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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    March 10th!

    I can now say I'm very happy I had the surgery. But it was rougher than I anticipated. I'd had the lap band previously and had to have it removed. So I was familiar with weight loss surgery. But recovery was hard. I think the biggest thing for me was, I didn't realize it'd be such a challenge to just eat and drink! (a new challenge with food for sure!) I was nauseous SO much. I was dehydrated too, just Miserable....but each month it's gotten better and things are going a lot smoother now.
  2. amylynns

    March 10th!

    I'm 4 months post op---but just wanted to tell you CONGRATS!! And good luck!!!
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @PinkPolkadot619--How many grams of Protein do you typically get? I just also realized that the last 2 mornings, I ate 1/2 bagel w/ veggie cream cheese. I really wonder if that many carbs first thing in the morning set me up for hunger for the rest of the day? I'll go back to my eggs tomorrow and see what happens. I had been to Panera and bought bagels for the family and decided I'd try 1/2 of one. I did fine with it, darn it! It's so odd to me to feel hunger after not feeling it at all up til now. I do not like it!
  4. amylynns

    Fruit problems?

    I'm 4 months out... I've been able to handle banana w/ Peanut Butter, tangerine (not quite a whole one and I really made sure to remove any "strings.") and 1 or 2 apple slices w/no skin. I think that's all I've tried so far.
  5. amylynns

    question about letter from PCP

    My PA did it also, no problem. Good luck!!! I remember feeling like it was weird too, to convince someone I was "fat enough." And wanting to make sure I hit the required BMI on my first visit. Good thing I didn't have a hard time over-eating!
  6. amylynns

    Some more insurance questions

    I was about a once a month drinker and it had no bearing on getting approved at all. I believe also, they're looking for abuse of it. I got approved with BMI and GERD as well. Although, I do have to say, I still have some GERD. I am quite upset by this in fact. That was honestly one of the biggest reasons I chose bypass over the sleeve. I'm going to chat with my Dr. again at my 6 month check up about it. I don't eat late at night--I'm obviously not over-eating at all, so I don't understand it at all. But anyway--good luck to getting approved!!!
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Shadow427--Yes, I can eat a bit more too. But I still get nauseous if I eat one bite too much. I have noticed I've had some actual hunger this week. But it's PMS week, so maybe that's why. It's sorda nice to have a little interest in food for a change, but I just don't want it to get out of control at all. I just logged what I've eaten today, and I'm at 635 calories. It feels like I've eaten a lot though! And I'm feeling a bit hungry now, so I'd better go eat some yogurt, I see my Protein is only at 35g.
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Note to self----If you have some dental work done, be prepared with a smoothie or pudding or something you don't have to chew! Oh goodness, I just had a cleaning done is all, but WOW! I can't bite together at all without pain. So I was just trying to eat some "wet" taco meat, and I couldn't even chew that. Thus...I didn't chew well enough, so I'm nauseous.
  9. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520---I Know!!! I can't wait for 170's! Oh goodness, I see I typed 282 instead of 182. Haha...that wouldn't be good!
  10. amylynns

