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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Stitchy

  1. Stitchy

    who decides how much to fill

    I have had only one fill. I have a 4cc band. My doctor said he likes to start out with 2cc. WOW!! However, I was going camping that weekend and a little worried about being out of touch, so we compromised on 1.5 cc. I was filled last Friday, went camping, everyting was OK. On Monday, I had TWO :eek: awful golf balls. I 'm treating myself gently today. So, I don't think I would have liked more. Maybe next month.
  2. If these are too big, someone is welcome to resize them. Day of banding May 9, 2006 July 8. Down 28 lbs
  3. Stitchy

    Physician heal thyself ....

    Marc You wrote such a warm, touching and personal post. My heart aches for you. I hope with the loss of your excess weight that you will gain the self confidence to share some of your feelings with one or two potential new friends or companion. In the meantime, keep posting, keep reading, keep sharing. We will offer comfort and support. {{{{HUGS}}}}}
  4. My immediate staff coworkers have known from very early on that I was banded. But there is a volunteer that comes is once a week. (I work at a church). She said that I looked like I had lost weight. She is the very first one that noticed. When I said 30 lbs, she was astounded! She said since the last time I saw you? (No, she saw me last week.) However, when I admitted that I had WLS, she was aghast! She had only heard of GB and thought I was nowhere near overweight enough to do that. When I explained what it was all about, she was relieved and very interested. That was just ever so cool!
  5. I had my very first fill today. Nothing to it. One little bitty prick. Drank a bottle of Water and was sent on my way. He was going to give me 2cc, but I'm going camping this weekend and didn't really want any emergencies. We compromised on a 1.5 cc - in a 4 cc band. This was around noon and the Doc said I should eat something to be sure all was well in case I had to come back for an unfill. food went down well (much less than I have been eating for the last two weeks). I went shopping and as I got out of my car, I burped. PB on the way. It was really fast coming up. Fortunately I was by a parking strip so that's where I deposited it. It was not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. Not going to be my favorite thing to do, but not awful either. I'm looking forward to losing more weight now. I have been losing and gaining the same pound for 4 weeks.
  6. I didn't ask even him about eating. He volunteered on his own to eat solid food although very small bites and chew well. (Duh!) He said that other surgeons advise just as you said, liquids, mushies, etc., but they don't do that at this clinic. I am amazed after reading all of the hoops others have to go through. But that fits right in with their eating policies right after banding. They do clear for 2 days, liquid for 2 weeks, soft for 2 weeks (we're up to 4 weeks now) and then solids. You can have a fill at 6 weeks. They are a pretty liberal clinic. All of their fill nurses and most of the rest of the staff have bands. They all seem to understand that you need to get some fill in there to get the job done. I feel so fortunate to have found them. Only 45 minutes away from home, too. By the way, I have had this fill for 7 hours and still feel full from lunch. We are leaving to go camping in about 15 minutes. :clap2: :clap2:
  7. Every Tuesday, we have a staff meeting. Only one of the chairs is armless, and I always sat in it. Just before banding, someone had taken the chair and I spend the entire hour perched on the front edge of the chair. My back hurt for two days. At the next meeting, I told everyone that it is MY chair. I actually had to say why ... sigh... couldn't they tell? I was embarrassed, but everyone got the point and left the chair for me ever since. Today, I walked in and this skinny woman was sitting in MY chair. I glared at her and she glared back. I had no choice. I sat in the wooden chair ... and ... I fit! It was such a shock! My first really unexpected or anticipated NSV!! :clap2: :clap2:
  8. Stitchy

    NSV!! I fit in the chair!

    You guys are just awesome!!:biggrin1:
  9. I would think something non-edible. Seems wrong, somehow. My vote goes for flowers or a thank you card. Cards get posted on the bulletin board on my office. A plant in a hand-made basket, a gift to a charity in their name, buy them a star with their name (an in the sky star, not a craft).
  10. Stitchy

    NSV!! I fit in the chair!

