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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Good luck with your surgery today JRT!! I had some of the same problems with my band! But I had mine removed last December. The surgeon that removed it said I'd have to wait 6 months to have another procedure though, what the heck? But at that time, I was really motivated and figured, "I got this! I can do this on my own!" I was very determined. For 3 months straight, I worked out 6 days a week, I wore a FITBIT and used My Fitness Pal to track food, etc. In those 6 months, I lost 1 freaking pound! I was SO discouraged, went into a pretty dark place, and then very quickly gained a lot of weight. So in May, I said enough is enough and started the process to have RNY done. Looking forward to hearing how your surgery goes!
  2. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Karen!! You're maybe even out of surgery already---but I'm praying all went well, or is going well if you're not out! Thanks for the pics!!! So excited for you!!! Auri--I know what I'd be doing with no kids home! Heehee!! Beni--Any way you could email your chart to me? If not, it's ok--I'll just write down names/dates as I catch them. If you want to, my email is amylynn@officetowne.net Layknee-I never had those problems when I did the liquid diet before, Hmmm...I'd maybe run it by your Dr, maybe it's a common thing and they can tell you something different to try? I had a lot of nausea before my lapband surgery, but I had a hiatal hernia that pretty much made me sick every time I ate. I have one now too, evidently, but I don't have the nausea so bad this time. Sherrieb4health--I started feeling a cold coming on this morning too--went to bed with a headache and it was worse this morning, lots of sinus pressure. I use essential oils though, so I doused myself with them, so hoping it nips it quickly! I hope you get over yours quickly so it doesn't effect your surgery date! Auri--SO excited for you too!!!
  3. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    My Dr. is ok with toe polish, just not fingernail. I have acrylic nails, and I have to remove one for surgery.
  4. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Awwwww, thanks Beni! I LOVE the pedi idea!! I think I'm going to schedule one too!!! And yes, bright red for sure!!
  5. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm Oct. 20th Beni! I love the chart idea! I keep forgetting too!!
  6. Yep, I had the same problem. I had my lapband done in 2008, lost 85 pounds over the next 2 years, then maintained at 180 for about 6 months. THEN...I started slowly gaining after that until I started having even more problems. Everything I ate got stuck. I ended up with ulcers on my esophagus, the band had moved. I had it removed in Dec. 2013. I'm having the RNY on Oct 20th.
  7. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    You'll do great Karen!! Everything will go wonderful! You're the first in our little group to go in for surgery, right? Can't wait to hear how it goes. Take good care of yourself!
  8. Will your Dr. be telling you what liquids you should be having? I have a 2 page brochure thing telling me exactly what I have to have/ not have. And menu ideas too. My biggest hurdle is planning ahead and I am FORCED to plan ahead to be successful with the liquid diet. I can't just stop and grab a sub sandwich if I don't pack my "Liquid lunch." So the menus come in handy, I can just follow those and then pack up what I need the night before for the next day.
  9. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    You can do this Layknee!! What I told myself back in 2008 when I had my lapband done (Had it removed last year, having RNY on the 20th) and I was worried about the liquid diet was, "Surgery and healing time will go SO much better if I comply with the diet the Dr. has set. He's put this in place for a reason, for safety, and I didn't want ANY complications." You will have a few rough days, but just keep in mind, it's all for the end purpose. To have a safe surgery and healthy recovery. The first step to your new, healthy lifestyle!! Auri--Only 2 days!!! Whoa! I'm so happy for you!! I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that everything goes smoothly! People keep asking me if I'm going to have my "last meal." There are a few things I'd like to eat before surgery, but as long as I get sushi just one more time before I start liquids, I'll be a happy camper! I crave it so badly! But I don't know when I'm going to have time between now and Monday when I start! The closest place to get it is a ways away. Hmmm, need to see when I can sneak in a quick road trip, LOL!
  10. amylynns

    October Buddies wanted

    Auri--It could be! I too have just been exhausted! About 3PM I just want a nap SO badly! I am really looking forward to having some energy!
  11. My birthday is Oct. 4th also! Happy Birthday to us!! My surgery is Oct. 20th. I start my 2 week pre-op liquid diet a week from today. I'm anxious to get it going and get surgery!!
  12. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I'm surprised by all the different pre-op diets I'm seeing. I wonder why such differences between the Drs. So glad to see our October Group growing!! I'm struggling quite a bit with working out. Or should I say, I have ZERO motivation to work out! Ugh...I'm just worried I won't be able to get back into the groove of working out after surgery if I don't get back into it now, before surgery. I keep telling myself every morning that tonight I'll either go to the gym, or go walking, something--and then by evening I'm just exhausted. I already get up at 5:30 in the morning and I just can't get up earlier to work out. I've always done well in the past going right away after work, but our evening just seem to be full of kids activities, and I hate making my honey do it all....I also know I can't really use that as an excuse because he's said numerous times he's fine with handling stuff in the evenings, but it's just that "mom guilt" that gets me I guess.
  13. amylynns

