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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JMO

  1. So my july friend are all FUDDY DUDDIES!!! and won't play so (not all of them anyways ) so I am opening this up to EVERYBODY>..... Thanks sherri for playing with me.. I swear I don't stink.. LOL
  2. Ok so its aug. and we are all in bandland.... Let us take time to reflect on the small victories we have accomplished this past month. LOL So I was thinking we could do a contest, and the winner will get a 10.00 dollar gift card to the place of my choice.... It is not going to based on weight though, because we have some folks still healing.. (LOL ME) We can do that next month..... LOL Kmo and I talked about it and we thought of a bingo. hear are the rulz! 1st you must PM me a list of 25 words that relate to the lapband experience. You must keep up with your list! I will post two words a day, One in the morning and one in the evening. If you have the word I post go mark it off your list, The first one to cross every word off their list and post "BINGO" wins. They words DONOT have to be any order.. And if you have a word that is simular or means the same thing PM me and I will decide if it will work.. (it will depend if I have both words on my list) Ok I need one person who will NOT play the game and allow me to send my master list of words to, that way no one thinks its rigged.... Not that anyone here would think that.............. LOL One more thing I need EVERYONES list By Wedsday at midnight.... Please Pm it to me and put the words BINGO in the subject. I will start the game THURSDAY morning..... Lets make this fun.... and come up with creative words.
  3. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey all, Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going eat some worms... Big fat juicy ones, Little skinny tiny ones, ohh how they wiggle and they squirm. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, I'm going to eat some worms. OK (boosy voice) Does noone want to play bingo???????? I have four peoples words so far and I was really hoping for more...... Done trying to make people pity me.. LOL Ok so I weighed today... 20 LBS GONE.......... yeah.... I am so excited!!!! So I have been so busy, I am trying to have a yard sale fri and sat so My house is trashed!!! I have been doing great with my band, No PB's yet!! I do not want to be part of that club... Ok well talk to you all soon...
  4. Congrats!!! Man that was fast.. Boy r you lucky!!!!! Good luck
  5. Ok so I was banded just a little while ago and have lost 17lbs so far. Well my kids and I were playing football and I was throwing the ball. When the ball flew through the air, My ring did also. I guess my hands are getting thinner because My rings won't stay on my hands. I guess its time to put them up till I can resize them... Its a pain but very exciting to me HEHE....
  6. JMO

    Swimming after surgery

    3 weeks after you are safe....
  7. JMO

    Surgery costs mega $$$

    nancy, I too was overwelmed by all the little EXTRA's when it came to the lap band... 1st thing to do is find out what your max out of pocket is through your ins. company . I also have a 90% coverage and my max out of pocket is 650.00 per year. So all thoses test should be included in that. Also don't for get when the hospital calls you to confirm your surgery, they will tell you how much money to bring. If you don't have that much tell them what you can bring. Hospital bills you can pay monthly.... Next make sure your doc does not charge a participation fee. Mine did and told me last min. that I was going to need 500.00 just for him before the surgery. So check on that. And lastly don't freak out, with my out of pocket and participation fee I was only out 1400.00. ( I also had to have Gall Bladder surgery too) Thats right about 10% of the surgery itself. LOL Good luck and I am sure you must have a max. out of pocket so check on that and relax!!!
  8. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Hey all, So we are comparing menus... Ok I have lost 17 lbs so far and here is an example of what I am eating. Brkfst: 1 egg with cheese or 1/2 packs of grits lunch: 2 tbspns of refried beans (maybe with added ground turkey seasoned with toco sauce) cheese and ff sourcream. Dinner:1/2 cup of what ever I fix for my family..Last night we had hamburger steak with gravy and homemade mashed potatoes and peach cobbler.. The hamburger steak I crumbled up in the mashed potatoes and chewed alot. I GOT TWO BITES OF PEACH COBBLER DOWN AND OHHH IT WAS HEAVEN.... I am really trying to eat what I want. I have dieted my Whole life and I will go back to it when I stop losing. I do not drink protein shakes only because I don't enjoy them. I bought unflvored powder and I put 1/2 cup on each of my meals and can not taist it. I do mentally add my clories only because I want to ensure I am getting enough. (which I haven't done, the max I have gotten is 650) As far as snacks go, I just can't eat them if I am getting all my water in. If I don't drink enough I find that I get hungry thoughout the day. So I have only gotten two peoples list of words for BINGO.. I am hoping I get more people to play... So thats my Hint!!!!! (HINT HINT HINT)
  9. JMO


