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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by --SPEED--

  1. Hi Speed. Just wanted you to know that I see Dr. Kerlakian at Good Samaritan Weight Loss Clinic. I've lost 40 pounds since my surgery in August.

    We have support group meetings the first Tuesday every month at Good Samaritan Hospital in Cincinnati. If you want to go to our LAP-BAND® meeting, please let me know and I can give you more information.

    I think I will be coming in a month or two, I have a couple of hoops to jump thru with my new doc first but I think she sends her patients to your group? but feel free to give me your group info, my email is jasongreene71@gmail.com .

    Thanks !

  2. are you getting any exercise ? they go hand in hand with have WLS, you have to get your body moving to burn off fat and then with your limited intake of food, your body starts burning off the stored fat and you start losing, also a pitfal most people fall into is the scale, as you lose fat but build muscle ( from exercising ) you trade fat weight for muscle weight which is a good thing, you should be doing something cardio at the very least every other day for 30minutes at a time... the band is just a tool to HELP US lose weight and get healthy the other 90% is up to you... but you can do it !

  3. Dear Debbie Downer :) listen this whole thing has to be about you and getting you healthy, not finding Mr Right, that will happen in time, take this time to focus on you, search yourself and deal with your "fat issues" we ALL have them or we wouldnt be here getting banded etc, other than the very small percentage of peeps who are overweight due to medical issue, the rest of us have issues that we have hid under all the fat if anyone tells you different theyre lying to you, give yourself a break, stop judging yourself by the lack of dating options and start investing in yourself, nothing more attractive than a confident lady.

    keep your chin up and take care.

  4. I know the feeling alone deal, I think its because when you are in the mode of being a fat person ( I still am ) you somehow develope a hollow space inside yourself that only you can get into or out of..? and losing weight is great obviously, but I think we have to learn how to live in the real world again, that includes being seen by others, Blue eyes- I can relate to your hubby about getting lost on the game, former play station2 junkie, my wife sold my PS@ one day while I was out of town lol... I was pretty pissed at the time but now I can see how rediculus it was and how much time I was robbing from her and the kids, I have another one now but hardly ever play it... just a thought.

    makes you ask why is this so hard, but the fat comes on slow so I guess undoing the affect of being fat for so long cannot be expected to go away over night or in proportion to the weightloss even ?

  5. yeah, Im glad in a way that I will finnaly have to face this but like I said its the monster in the dark from my childhood, like you said we didnt get fat because we were happy campers, it was my escape from my reality... yes it is ironic, I am so excited and happy about having the lapband done but at the same time keeping one eye on the monster in the closet....

  6. yeah... lol, but my skin retracts AAGGHHH what am I to do !! lol its not so much that I think I would cheat on my wife cause I have a great marriage, I just have a really screwed up childhood and clearly have issues that led to me being fat all my life, freaking out everytime I lost weight and not wanting attention, its one thing on-line, I can be more open, its reality where I freak out i.e. when I am face to face with someone, when I can see them looking at me... does any of this make any sence ? I just know this is the thing that always sabotages my weight loss...


  7. ""Here I am, 100 lbs lighter, 100 lbs later. I am sitting here with all kinds of emotions and I am not even sure I understand them all. The obvious new thing in my life is people’s comments and reactions. I have never been a shy person. I am very social and out spoken. Drawing attention to myself had never been an issue, but I find the issue that is getting attention is uncomfortable.""

    this is one of my biggest concerns, I have always been the class clown, the funny fat kid, "good friend" all of the familar support roles heavy people play but ( not yet banded, soon though ) from past attempts at weight loss, I know I will drop it fast, I ve always been told Im good looking for "my size" so that has always been a safe zone for me, keeping girls in high school and now women that I meet and work with at a distance, I am married and have a great marriage but my dad was always a looker and a cheater so this is a huge fear for me that I will freak out and follow in his footsteps if all of a sudden I start getting too much attention, I hope I am not coming off as a conceaded jerk, Im not, but I think this has always been my weight loss undoing but now I have diabetes and sleep apnea so I have to loose weight or risk my health or even die, soo I guess fear it or not Im heading down this road, has anyone else had to deal with this or am I just mental :Dancing_biggrin:

    thanks for the support...


  8. congrats, I am anxiously awaiting my approval, I cant wait to get started, I did find out that I am diabetic and have sleep apnea, how warped is it to be glad that you are mobidly obease with co-moribs..? I know this will get me approved and I am happy about such a bad thing.... I just want to get on the road to recovery and a skinny'er me, been fat WAY to long :D

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