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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JMO

  1. JMO

    I got full today...

    Ok so I am on day three.. I am allowed full liquids today. For brkfast I had 1/3 cup of protein shake. Then around noon I ate liquidifed homemade veggie soup. At four I had 1/3 cup of oatmeal really runny. After each meal I was stunned to know that I was full. I had a tightness in my chest and I was done. It was so exciteing. That was the first real conformation that I had a BAND!!! hehe I am so sick of being sore. The doctors telling me that he has had pat. go back to work two days after surgery is BS. I am so sore and I can't bend over for anything. I get this hot burning sensation on my left side but its not where the insision is. I guess that is where the port is attached.. I have been tootin up a storm.. Man I keep wondering where all this gas has come from, every five mins I let one rip!!! TMI oh well my journal!! I know I have a few more days of rest but man I am so sick of not getting to excersise. My dd has been doing hers and she wants me to do them with her so bad but I just can't.. I tried to do leg lifts with her and you don't relize how much you use your stomach muscles to lift your legs... My dh sais he is so nervous now because he saw me at the hospital in pain. I told him it would be fine, but hes never had any surgery so he is terrified.. I have meet some awsome people on this site and have made some great friends. Kmo and Lmo are a trip. The three of us have all been banded at the end of july. I think we are going to plan a trip in exactly one year... That would be so fun.... My kids are starving so I guess I need to go feed them....
  2. JMO

    A little NSV

    way to go!!!! I know you are excited..... We are all on our way!!!!(to no x's)
  3. JMO

    what is this feeling?

    Thanks for all the in put.. And my doc said that full liquids included any thing that could be sucked through a straw.. So I hope I am right to have eaten the soup. LOL I am just so shocked at how quick I get full. its just new I guess.. LOL I am so bored with the choices of food I have and can't wait till monday but I am not bending the rules any! I have lots of soups for this weekend... LOL I am so excited I GOT FULL!!!!! hehe... ok so now can anyone answer this question? How many calories should I be shooting for right now? again thanks you guys....
  4. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey julysters, I am on day two of being banded and I am wondering if any of you felt weak? I am just so tired and ugggghhhh. I know its because I haven't had any substance sense sunday night but I was hoping to get some protein in today. I made a shake and could get down about 1/3 of a cup. I knew I could drink no more because I got a weird uncomfortable feeling in my chest. At this rate I will be drinking on this all day. Is this normal? I just want a little energy, not much but enough to get up and shower... LOL 56) July 27 - sabrinajoanne & hubby 57) July 27 - time to love me/KMO 58) July 27 - julip 59) July 27 - oktwigs 60) July 27 - VLP you are all in my thoughts today good luck!!!! Kmo, I am so excited for you and that we are able to go on this journey together..You are going to do great!!! Lmo, HELLO! we miss you..... your time is coming quick!!! To everyone, Thank you all for all the great feedback and support. This is such a great help for me..
  5. JMO

    Dog-how long alone during day?

    I love dogs, They are all great!! I have three myself and we can leave for that amount of time no problem. If you get a puppy is there a way you can home durring lunch and take him/her out? The experts say puppies should be left 1 hour for every month of there age. but you can stretch that a bit if they are crated.. When you leave make sure you feed and water him several hours before you leave, let him go potty and put him in the crate with no food or water. And let him out as soon as you get home.. they catch on quick... you would probl. have time to get him used to you leaving before school starts... And may I make a suggestion. Boxers! I have two, one I addopted from a kill shelter and she is the best dog I have ever own. She was potty trained and never needed a crate. Well best of luck to you and good luck on your new addition to your family.....
  6. JMO

    Am I the only one........

