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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    It's hard to go wrong with 1/2 cup meals! We had spaghetti last night and it was probably 1/4 cup of the actual pasta and then mostly meat and sauce. It was probably closer to 3/4 of a cup, but I didn't quite finish it. It's nice to be able to eat just a little pasta though. Need a few carbs in there too.
  2. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Luna222--I wish I was near you! I use Young Living Essential oils and I know of a few of them that would really help you with pain relief and numbing the area. I've had jaw pain for 3 days now because of some minor dental work (I have TMJ, so anytime I even get my teeth cleaned, I know I'm gonna be in a pain for a few days) and I've been applying my oils and using ice packs. I'm sure mine is NOTHING compared to what you're feeling. You poor thing! That really sucks they can't get you in earlier than the 29th!!! WOW!
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @@brown eyed gal--I can eat small amounts of pasta. Same with bread, if it's really toasted well, I can eat one piece. (I add peanut butter to it usually) I've had 1/2 cut of spaghetti at a time, with lots of sauce. And I've had raviolis too. Again, about 1/2 cup, if that. This make me a very happy girl!
  4. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520--Yeah!!! I went down about 3 more this weekend too!!
  5. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520--Nah, not TMI for me. That sounds horrible!!! Ouch! That's great no implants would be necessary. Ummm, Yeah, I'm 42. I don't need youthfull fullness, I'd just like them out of my arm pits when I lay down, haha!! I haven't had rashes since my surgery, but I might start trying the trick someone mentioned on here, just to get some stuff documented. Or if I check into just a lift and it's a reasonable cost, just pay for it out of pocket. We'll see I guess! Yeah, I'm supposed to get more like 60-80g of Protein, but I have a really hard time eating more than I am right now! It's odd having that issue now, LOL! My PA said I could supplement with Protein shakes, but they fill me up SO much that I don't want any meals after that. Hard to find that balance!
  6. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520---You look amazing!!! Love your hair!! My hair loss has slowed down, thank goodness. Not sure what helped because I changed about 3 things at once, LOL. I'm curious, How many calories had you been averaging? I typically get 800-1000, but usually more toward the 800-900 range. About 50g of Protein. I'll be curious to know if the increase in calories gets your loss going again. Great news about your lift/ reduction!! I want one so badly! But I think I'm going to wait to look into it until I'm about a year out. Can you answer this.....Do they have to use implants for a lift/reduction? I won't do it if they have to use implants. They freak me out, LOL. I had the lapband previously, and if I thought about the fact I had a foreign body inside me, I went into a panic. Plus, I could feel the port to it. My kids had to always be careful when they'd hug me, or we wrestled because the port area was always tender. Anyway---Congrats!!!
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Shadow427--I'm so excited for you to rent a bike!! Whoohoo!! I agree, What a difference a year makes! @Luna222--How frustrating!! I think a call to your surgeon's office would be in order. Just to see if they have any insight as to why you might be stalled. Do you keep a food journal? Maybe they can take a look at it and offer some suggestions. I've been stuck at 177/178 for going on 3 weeks now I think. Pretty sure if I could "go to the bathroom"....(Sorry, TMI) I might lose a few!! @Bronxmerci--So glad you're doing so well! Great job on your loss! And I am quite impressed you're not falling for your son's dad's smooth attempts at getting you back! You're a strong woman!!
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--Awww, so sorry you got so sick! How awful!! Glad today is a bit better. Go easy on your tummy. Awesome job on the 80 pounds Beni! (well, .6 away from 80!) Whoohoo!!! @Getting-used-to-new-me---Impressive biking!! I'd love to bike now that I can fit on the seat, LOL! Have you ever heard of Ragbrai? It's a bike ride across Iowa. My 21yr old daughter has ridden part of it the last few years with her boyfriend and his dad. This year she's planning on riding the whole thing though! Total miles this year is 462, over a week. Craziness!! We'll see how she does. She has some hip & knee issues, so I'm concerned. But we'll see!
