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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Stitchy

  1. I have a question about those cute medic bracelets. I know that we like pretty ones, but would an EMT or emergency room recognize what they are? I wonder if more *utilitarian* ones would be more recognizable. Any opinions?
  2. Stitchy

    Muscle pain - any opinions?

    Darla Preband, I had a sore neck and shoulders occasionally, but hey, I'm 60 years old. My body isn't what it used to be and I accept a few aches and pains. I had my first fill about 2 weeks ago and the pains started two months ago. It doesn't seem related to me, but I'll keep it in mind. Thanks for your thoughts.
  3. Stitchy

    Muscle pain - any opinions?

    I'm not sure which forum this belongs in. I'm looking for some general help. I don't think this is related to the band, but who knows? About 2 months ago, I started having extremley sore back of the neck pain, shoulder and upper arm pain. I went to my PCP and he took me off Lipitor to see if that would help. I had been taking it for a year. I also have a *hot spot* on my neck bone. I had an MRI and the radiologist didn't see much. She only found it because I specifically pointed out the location. Maybe not much to her, but my neck hurts. For the last 3 weeks, this general muscle pain has been spreading down my arms, back, buttocks, thighs and calves. Turning over in bed is extremely painful. So is climbing stairs, getting out of a recliner and walking, or leaning over to pick up something on the floor. I'm going to make an appointment again since nothing has improved and it's gotten worse. Does anyone have any thoughts about what it could be? I want to be as informed as possible. My doctor doesn't seem to mind my questioning his opinions, but I need some ideas.
  4. At 12 weeks out, I have lost 22 lbs. However, I lost 12 lbs just prior to surgery for a total of 34 lbs. The bulk of it was right after surgery and has now slowed to 1-2 lbs a week.
  5. Stitchy

    GB vs. Lapband

    The GB scared the sh*t out of me. There's such a chance of infection and the mortality rate is much higher. No stapling or rearranging of guts. I like that if anything goes wrong, it's removable. I like that my stomach will function properly - no dumping, malabsorption. It just seems like a much more sane way to go.
  6. Stitchy

    I've been hit on!!

    What a great thread this is!! No one has hit on me in years, and it's been so long I wouldn't know how to respond, BUT I love hearing about all of this.:faint:
  7. Stitchy

    help, do i need a fill

    Sounds like you need another fill. I felt good restriction from my first fill for a week or two. Now I feel like I'm eating (or could eat) too much. I'm ready for another.
  8. Stitchy

    How is your fill performed?

    I've only had one. Lay on the table and lift my feet slightly - a baby crunch. No anesthetic. Slight prick and it was over. Release the feet. I asked him about a numbing shot. He says he doesn't like them because they hurt more than the fill needle. Having had numbing shots before, I agree with him.
  9. Stitchy

    Muscle pain - any opinions?

    Thanks Vinesqueen. And SherriJo. I did go to the doc today they took a lot of blood samples. And he gave me drugs. That took the edge off it. At least I am now able to get out of my recliner. He also gave me a copy of the radiologist's report. It's full of some pretty big medical words, but the gist is that there is a small cyst in one of the neck disks. Nothing else appears to be wrong. Whew! At the end of May, I went to see Circ du Soleil. The seats are very very narrow (and I 'm not) so I spent the entire time (about 3 hours) sitting with my shoulders hunched forward. Also, when you see them, you do a lot of looking up. So, the next day, when I had a sore neck and shoulders, I didn't think much about it. However, the soreness didn't go away and has gotten worse. Now, here is my theory. If there was a little cyst on the disks, it could have become more irritated and started to swell because of the way I was sitting for a few hours. This swelling could be pressing on some nerves which is causing muscle pain all over my body. How does that sound? I 'm going to make an appointment with a spine specialist orthopedist. I'm also going to see a rheumatologist at my doc recommendation. If these guys don't give me good answers, I'm going to see a neurosurgeon. I don't think my PCP has a clue, but at least he is willing to consider to my opinions. No one cares about me like I care about me. This has to be taken care of.
  10. Stitchy

    Today Show Lap Band Special

    I just watched it too. They definately said VGB. But, it's still getting information out there.
  11. Stitchy

    Turning thirty.....

    Yep. I did all that, too. Would be thin by 30; by 40; by 50. I had my surgery and my 60th birthday in the same month. Don't be so hard on yourself about the number of lbs. You are actually in the healing stage and easy, soft foods are not the best for losing weight, but they are best for healing. You may be a turtle, you may be a rabbit. Just be patient and kind to yourself. It will come. This isn't a race.
  12. Stitchy

    One-derland! Need new shorts!

    Thanks so much for everyone's kind words. I wish I knew what size I am now. Maybe an 18??? I really just know what size I'm NOT! I think maybe I'll at least go try on some clothes this Wednesday. Since we are in the middle of summer, maybe there will be things on sale. I wonder if there is any chance I will be able to shop in the *normal* section? That would be way cool.
  13. For 3 days in a row, morning weight has been in One-derland! That sure seemed a long ways away before banding. It's hot today and will be all weekend. None of my shorts fit anymore. Ugh! DH took a picture of me last week and my shorts look like a short floppy skirt. I was determined not to buy any new clothes this summer but I may have to break down. Too, bad :heh: :heh: :heh: :heh:
  14. Stitchy

    One-derland! Need new shorts!