    call your doc and see if you can get in sooner.. Most people start to get hungry around that point.. it will get better...
  7. Today has been a good day so far. Little sore getting up and down But once I'm there I am fine. My tummy is grumbly but not from hunger.. I drank 1/2 cup of Soup today for lunch and I felt a full sensation that was weird, I wonder if it is always like that. It was sort of like "ok if you take one more sip, I am going to throw this up" ??? I don't know if thats normal but whatever... Tonight I am planing beef broth! I have done the dishes today and one load of laundry then took a 2 hour nap with the kids. I do get tired very quickly but I am getting a few things done. My oldest is soon to be home so she is a great help... Those soon to be banded "don't sweat it, it really was better than I expected" I can't wait to start melting away!!! lol
  8. JMO

    Got approved by insurance

    I know how excited you are and CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yeah just do a dance....
  9. JMO

    Not in Network ?

    the worst that it could mean is you have to pay a little more.. but its no biggie!! good luck
  10. JMO

    Christmas Lovers Thread

    well I weighed this morning and I am 306, which stinks because yesterday I was 302. But I think this is normal after surgery (which was yesterday) so just put me down as -1 this week and maybe I'll drop alot next week....
  11. Sherry A Hey and Welcome.. You can get all the info you need on this board.. Its awsome and the people here will hold your hand till your surgery.. The support here is awsome.. A pb is productive burp.. It is when food gets stuck and you have to BURP it up.. Sliming is when your body makes lots of spit to try to move an item that is stuck.. And most US doc. do not do fills at the time of surgery. Good luck and keep in touch....
  12. JMO


    I was just banded yeterday.. IT IS SO WORTH THE TWO WEEKS!! I am so excited.... You can do THIS!! don't think if it as two weeks of this think of it as 1 day of cottage cheese that you have to do 14 times... Take it one day at a time.... It will be over before you know it.. Good luck and if you feel weak let us know and we will all (((SLAP)))) you back.. LOL You can do it!
  13. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Morning chickadees' Hi everyone.. Boy have I missed all you guys. I have only been out of the loop for two days and I feel like I haven't been online for years!!!! lol You guys are the glue that holds me together.. LOL Thank for all the prayers yeaterday. I had a great night and slept in my bed on my right side with pillows on my right for support. Woke up sore, but managable. mysherrijo I am so excited you have done so awsome. Good job, I hope I am sitting in your shoes in three weeks. lOL PaulaA- sorry you had to have that cath. OUCh!! I was so glad when I peed i wanted to do the pee-pee dance but I couldn't.. I was too sore... LOL Ok well I am out! check in on you ladies later tonight.. going to lay down..
  14. JMO

    Day of surgery in detail.....