  9. I'm 5 months out and it does get a bit better.....but I have to say, I still don't really have any enjoyment in eating anymore. It's now purely for nourishment. Going out to eat does get better. My stand by meal I get mostly is either grilled chicken or grilled fish and a small baked potato. (of which I eat about 1/3 of) The big problem is, you don't really know how these things are prepared. So a lot of times, I still end up nauseous because of added butter. ( I can't handle butter at all anymore) So eating out just isn't quite the same. But it's a continuous learning process to see what foods you can tolerate and if you can find something at your favorite restaurant that sets well, take advantage of that! But it does get easier as you advance in your diet.
  10. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Shadow427--We have 5 kids still at home, so we tend to stock up pretty well each weekend! But this last weekend we just didn't get it done. Saturday was full of activities and honestly, Sunday I didn't even get dressed! It was SO nice!! But of course, that's catching up with me now! I tend to frequent a local deli for lunch that has a lot of homemade items. I'm sure I'm spending more than necessary, but it is convenient for me to just have them make my salad for me and I don't have to worry about lettuce spoiling at home, LOL. That's what I got today. Spinach and romaine, green peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, and 2oz of grilled chicken. (real chicken, not "pressed" chicken, LOL) I've had a spaghetti squash sitting at home for well over a week. I should probably do something with it!!
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Beni--Love that: "we are taking the power back into our lives. Nothing feels as powerful as that. " It's so true, feels so amazing! I'm definitely seeing a pattern with my loss. Pretty much hold steady for 2 weeks....then drop 2-3 pounds. Not complaining, but it would be nice to see it move weekly. My cupboards/fridge are empty! I need to re-stock so I feel more prepared! I grabbed the last 2 string cheese stix this morning. The grocery store and I have a date tonight! Right after my pedicure.
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Shadow427--Thanks!!! It sure did feel good! and yes, I agree. My mind for sure still thinks I'm bigger than I am. Good for you on the bras and measurements!! I was a 40 band size. About a month ago, I bought some 36's, and was using the first set of hooks. So I figured I'd be able to use them for a long time, with 3 more sets of tighter hooks. I'm on the 4th set of hooks already!? What?! Guess I'll have to bra shop sooner than I though. Too bad my cup size won't go down though. A lot of "deflated" tissue there! I can see your pics! You look great!!!! I need to take some updated ones one of these days too.
  13. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    :P Too funny about you all dropping your drawers!!! I haven't had that happen!! But....I did go shopping last week. I had a bridal shower to go to on Saturday and I needed something sharp to wear.(not a dressy shower, so jeans and a nice shirt is what I was looking for) My honey's Ex was going to be there, and I tend to look down on myself when she's around because she always seems put together and she's smaller than me. (my little insecurities...) SO...anyway. I went shopping and the sales lady was so sweet with me. I told her I had lost 71 pounds and really had no clue what size I should be wearing. So we started with a plus size 16. Uh...WAY too big. So we tried a regular size 16...too big. Tried a size 15 in a really expensive jean. But I figured, if it looks good, I'm going to splurge! Well, they fit great, except the waistline was really big. Damn big thighs/calves! She brought back a 13/14, and said, "Now, don't panic. These are a skinny jean, but I didn't have a 13/14 in the boot cut leg." OMG, totally pointless to even try on with my big thighs/calves! Holy buckets, they fit PERFECT!! I pretty much started crying in the dressing room. I told her the last time I had bought myself jeans, it was a plus size 20/22. Ok, so I had the jeans! Then I found several shirts too....some even size Mediums! Holy crap! So the next morning, I can't find my jacket anywhere. Totally in a panic because it was a $175 jacket. UGH...I swore I remember wearing it out of that store the night before, but thought I'd call just to make sure. All I got out was, "I was the one who kept you late last night...." And she said, "We have your jacket!" LOL..so I went on my lunch hour and picked it up. And of course, the great sales lady she is, told me they just got a new shipment of stuff in. Ended up walking out with another $125 worth of stuff. I got this cute pair of dark gray pants that can roll up to be capri pants too. Didn't even try them on, bought the 13/14's. That night I tried them on and they're loose! So....Saturday at the shower, I wore my SKINNY jeans, a pretty pale yellow "Springy" short sleeve sweater and some high heeled sandals. Feeling pretty good about myself, but figured as soon as I saw "the ex biotch" I'd be put in my place. WELL! I don't know what happened to her, but I'd say she's put on 15 pounds and looked frumpy, sloppy, wore an old tattered looking shirt. And she was late and flustered! So I just gotta say, I looked DAMN good!! And felt even better!!! Plus, my honey slapped my behind before I left the house and said, "Wow! Those jeans are HOT!"
