a ticker... gonna go look for some more cool stuff now. :thumbup:
  23. DaMomb

    About to be banded !!!

    I am surprised you didn't have to see a dietician. I changed doctors, but both required seeing a dietician pre op. It is really helpful. Good luck. My date to be banded is 12/30/08.....
  24. DaMomb

    GNC products

    What GNC products are the best for protein shakes? They have lots of protein shakes that I am sure are for body building, but was wondering which ones are for meal replacements before/after banding. And which ones taste good. p.s. i may be at the wrong place. I am having a little problem navigating through the forum :smile2:
  25. DaMomb

    Yea, I just got approved for the surgery

    I just got approved too!! I am so excited. Actually, feel a little like... OMGosh, am I going to be able to do this????? A little bit of emotional overload. But I know that I am ready! Good luck to you too! I am hoping to have my surgery on the 11th or the 18th.

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