    I woke up at 4:30 am I was starving due to being on liquids for over 36 hours and nothing for the last 8 hours. Got in the shower and left by 5:00. My dh stoped at starbucks and they were CLOSED haha serves him right... So At the hos. by 5:30 I went to the back to get checked in my room. Dh waited out in the waiting room. They asked me all the same questions that they asked the day before over the phone and keyed me in the system. My dh came back with me at 6:30 to hurry up and wait... At 7 the nurse came back in and told me to tell dh by, The first surgeries of the morning you were not allowed to take family back because they were so full. This was a shock, and brought the tears... I wanted, needed him back there with me. I rode to the pre-op room bawling and scared. The anastelogist came back and did paper work then started my IV. Did great and hit it on the first shot. He then read my history with throwing up and gave me some fenagrin through my IV. Because I was so upset he also pushed so "I don't care meds" In there and I was happy again. I don't remember much but I do recall the nursing when pushing me into the op. room she bumped in to a wall and I said real loud "someone get over her and help this little girl drive this bed" Everyone laughed... The next thing I remember is waking up in the recovery room. If felt I was going to throw up and started dry heeving. They hurried and pushed lots of meds to keep me from puking... then I told them My left side of my stomach was on fire and my shoulders were hurting they said that was air... it stayed that way for several hours, even after 8 shots of de-lada. (spelling) I also had to keep drinking water and getting finagrin because I kept dry heeving. The way the most pain I have ever been in. The dry heeving, man that hurt like the dickens. But I only truly threw up once, which is great for me because normally I after surgery I throw up for hours... In recover my oxygen kept falling to 75 because i was hold my breath. The alarms kept going off and they would run over there and tell me to breath.. As soon as my breathing was in the 90's and stayed there for 15mins (3 hours) they took me to my room. My dh was there and he said he was so worried because all they would tell him was that "I was fine", but when he asked why I was not out of recovery yet they would tell him "I was having problems breathing" So he was worried.. He said he called like 6 times and they were getting pissed at him... LOL he so sweet, hes my protector!! In the room they had me eating ice and trying to get up and around. The first time I got up I felt real dizzy and nausious. I saw the bathroom and headed that way. The nurse asked if I had to potty and I said yes. So i went and tried but sat there for 20 mins and could not go. I did fall asleep on the toilet though.. My dh was like "jen, If your going to sleep go get in the bed.." LOL so we went back to the bed. I was in and out of it for several hours. I know at one point my mom called and I said "ass" I never cuse in front of my mom. Then I asked her "did I just say ass" lol she was like yeah but you have said alot of things that didn't make sense. LOL I don't remember this but my dh said I kept talking in my sleep. One comment that he said I said was "Chase don't pee on the floor" (Thats my youngest and we are potty training) LOL He said I said alot of things that did't make sense but it was all the drugs talking.. The nurse kept asking me if I had to potty yet and I did my stomach hurt because I had to go so bad. I had three full IV bags in me plus the ice I ate. I needed to go but couldn't! It just would not come out.. I was getting aggervated. I was told I would be out of the hospital in 3-6 hours and I had already been there for 11 hours. I wanted to go home.... Around 4:45 I tried again to pee, I in the bathroom and sat down ,put my hand in warm running water and everything. I even let dh pee so maybe that would make me go. But it didn't... The nurse came in with a big glass of warm water and had my pour it down there and low and behold I peeed, oh it felt so good!!! I must have went for 10 mins straight... yeahhhh I get to go home, I finally peed! So we went back to the room and waited till they got a hold on my doc. At 5"30 I was tired of waiting so I got up and told them I was leaving.. they got a wheelchair and rolled me out... At home I was in a little more pain than at the hos. Because my meds had worn off but in no way was it something I could not handle. My bf had my kids and the oldest were going to stay with her while the youngest two (hers and mine) came home with me. They are easy I can just put a movie on and they will watch it.. I don't have to intertain them.. Last night i slept on the couch half the night then around two I went and got in bed. I was comfy sleeping on my right side with pillows under my left side for support. (port on the left)I feel ok today with a little sorness and lots of gas. Thankfully it does not smell.. LOL i am just full of hot air... Today I am just going to chill and stick to my liquids for now. I have not had anything to eat sense sunday around 8:00 pm and at this point I don't want any... we will see how long that last. LOL Signing off.... I AM IN BANDLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I made IT!!!! I am offically a banster! whhhoooo... I am really sore, I just got home from the hospital because I could not Pee. I had 4 1/2 bags of IV's and still couldn't go. After like two hours on the tolit, putting hand in Water, watching my dh pee, they finally brought me a cup of warm water and pours it on me and I went... (thanks for that on Kmo you freaked my bladder out)LOL So anyways I got to the hos. at 5:30 and checked in they gave me some "WHATEVER" meds at 7:15 and I really don't remember much after that until I woke up dry heaving. I had three shots of sofran and 4 of finagrin and still was trying to puke! And damn did it hurt..... I also got a precription of finagrin because I am still wanting to vomit. I am alot of rumbles in my stomach but I don't think they are hunger pains just gas movment. sipping on my crystal light and thats all I want right now. Ok well I wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I am tired so I am going to curl up and go watch BB... hehe
  16. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey all, I am on my way!!!! see ya in bandland in a few hours... Love ya alll
  17. I agree with you about the cord it is a little short, By my moter would power a small car.. LOL What do you own a hummer? LOL
  18. Do you know how long it has taken me to read this thread? Ohh my god, I have laughed all morning!!! ( I really need the laugh because my surgery is in the morning) Its nice to know that there are freaks like me (Funny and Telly) out there.... LOL So as far as everything that has been talked about. BLOW JOBS- yep, love to givem..... Funny you had mentioned about almost giving your dh one in the hos after a baby. I did it. My poor man had to go 9 months without one, so he warned me as soon as the doc was out of the room he was going to drop his pants. He didn't think I would do it but he was in heaven although it didn't last long. LOL SWALLOWING- Nope just can't do it, i swear its like drinking "cream of salt", but I have mastered the feeling of still sucking while he comes by stroking my tounge down the shaft durring the ejackulation TOYS- havem, lovem, especially the roger rabbit!! (with the clitter getter) LOL Roll Playing- Not to much in to that, but My honey does love it when I meet him at the door in nothing but his button down shirt and my CFM 6 inch hills. Ok I am done, Again I have laughed so much my side hurts... you guys are a trip!!! I think we need our on sex forum!!! LOL
  19. Hey scott, WELCOME and CONGRATS!!! I am to be banded in two days!! come join us in the july band crew and get to know other bandsters who were banded in july.
  20. JMO

