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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by babyfever

  1. Oh Boy! Or Girl! or Both! I just found out Wed. that we are having TWINS!!!! I'm so excited! Well, i am now, at first i was shocked and scared to death! The Dr. is pretty sure that are not identical which they say is better because they have a higher rate of survival. I was 8 1/2 weeks and measured 12 1/2 weeks. I thought it was just in my imagination that my pants were getting too tight. I said it's too early! But i guess not. Anyone out there have twins? I am a high risk pregnancy because I will be 35 at delivery and I had toxemia with my first pregnancy. So i will be going to a specialist. I have an appointment in 2 weeks for another ultrasound. I'll update on that! TTYL!

    TWINS:w00t::scared2:.....CONGRATS!!! How exciting. My husband dreams of having twins. Wishing you the best of luck with your pregnancy (x 2)!!

  2. Trina..WOW 60 POUNDS!!! That is AWESOME:hurray:!! Your dedication has surely paid off. I cant wait till I get there. I was doing so good about going to the gym, but ever since the warmer weather arrived, all I want to do is come home and work in the yard (and that means skipping the gym:sad:). Sssooo, I need to get back into the routine of going.

    Again, congrats on the weight loss and keep up the good work:thumbup:!!!

  3. Ej.....a boy, how sweet. I am so excited for you. Hopefully he will be more willing to show his stuff on the next ultrasound, just to be 100% sure. Sorry the ultrasound went a little rough.

    I was wondering if they did a few additional u/s on band pts., since the amount we eat is so little. Looks like some do, some dont.

    I am glad we finally know the sex. Keep us updated on the future ultrasounds.

  4. Hello everyone, good to hear from some of the people who havent posted in a while. I had my 3rd fill on March 2 and still feeling good restriction.

    I am suppose to go back for another 1/2 cc on March 30, but think I will reschedule that app. I was very tight up untill about 4-5 days ago with this last fill and I dont want that feeling back. It was awful, but I lost 5 pounds!! Thats a plus:thumbup:!!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Keep up the hard work!!

  5. Hello fellow Hotties...got my 3 fill on Monday and boy what a difference!! I have a total of 4cc in a 10cc band. EVERYTHING gets "stuck" even if I chew well. But I kinda like it because I eat or should I say drink 2 protien shakes a day with yougart or applesause...and thats about it. As soon a the swelling goes down, it will be different...probably like every other time with little restriction. Sounds like for the most part everyone is doing well. Weight loss is SO SLOW, but I guess thats what they told us in the beginning, but wow...its slow!! Im down about 27-28 pounds since surgery, but for the small amount I eat, it should be 50!! Sometimes I get a little discouraged, but then I come and read the blogs and it helps!! Keep up the good work!!

  6. JoannMarie, I agree with you. Nothing with the first fill, but o boy did it change with the second. I have the "stuck" feeling alot more often and get full very quickly. I also go back in 3 weeks for another cc. First time I got 2cc and second time 1cc. third time will also be 1cc then 1/2 thereafter. How many cc's do you all have??

  7. Jamie...so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby girl. It was TOTAL shock when I read the news. Words can not describe the hurt I feel inside for you and your family. May God be with you at this tragic time. My thoughts, prayers and tears go out to you and your family.


  8. Hello to all the "MAMA's" out there. Its been a while since we have had a update on all the babies. Heather O...boy or girl. Diva...how is the second trimester treating you. Fairy...your due date shouldnt be that far away. Losingjusme...is there a new addition to the family?? AND everyone else.....

    I also have been slacking on the posting, my mother in law passed away and I have been having a VERY TOUGH time. I got this band to hopefully lose some weight and make her a Grandma, but now I am never going to have that chance.

    Hope to hear from you all real soon and hope all is well!! I need info on these babies....or a reason to smile!!!

  9. I just wanted to share my story...I have PCOS and after 10 years of trying to have a baby and only having maybe one cycle a year. My DH and I went to a fertility doctor and did 6 months of Clomid/metformin and low carb with no ovulation. The doctor said weight loss would help so I decided to get a lapband.

    After a year with the band, and only a few fills due to my doctor being out of state, I lost 80 pounds - with very little effort on my part - and my cycles came back on their own with no medications.

    My hair was thinning badly, almost to the point of needing a wig and just in the last few months I have noticed a huge difference as it is starting to fill back in.

    We are back at the fertility doctor now and the doctor has given us a much better outlook now that things are getting back to normal. All my bloodwork came back perfect and my blood pressure is not high anymore. It worked out great for us because we paid less for my Lapband then we would have for one cycle with en vitro fertilization and now we may not even need to do en vitro since my cycles are normal. I was told at my last ultrasound that my ovaries still look a little polycystic but they can see that they are improving by the location and size of the egg follicles.

    So for me- although it took a year to see big improvements in my PCOS - it was the right choice for me to get the band and I am so happy I did it.

    Keep us updated. Your story is just like mine, except Im just starting my road with the lap band. Best of luck to you with extra **BABY DUST** sent your way :redface:

  10. Diva, a huge smile was on my face as I read your post. What a nice and joyful first app. Congrats!!

    Newlife, I hope all is well with you. We are still praying that everything will be OK. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Nymoosic, best of luck to you. I have a blocked tube, PCOS and this "weight issue", but I also want to be a mom REAL BAD some day too. Looks like you are heading in the right direction...congrats on the weight loss Many baby wishes to you and everyone else ttc. Keep us posted!!

  11. Hey Diva, nice to hear from you again. How have you been feeling? Wow, 7 weeks already. I remember when you first told us you were pregnant, it seems like yesterday.

    HeatherO, when do you find out gender or are you going to? It looks like its going to be a year for boys. Including Fairy, I know 3 other people that are have boys...ones even having triplets, ALL BOYS:scared2:!! Could you imagine:whatchutalkingabout??!!

  12. :blushing: Well, just made it through post op day 3. I had to have a HUGE hiatel hernia repaired at the time of my banding, but I really thought I would be up and back to normal more than I am at this point. I'm hungry, but seem to be satisfied with broth and popsicles so far. I am still holding lots of Fluid *about 7 pounds from pre-op weight, is that normal? I just feel kind of tired out and tummy still sore.

    Not meaning to whine...just feeling a little low right now. I know I have done the right thing, just hurting and tired. any words of wisdom?


    HANG IN THERE!!! I went through this same routine when I was banded. I was hungry, hurting and tired!! I went into a big slump post op day 4 & 5. I woke up in the middle of the night and all I did was cry for a few hours wondering WTH I did to myself. food and shopping were my BIGGEST friends when I got in a slump and I couldnt have either. I talked to my friend on this forum and my family and friends here at home and by the end of day 5 , I was no longer hungery and better than ever!!! SO MANY people reached out to help and coming to this site each day is my saving prayer. Im addicted, I cant wait to hear how people are doing and who has had or having their surgery. I am on post op day 12 and havent missed a beat!! 12 lbs down after suregery and my first fill is on 12/30. Keep your head up, its tough sometimes, but I promise, you WILL get through those tough times!!!

  13. Good luck China and congrats to all the week 2 bandsters...welcome to "Band Land" (as one of my friends put it :thumbup:). I see that you all are doing pretty good, other than those little gas isues:confused_smile:. I like the sippy cup idea. I wish I would have thought of that when I was first out. I am going on day 12 and soon will be starting on mushies. I cant wait, to actually kinda chew something. Time is really flying and my incisions are healing well. All is good!!

    :thumbup:Best os luck to all of week 3. :confused_smile:

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