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Posts posted by amylynns

  1. It finally happened. I know it was a matter of time. A, not if but a when? I had a moment that screamed, WHAT HAVE I DONE? But I'm over it now.

    New years eve. Sick as a dog. Had steak at 7:00 PM. But mine was ground and I made it into a patty. I was thinking it would be easier to digest. There was also a bit of salad with caramelized onions. This is the 3rd time I have had a reaction to onions. I am done with onions for quite a while. Steak, I will try again but I will have to take only 1 or 2 bites. It was horrible. I was sick for 4 hours straight. Could not stop throwing up no matter what I did. At one point I chewed a TUMS in desperation and dry heaved for an hour. OMG. I am not sure why it was so bad but the desperation was beyond belief. I have not had severe nausea for that long in my entire life. I was a very nauseated pregnant woman but this was non-stop. My tummy hurt so badly too.

    Our family went on a trip New Years day. We left at 7:00 AM and just returned. I didn't have the heart to cancel but I have been shell shocked ever since.

    Oh No Beni!!! I would think it about has to be the onions? Maybe you just don't digest them well. You poor thing! That sound horrible!

    When I had my lapband and something would get stuck, I'd literally just "burp" over the toilet and a "bubble" of slime would come up. I wasn't even really throwing up.

    "knock on wood", I've only dry heaved/thrown up once since this surgery. I use my peppermint oil ALOT though! As soon as I start feeling nauseous I put the peppermint on my belly and swallow a drop of it. It helps a lot.

  2. Welcome to the club :(. My hips are feeling it too. I think it's weight distribution changes and less padding. Really having trouble sleeping.

    sleeping has been hard on my hips too. And we bought a REALLY expensive bed this year and I should NOT be having any pain in it, LOL! My daughter who is going to school for physical therapy says I need to strengthen my glutes. I'm going to talk to a personal trainer tomorrow and see what we can do to get that done and hopefully that will help!

  3. So not only did I make it into the 100's today...but my "non plus size" size 16 jeans are definitely getting too big. The last time I wore regular size clothes I had to get down to 178 ( back in 2010) and the smallest I got was in a 16. If I'm in a loose 16 at 199 what the neck am I gonna be in when I'm 178?! Can't wait to see!

    I decided before my daughter goes back to college Sunday her and I are going to go clothes shopping for me! I have a Christmas bonus burning a hole in my pocket! And I know she'll make me step out of my comfort zone and at least try stuff on that I normally wouldn't. I'm a bit nervous though. I can't remember the last time I went clothes shopping and didn't come home depressed. Will I really fit into regular clothes? Maybe my jeans are just really stretched out....Ughhh.deep breaths Amy, deep breaths! Wish me luck!

  4. I drink 2 premiere Protein shakes a day, everyday and 2 meals. My doctor says NO SNACKING every damn appt.

    I have recently made the chocolate one hot into a hot peppermint mocha!! It ends up being 186 calories and 30 g of Protein.< /p>

    See, and my Dr. Says 3 meals and 2 Snacks if need be. And they'd rather see me eat my protein than drink it. So weird the differences in docs! I'm going to get the groceries I need tomorrow to start juicing again. I know I'll get some much needed nutrients that way and maybe it'll be easier to drink than Water has been. And I can count it towards my Water intake too.

  5. Called my Dr, finally!! She said I need more protein!! At least 60g, but closer to 80g would be even better.

    OMG...I have to eat more? Really??? She did say if I "had to" I could drink a Protein shake, so I might have to resort to that for a while to get in that Protein.

    She also said I could take some Iron if I feel like I'm anemic, but until they run labs (at 6 months post op, really?!) they won't know that level.

    But she thinks the Protein increase will do the trick.

    I'd rather not do more Iron, and be more constipated if I don't have to.

    I look like a freaking raccoon. Lovely.

  6. So.......I hit 199 this morning!!! ONEDERLAND!! ONEDERLAND!!!


    Now, if I just felt better, physically-and was able to really work out, I'd have it made!! I need some muscles to tighten up my skin!!

    We just finalized 2 trips!! The first one is in June, to HAWAII! When our oldest daughters were going to start their senior year of high school, we told them to pick a place to go for a trip--anywhere! (Brett's oldest and my oldest are the same age) They picked Hawaii. My Great Aunt has a home there so we could save ALOT of money on accomodations! They girls asked if we could go the summer before though because they figured the summer after graduation was going to be too busy. So we went in 2011. AMAZING! We went to Maui. And I've wanted to go back ever since!

    So...our next 2 boys will graduate this year and after months of my son being terrified to fly, he finally decided to take the plunge and fly to Hawaii! Whoohoo! I can't wait! And this time, I hope to feel a lot more comfortable in my swim suit!!

