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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by VEEJEE07

  1. Good Luck 2 u! I've had a few surgeries and feel the same way about going under, even though I knew all would be fine as it always was. You can give your doctor a call and see if there is anything you can take to help the nervousness. I was able to take a xanax to relax before I went in ( very low dose but I was thankful I could take it) Call you doc today and he/she should be able to help. Although it is really normal to be anxious and nervous sometimes the level is really high and it is really uncomfortable. Good Luck
  2. Take a breath and start to enjoy the life change you've already begun. Start to get things ready, like Protein shakes, Vitamins, etc. Don't think of the surgery date as the day you are starting this, but rather the next big step along this journey. I remember when I got my surgery date, I was so afraid that something was going to go wrong that would set me back. Then I just needed to take a breath and say this is something good in my life that is about to happen and good things can happen to me! I'm excited that you are doing this at such a young age! Good for you! So many of us go through this with only 1 regret .... that is that we didn't do it earlier in life. So you are getting a much earlier start than most people, therefore you'll have so much time to enjoy the road! For now, keep busy by working the other steps in this program, have fun excercising, get a book on gastric banding, look up recipes & food plans for each phase and prepare for it and be proud of yourself for taking control and making this decision. Hang in there and Best of Luck to you!:wink2::thumbup:
  3. That is really exciting! I remember getting my first appointments & consult and how I was so anxious and excited. Not too many others could understand why an appointment could mean so much, but all of us who are on this journey can certainly appreciate it. So good for you! You are one step closer to a better way of living!
  4. VEEJEE07

    Anyone in RI?

    Hi, Just to say good luck with your band and hope your feeling well after your recent surgery. I was banded on 10/10/08 by Dr. Giovanni. There is a lot of info to grasp so just take it slow. Good Luck. This website is a great resource & support system.
  5. Hi I'd be happy to talk with you and be of any help that I can. I knew 2 people that had the lap band and I can honestly say that it was so helpful to have them to discuss any questions or concerns. If you want, you can email me directly at raz524@cox.net from there if you want we can exchange phone #s. Congratulations on your decision to move forward with the lap band Vee
  6. I was banded on 10/10/08, by Dr. Giovanni/ Roger Williams Hosp. I am losing very slowly ( which has always been the norm for me). During the 2 wk preop liquid diet, I lost about 7 lbs and the week right after surgery another 8. Nothing since then, maybe even up 1-2 lbs. My current weight is @ 216 with a goal weight of 150 which I would like to reach in the next 18 mos before my 50th bday ( may 2010). Vee
  7. Hello, I think Dr G seems to be very good and am happy that I chose her as my doctor. I also have a girlfriend who had the band done there by Dr. Pohl and sees the PA ( Jeremy) for her fills. The complaint that I have is with the office staff and not the doctor. Every time I call I feel that I'm being rushed and treated like a number. It will be fine but you really have to stay on top of things such as your paperwork and such. It is a busy office and there isn't much of a personal touch as you should be able to expect. However, I was aware of this before the surgery and decided to stay there as the priority was the choice of doctors and this practice was highly recommended. I also like the fact that Dr. G does the fills for her patients, where I think Dr. Pohl's patients see the PA. One final note, there are 2 offices across the street from each other and the staff in each of them is so different it is hard to believe that they are under the same practice; one is very professional and courteous where the other one isn't. So if your girlfriend can handle the office staff matter, then I would recommend going there as I said I'm very happy with Dr. G. Let me know if you have any questions as I also know someone who has gone to Dr. Roy and someone else who is going to Dr. Sackie .... either way Good Luck to her
  8. i am almost 3 wks post op and just got back from the doctor today. Although the post op diet shows i should be eating soft foods, she said I could eat anything now just chew, chew chew and make healthy choices.. I think you will be okay just small amts
  9. VEEJEE07

    Daily Calories

    I was banded on 10/10 First 2 days post op i was struggling to get in 200 cals then the next few days pushing about 500. I lost about 8 lbs the first week then nothing the 2nd week even though my cals were so low. I believe it is a gradual increase to about 900 after @ 1month. I was concerned about too little calories and the chance of messing up my metabolism with so little but I think the "under 500 cal days" are just temporary and with a gradual increase I hope to see the scale going down again.
  10. Hi everyone, I found a good book on the subject of bariatric surgery. It's title is THE EMOTIONAL FIRST AID KIT - " a practical guide to life after bariatric surgery" The author is Cynthia Alexander, PsyD. and was written in 2006. I ordered it last week and just got it today and started reading it. Although I've just briefed it, it looks like a pretty good guidance type. It seems like it addresses the problem of emotional eaters and how to deal with certain feelings etc after the surgery and common feelings during this weight loss journey. Just thought I put it out there in case anyone is interested. There is another good book out there that I've ordered but can't remember the exact name, when it comes in I'll post that also. If anyone has read this or has any other books on the subject please let me know as I'm interested in more resources on the subject. Thanks:cool:
  11. I'm dealing with the same issues. The day after surgery the doc told me to expect this so to take stool softeners. I asked her if I should expect to be going since since I would be barely eating for a few days and she said that it didn't matter, I should still be going. My advice that since it has been a week, just put a call into your doctor.
  12. VEEJEE07

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    yes i have fitday. I ordered a couple of years ago and used it then but thanks for the reminder.... I may start using that again for my journal.
  13. VEEJEE07


    did you let your surgeon know of the pain? If not you should call their again and let them know as they may want to see you b4 your regular post op appt. Good Luck
  14. VEEJEE07