    I found (in my closet) a pair of khaki shorts that I wore last summer. They were a little baggie - well, a lot baggie - but with a top looked semi OK. Went to a festival this weekend. DH and I walked around the campground in the dark, sipping some wine, listening to jam sessions. I had the flashlight and I guess he didn't like the way I was shining it. He grabbed for the light and knocked the wine out of my hand, all over the shorts. Hmmm. His impatience is gonna' cost him:heh: :heh:
  15. Stitchy

    Are you always hungry?

    I have a 4cc band. My doctor is pretty agressive. He wanted to put in 2cc for my very first fill. We compromised on 1.5 (I was going camping that weekend and didn't want any problems). His attitude is that you need a FILL for this to work. So, maybe you just don't have enough yet. Good luck.
  16. Stitchy

    not losing

    Everyone says that you need to exercise, and I agree that it is good for you. However, I have always hated, avoided, detested exercise. That hasn't changed and I don't do it. I am losing weight though, because I am eating the bandster way. I eat pretty much only solid foods (and lots of water). Protein first (chicken, beef, fish), veggies (whatever is handy) next. I'm pretty sure that if I ate easy foods (soups, puddings, yogurts, juices - liquid calories all), etc. that this wouldn't be working. I have a 4cc band and a 1.5 fill. I feel pretty tight. If you have 3.1 cc in a 4cc band no wonder you are eating foods that go down easily. I would suggest getting a bit of an unfill (like down to 1.5 or even less) and work harder at eating foods you have to chew - like meat. Cut them into really tiny pieces and use a dipping sauce to moisten them. (Dipping - not heavily coated.) And, chew, chew, chew - to goo! When you have that under control, start increasing your fills. Another approach would be to get completely unfilled. Give yourself a rest. All of the advise the others have given you is good. But, you have to be willing to do your part. Maybe you weren't ready to be banded, but it's done now. You band will still be there when you are ready to work the program. Good luck
  17. Stitchy

    Getting Nervous

    Yeah. About a cup. As you get closer to your fill date, you may find that you are able to eat more. That just means that you have no restriction. I gained and lost the same friggin' pound for about 3 weeks. I finally had a fill at 10 weeks. That "cup" of food quantity went way down and I started losing again.
  18. Stitchy

    I'm Half Way Home!!!!

    :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Congratulations!!! :waytogo: :success1:
  19. Nope. Wasn't very good at it when I did. Not planning to now. However, I don't eat much that I know isn't good for me. Well, that's not quite true. Instead of the ENTIRE BAG :faint: of Cheetos, I have maybe 5. I get the taste, satifsy the craving. I'm just not countin' nuthin' no more.
  20. My daughter took six consecutive weeks of swim sessions for 3 summers in a row. (We moved to a lakefront house and this was very necessary.) She did NOT go to the deep end until she could swim very well. Then they worked on jumping in, diving, etc. You are right to be concerned. This should be discussed with the director. Non-swimming kids should NOT be in the deep end for any reason.
  21. I think it would be very helpful. I touches on a lot of topics, and you can curl up in a comfy chair to read. Have a cup of tea. You can find it on Amazon.com
  22. Stitchy

    What is this I'm having????????

    MySherriJo I think you probably experiencing the dreaded "golf ball" because you are pretty restricted. Your poor stomach is swollen. Treat it with TLC and lots of liquds. I was having pretty good restriction just from banding until about 6 weeks. For two weeks, I was able to eat *normally*. That is, bigger bites, less chewing, most of the food on my plate. It was time for a fill (got it last Friday). Now, I am back to where I was right after banding. Doesn't take much to fill me up and I lost 3 lbs. I think I should have had my fill sooner. I was picking up some bad habits. While I was OK over the weekend, on Monday, I had TWO long-lasting golf balls. I ate gently all day today, and feel much better. This is really a learning process. Take what you want from our stories and develop your own. :eek:
  23. Stitchy

    Wedding Band ~ How loose is yours?

    I am looking forward to wearing my original wedding band. After I had been married for about 17 years, I was too fat to wear them. Also, the engagement had been retipped twice. The diamond was in danger of falling out, so I picked out a new ring and had the stone re-mounted. For Christmas, DH gave me an anniversary band that went well with the new "engagement" ring. They are lovely, but every once in awhile, I wish I could wear the original band. So, that will be an NSV for me. Probably another 30 lbs. Donna - about your engagement ring and the additional stones. You might consider talking to the owner of a small jewelry store. (Not one of the big name ones.) They don't always have a lot of work to do because they are small, sometimes they will design a ring to accomodate your stones. I was chatting with the owner a few yeaers ago, and the one he was designing was going to cost the woman about $400.
  24. I am 60 and was banded May 9 - 10 weeks ago. I have lost a total of 33 lbs, 21 since surgery. However, I stalled for the last 4 weeks. I had my first fill last Friday and have since lost 3 lbs. I don't exercise (I know, I know), but it's working anyway.
  25. I bought it, too. And I agree, it's nothing new, but having it all in one place is good. No, it's not out of date. May 2004. BTW - Jessie Ahroni does my fills. She is a very no nonsense kind of gal. Tells it like it is.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
