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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by amylynns

  1. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Bronxmerci---Whoohoo girl!! You must be REALLY tall, because even in your before picture it doesn't look to me like you weigh what your stats say! You look amazing! And I'm REALLY glad you didn't die too! I know we were all really worried about you for a while there!! So glad you're healthy and feeling good for your sweet little man. And good for you sending your son's father packing! Yay! Takes a strong woman to do that! (coming from the not strong woman who stayed in a marriage for 18yrs before I was finally strong enough to get out) I'm eating my lunch right now. I take a bite, type for a while, surf the internet, do some work--take another bite, etc, etc. I've come accustomed to eating barely warm food because it takes so long to eat, LOL. But I'd done that before with the lapband, so that part wasn't new to me. Oh goodness, last night I was actually HUNGRY. Not grumbly tummy hungry, but I knew physically I needed to eat. It was a long, crazy day---spend 2 1/2 hours at the Dr.'s office, so no lunch time. (I did eat 5 cheese cubes on the way there though) So I had some thick chicken and wild rice Soup finally at about 7PM. I scarfed it down way too fast! I think I even knew I was eating too fast, but I guess I hoped since it was soup, it would go down easy. Not so much...had to lay down on my right side for a while and that took care of it. But just a good reminder to SLOW DOWN Amy!!
  2. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I've had that happen sometimes too. What I've found with me, is that I was in a hurry and didn't maybe realize it. So ate too fast...or didn't chew well enough. And then it seems if that happens early in the day, I'm doomed the rest of the day, whatever I eat, I end up nauseated. But heck, I think some days our little pouches are just ornery!
  3. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    All of these Protein powders/ recipes look so good, but I have tried and tried to drink Protein shakes, but honestly, they fill me up TOO MUCH! I am uncomfortable the rest of the day if I drink one??! What is up with that?? I just made a little 4oz one even, and I was still over full. I seem to do better with food I guess. I had a "taco salad" for Breakfast this morning with left over taco fixings that we had last night. I did this a few weeks ago with left over taco stuff. I ate it for breakfast for about 4 or 5 days. :-)
  4. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm using a shampoo that promotes hair thickening, regrowth along with Biotin. I'm losing a lot too. I'll look at the name of it tonight. It's not over the counter. It's from a hair salon. My BF was using it first and I could see a difference in his hair within just a couple weeks, so when I started losing a lot I started using it as well. We'll see!
  5. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    humanHoly crap!! I'll be asking about that for sure tomorrow.
  6. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    What does a Vit.B12 deficiency do? All my surgeon is having me rake is Vit. B1. I even asked about Vit B12 because my cousin, who had the surgery years ago still has to get Vit B12 shots every month. So obviously it must be an issue with rny patients. Hmmmm. I am officially in the 180's! (189, but still. ????) I had to go get new dress pants yesterday. I got into size 14's, which is just unreal to me. Even when I had gotten down to 178 back in 2009 I was in a 16. I still have no energy to work out though. :-( I'm losing alot of muscle. My appointment with my general Dr. Is this Tuesday so we'll see what she says.
  7. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I had to lay on the floor at work Friday....I had 2 bites of a broccoli salad. And 2 bites of chicken salad. I'm just assuming it was the broccoli. But I got crazy nauseous and I knew if I could just lay on my side for a few minutes it would pass. So I tried my left side first. 5 mins passed, still sick. So I tried the right side. Within seconds the nausea was gone. But boy it sire didn't help my hips laying on a cement floor! (There's thin carpet over it but still....) I just didn't want to go home when I k we just a few minutes of lying down would help. :-)
  8. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    You look great!! You look like you're way below 200 in your picture. How are you feeling? Are you able to eat better now?
  9. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I can eat about 2oz of chicken breast, but it's not ground. Just cooked moist and cut into little pieces. That's my "go to" meal. Chicken breast, veggies, and a cube of baked potato. :-) If you're feeling "hungry" after your walk, I'd eat something. If you do you're still losing, you're good. If you think it's just a boredom kind of hunger, maybe try and fight it, but I'm guessing you might need it.
  10. amylynns

