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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Hikingcole

  1. Hi,

    I've been reading posts from people who are having very little weight loss or very slow, hungry, eating what they used to, disappointed, etc. etc. :)

    This really scares me. Is this the norm? I am worried that I made the wrong decision. I am 58 and don't have time to make a big mistake like this and go in for a revision.:cry

    JC, I was going to do the lapband as well. Like you, I did much reading on here and other places, researched lap band vs roux en y gastric bypass and have decided to go with roux en y gastric bypass.

    The reasons for my decision are that I read MANY cases where people had to have more surgery to repair lapband, remove lapband or because the band had slipped. I am a self-pay and could not afford $19,000.00 for a surgery that I might have to have undone shortly thereafter or have removed altogether and then be out much MUCH more on medical expenses.

    Also, from everything I've read, lapbanding is not a permanent solution. There is also a danger of the band eroding somehow into the stomach area where it is banding. This from a doctor I spoke with today. Roux en Y Gastric Bypass is a permanent surgery. There are no fills. There is no "removal" of the device once surgery is complete because there is no foreign object left in the body.

    Also, check out the statistics on how many lose what percentage of excess weight with lapbanding and roux en y gastric bypass. I think you will be quite surprised by the differences and I was very impressed with the numbers. Gastric bypass is much safer than it was many years ago. It's not the banding and stapling of the stomach like it used to be.

    One major thing that makes the gastric bypass more successfull in the amount of weight lost and how quickly it comes off is that when the large portion of stomach is cut away from the "pouch" that is made, the tube (I don't remember but think it is small intestine) from lower of that section is reatached to the tube (lower intestine?) and that is the place where the calorie absorbtion begins causing much less calories to be absorbed from what we eat.

    Just thought I'd let ya know what I've found out. I hope it's okay. I'm scheduling my gastric bypass this week and will hopefully be going in for surgery in mid July. I would go sooner but my seasonal work begins first part of June and I simply can't be away from that work for the period of time required. That's what's paying for my surgery. :)


  2. Cindy, my father died of a heart attack when he was 43. I'm now 44. Also, both my sisters (one younger, one older) and my baby brother are recovering drug addicts. My older sister got hooked on diet pills and just went down from there. All three hooked on pills. Because of my sister's addiction (this was before the two younger became addicts), I didn't want to take diet pills. The doctor did give them to me when I was 18 and about 120 pounds. Go figure... I took them a few days but was just too scared. Nowadays I just think if I used diet pills to lose the weight, once the pills stopped, the weight would come back. You'd think the insurance companies would realize that and just approve the surgery, wouldn't you? I hope you get approved soon and that all goes well for you.

    I applied for Anthem insurance for me and my husband. We own a small masonry company so we don't have health insurance through a company. I was turned down because of my weight so we don't have anything at all. I've been working out for about four months now, maybe five. It's very dishearening when the scale goes up. I can see a difference in my body and my clothes as well. I think that helps me to keep going then there's the thought of if I'm THIS BIG WITH exercise, what would happen if I just give up? I feel like I'm in a terrible nightmarish situation sometimes. I work harder than I ever have trying to lose weight and be as healthy as I can and am starting to gain. If I stop working out and just relax like I would certainly like to do sometimes, my weight would spiral. Sometimes I feel I could just scream I get so fed up. I keep pressing on though and hope that my efforts will pay off.

    PJ, working out 3/4 days a week on weight lifting and 5/6 days a week with cardio gets tough sometimes. It's much easier than it was when I was first getting started but there are still days that I have to litterally make myself get up and go. The gym is about 45 minutes from my home and it's really hard to drive that far when I'm "down" and just wanting to lay around the house or even crawl back under the covers. I'm sure you know what I mean. I've so seriously considered moving just to be closer to the gym but I hate to give up our small farm. We have 10.5 acres here and is almost paid for.

    Thank you for the phone number. I surely appreciate it. I'd like to check a few different doctors and not just grab the first one I find. :)

    Have you been told about the restrictions for banding yet? I haven't been told much of anything. I haven't been able to be online much to even look through this site yet as we had a bad storm here last night and I had to shut everything down. Today I was taking my grandson back to his mom and then off to the gym and am just getting online tonight. I have so much research to do before the final decision is made.

