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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Stitchy

  1. Stitchy

    Stop Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I understand your frustration, SherriJo. But if you go to Mexico, just be sure, sure, sure to have your aftercare docs and fill docs lined up first. I can't think of anything worse that having a problem and need a doctor NOW and can't find anyone to treat you.
  2. Stitchy

    OMG!!! Was this a waste of money???

    I started mushies at two weeks. Tomorrow, though, I get FOOD!:rockon:
  3. Stitchy

    Help with what to eat

    I didn't have a pre-op diet either.
  4. Stitchy

    PB's and sliming?

    Enjoy your real food. But be careful. Slide into it gently. My first golf ball was on scrambled eggs (was on the OK list, too). Was not on MY list of favorite things.
  5. Stitchy

    PB's and sliming?

    That's how it was for me. I was clear liquids for only two days and then liquids for 2 weeks. During those two weeks, I lost 9 lbs. Since going on soft food, I haven't lost any. But, haven't gained any either. This week, solid food. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a slight gain as I have no restriction. I need to make an appointment for a fill in late June.
  6. Many of us here are veterans. They can tell you what it's like now for them. I am newly banded. Next Tuesday, I can start eating solid food. :girl_hug: I was also worried about it really working. I was guilty of eating too much at a time. (Clean your plate!) I have not had a fill yet, but during the days right after surgery when my stomach was swollen I think the restriction was like a fill. I was full with the smallest amounts. After I ate my 1/2 cup of Soup I was full. I didn't have this burning desire for more. Now, the swelling is gone and I am hungry, but 4-5 ounces of chili satisfies me. I could eat more, but in two more weeks I get my first fill. I am doing my best to "follow the program." I am expecting the restriction to feel like right after surgery (I could be wrong about this :nervous ) If the fill acts anything like post-surgery sensations, this is going to work. I have no regrets. Keep reading and asking questions.
  7. Stitchy

    Soda's ???????????????!!!!!!!

    I think that generally it's because the carbonation can get stuck in your pouch and you won't like it.:faint: And caffeine. I know that I know this but can't remember at the moment. I'll edit this when I remember. That said, I still have one cuppa' Jo every morning.
  8. Stitchy

    Whoaaaaaaa... Locking threads at will?

    Could it be? The Ice Cream Diet. Why didn't someone tell me this earlier?:bandit
  9. Stitchy

    May 2006 Band Crew

    My husband only complained of my snoring once in the last 3 weeks. :clap2: He told me he hasn't had a decent night's sleep in years - except when I had lost weight. And of course that didn't last very long.l
  10. Stitchy

    I'm a little freaked

    Alexandra has good advice. If you call your insurer, get the name of the person you talked to, the date and time of your call. Every time you talk to them.
  11. Stitchy

    I'm a little freaked

    If this is growing rapidly, I say find another dermatologist. IF there is one in a nearby town, go! Be self pay if necessary. Find a new family doctor. There are urgent care facilities popping up all over the country. See if you can find one. If all else fails, go to the ER. I'm not sure what they can do for you though since it's not a fix the bone/cut/trauma kind of emergency. I don't think this is something to mess around with. The sister of a friend was putting sun tan lotion on her brother's back. She found a nasty looking mole and insisted he go to the doc. The doc said melanoma. Another two weeks and nothing could be done. Point is, don't wait, even if you have to pay yourself. Good luck
  12. Stitchy

    [R&R] Lying ba*ds!

    How can you not afford it? Insurance, savings, financing, second mortgage on the house. There are lots of ways. We go bumping along in our lives making decisions that seem so important, but if you don't have your health, you can't have or enjoy life. The husband of my friend really needs WLS and is not doing it because he need to put the kids through college, etc. This man is 60 years old. It's time to stop worring about the kids. If they want to go to school, they will figure out a way. He may not be around to see them graduate if he doesn't take care of himself.
  13. I think that people that have never been overweight truly can't understand it. And can't understand why you just don't eat less. Seems simple enough.
  14. Stitchy

    Still Undecided

    Hello FatPat Only you can decide what you need to do. For myself, I considered it my last option. I had been on the dieting yo-yo for 35 years. I wasn't an obese child. I didn't start gaining weight until I was in my 30's. Then the dieting roller coaster began. My adult daughter said she doesn't remember my ever not being on some diet or other. I am not an emotional eater. I don't binge. But I can't stop eating when I get started. food just tastes so good. My mother died at age 84, and had always been pretty heavy. The last 20 years she suffered a lot of medical conditions that were in one way or another weight related. I started connecting the dots and decided that I really didn't want to follow that path. Yes, I could go on yet another diet, but didn't see that the end result would be any different. The weight would come back ... with friends. Now, today I am 60 years old. My band is new. I am still in the healing phase, but I am losing weight and feeling full. I think the recovery is taking a little longer for me. If I were 30 years younger, I think I would bounce back sooner. But, mostly it just means a little more resting. To me, the band is going to give me happy healthy retirement years, not sitting on the sidelines.
  15. Stitchy

    How Long Does The Sliming Last????