    Soft Food Diet Thread

    my follow up food plan is similar to yours.... clear liquids first week or 2 then, full liquids 2nd - 3rd week, then soft foods.
  15. VEEJEE07

    Help me make the right decision

    If you can lose the weight on your own than you shouldn't have the surgery. Why put yourself through this? You're right it is just as easy to put back on with the lap band as it is any other weight loss program if you don't stay with it. Use the $$ to pay for nutrionists long term, or others than can be supportive. There are risks involved with this and even when we go into this 100% sure there are times that some of us might question if we did the right thing. Final thought: you can always do this later if you need to but as far as I'm concerned I did this only as a last resort since nothing else worked over several years. Good Luck in whatever you decide
  16. i get the same type of pain. I am only 6 days post op and it didn't start until yesterday. I think it is normal but best to check with the doc.
  17. VEEJEE07

    ?ctober ?dyssey 2008

    I am 6 days post op and have been up all night with some new area of discomfort. I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this.... I went to bed last night with a pain under my right shoulder blade in my back, this morning it is not as strong there but more in the center of my back inbetween the shoulder blades. I seem to have more gas in my stomach than a few days ago so I'm thinking that is what's causing the pain but i'm not sure ... any input would be appreciated. thanks:frown:
  18. VEEJEE07

    looking for some guidance,,,R.I,

    Hi, I live in RI and had mine done 10/10 by Dr. Giovanni. She works with Dr. Pohl who was highly recommended by my primary. They are both very good. The name of the firm is RI Surgeons and they are located in Johnston and do the banding at Roger Williams Hospital. The first thing you should do which is required is go to one of their seminars. I believe the next one is next Thursday at 6pm at Roger Williams but call to be sure. The other doc in RI that does this is Dr Roy I was told he is also good but got more medical postive feedback for Dr Pohl/Giovanni. I know 2 people who have been banded within the past year one with Pohl and one with Roy. The big difference I found was that Dr Roy had no pre op 2 wk liquid diet. Although this sounds great to some I think it makes post op more difficult. One other thing is that if your primary is against it just know that one of the requirements is a note from your primary ( at least with my surgeon it was) If you need more info let me know, I'm glad to help.
  19. VEEJEE07

    Beginning a new life

    Hi Marsha, Good Luck to you! I am travelling alongside with you as I was also banded on 10/10. You've encourage me to increase my walking starting tomorrow Thanks
  20. we had our surgery maybe on the same day 10/10 and the only thing new I'm feeling is the uncomfortable feeling in my left side under / near my ribs. Are you having a problems with constipation that could cause discomfort in the lower abdomen. feel better....
  21. VEEJEE07

    HI From Massachusetts

    Hi Tamika, That's exciting ! I just had my done last Friday 10/10. I didn't have any heavy nausea but very uncomfortable for the first few days. A few things I wish I knew ahead of time were that the scale went up 9lbs ( just from the fluids we're given during/after surgery). It came right off within a few days but I didn't know what is was from. The best advice I can give you is to follow you doc's instructions as closely as you can. What hospital are you going to? I live in RI now but originally from the Boston area and wish I lived up that way so I could have gone to a MA hospital and used the docs up there. My doc is good but I just always preferred Boston/ MA hospitals since I grew up there. Everything will be fine just know that you'll have a few slow moving / uncomfortable days. Make sure to walk and ask the doc what to take for constipation as you can expect that. Good Luck ... I'll watch for more of you're postings next week ....
  22. Wow that's wonderful! Thanks for sharing. It is so motivating to hear your success as my story is very similar. I'm 47, lost a lot of weight when I was in my 20s and unsuccessful since despite the endless dieting and excercising. I just got banded 10/10 and although there is a part of me that is so excited it is still in the form of hope and not reality. Congratulations again...
  23. VEEJEE07

    Denied by Insurance... :(

    Ashley, I know this must be so dissappointing but wait til you know the reason. If the insurance co can't give it to you over the phone they may be able to give it to your doctor. It may be something that is minor ( just a small bit of misinformation can throw it off) so just wait and see. Let us know how you make out. I work in the insurance industry ( not health ) but nonetheless these things happen and then get corrected. Good Luck Keep us posted
  24. Hi, I think there are some differences in everyones pre op liquid diet. My doctor told me I was supposed to have 2 Protein shakes a day and a light dinner ( 3 oz protein, and a veg). My nutritionist gave me something a little different adding a small fruit inbetween the shakes. After a few days, I started adding some protein in between the shakes ( just a little, like 1/2 cottage cheese). I know someone else who went to a different doctor and had no pre op diet except for the after midnight nothing to eat prior to the surger. Having said all of that, I think that if you have to tweek it so it is more suitable for you, then it might be okay. The liquid diet is good as it does prepare you both physically and mentally for how you'll eat right after the surgery. Hope this was helpful
  25. VEEJEE07

    LapBand Food Stages Lists Suggestions

    Dylansmom... thanks so much for this! It was just what I was looking for. I came home from surgery over the long weekend with only a vague list and some contradictions between the info I got from my doctor and the one I got from the nutritionist. I know every doctor has some differences in their nutrition plan but this was the perfect thing for a guide until I can contact the doc with questions. thanks for taking the time to put this out there ! :thumbup:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