    I read a few posts last night about the bad things that have happened to a few people and it sounds a little scary. I was thinking that what if I pay this $18,000.00 for the surgery and have a blown port (which I don't even know what that is yet but saw a title about it) or have to have it removed altogether like one lady on the site has to, or it slips. I don't know if slippage is included in that price or not but will definitely be asking. I'd hate to spend so much on this only to find out the money has just been wasted.

    I hope you get your surgery approved as well and that all goes smoothly for you and Cindy. I wish I had insurance that would pay for me to have it done. I don't think there would be a hesitation then.


  3. Hi, I'm from just outside Berea, KY and just now looking into getting banded. I've been working out for about four months and the last month I've been very regular at it. I go to the gym at least three days a week, do cardio five and six days a week, lift weights and do the machines three and four days a week. I've lost 27 lbs. but the last month have gained 10 back. I'm so discouraged because I'm working out harder than before but gaining weight.

    I'm hoping the banding will help me gain control of my hand-mouth disease and get my weight under control in the process. I'm 44 and thinking that my slow metabolism might have something to do with the slow weight loss and then I think the weight lifting is probably what's contributing to the weight gain. If I knew for sure it was "muscle gain", I wouldn't be so down about it but who knows?

    I am scheduled to attend a seminar on April 14 at the Georgetown Hospital, the Bariatric Clinic. They wouldn't tell me much on the phone except that it will cost just under $18,000.00. My husband is behind me 100%. It kind of made me wonder if my weight bothers him that much and he said he just knows it bothers ME that much and wants me to be happy.

    I'm 5'2 and currently weigh 230. I'm size 16/18 and would like to weigh in the neighborhood of 120 and size 8. According to "the graphs", I should be 115ish.

    PJ, I thought about going to Vanderbuilt (I think that's the hospital but could be the town in TN, I'll have to check with my cousin) for the surgery. I've heard they have excellent doctors there but not researched it thoroughly yet.

    Caramel, I am approx. 76 miles from TN border so I could go to Louisville as easily as I could go to TN. Georgetown is the closest place for me so far but when a doctor comes with such high recommendations as Doctor Lusco, it would be worth the extra hour to drive.

    Can you give me their phone number so I can contact them and schedule a consult or maybe attend their seminar? I will be a self-pay so it will take me a few more months to get the rest of the funds together. At Georgetown, they also told me that the price I was quoted covers all the fill fees for life. I'm looking forward to the seminar so I can ask questions and get answers.


  4. Diana, are you afraid of going to Mexico? I've seen and heard of so many horror stories about going to Mexico for surgeries. I'm going to Georgetown for a seminar but not sure if I'll have the surgery there or check out TN. I understand they have outstanding doctors at that hospital. I am also self-pay and the price I was quoted includes EVERYTHING from the anesthesia (sp) to the hospital room to the doctor fees, the fill-ins and everything.

    I'm curious about something though. Don't think me stupid or senical or anything, but if they put us on a special "diet" that we lose X amt of weight so quickly before the surgery, why can't we just continue that diet and lose the weight without the surgery? Keep in mind now that I know NOTHING yet other than the cost. I don't know what the diet consists of or how much weight they want us to lose beforehand or anything. Just something that went through my mind while I was reading the posts.


  5. Hi, I'm new the the very idea of banding. I'm going to a seminar on April 14 to learn about it. I'm not sure if I will be getting banded or not. I've considered Gastric Bypass Surgery but it's just too expensive and somewhat scary. I understand banding isn't quite so invasive and is 100% reversible if something goes wrong.

    Right now I'm working out 3-4 days a week at the gym doing eliptical and weight lifting. I am so concerned that I won't be able to continue lifting after banding because of the lack of strength from lack of food. Is this concern justified?

    What can I expect immediately after banding? Also, I read where someone lost about 16 lbs. just prior to surgery. What kind of special diet is it we're suppose to do before being banded? They wouldn't tell me anything until the seminar other than the cost which is just under $18,000.00.

    I would appreciate any and all information you all would share with me.


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