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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Brie_SDmamaofTwins

  1. Hi everyone! So it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here. I had the lapband for 9 years and did amazing! Until I needed emergency surgery to have it removed 😫 that was two years ago...I’ve gained all my weight back!

    I was wondering what is your experience from going to the band to sleeve? Pros and cons?

    Thank you

  2. I was curious to know about morning sickness and being pregnant? Is it the same kind of throwing up we did before banding..is their a higher risk to slip since you throw up so much?

    I only ask because if I did get pregnant again that would be my concern.With my twins i was pretty sick the first 15 wks and then 20-24wks or so and I puked a few times a day. Thanks ladies~

  3. First off CONGRATS! How exciting...second of all from what I understand after you have the baby 6wks later you can start getting fills again. If your worried about your pouch being streched you can do the 5 day pouch test to re-shrink it. I know your freaked about the weight gain but your pregnant! Cherish this and after your baby is born you can get back on track. Hugs!

  4. This damn site I tell ya! I haven't been in for almost a WEEK now and when I do come back the damn thing isn't working!ALEX let's get going, I'm going to have to attend some chatters anonymous classes soon!!!:thumbup:

    See ya soon(hopefully). Hope everyone is doing well:thumbup:

    xoxo Brie~

  5. GL tomorrow! I was terrrrifed of having this surgery! But once its said and done you'll look back and say it wasnt that bad. Of course your going to have some pain,soreness exp. when you need to walk or move. My only advice is to keep up on the pains meds even if you feel ok and to walk, walk, walk! It will help you heal faster and will help all the trapped in gas pains to move out! You may want to get a heating pad and some gas-x..heating pad will help if you get the shoulder gas pains. If you have any questions feel free to come in to Chat, great support group in there also~

    Gl and congrats hun,


  6. Jackie: Oh I left out one lil part also, but minus well tell you.

    When she had me lay down she said "oh ur small" and i said are we talking about my port or my vajayjay...lol Only because everytime i get a pap they always have to use the smaller ones because ive never had babies down there..ya so anyways thought ud enjoy that one too LMAO hehe

  7. So I went in for my 3month check up yesterday and at first it went well. I had told my surgeon that Im snacking more and never hungry so thats when she decieded to give me a fill. They dont want me to eat to just eat she said. She did also tell me that im doing great, down 48lbs in total with pre-op.28 lbs since surg.

    OK so whatever I layed down, told me to act like I was going to do a crunchie and then numbed me all over with ladicane (cant spell?! lol). Then she brings out this 4" freakin needle and wants to find my port with it, well the freakin thing ends up snapping! I about died...gets a second needle and then tells me to stand up. At this point i start sweating, didnt know if i was gonna throw up or shit myself all in the same time lol

    The nurse hands me a cup of Water and says start sipping while she adjust the saline. So take a sip or two nothing, told them I feel sick thats about it. They said go ahead and take a drink, ok so I started burping, then another sip burp then I could feel teh water sitting in my throat. She then took saline out and told me to take another drink and I was fine, felt it go down.

    THEN SHE TRIES TO TAKE THE FREAKIN NEEDLE OUT AND ITS STUCK! All I could say to her was "the bitch is stuck" lol Thats what did me in, I almost fainted, had to sit down afterwords for about 15mins b4 I could go home. I was soo nauseas.

    First fill was 4cc's in a 10cc band...i feel ok today not as nauseas but last night it was bad. Dry heaving for about an hr..I'm freaked out to eat anything now! Im clears until tomorrow and im pretty sure its head hunger BUT I think im really hungry. Its weird. Anyways that was my exciting story~

    *wanted to clarify...the needle didnt break off in my port thankfully broke in the middle..too big i guess?

  8. :Dancing_wub:Hi guys,

    Well I thought I'd come and share my exciting news and get some other ideas for more full liquid stuff.

    Like I mentioned I am a week out from surgery today and down 12lbs. (209 lbs) and feeling pretty good. Only complaint I have is the soreness I feel on my left side, I guess where my port is. The other exciting news is after 3 yrs of using medicine to get a period it has returned on it's own without meds. Very encouraging considering I'd like to try for another baby in a yr or two~:laugh:

    Today is my first day of full liquids, a total of 3wks of liquids in total! I was on 9 days of clears and I am so ready for a change.

    My full liquids list consist of smoothies,cream Soups,apple sauce,pudding and cream of wheat. And of course in between that Protein shakes and Clear Liquids. Was wondering what else people were drinking...