    October Buddies wanted

    I'm surprised by all the different pre-op diets I'm seeing. I wonder why such differences between the Drs. So glad to see our October Group growing!! I'm struggling quite a bit with working out. Or should I say, I have ZERO motivation to work out! Ugh...I'm just worried I won't be able to get back into the groove of working out after surgery if I don't get back into it now, before surgery. I keep telling myself every morning that tonight I'll either go to the gym, or go walking, something--and then by evening I'm just exhausted. I already get up at 5:30 in the morning and I just can't get up earlier to work out. I've always done well in the past going right away after work, but our evening just seem to be full of kids activities, and I hate making my honey do it all....I also know I can't really use that as an excuse because he's said numerous times he's fine with handling stuff in the evenings, but it's just that "mom guilt" that gets me I guess.
  14. amylynns

    October Buddies wanted

    I think I will! Thanks for the advice. I put de-caf coffee on my grocery list. :-) It's not even the caffeine I "Need." It's just the taste of coffee with creamer (flavored, full of sugar of course) that I crave... So it's probably going to be harder not using the creamer than the caffeine.
  15. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    another gal (Karen, was that you?) on here was having the cramping and I believe she was told to drink more. It's the start of dehydration I think. Maybe she'll post on here too.
  16. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    OH! Now, see--that makes sense! My NUT didn't really give an answer...but that does make sense!
  17. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    For sure Karen!! That wing isn't worth it!! I can't wait to wear a dress and feel good in it!
  18. amylynns

    October Buddies wanted

    I should have done that....as I sit here with my 2nd cup of coffee.... :-) Although I could start that now. I still have 9 days before I start liquids.
  19. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yes, very well said Beni! MrsSpicey--Good luck!! You'll do great--you're probably going to find eating several small meals. (Or I should say "drinking" several small meals) will help you get through the day. We owe ourselves this, like Beni said, we have to take care of our illness, and this is how we do it! :-) My 2 boys (14 and 17) told me last night they'd do the liquid diet with me if I wanted them too. Awww, sweet boys, but I told them no, they can't! My 14yr old plays football and needs LOTS of food! And he's not over weight in the least bit! Same with my 17yr old. He's 6'1" and is a total bean stalk! But thanks boys! Does anyone do any juicing? I've done it a lot (not recently) and love it--although it takes time and effort, LOL. But I asked my NUT lady if I could juice during the 2 week liquid diet and she pretty much said no. Mostly because of the sugar content in the fruit I guess. But heck, you'd think fresh juiced fruits/ veggies would be healthier than drinking juice in a jug!? I think she said no, due more to the fact she didn't know enough about it. And it's easier to just have one recommended plan for everyone to follow, that they know works. I still might do some juicing anyway. And just be sure to count the calories.
  20. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Yep! I won't have them every day though--just when I feel shaky and super hungry. The boost of protein really helps. (The shakes are good too--but I remember getting tired of them)
  21. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    I got them at Walmart....they say New Whey Liquid Protein. They come in 3 flavors.
  22. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Oh, I also follow this liquid diet for 2 weeks after surgery, but with adding more Protein. (double the amount before surgery) and no caffeine. calories per day 2 weeks before surgery: about 1000 calories per day 2 weeks after, 600. WOW? I just read that--wow! And it says get 30 minutes of activity (like light walking) per day. How the heck will I do that with only consuming 600 calories per day? Whoa..
  23. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Beni--3 days, that doesn't sound so bad, you'll do great!! Yes, you'll be hungry, but it'll pass. I'm surprised you can't have any Protein shakes. That dose of protein always helps me. In fact, last night I bought these "protein shots." It comes in a tube, and has 42g of protein in it! A friend of mine had surgery 2 yrs ago, and on the days she was really hungry/shakey, she's split up the tube into 3 or 4 servings for the day so she had protein in her system all day. It really helped. They're kind of like a gel, so it'll probably gag me, but I'll make it work, LOL. I already had my NUT appointment. They have us do ours even before we're approved, which to me is quite odd! But, I met with her for a good 1 1/2 hours that day and she sent me home with papers that lay everything out really well on how much of what I can have, etc. I have to have 72 to 96oz of Fluid per day. Here's a little run down of what I can have. 16oz of potassium rich juice, like V-8, tomato juice, or no pulp OJ. 100% juice iced tea, hot tae, or coffee. (only 8oz of caffeine a day) sugar-free popsicles, regular popsicles (2/ day limit) , sugar free Jello, or regular (one per day) fitness/sports waters. clear broth- chicken, beef or veggie Crystal Light Then they list several different protein powders, protein waters, etc to use. I'm supposed to have a minimum of 30g of protein a day. They gave me sample menus so I'm eating (drinking) something 6 times throughout the day. And a couple recipes, like mixing broth with tomato juice, warm it up for a "Soup." And an "orange Julius" 1 cup OJ, Protein powder,packet of splenda and ice. Blend. Yumm! Making jigglers/ knox blocks (adding protein powder) was another idea. I did this when I had my band done and it was nice to have something to "chew!" :-)
  24. amylynns

    October Surgery Date

    Well, shoot!! I'm actually looking forward to the liquid diet, LOL.. I know, I'm nuts. But I love that totally cleaned out, no bloating feeling. And to see the scale actually drop will be a miracle for me. Mine has been stuck for so long! LOL. Of course, feeling like I'm dying of starvation for the first several days isn't all that fun. Is it 2 weeks you have to do? We're here for you!

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