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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by njgirl1980

  1. mica, I think I might have something like you do. I have only had my band in for a month, but I have already suffered 3 episodes where I have been in extreme abd. pain, dehydrated and fever. It seems to start when I eat something that might not agree a little with me (although I am allowed to have it) then I am alright the rest of the day maybe a little discomfort and then for the next 3 days I have such bad pains that I can not even function. Then all of the pain will go to the port site for a day and then I wake up the following day fine.

    Out of this whole month I have had 6 days where I felt really good. I am going to my Dr. tomorrow to discuss options with him bc I think something is wrong as and I have 2 little kids that need a functioning Mommy.

    Does this sound similar to your experience?

  2. I have only been banded for a week so I know what I want to do to make this process go the way I want it to. That is exercise and eat right.

    As far as "last suppers" I don't think I went crazy at all bc it is not like you are never going to eat again. You are just not going to be able to tolerate certain things and quite frankly why would you want to eat something that is going to cause you discomfort. Not to mention that the more you gain now the more you have to lose.

    Stuffing my face is what got me here to begin with and with taking this step by getting banded I am admitting to myself that I know this has to stop.

    Good Luck to you!!

  3. I have only been banded for a week, so I have not had any fills yet but I hear the flouroscopy is better for finding the port. I am now praying it is bc you have me scared :rolleyes:.

    I am not one for needles but if I was in your situation I would try the other way and if you can't you can always just say to yourself "it hurts to be beautiful". My mother used to tell me that when she was brushing my hair as a child. Now I totally see that with eyelash curlers and such tools she was right all along. :tt2:

    Good luck!!

  4. Thanks for the idea, but I really want to do this 100% by my doctors orders. I just wish I didn't have to do the Protein Shake. My poor husband has been listening to me cry and moan about being hungry for days. It is too funny, I sit with him and tell him all the things I wish I was eating. He then gives me this awful look like I am seriously going to puree mac and cheese.

    I know we will all get through this but this is going to be one heck of a roller coaster ride!

  5. I am dying here guys!! I honestly had no idea what hunger felt like until now. I have day 3-14 on full liquids (cream Soups and such). I can not wait until soft foods!! tuna fish and eggs have never sounded so good to me before. To top it all off I already did not have my Protein Shake today or yesterday. I just can't do it! I tried to drink it today and almost vomited. It is not that it tastes bad it is just that I am so in need of REAL food. Any one else having problems with their shakes? I bought the Unjury chocolate one and when I tried it weeks ago I thought it was tolerale now I am just so sick of any and all liquids.

    It is 11:45 here and all i want to do is sleep but I can not do so with an empty tummy.

    Sorry to vent it has just been a stressful day and my husband is going back to work tomorrow and leaving me with 2 little ones and an empty tummy. :lol:

  6. So, I was banded yesterday. Everything went really well. I went home 7 hours after. I am in some pain, but mostly I just feel loopy so I stopped taking the drugs and am taking tylenol. The nurses called today and said that I am just dehydrated and I have no Protein in me. They said I will feel better tomorrow.

    Good luck to anyone that is being banded today and in the future. I just wanted to check in. Let me know if you have any questions. I will try and log on again later.

  7. Well, tomorrow is the day!! I have officially started my pre-op diet which is one day Clear Liquids so I had a nice breakfast that consisted of lime Jello and Water. YUMMY!! Last night I had trouble sleeping. I go from being totally scared to extremely excited. The scared part is not only about my health which is #1, it is also about failure. I am terrified that even after this surgery I am going to fail. I guess after failing every other weight loss attempt in the past part of me thinks what is going to be different about this one? I thought I was motivated with my other attempts. Anyone else feel this way??

  8. Glenda, I too am having my surgery on th 6th and am currently in the "last supper" phase myself. I went for my pre-admis. testing today and they didn't even weigh me. They just asked for my weight. I was kind of dissappointed bc I have been bad one day and then starving the next day to make sure that I didn't gain any weight these past few days.

    I too have no pre-op diet except on the 5th I can only have Clear Liquids. I told the nurse that I was scared of eating anything now bc I had heard that the Dr. will not do the surgery if you gain any weight and she told me to just enjoy the next few days and relax. I am still not going to go crazy bc that just means I have more to lose, but I am not going to starve myself either. I have a party tomorrow to go to and so I told my husband that I am going to enjoy myself but skip desert.

  9. NJGirl~ How did your class go??

    Any good info you can share??

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys. Well the pre-op class was indeed 3 hours long and basically it was just an overview and instructions on how our lifestyle change is going to be after the surgery and what to expect the day of the surgery and then we met with the surgeon again to go over any last questions.

    I have to not eat the day before surgery and just be on Clear liquids for the 48 hrs. following surgery and then full liquids for a few weeks, than mushies until 6 weeks and then I see the surgeon and he will discuss solid foods.

    I really could have done without all of the info about the operating room. I know I am going to be fine but I still worry.

    Sorry so long, let me know if you have any specific questions and I will try and remember if they answered them.

  10. Hello everyone!! I am a 28 y/o married mother of 2 and have recently been approved for my surgery and have a date of January 6th. I have been reading this forum since I started my journey in October and felt that if I am truly to succeed with my weight loss I am going to need as much support as I can get so here I am :frown:.

    I look forward to being able to share my story with others and learning from anyone I can.

    I should prolly start with figuring out how to make a profile on this thing :)

    Thanks for reading!!


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