    I'm not eatin' eggs NO MORE!!! I'd rather have cream of wheat than go through the discomfort of EVIL EGGS!!! Scrambled eggs were on my docs list of OK mushie foods. NOT!! Tonight, I had Gorton's frozen fish - the kind with no breading. (THANK YOU FOR THE TIP PHOTONUT.) The piece is 3 ounces. And some cauliflower with a little melted cheese. About 2/3 through the fish and 2 bites of the veggie, I had this great big sigh. Dang! It was tasting so good, too. I really didn't want to stop, but I did. I'm still learning about what my soft stops are going to be. The first time I sighed I didn't listen. UGH! :cry I feel full now, and no golf ball. :clap2: __________________
  16. I built my last house and lived in it for 10 years. I insisted on 2 things. No smoking and no shoes. When I had a party, I always put "seed" shoes by the front door. I had very light beige carpet and when I left 10 years later, it had never been cleaned and didn't need to be. Spot cleaning (literally) was all it ever got. I currently live in an apartment. Shoes? Who cares? :heh:
  17. Stitchy


    Advil = Ibuprofen. This is what my doctor suggested I take for pain relief after surgery. When I take gel caps, I leave them in my mouth with a little water for a few seconds to make sure they are slippery. Actually, I do that with any pill I have to swollow. They go down more easily, then.
  18. Stitchy

    Pre-Op Hunger Update

    Good for you, Mary Ann! Keep your eyes on the brass ring!
  19. Stitchy

    Any one else cheat on liquid diet?

    No! No cheating! This isn't high school, this is YOUR LIFE!!! You really need to be able to commit to follow your doctor's instructions. There are going to be some very difficult (food) times following surgery, and you can damage yourself if you "cheat." Really, Soundman. This is important. However, maybe a phone call to your doctors office will result in some alternate liquid suggestions. If your liquids don't have to be clear, they may OK creamed Soups. (Trader Joe's and Image soups in a box.) That helped me a lot. Besides, like Photonut said, "your toes will turn purple... your teeth with fall out... the FBI will post your pic in all the hospital waiting areas!" :biggrin1:
  20. Stitchy

    Is this bad?

    My Dr. didn't require any pre-op diet. I went to Red Robin the night before for a burger and beer. However, I have only 100 lbs to lose and it might have been different if I were heavier. I do know that he doesn't require any pre-op weight loss if you are under 300 lbs. I agree with the others that you should try to follow your doctor's orders, or call them to ask for permission to eat a bit more substantial food. :hungry:
  21. Stitchy

    My food journal

    Thank you, PhotoNut. I would like to NOT lose this posting.
  22. Stitchy

    Looking foe support.

    I don't know that I am a good one to ask. Someone on another thread said I was the poster child of what NOT to do. I had shredded chicken and mayo. I think it might have been a little too much, too soon. I have done well with cottage cheese and some canned fruit, runny oatmeal, soft white fish with some sauce. Also, pureed chicken noodle Soup was good. And cream of wheat went down easy. My docs food list said scrambled eggs, but I got the golf ball on that this morning. Ugh! I had Mexican on Friday. It will last me for 4 days since I had only 1/2 enchilada and a couple tablespoons of Beans. Skipped on the rice. The main idea is to introduce food textures gradually. I still have a lot of liquids. On work mornings, I really don't have time to devote 15-20 minutes to eating. I have a scoop of vanilla whey Protein powder in a glass of milk. I holds me until lunch. This is a list I have been collecting from LB groups and forums. If they are too thick, blend with milk and/or broth. Hope they help. Maybe they will inspire your own imagination. Blended cottage cheese and fruit Trader Joes oatmeals Chili – blended during mushie phase Cream of Wheat creamy Soups applesauce yogurt - Dannon Lite N' Fit Protein Powder for shakes frozen fruits for Protein Shakes Small pudding cups (SF/FF) or yogurt 1. refriedbeans toped with cheese 2. cottage cheese & soft low fat cheeses 3. pudding 4. cream of wheat/grits 5. yogurt 6. Jello 7. mashed potatoes 8. scrambled eggs (but not for me! ) 9. Tuna 10.Plain crackers 11. lowfat milk 12. soups(cream or pureed) SHAKES 8 oz soy milk, mini banana, frozen blue berries and a couple tablespoons bran Cereal Choclate Protien mixed with Milk, 3 strawberries, sm banana, some crushed pineapple 2 bananas peeled, broken in half and then frozen 1 cup frozen strawberries 1 cup plain yogurt 2 cups 100% apple juice .25 cup wheat germ (optional for additional fibre) mangos and peaches SOUPS chicken/beef/veggie broths (low sodium as needed) soups & broths Blend soups "Imagine" Soups - in cartons. (Potato Leek, Butternut, Squash, Corn, Creamy Tomato....and more. They are considerably lower in sodium than Campbell’s soups Egg Drop Soup - 4 Cups, 160 calories total2 - 14oz cans low sodium chicken broth 1 - tablespoon rice vinegar 2 - teaspoons soy sauce 4 - egg whites 1 - tablespoon *optional* flour for thickener (or even better buy soup thickener) 1 - tablespoon *optional* ginger I also add a few green onion chunks for flavor, but remove them after cooking since I can't have solids right now. Bring all ingredients on the stove to boil except eggs - once boiling drizzle in egg whites.
  23. This is my second golf ball, although it is mild. The first one, I should have known better. Today, I made Breakfast for DH and me. Fluffy scrambled eggs - soft food. I portioned out one for me. I ate slowly, chewing, lubed with ketchup. Ate about 1/3 of it. Now I have a golf ball. I think what is different about this one, is that I was really paying attention to how I was feeling just prior. I sighed. I wondered if I was full. I ate a couple more bites. Bingo! Golf ball! I think I learned something. Question now: Is there anything I can do to help it to pass? Drink Water, or walk, or just wait it out?
  24. Stitchy

    Sitting here with a golf ball

    I feel a little better now. Not completely gone, but better. I tried PhotoNut's stretching and bending advice. Seemed to help. I also seemed to remember somewhere reading to take deep breaths with the thought that it compressed the stomach and helps get things moving. I'll hold off on Water awhile longer. It will be awhile before I try scrambled eggs again. They were on my doctors list of early soft foods. Maybe for some, but not for me. What do you all think about poached eggs? Thanks, everyone, for your advice.

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