    I over did it tonight. I am hurting real bad right now. I am so full. I hate it when I do this, granted this was a third of what I use to eat, but I knew I was full but kept going. Now I am paying for it. ughhhhhhh.. I haven't even had this thing two full weeks yet and here I am messing up all ready. I am starting a new week in the morning and determined to lose 5 lbs next week. I am going to work out everyday.!!!!!!
  10. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    What to play a game??? check this out!!!! http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?p=271788#post271788
  11. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    I went and bought sports bra's, they are so comfortable... I boutgh them because I had see several post about the incisions being up towards the boobs, but mine are all real low??? But I wear the bra's anyways!!! lol
  12. JMO

    Chocolate season?

    When i worked at cracker barrel we only had the coca cola cake in the christmas season. (coca cola cake is chocolate)
  13. JMO

    LBT Chat Room

    I love the chat room and several of us were using it reg. there for several weeks Until last week or two. It has some sort of malfunction and kicks you out then won't let you log back in because it says you are already logged in???? I think a few people have notified the mods but not much has or can be done... I would love for it to start working better because we finally just started chatting on AIM.
  14. That all depends on your ins. Some require a 6-12 month supervised diet before they will cover it. I have Uhc and they do not require it and from the simanar to surgery I waited 5 months. It would have been four but I had to add a Gall Bladder surgery in that time frame. LOL good luck it is WELL worth the wait!!!
  15. I am so excited for you and your hubby!!! congrats!!!!
  16. JMO

    What is your goal weight based on?

    I am shooting for 199. That is a realistic goal that will put me in onederland and at good size. I am 6'2 with a large fram and just don't think I want to get any lower than that. Now I may change my mind and shoot for the last 20 lbs to put me ideal weight. When I get there I will let you know!
  17. The 22nd of aug. is the BIG day for my Big guy.. I am so thrilled that we are going to do this TOGETHER! I so happy.... My dh is nervous, but I will be there to hold his hand. I didn't work out today because I was running around everywhere getting everyone ready for school. I can't beleive my baby girl is going to kindergarden. I am so excited but yet a little sad. She can't wait till it starts. I ate 3 chicken nuggets from burger king today for lunch because i could think of nothing else they sold that i could eat easier.. The kids were so good while we were running around so I took them there to play. I was hungry so I ate their food. I just chewed really really really well. It all went well so that was good.
  18. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Baylor mom- I have the same pain. It is onlly when I bend. I called my doc about it and was told the the port is attached to muscle so when you bend you are using the stomach muscle so inturns you feel pain. I was told this was normal and could last up to a month. Hope this helps!!!!
  19. JMO

    My Dh is scheduled!!!!!!

    The 22nd of aug. is the BIG day for my Big guy.. I am so thrilled that we are going to do this TOGETHER! I so happy.... My dh is nervous, but I will be there to hold his hand. I didn't work out today because I was running around everywhere getting everyone ready for school. I can't beleive my baby girl is going to kindergarden. I am so excited but yet a little sad. She can't wait till it starts. I ate 3 chicken nuggets from burger king today for lunch because i could think of nothing else they sold that i could eat easier.. The kids were so good while we were running around so I took them there to play. I was hungry so I ate their food. I just chewed really really really well. It all went well so that was good.
  20. JMO

    8 days after surgery!!!