    Week 2 Question

    Yes, just throw it in and blend it all up. Just reading the title of your post made me sick to my stomach though! LOL! I had to be on pureed stage for SO long! I wasn't tolerating meat pureed, so even had to go back to mushies for a while. I am so thankful to be past that stage, but I do remember how exciting it was to get to the pureed stage! So enjoy!!
  11. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @PinkPolkadot619--Could be the soup goes through quick enough that it's not filling up your pouch? My Dr'.s don't want me eating soup. I think that's why, because it goes through too quickly and you don't get "full" like you would with solid food.
  12. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I actually get to go to the hospital's support group meeting tonight! It's been a couple months in a row that I haven't been able to go. Tonight's topic: Self Image! How perfect!! I'll report in later tonight or in the morning if I learn how to love myself, LOL!! OMG, I Just realized I have not peed once since I've been to work today!? I've even drank 40oz of Water, but I do need to go now, so off I go!!
  13. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    @Bronxmerci---I 100% agree with what Beni wrote. You have to get your nutrients in, and if soft foods is what you can handle right now, eat those. I also had to go back to blended foods for a while, because everything made me nauseous. I lived on cottage cheese for at least 2 weeks I think! But it's what worked. Hang in there girl, we're all thinking of you!! @Beni--Thanks so much friend! I am happy the weight is coming off, but I really need some muscle! And I feel like a SLOTH now! Not in the "heavy" sense, but just slow moving--really wishing we had a bathroom on the main level at home, LOL!! I LOVE your imagery examples!! I'm so bummed my yoga class was eliminated at the gym! BUT....I can't "really" use that as an excuse not to do some yogy--because I have a yoga mat and the internet at home, SO......I could be doing it there. It's just finding that 1/2 hour to take for myself. You understand, I'm sure. You are SO close to onederland!!! Seemed like it took me weeks to get from 200, then it seems like I've just breezed by getting down to 190. (actually yesterday it was 190.8, this morning 190--But I always leave off the .whatever...LOL) I still haven't tried on a pair of boots, because I've NEVER been able to wear them. And to me, my calves are still HUGE. So I don't want to disappoint myself. But I really need some new shoes now--mine are all loose now! I think I'd really enjoy your dream vacation spot too!! Wouldn't that be nice, for a while! Yes, a girl SHOULD dream, for sure!! Did I tell you all we have a trip to Hawaii booked for June!? I CANNOT wait!! But I'd REALLY like to tone up my legs and arms by then so I can wear some shorts and shirts without having flappy skin, LOL! Guess I'd better go get some work done, looks like it's going to be a Monday from hell.
  14. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Hey friends! Not a whole lot to report here. Same old stuff. scale still creeping down, need to go update my ticker. Down to 190. So down 59! Yay! I am jealous of the energy a lot of you are saying you have. I still don't have any. I made an appointment with my family Dr. for my annual physical, and I'm sure she'll run some labs for me. I really really want to be working out!! My muscle is gone. Not that I had a lot, but I'm so weak from muscle loss. Baby steps I guess! One of my favorite "non scale victories" is that I can hug my honey and my kids and not have my belly/boobs stop me from hugging super close!!!
  15. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Have you contacted your Dr? I have no desire to eat typically, there's no joy in eating anymore. So I eat to survive basically. But you need to be eating more than 100 calories a day hon! By "wonky" what do you mean? Nauseous? What are some things you've tried to eat? For a while, it seemed all I could eat was cottage cheese. So that's what I ate. I'd for sure see what your Dr. says. Something isn't right!
  16. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I'm here, I'm here!! Just haven't been on the computer much this weekend. Guess it's Monday now, but I was off work today, so still feels like my weekend. I'm so bummed, our Walmart does NOT carry those premier shakes. I still have some chocolate mix that I like, so I'll just use that up. If I add a banana and a bit of Peanut Butter it'll be yummy I think. Eating has been going really well. scale says I'm down a couple more pounds, but not logging it until it's consistently the same number for a couple days. Still not getting enough Water, but I'm working on it the best I can. Nothing else much new....I'm ready for
  17. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    My Dr. Wants me to of course get my protein from food but she did say if I'm still low to go ahead and have a shake. But I might try one for Breakfast for a while and see if that helps with my energy.
  18. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Thanks! We don't have a Costco here, but I just checked on-line and our wal-mart carries them. Maybe I'll try those and see if I can get some more protein in that way. I'm only averaging 35-50g a day now.
  19. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    TryB- left over taco fixings....in a make shift salad ( with just a sprinkle of lettuce) so taco meat, taco cheese, tomato, little salsa, little sour cream. Yep....for Breakfast. Might have it tomorrow too! S- Tried folgers Cappuccino mix. I swear it said no sugar and 50 calories. I'll double check tomorrow. Tasted great and didn't upset my stomach like even Dr-caf coffee does. L- 1/2 baked potato w/ 1/4 cup cottage cheese on it. S- 3 Hershey kisses with almonds. So worth it. D- chef salad. Still can't accept my belly doesn't like salad. Did better than last time. But also probably ate 1 bite too much. S- small mashed banana with cinnamon sprinkled and warned up. Hymns. 5 cheese cubes 12 weeks post op. Rny bypass
  20. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Do you make your Protein Shake with Water or milk? I thought I'd try a shake a few days ago to get my protein count up and I mistakingly used milk. My gut bloated up horribly and I was totally uncomfortable all day. Couldn't eat normally the whole day. It's like the shake just sat in my pouch all day long and nothing else would fit. I'm just assuming it was the milk. Love your meal plans each day. :-)
  21. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    Way to power through your stall!! You look AMAZING!! What a sweet daughter you have!! How much Protein are you getting a day? I find if I increase mine, the scale moves again. Maybe your activity level is requiring more calories?
  22. amylynns

    Did they feed me too much?

    Aww, thanks. I had 2 weeks of clear liquids BEFORE surgery as well. It was Harder before surgery. After surgery I had no appetite. In fact I am 3 months out and I still am NEVER hungry. In fact I have to force myself to eat. So weird compared to before. Guess I Still have a struggle with food, just a different kind of struggle now. :-)
  23. amylynns

    Did they feed me too much?

    I wasn't allowed any food in the hospital. Clear liquids only for 2 weeks after surgery. It amazes me how different the pre-op/post-op diets are! :-) But like the others said, eating/drinking what you did isn't enough to stretch your pouch. Good luck!
  24. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I did not have a good food day today. Didn't eat anything out of the ordinary. So I'm not sure what's up. But I had what I figure, is the hernia area pain this morning when I got up. Then every time I'd eat it felt like I had just drank a gallon of water. And that was after just a few bites. B-- scrambled egg with salsa S- cheese cubes, wheat crackers L- 3 bites of a spinach wrap with turkey/cheese D- taco salad with no lettuce Nothing I haven't had before and hasn't made me sick before. I don't know what's up but it's really annoying me.
  25. amylynns

    OCTOBER 2014

    I mentioned it but Beni had told me about it. I think she said right side though? But heck, whichever side worked---I'd stick with that!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