    No, I don't think she was deliberately being mean, but we did maintain eye contact for a long time and I was wondering what to do. When I did sit down, I did a great big Woo Hoo! And announced that it fit!! She said, you have been losing a lot weight. We all made a cool sign. :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: I was just irritated because she really did know. And if I didn't fit I would have had to ask her to move. And I would have, too. :mad:
  11. Bettina It means Productive Burp. Here is very informative link to all this abbreviations http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=7959
  12. I understand the feeling like a failure. I tried tons of different diets and organizations. I lost weight, but eventually, when I stopped the "program" all the weight came back and brought a few friends. I was self pay, too. I thought my DH would have a cow, but he said, it's not about the money. It's about you. You are worth more than any car, carpeting, etc. And you will enjoy yourself for the rest of our lives. I liked that part ... our lives. I also don't have any major problems. I did have knee surgery (not a replacement) that was probably related to the weight, but that's it. I was just so tired of being fat. Of trudging the stairs, a hill, etc. Huffing and puffing with a red face. I was always shocked at the person I caught sight of in plate glass windows. I truly never recognized myself. I hated buying clothes that had a X in them. I could see the writing on the wall that if I didn't get the weight off now (I am 60) that I would be heading for a slew of weight related health issues in a few years. Right after surgery, I loved it. I lost weight during the liquid phase. I lost weight during the soft foods. Now that I have completely healed, that loss has come to a stand still. My first fill is this Friday. I find great comfort that I am not doing this alone. I will have a constant friend with me. I have no regrets.
  13. Stitchy

    NSV!! I fit in the chair!

    No, she wasn't new. She was there whenI announced that it was my chair. However, she is one of the bosses.
  14. Stitchy

    I think

    Sammee! Contratulations! I am so impressed! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :wow2: :wow2: :) :waytogo: :clap: :clap: :party: :party: :cake: :welldone: :success1: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up: :cake: :welldone2: :success1: :waytogo: :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
  15. Stitchy

    We're at the guesthouse in Monterrey

    Yeah! I vote for the new clear liquid Margarita diet!
  16. Stitchy

    Drinking Water with Meals?

    PinkyLee You left out an important part in your first post. You haven't had a fill yet! No wonder you are hungry. You in Bandster Hell! That's the period after you have healed and before you start getting fills. You have no restriction. Neither do I. I was so proud of myself during the first month. I was losing weight. I wasn't hungry. I thought this isn't so bad. I'm special. I don't need no stinking fills! For the last 4 weeks I have been gaining and losing the same stupid one Lb. I'm getting my first fill on Friday, too. :nervous Not special after all.
  17. Stitchy

    Drinking Water with Meals?

    With all of this don't drink before or after meals, and unless you don't want to be up at night, don't drink before going to bed, it makes it really hard to get in 64 oz. I can't do it, but I am drinking more water than pre-banding.
  18. Stitchy

    not the sharpest tool today

    That sounds like a port to me. I got to see a couple of real ones. They're not tiny. Maybe 3/4 - 1 inch in diameter. Of course, it feels bigger when you have fat and skin over it. And it is hard.
  19. Stitchy

    not the sharpest tool today

    At the beginning, you couldn't eat much because you were swollen - a natural "fill." Now, you are about a month out. Healing has happened. You are hungry. You can eat just about like before. You are in Bandster Hell. It will be better (so I hear) after you get a fill. Guess how I know this? My first fill is in two weeks. I'm so ready for it :faint:
  20. Stitchy

    Drinking Water with Meals?

    OK. This is the deal. Your "I'm full" sensors are located at the top of the stomach - your new little pouch. You want food to stay there awhile so you will feel full longer. It takes 20-30 minutes for your brain to get the message that you have eaten. If you drink Water with your meal, it will wash right down into your lower stomach and you won't feel full. If your food is dry, take a sip but it would be better if you use a dipping sauce like canned gravy, salad dressing, bbq sauce, sour cream. You won't be using much of them so don't worry about calories. Since we are supposed to drink 64 ounces of water a day, I don't think water is going to stretch the pouch.
  21. Stitchy

    We're at the guesthouse in Monterrey

    Not everyone has to shrink their liver. My doctor only requires losing some weight (to shrink the lliver) if you weigh over 300 lbs. Different doctors - different patients - different requirements.
  22. Stitchy

    Ni I'm a newbie

    I went to a seminar, too. When I thought I had decided what surgical center to use, I made an appointment. I talked to the nutritionist (also banded) and spent time with the doctor. Cost me $200 up front. That was OK with me. I was taking up their time for my research. When I did pay, they deducted the $200.
  23. Stitchy

    I need advice or encouragement. Thanks,

    Try to eat some meat because it is high in protein, but there are other things. Fish is good, especially Gorton's frozen without breading and easy to fix. Beans are high in protein. I think there are vegetarian bandsters. Maybe you could put out a call to them and see what comes back at you.
  24. Stitchy

    Itchy rash after surgery

    Depending on your symptoms, Benedryl would probably be good. Although my hand was pretty red, I just used hydrocortisone cream on them. It was only a few days and other than a little itchy, not a big deal.
  25. Stitchy

    live lap band procedure

    If you miss it, or won't be able to watch, here is a tape of one done last year., http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3190472028990485080&q=lap+band

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
