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P Jhay

LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by P Jhay

  1. Ive been experiencing sob (shortness of breath) a little less than a year..That feeling of not being able to get a satisfying breath..Ive been to two Cardiologist and one lung specialist..All kind of test were done on heart & lungs. All negative..Nothing found..However, by all means play it safe and get checked out.

  2. Rob, you are not alone. I was banded on 10/22 also. I have not lost a pound since, OMG, I don't know when. For a minute I really thought my scale was broken. Like the numbers were stuck or something. As I read some of the post op forum comments and blogs, it's normal. Once you get a good fiil, you'll start loosing again. Just hang in there. I go for my 1st fill on Friday. Now, since I am able to eat with no problems, I AM EATING....LOL

  3. Hi Denee.Sorry to hear Hubby had a rough first night..It gets better.What's dry hevies? Gas? I had terrible gas pain after surgery. So bad, I stood in the middle of the recovery room and bust out crying. Walking really helps the gas pains. In additon to Gas X strips. I didn't have any nausea. My doc placed one of those Patches behind my ear. Tell Hubby to get up and walk to release some of that gas. Tell him it's going to get better! Take Care

  4. Thank you guys for the response. Jack I'm not experiencing any pains with these breathing episodes. Thank God!

    LipStix, yes I have one of the breathing thingies. I've been using it but not as often as I should. The first few times I couldn't get the ball pass 1500. As I healed, I am now able to get it up to my 2700, which is the number the OR Nurse gave me as my goal. So I don'tknow, I'll see how it goes. If it doesn't get any better, I'll see my Primary Doctor. Thanks Guys

  5. Hello Everybody, I am wondering. Is anybody having problems breathing deeply. Lately, I have been experiencing this problem. I try to take a deep breath and it's like I can't. I try not to go into panic mode and then really fall out. :eek:After about 2 or 3 tries, then my diaphram opens up. :huh2:What is this all about? I haven't had any fills.

  6. Hi Denee..Tell Hubby congrats on his banding. For two weeks I was only able to lay on my right side with a pillow prompt up behind my back. I was also comfy on my back. Whatever makes him comfy. I doubt if he'll be able to lay on the left side and be comfortable. After my surgery I did experience a lil tightness and pulling on my left. Don't feel as much now. I am 3 weeks out, I am able to lay on both sides. I got so comfy I decided to try laying on my stomach today and got stuck. When it was time for me to get back on my side, it felt as though I was pulling something.

  7. Hi Ladies..I was browsing through..I have the same issue. Mines is where my bigger incision is. I was banded on October 22 and I'm not scheduled to go back until late November. However, I am going to question what this deformity is all about. I don't really have any pain there, but it is kinda strange looking. It only appears when I am sitting down. The first time I noticed it, I was like WTF?

  8. Wannabe..Don't do it. If you're in week 2, shouldn't you be on liquids? Not liquor..lol..Jk..Every surgeon is different. My Hubby and I went to this spot here in Texas called Tommy Bahama Cafe' in the Woodlands. If you ever come down, it's a must visit. We sat at the bar, I was like now what am I suppose drink? My Hubby ordered a Margarita (sp). I ordered a flavored tea. Well our waitress, she was so kind. She bought my ice tea in a nice size wine glass with a lemon wedged on the side along with some cherries. I was like WTF, does she know I had lapband surgery and can't drink? That really made me feel like I was drinking more than what I was really drinking..lol...I said all that to say, you can order something that's non alcolholic, just tell them to put in a special glass, just for you. Your cranberry juice and Vodka is not worth it. You are still in the healing process. You will have your chance to get your drink on. You don't know how your body is going to react to the liquor. Then you're family will really have some questions.

  9. Hi Heather. It's okay! I went through the same thing. I just could not do the liquid diet for two weeks. We'll my Doctor allowed me to eat at lease one meal a day. I couldn't even do that. I wanted more. My mind was telling me to eat all I can before the surgery. I think it was because I was so scared and nervous. The Monday before my surgery I was an emotional mess. I must have cried for hours. I was second guessing my decision also. I even called the surgery center and tried to cance my surgery. I told them I did not loose any weight. My plot didn't work. I said all that to say, what you're going through is normal. It's going to be okay. Get you some prayers going and trust it will be okay.

  10. OMG! LIPSTIX64..Lighten up. Who are you to assume why these ladies are putting off having "relations" with their partners. I don't think their weight has anything to do with it. To me being sexy is a state of mind. If you are confident with you and your body, regardless to what the scale says, then there it is. Sexy it is! Last I check this is a support group, right? What kind of support of you? For you to get upset over a member's comment, one would think you were lacking some relations..Girl, please lighten up a little. We are all starting a new..Let's make it fun :mellow:

  11. I also had hiatal hernia. Which was removed or repair during my banding. I really didn't know I had it up until I had the LapBand procedure. Congrats to you on your weight lost. I plan to be there soon. Taking it one day at a time.

  12. Hello All,

    Tomorrow, it will be official. I will be part of the world of Lap Banders. This has been a year long journey, mostly on my part. I got my approval in May, but I kept delaying my pre op visit. So, now I'm finally doing it..WOW! If someone would have told me, some years back, that I would be having an elective surgery. I would have told them..LIES! I don't do doctors like that. Where I would volunteer to go to one. NOT! I've always been good at dieting and losing weight. But, I was much better at gaining most of it back...lol.. Guess, you can say I'm tired of the yo yo dieting. So, here I am. I think I'm past that stage of being terrified, my fears have now turn into excitement. Along with my daily prayers, this site has been such a good "calm me down tool". OMG! Yesterday, I was a mess. It seem like when the Nurse called to give me my surgery time. I went into this panic mode. I cried something serious. :biggrin: I'm okay now. :smile: God has worked it out. I'm looking forward to making new friends. Toodles Ladies and Gents :eek:

  13. This issue right here is my problem as we speak. I am scheduled for surgery Wednesday Oct 22nd. I HAVE NOT LOST ONE POUND! I don't know if this is all in my mind or not. But I feel as though I wanna eat all I can before the surgery. Has anyone else felt this way? I haven't gained, nor have I lost. The information that I received during my pre op visit stated, that patients are expected to lose a "SIGNIFICANT" amount of weight. W I T H is considered a significant amount of weight? I think may call to reschedule :)

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