    Then, we booked a cruise to the Bahamas for Feb. of 2016!! Some friends of ours have been asking us to go with them for a long time and we finally decided to do it. I have a fear of being out in the middle of the ocean, but she swears you don't really realize that's where you're at. Haha, we'll see about that!!

    I'm so excited though! I want to be able to wear cute little sundresses!!

  7. @misstvb--Oh no! You poor thing!

    My lunch today was some Mediterranean vegetables and a salad with turkey, mini babybel cheese and a sprinkle of a nut mixture I make. (salad was about 1/2 cup--didn't eat it all) I can't journal the nuts because it's about 5 different kinds of nuts that I just put in a big ziplock bag. I can't remember all of them---like slivered almonds, pine nuts, edamame...and a couple others. Super yummy.

    dinner was some penne Pasta and my mom's homemade spaghetti sauce. Mmmmm. (1/4 cup total) .

    Snacks were, Outshine popsicles and organic goji berries. Oh, and 2 bites of some homemade cinnamon rolls a friend brought over for the family. (like a WHOLE pan of them! They'd better finish them off tomorrow before I get home from work so I don't have to see them)

    2 glasses of tea and about 3 glasses of Water.

    582 calories total.

    WOW, just read My fitness pal totals for the day and it says only 37 grams of Protein. (got a little more than that with the nuts I can't journal)

    Going over the last several days, I'm not getting enough Protein.

    That's why it's so important for me to journal my food.

    I'll have to make a better effort to get more in.

  8. Luna- really? Maybe I should Google some more!! Lol! Dr's office was closed. I'll call tomorrow though. Except I'll be at work and not really able to take off so I'll have to go after work if she wants me to go in.

    Oh goodness, I hope you don't get another period next week!! I'm due for mine any day now. Yay...not.

  9. Good morning gladiators welcome to 2015

    My meal plan for today

    B- 1/4 cup menudo (Hispanic thing)

    2 teaspoon of fresh watermelon pineapple could only take a small bite of each

    S- 1/4 of a bar Quest brownie

    L- premier Protein shake chocolate 4oz

    S- ? If needed 1/4 bar Quest brownie

    D- 1/4 cup jambalaya

    9 weeks post op rny gbs

    Enjoy your day!!!!

    Nice food plan!!

    All I've had so far is some chili. :P Lots of Protein, keeps me full a long time! Who says we can't have chili for Breakfast.

  10. @tacycakes--I didn't think about iron...could be that. My low back pain is really low, like tail bone low. And my hips. So probably not kidneys, but hopefully I can just get some overall labs done and see what's going on. This morning I actually feel pretty decent. I haven't called Dr. Office yet. I'm sure they're closed for the Holiday though.

  11. Happy New Year Gladiators

    I have an idea for 2015 that we post our daily meal plan including portions

    Ex: Thursday

    B: light fit strawberry 2oz with 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

    S: string cheese light

    L: beef veggie Soup 1/2 cup

    D: tilapia 2oz mixed veggies 2 tablespoons or whatever

    It will give us ideas of foods and portions we are all eating at whatever stage

    What do all you think??

    I LOVE this idea too!!! Plus, it'll hold me more accountable too!

  12. @tacycakes--Yep, that was me with the burning legs. I don't think mine is dehydration. I actually peed ALOT today I still feel "wavy in my head." My goal today was to call my Dr.'s office because I was off work. Well, ended up needing to go in for part of the day, then had to go get an x-ray of my back for the chiropractor. Then had to get my nails done, LOL...priorities you know! So by then it was 4PM and I sat down on the couch and the next think I know, it's 5:30! I'm sure they're closed tomorrow but I'll call and see for sure. I'm wondering if it's Vit D or anemic.

    But if I'm anemic, wouldn't my periods be heavy? I've had 2 since surgery and they were VERY VERY light, which is very odd for me!

  13. @onmywaytobeingfound--So glad the surgery went well. Sorry you were miserable. Just know that you may have more of those days yet when you might have some regrets. No one told me that, and I wished they had. The 2 weeks after surgery for me were rough. But I am now 2 1/2 months out--down 49 pounds, and I can finally say I'm happy with my decision. I still have days I struggle, I never knew eating could be so hard. But you just have to take it day by day, meal by meal even...

    You'll do great! This site is amazing for support!!

    Good luck with your recovery!!

  14. I did well because I can't really over eat without having extreme nausea.

    Eating for me now has no pleasure--it's only for nutrition.

    My only "cheat" I'd say was a few Hershey's kisses. No alcohol for me per my surgeon. He says none ever---but I know other patients of his who have tried it when they're about a year or more out.

    I don't think I'll chance it for now. :)

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