    Bloated feeling won't go away! :,(

    I remember feeling that same way. I was so bloated and painfully full of gas. It does pass, promise.... You could put a warm heating pad on your belly (with a towel between you and the pad) That sometimes helped relieve mine. But yes, it will eventually pass. Hang in there.
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    We are almost identical! LOL! I was 249 the morning of surgery and I'm 282 but I'm about a size 14. I was a size 20 when I started too. :-)
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm more like a 9.5-10. Darn! I was an 11. I'll have to get measured for sure when I go to buy a new pair.
  13. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Oh my goodness!! What size do you wear? I could buy some from you, LOL!!
  14. You're welcome. Hopefully you won't have to be on any meds! Good luck with your surgery!!
  15. Awesome job! Just came across your post. I was also banded in 2008 and had it removed in 2013 because of complications. It had moved and was causing everything I ate to get stuck. I had lost 85 pounds from 2008-2010 and then in 2011 slowly started gaining unexplained weight back. (ended up gaining about 75 back) I have some auto-immune stuff going on as well, so probably due to meds from that we think. Anyway--I had gastric bypass 4 months ago and have lost 67 pounds. I'm very happy with the progress, although it was a lot bigger surgery/recovery than I expected. Good luck to you! You're off to an awesome start!!
  16. @Bandista---I have NO desire for pizza, or any food for that matter! Actually, I take that back. The one thing I have "craved" or that sounded at least a little bit good was sushi. I can eat 2 little pieces and I'm good.
  17. I had severe reflux (barrett's esophagus) and a hiatal hernia also. So that was another reason I did want to do the bypass. HOWEVER....I still have the flippin reflux and they said I'd have to be on meds for it forever because of the Barrett's. I was not pleased with that. Yes, the sleeve is much less evasive. I have a good friend who had the sleeve and she's done WONDERFUL with it! She did have a few rough weeks right after surgery, just hard time getting in fluids and enough food. But that's pretty normal for us all. Just sip, sip, sip! :-)
  18. @k9nana--You'll do great!! This board has been a life saver for me! Are you having the bypass or sleeve done?
  19. I haven't read everyone's posts, so I may be repeating what others have said.... I'm 4 months post op. I had the gastric by-pass. I should preface by telling you I also had the lap band done back in 2008. Over 2 years I lost 85 pounds, and then began having issues. Ending up gaining back a good 45 WITH the band in, then ended up having it removed because of complications from it in 2013. Then quickly gained another 25, and during that time looked into having the bypass done. (and I was still hungry with the band) For me, I chose the bypass because my BIG temptation and downfall is sweets and I knew from several friends/family that had the surgery, they couldn't eat sweets like they used to. I was willing to give those up in order to maintain control of my eating. (and I have had to give up a lot of sweet stuff. I can eat a tiny amount and be ok) So like I said, I'm 4 months post-op. I've lost 67 pounds and I'm about 20-25 pounds away from my ideal weight. (if I lose more, fine, but if I can get in the 160's I'll be happy) I would have to say it's only been in the last 3-4 weeks that I can actually say I'm glad I had the surgery. I had a difficult recovery. So. much. nausea. I was dehydrated, requiring IV fluids 3 times, had an infection in one of my incisions and really just had so many moments of saying, "What the F@*K have I done?!" But now I can say I am SO thankful I had it done. I'd still go back and do it again. I have a whole new set of issues with food now. I am NEVER hungry. I get to where I'm a little light headed and my stomach "feels empty" (not like hunger used to be) so I know I need to eat something, but no more head hunger at all. I'd honestly be happy if I never had to eat. I have no real enjoyment in eating anymore. ( I don't know that that's the norm?) I guess that's a good and bad thing. I don't depend on food anymore to make me "feel" something, or I don't "need" food socially like I did before. I have a heck of time getting in enough calories in a day to keep me from being exhausted. I have yet to REALLY work out. I don't have enough energy to do so. Just yesterday I went to meet with a trainer to see what I could do so I could start building some muscle back. I've lost SO much. So I'll start doing some of that slowly. If I eat too fast or even eat just 1 bite too much, I'm instantly nauseous. I really have to take my time and pay attention to my body so I realize when I'm full. And it gets easier every day. Good luck to you whatever you decide to do!!
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--I put some of that foam stuff in my work shoes too. I'm one of those women who does not have a lot of shoes. If I find a pair that are comfy, I wear them until they fall apart. So the ones I'm wearing now really do need to be replaced. They're not only too big, but are scuffed and worn. I've kept my eye out for a new pair, but just haven't found ones I like that fit well. I don't really like wearing more than an inch or so heel. I'm on my feet a lot at work, and hate sore feet, plus Brett is only about 2" taller than me, so I don't want to wear high heels and be taller than him, LOL! I don't "dress up" for work really. Slacks or khakis and nice shirt, never a skirt. Although I'd love to wear a "summery" dress this summer!
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--Was it you who had said something about almost falling with a pair of shoes or slippers that were too big? I had JUST gotten a new pair of slippers in November and spent WAY too much on them, but I wear them all the time and they were SO comfy, I just had to have them. They're not Uggs or anything that expensive, but more than the $10-15 I'd normally spend, LOL. Yeah, well---I've almost killed myself falling down the stairs with them SO many times because they're way too big (loose) now. I'll go to step down and it'll fly off my foot so I lose my footing trying to keep it on my foot. But I refuse to stop wearing them because I spent too much on the, LOL!!
  22. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    OH my gosh, Beni! I'm laughing SO hard right now picturing you walking around in your high heeled boots and night shirt!!!!
  23. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520---You look great!!!! I need to be taking some pics, but most of my clothes I have right now are a tad baggy, even my "skinny" clothes, LOL. I brought in a tote and a big box of "skinny clothes" from the garage that I'd had packed away. I got through the tote and found some shirts, (most of them are even too big now, so they're in the donate pile) but I just haven't made the time to sit down and see what all is in the other box. Maybe some pants! That would be handy.
  24. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hey Beni!! So glad your check up went well!!! You're doing great!!! Yay!!!
  25. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    To you too Beni!!!!

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