    God Bless the hearts of children

    Don't you love what comes out of the mouths of chidren... My son a dd were talking about my upcoming surgery and both said "mom we don't want you to have surgery again" ( I just had GB surgery three weeks ago) Then not ten mins later my ds got in trouble and turned real quick and said " I want you to have surgery!!" Like it was a bad thing..lol
  21. JMO

    Crushing pills

    My doc said nothing larger than a birthcontrol pill. He said in general most can swallow in the begining but after a few fills if you get stuck it can be bad. We bought a pill crusher for my horse pill vit. But my dh has several that can't be crushed so we had to order the liquid.
  22. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    July 24 - Trish06 July 24 - Arceal Good luck tomorrow. Let us know how you are doing when you can.... Hi all the julysters! I am glad everyone is doing good! I am getting nervous and a little scared. I have one more day to wait before I am banded. I am planning on cooking four or five meals tomorrow for my family and sticking them in the freezer. That will keep me busy. Oh and I also have to complete the laundry. YUK I hate laundry, I wish someone would invent throw away cloths!!! LOL My dd must change cloths three times a day. She is a diva and if there is the slighest spot on it she has to change. Funny- I am planning on making the soup.. It was so good last time... I am also making a veggie Soup with very little chicken (this will be ok to eat if i blend it right)
  23. JMO

    Why am I so hard on myself?

    9 LBS in two weeks is awsome!!! Look at it like this, if you did that for 20 weeks you would be close to 100lbs.. When you look at the BIG picture its amazing!!! Although that is not a healthy loss long term, its wonderful short term. good job!!!
  24. I personally didn't see anything wrong with what Dody said.. I think some people are wearing their feelings on there sleeve. I thought we were all adults? Are we not? Who cares if Dody think all RNY's fail? Its HER opinion!! If everyone in the world thought the same way it would be an awfully BORING world... That is why there are choices.... I am here for support, and I am sure that is why everyone is a member of this board. We all have something in common, we are addicted to food. Does that mean we will ALWAYS agree? NOPE not likely, but this high school BS of ganging up on someone in publis is crazy. Ladies we are not 16, lets act like it.. Now if I offended anyone, ask your self why? If You are one of the ones I offended then all I have to say is, get over it, Put on your big girl panties and grow up. Ok now on to the poll. If any one cares, I personally don't think RNY is for me. I am scared of it because I have seen so many failures. If my band does not work I am hoping there will be other options. Like the pace maker that is in triles now for the stomach. It is placed by the hyopothyamus and sends signals to it which in turns tells your brain you are full. I am terribly excited about my band (2 days) and I am confident it will work for me! One more thing, I have enjoyed this board more than I can say. The friendship I have made are priceless along with the support I get from everyone here.. I have said my piece, everyone have a great day!!!!
  25. JMO

    Looking for suggestions

    Cograts on being banded... I don't have any input on your question because I to am to be banded in two days. But I wanted to ask about your port area. R they all this big? I thought they were like 1-2 tops? Why is yours so big? don't mean to take over you thread but I am also getting nervous!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
