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Posts posted by amylynns

  1. @Beni--You told me once about laying on my right side when I felt that bad. It's helped me several times to do that! Although there's also been a couple times, typically when I've eaten way too fast, that nothing but time helps. (and my peppermint oil, LOL)

    I just changed my goal from 145 to 160---with the thought I can change it again, if need be. But honestly, I think I would feel very healthy and look amazing at 160. I don't want to put too low of a number and then get frustrated if I can't reach it. I haven't been below 160 since before my first child was born and that was 21 yrs ago!

    So...that leaves me with about 35 more pounds to go. That just seems crazy!! I'm going to go google some places to see what my ideal weight should be.....

    You are so right Beni--It feels SO much better to WANT to dress nicer. I never even wanted to shop before, it's like in my mind, I didn't deserve nice clothes because I looked so nasty. (in my eyes) I didn't want to try and dress myself up at all.

    Gotta run, be back in a bit..

  2. I wanted to eat today and really pay attention so I could describe my full feeling. But I don't think I can put it into words. I get "the feeling,"right where I'm assuming my new pouch is. It feels sorda tight I guess I'd say. And I know if I eat even one more bite I'll be nauseated. And nothing is worth eating to be nauseous. To me at least....I have gotten along better at NOT getting to that point. I do find if I drink too soon after I've eaten I get nauseous too. But it is still very hard for me to wait more than 20-30 mins after I've eaten to drink.

    Definitely a continual learning experience!!

    I think I started a message last night and forgot to finish it and it's gone now.

    But I was so excited I got a new coat yesterday because the one I've been wearing, which was to small to button in October is now too big! I got North Face coat....And they don't make those in Plus sizes!!! It's even white....not black, which is my go go "slimming" color. I was worried it looked snug and my honey just said "you're just used to wearing things baggy. It looks good." I cAught my reflection a couple of times today and actually liked what I saw! Craziness!!!! :-)

  3. Ok when I have eaten enough I start sneezing wierd huh? Or I just feel like the bite is not going down smooth or feel it back of my throat not really good just a feeling that's my experience now but probably change!!!

    My Aunt had the surgery and also sneezes when she's full!

  4. How much Protein are you getting? When I increase my protein, I lose. Also make sure you're getting in your Water. I know how hard this is during this early time though, I'm still not getting in as much water and protein as I'm supposed to be getting every day.

    I haven't lost anything for a week now, but I've also had an INSANE week at work, and I know I'm low on water and protein.

  5. Breakfast: smoothie with Greek yogurt, frozen strawberries, splash of OJ and a sprinkle of chia seeds.

    Snack: cottage cheese

    Lunch: Turkey and Swiss on wheat (3") from a deli. Could only eat half.

    Snack: tea and tried SF rice pudding. Gross. Tossed it.

    Dinner: round steak ( 1oz) 1/3 of a boiled potato and steamed veggies.

    Snack: hummus and pita crackers (4)

    Went to my Pilates class tonight too. Loving it!

    "Swimmy" feeling in my head is gone since increasing my Protein. Still very tired and have nasty dark circles under my eyes. :-(

    12 weeks post op.

  6. I had my first non-friend comment about my weight loss today from a long time customer. This is how the conversation went.

    Her: are you losing weight?

    Me: yep, trying

    Her: are you planning to lose more?

    Me: that's the plan

    Her: well, you look sickly thin. You shouldn't lose anymore!

    Me: speechless.....

    Thanks for making my day! Not!

  7. Wednesday meal plan

    B- plain Greek yogurt, 3 frozen strawberries, half banana.

    S- hard boiled egg

    L- half of a half of a turkey/Swiss grilled sandwich. (Which wasn't toasted enough, was nauseous after 3 bites.

    D- attempted 1/4 of a schwans mushroom and spinach flatbread pizza. But after lunch my belly still wasn't right. I had 4 little squares and ate 2 of them

    Later had a teaspoon of Peanut Butter. Did ok with that.

    Heading to bed. Night all.

    Oh! I went to a Pilates class tonight. LOVED it!!

  8. @Bronxmerci--Oh honey! I agree with the others, you need to call someone. I started an anti-depressant and even though I HATE taking it---if I do skip it, I can tell after just 1 day! Crying over anything, no motivation, so sad, and angry all at the same time. I know exactly how you're feeling! I started a med called Pristiq. It has made a WORLD of difference. And even though I HATE swallowing more more freaking pill, it really is necessary at this point. I've taken other anti-depressents in the past, but wowzers, this one is SO much better. No side effects, just all good stuff. :-)

    You deserve to be happy and enjoying your son and your weight loss. You need to build some muscle back up so you don't just look like you're sick. You're going to be a Hot Mama!!!

    I promise things will get better, just take that one little step and call someone.