    15 lbs down... I am so full of emotions I am at a loss on how to express them. I want to cry when I think about how happy I am right now. I feel freedom! Freedom from the chains of food. I don't think about food EVERY second of the day. I enjoy food so much at this point because I am slowly taisting every bite. I don't beat myself up everyday for eating out of control. I am happy to get out of the bed because I know food is not going to be a struggle of wills. 15lbs is not much but but I know for sure this is the begining of something great. I can't wait till me dh has his so we can do this together. I just started working out again. Two days ago I did ten mins on cross trainer in the morning and at night. Yesterday I did 30 mins. just in the morning. I am slowly working my way back to where I was before surgery. I still can't do crunches or weights. But it won't be long!!!!
  21. Ok, so I have read all these hurtful stories and I am mortified at how mean people can be. I have two stories to chime in with. They are the ones that really pop out at me. Little background. I was not the type of person who took any BS from anyone in school. I was 6'2 and large so I really didn't have alot of comments from a holes. Now I did have a TEACHER, yes I said teacher in art class make a comment he regreted. We were doing live portrits and when he asked for volunteers to model I rose my hand along with a few others. He then said out loud to the whole class that Jen, we don't have enough paper for you to model. The whole class cracked up and I told him to shut the F up along with a few other choice words. I Then got suspended. When I told my mom why I was suspended she was on my side and went and had a confrence with the principle and told him if my teacher ever said another word about my weight she would have his job.. My art teacher was highly pissed I was back in his class the next day. Ok this one is a little funny but still, I had to include it. So it was dec 31st and me, my dh, and my best friend went down town to Celebrate. We drank so much, they had these glasses that look like an hour glass but were two foot tall. They were 10 dollars with 4 dollar refills. So I think I had maybe 6 or 7. needless to say I was toast... When we were leaving I had to pee so bad. we spoted a row of port O potties and I went and got in line. There must have been 100 people out there by them. When it was finally my turn I went in and locked the door. All of a sudden I turned around to puke! So after throwing up for ever I turned back around to pee. I pulled ma pants all the way down and went to sit on the toliet, but lost my balance and when to catch my self on the door but it had unlocked somehow. So i fell right out of the port o let with my pants around my ankels. I heard so many people laughing I thought I was going to die. Apparently when I turned around to puke I unlocked the door with MY ASS! LOL I stayed in there till it died down and finally a man came up and said "Honey Its ok, everyone here is to drunk to remember it tomorrow" LOL so I sucked it up and came out only to fine my best friend and my dh clapping. I still am scared to go to a portOpotty today. And I still get teased by my dh... LOL but I can laugh with them ...
  22. JMO

    8 days after surgery!!!

    15 lbs down... I am so full of emotions I am at a loss on how to express them. I want to cry when I think about how happy I am right now. I feel freedom! Freedom from the chains of food. I don't think about food EVERY second of the day. I enjoy food so much at this point because I am slowly taisting every bite. I don't beat myself up everyday for eating out of control. I am happy to get out of the bed because I know food is not going to be a struggle of wills. 15lbs is not much but but I know for sure this is the begining of something great. I can't wait till me dh has his so we can do this together. I just started working out again. Two days ago I did ten mins on cross trainer in the morning and at night. Yesterday I did 30 mins. just in the morning. I am slowly working my way back to where I was before surgery. I still can't do crunches or weights. But it won't be long!!!!
  23. JMO


    My dh said he could never tell the difference when I gave him oral. Even when I used ICE. I thought it got in my way, It just wasn't what I thought it would be. I mean yes when I gave him oral it sent him over the edge but, I can do that without the tongue ring. LOL Now don't get me wrong I loved it for the 4 years I had it and I never had a lisp. I didn't persay chip me teeth but I always played with it and bit down on it in the front of my mouth so it wore down a grove in my front teeth and I had to have them filed down. I got rid of all my peircings when I got pregnant because they all got red. I think you should get them all.. LOL You know a peircing is so much easier than a tat. because if you hate it all you have to do is take it out... LOL
  24. JMO

    July 2006 Band Crew

    Beth, I HATE protein shakes! They are the DEVIL!!! I can't stand the taist and I think they are nasty. I have tried the cheap ones and expensive one, they all suck. ((((BUT)))) The unflavored ones are wonderful. I bought that and I put 1/2 scoop in everyone one of my meals, If you add much more than that you can taist it. Now I tried something this morning that I could tolerate. It was told to me by KMO. I mixed the vanilla with milk and let it sit over night in the fridge so the foam would settle. Then this morning I added Orange sunrise crystal light (wallmart brand) Just a little and man it taisted just like a dreamsickle.... It was good but when I figured out the cal. intake on it, It was over 300, so I think I will stick with the unflavored... The protein is important because you are not getting much food in your body. You need it for energy. Your body uses this for fuel so you can continue to function. If you don't get enough fuel you could have side effects like loss of hair, tiredness, ect.... Don't get discourage you are doing great.... be inventive and try some new stuff....
  25. JMO


    I had my tongue, eyebrow, and both nipples done back in the day..tongue didn't hurt to bad, but you do have to eat mushies for a day or so. (It does swell a little and you will talk a little funny) The eye brow is nothing, no pain what so ever. And I love the way they look. Unless you ENJOY GUT RENCHING PAIN, don't do the boobs. LOL If you want my opinion do the eyebrow. The tongue is cool and all but it has its drawbacks. 1st you will always play with it and most like chip you teeth. I did.. 2nd It interfears with pleasing your man if you are into that. 3rd sometimes your tongue will swell for no reason so at least once a month I was talking funny..LOL Ok gave my two cents.... I hope you have fun doing what you decide.

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