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Morgan from OR

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Morgan from OR

  1. Morgan from OR


    Yep - I too am an emotional eater.... here are a couple of things that help me. I keep a basket of hard "sugar free candies" in my pantry. When I get that "urge" to eat out of emotions - I open the pantry and grab a piece of the candy and then walk away! You gotta find something to replace your "eating" time too... usually it lasts 10 minutes for that "urge" to pass - so grab a timer - set it for 10 minutes and do something - work in the yard (water plants, pull weeds) - clean something in the house.... clean out your car - go though your mail - hop of the treadmill - etc!
  2. Morgan from OR

    New and excited

    Welcome and good luck in your journey.... there is so much great information and support here! Read, read, read - it helps so much to be informed about what to "expect" in the different stages of the process.... :thumbup:
  3. Morgan from OR

    Not doing what i should

    Try some simple "replacements" - example... make pudding, but add a scoop of protein powder to the mix.... then the milk - wa-la protein pudding! Replace your soda - with Crystal Lite (helps to get your 64oz of liquid in a day) Make sure that each meal/snack you have has more protein and less carbs! (yogurt, cottage cheese, apple w/peanut butter, string cheese & nuts... chili, tuna salad, chicken salad, egg salad, refried beans ....etc) Go to the Food a Nutriton section of the forum - there is a great post on "what did you eat today" - should give you some really nice ideas on what folks eat. Good luck to you - we all get off track... just find your way back! :thumbup: You can do it!!!
  4. Morgan from OR

    It's been a while

    Doing ok... just passed the "halfway" mark (lost more then I have left to lose) I would put myself in the slow loser category - but I am just fine with that!! Slow and steady... Hope all the other December 2008 bandsters are doing good :thumbup:
  5. Morgan from OR

    In Pain!

    I used Gas-X strips... a heating pad on my back/shoulders... and walked around my house. That seemed to get that gas to go away within a few days.... I know it is very painful! It will pass soon - it is all part of the journey! :wub:
  6. Morgan from OR

    Losing my Hair!!!

    Yes, take Biotin and use a good shampoo/conditioner combo - it seems to have helped me! :wub:
  7. What about your OB/GYN? That is where I went for my 5 years of documented history... she was the only one that I saw consistantly year over year.
  8. Thanks for the great post.... I agree, sometimes when you start to get "lax" you need to just go back to basics! Good luck getting back on the "band wagon!" :biggrin:
  9. Morgan from OR

    daily vitamin

    try adding in Biotin to your daily vitamin routine.... it should really help with the hair thinning.
  10. Hmmmm... you bring up an interesting point... I live on the Oregon Coast (sea level) and a few weeks back visited my parents that live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains @ 4000 feet... I was a mess the whole time I was there.... PB'd about 8 times in a week (which is very very high for me - usually once a week, max)Not sure if it was the altitude change or the change in food?!? Hmmmmm Let's see what others say.... we might notice a pattern!
  11. Morgan from OR

    Not Getting Enough Protein

    Suggestion for you - try Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast (powder) + 8oz milk (1%) and a scoop of protein powder (GNC Whey Protein - Unflavored) = 33gr protein and 5gr fat.... it's tasty and cheap (well cheaper than those nasty pre-mixed shakes)
  12. Morgan from OR

    drinking while eating

    It is hard to get used to... but I wait an hour after eating. Just know that it is one of the "rules of the band life" - gotta do it!:confused:
  13. Morgan from OR

    I have to tell someone!

    :confused: Congrats!!!! Yes, I agree.... there is just something about being in the "ones" - Keep up the great work!
  14. Morgan from OR

    What in the world, happened! ??

    Oh wow... sounds like one of those "perfect storm" situations... One of the things that I notice is that I have a hard time with flour tortillas (unless they are "crispy" like a quesadilla) and also I have issues when I drink cold (like the freezie drink) right before eating - it causes your band to tighten up. So don't fear Taco Bell - just try eating different foods - I personally like a crispy taco and pintos and cheese. :confused: Good Luck to ya! (Seems like every day we learn what works and what doesn't!)
  15. Morgan from OR

    Woman no more!!!!

    Great job!! It is a really awesome accomplishment :confused:
  16. Morgan from OR

    Non-Believer Becomes Believer

    That's awesome!!! just keep taking it in 10lb "mini-goals" at a time... seems to make the "big goal" easier to reach when you take it in steps!!
  17. I went to a birthday party yesterday.... and the only "strange" looks that I got was when I used a fork and knife to eat my hot dog. (I just giggled and said... hey, its like steak right! I didn't need to explain why I wasn't eating the bun....)
  18. Morgan from OR

    Struggling with Band

    Try starting your day with a warm liquid - hot tea, coffee... it really seems to help me:wink:
  19. Morgan from OR

    Fill tomorrow - question

    The doctor always has me stop eating 1 hour before - and then on liquids for 24 hours after - then mushies the next day, then re-introduce solids the day after that....
  20. Morgan from OR

    New to the site- help with starting!

    Check this out... hopefully it is what you are looking for!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/ticker-tutorial-pictures-41782/
  21. Morgan from OR

    100lbs gone!!

    Bravo.... Bravo!!! Keep up the great work!! (and we all know that it does take hard work!!) :cool:
  22. Morgan from OR

    Feeling defeated, Can I make it?

    Oh I feel ya!! I am a sweet freak... but I try to make better sweet choices now days... fudgesicles, popsicles, frozen go-gurt, FF pudding.... don't "not have" your sweets.... that will only make you want it more. Just make better choices! It's all good!!!:cool:
  23. Morgan from OR

    Victory!! ONEderland feels wonderful

    Congrats to you!!! Celebrate your victory!! "One-derland" feels "One-derful!!" :cool:
  24. Morgan from OR

    Decent tasting Protein shake mix

    I am a big fan of 8oz 1% milk w/ 1 package of chocolate SF Carnation Instant Breakfast + scoop of Unflavored Protein powder = 280 calories/5gr fat/33gr protein :cool: It is very tasty and cheap too -- those nasty tasting "pre-mixed" Protein shakes can cost a fortune!
  25. Morgan from OR

    Do you have a December Date?

    So I had my second fill yesterday... and holy smolley, what a difference 2cc's can make... I went from 4cc's to 6cc's in my realize band!! This morning, I could actually "feel" my vitamins slowly move down my throat... kinda creepy... But the good thing is that it looks like I am moving towards that true feeling of restriction. I cannot "eat" till tonight (liquids for 24 hrs) so I wonder what the first bite of food will be like?? Hope everyone is doing well!!! Take care Hotties! :biggrin:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