  14. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @smiley922---Congratulations!!!!! :D
  15. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hey Beni! I've been a bit MIA too. Just busy all around! Bummer about your computer! Things have been going better for me too, eating wise. I continue to figure out which foods I need to just eliminate. Mayo seems to be a for sure no go for me. I've tried it in different things, and I guess that's just a no no for me. I tried some Miracle whip instead with some tuna and that worked alright. I do not seem to have gas/burping issues. My Aunt warned me about horrible gas that she has after surgery, but I don't have it at all really. yay! I've been going to physical therapy for my hip/back. It's slowly getting better, but sure wish it'd just clear up all together so I can get to some heavy workouts. I finally have energy and I want to use it! We've been walking pretty much every night, which feels AMAZING! I can't believe how far I can go with no foot pain. And the hills don't leave me so winded and thinking I'm gonna pass out like they used to, LOL! I can officially say I am GLAD I had the surgery! But if anyone that's thinking about having the surgery asks me about the good/bad and the ugly, I will for sure tell them. I don't think out of the all the people I talked to, I really had a clue how hard it was going to be. I am so glad I'm past that hard part! Nice to "see" you!!
  16. This is how I do my chicken. In the crock pot, with a cream soup. Keeps them super moist. But yesterday we did a full chicken in the crock pot (with no soup)and then I had re-heat my little portion because I was gone during dinner. Oh my gosh. It was WAY too dry. Instantly sick to my stomach and couldn't eat anything else for the rest of the evening. I hate when that happens, especially on days I was already low on my protein. I used to eat eggs every morning for Breakfast, but I'd literally have to put out of my head what I was eating, or I'd gag. I'd mix salsa with mine and a sprinkle of shredded cheese. But I am so sick of them now. Just thinking about them makes me nauseous. So I feel for you! I've switched to Light & Fit Greek yogurts for breakfast. I was also sick of the super sweet flavors of them, but it's a switch up from the eggs, so it's going ok so far. I was buying the 80 Cal ones, but got sick of those flavors, so I've gone to the 100 Cal ones. I figure for an extra 20 calories, and if I can get them down easier, I'll eat the extra 20. :-) I totally agree with you on the fact my taste buds seem to change often. What I can eat one week might be totally different the next week! I have bought a few different frozen meals also. I eat all of the protein/veggies out of them first, and if I'm not full, I'll eat a little of the carb item. But I can usually only get down 1/2 -3/4 of a meal. It's such a learning experience!! Daily!
  17. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Glyndalin--I have a spot saved just for you!
  18. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Well, as of this last weekend, I am officially in the 170's!! 178, but still....170's! Back in 2008-2010, when I had lost 85 pounds with the lapband, 178 was the lowest I had gotten. I think I was there for about 3 days, then went back up to 180. I stayed there for over a year....then started slowly gaining. I am so scared that's going to happen again!! Physical therapy is going really well for my hip/back/tail bone. She finally allowed me to get out and at least do some walking. Last night we headed out to see how far I could get on the route we always used to take the dogs on. We haven't done it since before my surgery back in October! My PT lady said I may only be able to go 10 minutes at a time, but work up to 30 minutes. Well, we went 30 minutes, and I could have gone ALOT further, except my hip did start stiffening up. But otherwise, I felt amazing!! Had so much more energy and stamina!! And my feet didn't hurt at all!! Can't wait to get out and do it again! Better go get some work done I suppose. Hate Mondays!!