    Do you have a bathtub? Or just shower? I felt just like you at one point. I filled up my tub, plopped in there and had myself a big ol' cry fest! But the warm Water and getting clean honestly helped SO much! I know it seems overwhelming--just taking a shower---I totally get it, but sweety, it will help you feel better!

    So just a couple baby steps...try them, for us! For you!! ;) ((((hugs))))

  9. @Bronxmerci---I was JUST thinking about you this morning and wondering how you've been!

    Girl! You need to go to the Dr!! Do you have a gallbladder? I had a lot of back pain back in 2009 before I had mine take out. And if it gets bad enough, it could be VERY serious if ignored.

    You need to be able to be eating and drinking too hon!!! :( So the quicker you figure out what's going on, the quicker it can be addressed and you can be eating and drinking like you're supposed to be.

    My goodness, I am so sorry you've had such a hard time. That's a lot of weight in that amount of time!!

    How's your little one doing with you now? Any better?

  10. My meal plan Tuesday

    B- hard boiled egg

    L- leafy romaine with grilled chicken, Tomato, cucumber, shredded cabbage, 1 Tbs honey mustard dressing (about 1/2 cup of the salad)

    S- juiced Apple, orange, spinach, celery

    D- broiled chx breast (2oz) Mediterranean veggies (1/4 cup) didn't finish all of either items.

    11 weeks post gastric bypass

    My belly is BIG time bloated tonight! Not feeling gassy or sick. Just look like I'm really pregnant!???

    Too many veggies? Time of month?

    TMI alert....I've had 3 bowel movements in the last 24 hours!! Whoohoo!

  11. @Beni--So sorry you're struggling. Take it easy with food for a few days, back to softies. (which it sounds like you're doing) I bet once your belly calms down and you can eat more, your weight will drop.

    I've noticed a bit of a pattern with mine. And the more I eat/ of course increasing Protein, I lose.

    @CRMMFW--When I first read the last paragraph of your post I thought it said you went to the gym to check into birth control options! :P I have a few friends that have had that ablation procedure done. They're very happy with it. And after getting my period today, I have to say, I'd LOVE to have that done! Bad cramps, but my last 2 have been SO light, so hoping this one will be also. But the cramps are killing me. :wacko: I had a tubal after my 4th baby, so no more babies for me either!

  12. My juice I juiced was yummy this morning. A tad bit strong on my belly, not sure how to explain it. Like because it was so concentrated. But I had a little Water after it all was well.

    I'm getting sick of these insane days with barely any help. It's basically been Brett and I running the office about 90% of the time for the last 2 weeks.

    I couldn't leave for lunch today until 3PM. I was SO weak! I'll be sure to pack extra food tomorrow morning in case tomorrow is like today.

    So lunch was leftover Tomato Soup from Panera and a banana.

    dinner was ham. I had about 3 bites and that was enough. Brett made mashed potatoes but forgot I can't eat them with butter in them, same with corn. Oh well. I made myself a smoothie with plain Greek yogurt, 2 frozen strawberries, half a banana, splash of apple juice and some honey. It was yummy!! Then I had a handful of nuts too. Now I'm having a cup of tea before I head to bed. (ok, burping like crazy now. I think the nuts were too much. Ugh)

    Fighting a chest cold. I've been slathering myself in oils, a chest rub I made. Good stuff, and oddly enough, I've had ZERO reflux since I've been using this chest rub!! It dawned on me this morning that I didn't wake up during the night with that burning/acidy feeling in my throat. Took me a while to figure out what I'd done differently--besides forgetting to take my reflux meds the last 2 nights!

  13. I've had one whole week now with no nausea! I've really tried to concentrate on counting my chews. I usually get to around 23 chews and the food is chewed to about nothing by then.

    Saturday I did better with getting more Protein in. I didn't have ANY weird "head in a fishbowl" feelings! Yesterday I didn't do as well, just a crazy day--not enough time in the day to eat. I didn't even get my food journaled. But I could tell I was weaker compared to Saturday.

    So I'm working hard on it today!

    Breakfast was a whole grain English muffin with 1 egg/ 1/2 piece of cheese. I didn't get the muffin toasted enough and it was too doughy for me, so I tossed it and just ate the egg and whatever cheese had melted to the egg. :P

    I also Juiced some juice this morning to drink after breakfast! I juiced an apple, an orange, some celery and spinach. SO yummy!! Juicing isn't a new thing for me. I've done SEVERAL juice fasts over the last few years as well as just having some daily, not during a juice fast. Just cleans out the toxins from my body and so I thought I'd add some to my day and see if it give me some energy. I can't wait for my hour to pass since I've eaten so I can drink it!! :D

    I also brought a hard boiled egg for a snack later.

    Not sure what will be for lunch yet. Supper is ham and veggies.

    Ok, LOTS of work to do today so I'd better get going!

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