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Everything posted by BethFromVA

  1. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    No offense taken. Believe it or not, I'm a totally different peron than I was when I met him in my 20s. I've grown, I believe, and he hasn't. I've also grown more independently. And yes, mama DOES baby him -- terribly. She has totally wussified him. About the Bible passage -- it's funny you should mention that. We used to belong to a church that was doing a relationship Bible study that we were participating in. There were probably about 8-10 couples who were part of this get-together in the leaders' home. This one particular night the study was a bit different -- instead of all of us together in one room discussing that week's study, this study was to be done with the wives separate from the husbands. We were learning our "jobs" in the marriage, as it were. I could hear DD being very talkative. I couldn't hear what he or the others were saying, but hubby has a distinct voice and I could hear him giving a lot of input. Later on when the groups broke up and we were all mingling (and hubby was outside smoking), the husband/leader said he thought DH finally "got it." I asked what he meant. He said DH was saying stuff like, "So you're saying I'm supposed to do this and this and this?" To him, he felt that it meant DH "got it." I said, "Uh, no, he's freaking out that he has that much responsibility." The leader kept disagreeing with me, kept feeling that the light went on. I said, "Oh, it went on alright, and he doesn't like what he sees in the light." Sure enough, later as we were driving home, DH was saying, "Omg, so I'm expected to do THIS and THIS and THIS??" The next week I went to the leader and said, "I told ya so." :thumbup: My new therapist wanted me to get a book that deals with husband/wife relationships -- one where we each have our part that we read. She recommended it one week and then asked if I had looked into it on our follow-up visit. I told her that with all due respect, I've done all the tricks: The Five Love Languages (TWICE, and all he did was argue with the teachers), Marriage Encounters, other church-oriented marriage/relationship groups, numerous books, therapists... my mom finally said to me when I told her about this new book, "Are you kidding?? HOW MANY things do you have to do before you realize that he JUST DOESN'T GET IT and probably never will?" It was then that I decided I'd not waste my time with yet another book. :mad2:
  2. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    PJTP: I'm going to hell. I just know it. Today was DH's first day back to work after his surgery three weeks ago. I couldn't have been more happy. He just called here about 10 minutes ago to say "his boss" was sending him home. Why? Cuz. Cuz WHY (thinking it's something to do with "you don't work here anymore")? Because I'm just not doing well. I didn't do well last night. He gave me some work I can do from home. Now, heaven help if this is the truth. BUT... I sometimes feel like he milks stuff to death. I'm STILL hearing about his vasectomy he had in March of 2008! And the fact that he's been sitting here not really looking for work has got me in knots. I was talking with my foodie friends the other night (they brought stuff over to make and the three of us went out for ice cream afterwards since DH didn't want to go), and the male friend is also in the computer field, though different than what DH does. He also makes VERY good money (though I have no idea how much). DH has made comments before about how they spend willy nilly and how they must make a lot, and the male friend and I were talking about that. I told him I have come to the conclusion that he reaps what he's put INTO it! Since I've known him, he goes to at least two training sessions a year to get new info and learn new programs. DH does NOTHING. And I mean NOTHING. If he doesn't learn it on the job, it doesn't get done. At one point last year he said his boss had opened the door for him to get some training on the company dime, and every time I asked him about it, I was met with, "Well, yeah, I wrote him about it a couple weeks ago, but he hasn't gotten back to me." Uh, WTF??? YOU go after HIM, you asshole! He's in a field where you have to be a perch or top-feeder, and instead he sits there like a catfish -- or bottom feeder. I think I ought to suggest that if he wants to just sit on his laurels and DO nothing and LEARN nothing to keep up with the industry, that he go into digging ditches, because every time he stays with a job for a while, he loses out on SO much when it comes time to move on. :mad2::cursing::thumbup:
  3. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Erykah - glad you got a smile. Tap - Omg, bless your heart, BOTH eyes? Ugh... I'm SO sorry. Ebony - glad you enjoyed your time off. It's funny, but just last night my friend said yet AGAIN how much happier I seem since I'm not working at that place anymore. I never realized just HOW bad I came across. Brandy - here's praying for TWO pounds, damnit! I don't know who all I missed, but I apologize now. I can't believe how little y'all wrote, but my eyes are crossing. NeedSleep.com Nytol!
  4. BethFromVA

    Stop Calling it Socialized Medicine!