  19. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Luna! You look amazing!!! That shirt is too big now!! :D
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Luna222--So frustrating!! How many calories are you averaging? Protein? I think I remember you saying you're on track there, but I can't remember now. :-) I'm supposed to get 60-80 grams of protein. I don't often....but when I do for a few days in a row, I always drop weight. I was stuck at 182 for 2 weeks, then dropped to 181 for another week. I had several days of around 1,000 calorie days, then had 2 days of 600-800 calorie days. This morning I was at 179. So it seemed like after a few days of high calorie days, then dropping to a low calorie day got my metabolism moving again? Just a thought I guess....
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @smiley922---I have gotten rashes in the past, but can't honestly say I've had one recently. The shoulder dents and dis-coloration are my biggest complaints. And of course just the weight of carrying these big saggy girls around! Sometimes I'll have my honey just like, come up behind me and hold them up---it's like a 10 pound weight lifted on my chest and back, LOL!! "Aaahhhhhh....." Ok--I have a maybe silly question though. If I just wanted a reduction and lift--do they "have" to put implants in? I don't want implants! I just want them smaller and not sagging into my armpits when I lay down, LOL. My belly isn't so bad, no over hang at all, although I'd still love to have it tightened up. After 4 babies, ALOT of up and down weight, it's not like it's pretty by any means. But then again---I don't intend on ever wearing a bikini either, so it's not like anyone but my man is going to see it. And he doesn't have an issue with it.
  22. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @dc0520--Anxious to hear how your consultation goes! I was a 40DDD and now am about a 34/36, but still a DDD. I still have a lot of breast tissue I just tuck into my bra. UGH. They're not so bad looking in a bra, but wowzers, bra comes off and they're just gone! My biggest issue is my shoulders. I have permanent marks from my bra straps. I'm always scrubbing at them because it's discolored---thinking it's just dirt, LOL--but of course it doesn't come off! It's like they're bruised permanently. Wishing insurance would cover it, but I doubt in my case it would.
  23. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @smiley922-Whoohoo!!!! Nice job!! @Beni--That's so awesome Beni!! Oh my--I am with you on the breast lift. WOW, mine are just deflated blobs. But yes, that'll be a while away for me too. I won't even think about it until I get the rest of me toned up as much as possible. Another surgery just doesn't sound too appealing right now, LOL! I need to find some time to get on here and catch up! It's been crazy around here. I'm at 181, holding steady there for several days. We're finally seeing some warmer temps this week, so hopefully I'll find an evening that's not full of kids activities so I can get out and walk! I started physical therapy for my hip/back. Has anyone else had issues with theirs since weight loss? I came across a thread on here a while back where people were. Not sure if it's weight related, but heck, mine has never been this bad. Even at my highest pregnancy weight. They said my tail bone was twisted and tilted/curved. All messed up! I'm wondering if it's from so much sitting after surgery. (and a weight shift/new center of gravity?) It started bothering me about a month after surgery. I finally decided to start PT because it was waking me SO many times at night. And I'm usually a pretty solid sleeper. It's forcing me to become a back sleeper because that's the only position that I don't have pain. But the PT is working, just slower progress than I'd like! Ok, back to work I must go!
  24. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I have a funny to tell.... I was in Hobby Lobby yesterday and I turned an isle and started walking down it, only to realize it was THE MIRROR isle! The one I usually panic and avoid quickly! Well, I glanced to the left and caught my reflection. Whoa--is that me?? I like what I see!! So I kept going down the isle, looking right-then left-then right-then left...at ALL the mirrors!! It brought me to tears how OK I was with what I was seeing in the mirror! So then....once I was through the isle, I turned my cart around and went BACK down the isle again!!! Did some more shopping...and when I was ready to go, I went down the mirror isle just one more time on my way to the check out! Hehee!!! :P And after 2 weeks at 182, my scale finally showed 181 this morning! I wasn't really too worried because I knew I've been eating what I'm supposed to be, so I knew at some point my body would let some more go. And I'm due for my period in the next day or so even--which in the past guaranteed about a 3-5 pound gain. So I welcomed that 1 pound with open arms!
  25. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014


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