    Also is it normal to not feel hungry yet? I cant tell when I am full either, although I dont really push myself. I have between 4-6oz with each "meal". Is this normal?

  9. Hello,

    I was just seeing if anyone else was going to be banded next month? I don't have a date YET but my last appt. is dec.29th and then I'll find out my surg date.:biggrin:

    I'm excited and nervous and all of the above. I'm dreading next week(x-mas FOOD) I have to lose 5 lbs and I know it doesnt seem like alot but it's not a walk in the park like i assumed it was going to be.:thumbup: My plan is to make smart chocies and to start Protein Shakes and lean cusines for dinner. Oh and of course forceing myself to get to the gym. It's so hard these days with the weather and the babies but no excuses. I need to do this and I will.

    But anyways I was just wondering if anyone was going to be banded? Also if you are banded and started out at 230 how long did it take you to drop the weight to about 160?!


  10. Tommorrow is my final nutrition appt and I am supposed to be weighed. I'm dreading this because i didnt loose any weight but yet gained!

    About three weeks ago I went to Florida with my hubby and the babies and brought up that I'm going to get my health back and get the lapband. Their comments werent very encouraging at all. They didnt help me with the whole food thing but if anything egged me on to eat like shit. I didnt have any fast food believe it or not but yet ate a ton of sweets and drank about 398698632 pepsi's!!!!:scared2: I did go for walks if it counts? lol ughh

    But when I got home I came right on here for some support last week and decided I want to do this for me! I know I can't do it on my own and so for the last 4days I've been doing mainly Protein Shakes. My weighin is tomorrow afternoon and my scale keeps giving me like 5 different weights?!?! I was supposed to loose 5lbs orginally, but while in Fl gained 3 or so lbs on top of that. I guess I've lost the threelbs because I'm back at the same weight as I was for my last weigh in...highly doubt I can loose 5lbs in a day?! Sighs its my fault, a part of me is just thinking about rescheduling this appt for next week and showing alil more dedication. I'm very disappionted in myself right now.:cursing:

  11. Hello everyone!! I am not yet banded and not sure as to when I will be but I'm hoping by late dec early Jan. I did have one major question..

    ANY REGRETS? If so why....

    I'm just trying to get all my information in order before I make this life changing chocie you know. I feel pretty confident in wanting to get because of the obvious in needing it however I just wanna hear your own exp. with getting it done.

    One other question, before you were banded did you feel aniexty about the food issues? Like not being able to eat certain things anymore...

  12. Hello and welcome! Isnt this site great?

    I too am in the process of getting banded!When who knows?! lol

    As for smoking yes I did but only for like 3months,however my surg is recommanding me to wait THREE damn months before I can even get the surgery so you may wanna try and stop now if you can...

    As for the fills its every 3months for the first yr and then at 18months they have you come back and see where your at,by 18months you should be somewhere near your goal weight from what I understand.

    As for the last question I'm not sure...sorry!

    I too am alittle worried with the thought of "chnage" but like you said its exciting!

  13. Hello,

    I thought that I'd finally write and introduce myself. My name is BrieAnna and im 26 and as you know live in SD. I've been married for almost 6 yrs now and back in march just had beauitful TWIN girls.

    Life has been a whirlwind these last 5 years in trying to get pregnant and just all the stress of it.I guess thats mainly where all my weight came from. I was never really a BIG person until all the issues started to come out with my pcos(polycystic ovarian syndrome). When I first meet my husband I was about 150-160 and felt good and confident at that weight. However got into the flow of not excersing enough and then the five yrs on fertility medicine and stress my weight hiked up to 220 before I knew it. I then got pregnant and gained 35lbs with the twins and suprisenly lost all of it while bf'ing within 2months and then gained 10 back which isnt too bad I guess. I had hoped that things would cure itself persay with the pcos after the babies and it seems as though it hasnt.:eek:

    So this is my journey now to become healthy enough to cure my health issues and be to self-confident,sexy in my own way,in shape and happy with my body overall. I'm ready to make this LIFE STYLE change! I know its not going to be easy but I know in the end I'll achieve what I've been waiting for, for so long now. :eek:

    ****I have a huge checklist I have to do for the Navy in order to get my surg. date and thankfully I only have three things left to do!

    Two more psch appts(one today) and my first appt with the nutrionist is next thurs. So thats where I'm at with all this pre-op stuff~

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