    How many die to illegal aliens each year? Nobody seems to give a crap about THOSE numbers. And for what it's worth, I take NOT stock in numbers that are projected from left- or right-wing organizations. This one's about as leftist as you can get.
  5. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    So she's sending you liquor AND wild, exotic fungi? :wub: She'sa askin' for it! :tongue2:
  6. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sorry, I meant girls and periods. It's a very defining moment. I don't think a li'l peach fuzz on his upper lip which is only visible in the correct light at the right angle means anything *she says as she backs quickly out of the room*
  7. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, not fun. It's THEN that you know they can get pregnant. :wink:
  8. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Yeah, it's like when your little girl starts growing boobies or starts her period. :wink:
  9. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Omg, we had those too when I was a kid! :laugh:
  10. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Oh my, that's just as awful as I suspected. :laugh:
  11. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I'd ask for a re-do. :cursing:
  12. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    GOOD!!!! I mean, what the hell do you have to lose?? If anything, it shows that you weren't just sitting back like a scolded child who really WAS messing up. For somebody to personally go after you like this manager has done shows malice, harassment, and unethical behavior to say the very LEAST. Fact is, you don't know that she hasn't done this before. It's about time something goes on THEIR record! If you can't find protection from anybody there, then what good are they? I don't mean just patting your hand if/when you do something wrong, I mean legitimate protection from somebody who is acting unethically towards you when you have done nothing truly wrong or they are simply digging for things OR setting you up to fail (no explanations on how to do things, for instance) so that they can use that against you. I would imagine, if you have all your ducks in a row, you could file a suit against these people.
  13. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hahaha, Lulu! The only thing I CAN'T do is the cell phone. I'm the only one who has one.
  14. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Omg, I'm LOL over here and he's sitting across from me looking at me weird. :laugh::cursing:
  15. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Deadline to get up, or a deadline for a job? lol FINALLY got up at 1:00.
  16. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    It's 12:45 and he's STILL in bed. It's gonna be a long, ugly winter folks. For the record, we went to bed about 12:30 last night.
  17. BethFromVA

    Sept 2009

    Omg, you look SO GOOD!!!
  18. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    But you don't need it. You's beautimous! :laugh:
  19. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ow... sorry we were right! :laugh: Okay, so the clock just chimed noon and sleeping beauty is STILL in bed. *sigh*
  20. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ow, Tap, I hate when that happens! VERY uncomfortable. I hope they figure out what it is with the least amount of prodding necessary. :thumbup: But look on the bright side -- THREE DAY WEEKEND! :frown:
  21. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I was thinking maybe a stye...?
  22. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    What she said! I somehow missed that one. How is it doing?
  23. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Ebony - wow. Granted, not the two WEEK suspension you anticipated, but who the hell gets written up for things they DON'T know??? And where was your rep during THAT bullcrap?? If she was there, she's as useless as tits on a bull. :thumbup: For the well-wishes - thanks. I'm trying to deal, but yeah, not gonna hang around this time. I had CHURCH LADIES last time tell me they would have left him after a year of that crap had it been them. That oughtta tell you something.
  24. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    No offense taken. I feel the same way. It's bad when I see myself as having more testosterone than he does. I wasn't always this bull in a china shop personality. It's come about, I believe, in part because he is a wuss and ONE of us needs to steer this thing... :thumbup:
  25. BethFromVA

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Big meeting = your meeting, I take it? :w00t: Good luck, and I pray for peace to come over you during that time. AND that you are able to communicate (if called for) rather than just sitting there (again, if it's meant to go that way).

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