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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by JMO

  1. I have found a way to make sure I get in more than enough water. I have five water bottles (walmart .97) I fill them half way with water at night and put them in a freezer. Then the next day when I am thursty I get one out a fill it with water. This way I always have ice cold water. I will not drink any other drink (except coffee 1st thing) until I drink all my water, then I will have decaf unsweet tea or crystal light. My kids also have there own water bottles and they have done great I fill their's and out in the fridge, so now I'm not making 20 glasses a day for them. They never complain and alway drink water now!!! Jmoe
  2. Another Newbie here! I am in Memphis Tn and have Dr. Woodman doing my band. Just waiting on my ins. they have had my info for 2 weeks so I hapeing to have an approval SOON!!! I am a full time nursing student but took the summer off for the band.. My hubby was totally against this at first but after all my info he is now on board and going through the process to get approved for the band himself. I am excited we are going to do this together. Good luck to all the newbies.... if anyone one is in memphis and wants extra support please PM me I know i could use it... Thanks to all the oldies for all there support.. JMoe
  3. I have three small children and when I bought my home it had wall to wall carpet. At five months prego I tiled my whole house except them bedrooms. I did this so I would not have to worry about people and their dirty shoes. (my children included) I have a 13x20 rug in my den that I shampoo monthly but, it is a perfect color for hiding dirt.. lol I love my tile, its so easy to clean, just swiffer it... So to answer the ? if I am asked to remove my shoes I will, but I never ask anyone to remove theirs in my home. Jmoe
  4. JMO

    What does everyone do for a living?

    I am a mother of three under 5 and a full time nursing student... jmoe
  5. I want to love my self! ALL OF MY SELF!!
  6. I also have United and have been told they are great. (not banded yet but filed) You should also ask if your dr has a participation fee. My dr. charges a 500.00 fee that ins. will not pay.. but that pays for all office copays and fees for the first year. So I figured that was worth it. I am in Tn and all 3 of the dr. in this area charge a fee like that. I feel like I am being nickled and dimed to death, psyc exam 150.00 nutritionalist 100.00 deductable 400.00 and drs. part. fee 500.00 but in the end it is better than self pay. I am just happy that I now have an employer that has not had it written out of the policy. You might what to check around and see if that is a trend in your area. Good luck... JMoe
  7. JMO

    What is wrong with me?

    Thanks gals for all the support! I think I am going to call me dr. and talk about whats going on. Jmoe
  8. JMO

    Oprah backs out of lapband surgery

    Maybe 10 years ago but she looks great now I don't think she would do it...
  9. JMO

    Tennessee Bandsters ??

    Hey Tasha, I'm in memphis also.... how are ya?
  10. JMO

    Success Diet for Bandsters!!

    Ya know? IF I could follow that diet I am sure I would lose weight BAND or NO BAND.. If you can live like that, what is the point for the band? This dr. sounds like a nut job.. But thats only my opinion.. Jmoe
  11. Everyone of my pregnancies (4) I knew I was prego but the test kept saying neg. I never tested pos. with a take home test till i was well into the 8th week. My 2nd child my doc could not see me till i was 6 weeks prego and they even said it was neg in the office. I demanded an ultra sound and there she was bairly blinking on the screen. At this point every one seemed sad and told me my hormones were not high enough to support the pregnancy and I was going to misscarry told me to go home and expect it. I waited three weeks and took another home test it was poss called my doc and went and had another ultra sound and there she was blinking strong. Anyways some people just don't produce enough hormones in the begining to trigger a poss at home. I did this with all of my pregnancy's so your best bet is get an ultra sound or a blood test.. hope this helps. good luck on the bar exam... Jenny
  12. JMO

    Filing Bankruptcy...Need Some Support

    Emily, Honey you are not a failure, 21,000 sounds like alot but for a single mom with two kids i think you are doing a darn good job.. My hubby and I had over 25,000 in credit cards just a year ago because I was not working and in school. We consolidated with a 2nd morgage and have paid down 8000.00 of it. We did this while I was still in school and not working. I put us on a budget by making a menu every week and used coupons to cut everycorner known to man. I even went as far as making my hubby find someone to car pool in our area to save on gas money. I know it is so easy for some to say stop using the cards, but when you need them to just get by, it's hard.. Ok so you don't own a home. I worked for citibank for 5 years while in flordia.. Call all your credit card companies "ASK FOR HELP" alot of people don't know they will lower rates , stop intrest, and make payment arrangmnets... One secrete, If you say the words "bankruptcy" they will usually put a "special" department on that will help you. They can do all sort of things to aid you in repaying the debt. The last thing they want you to do is file. Whatever you do, do it will alot of research... we are here for you... Jmoe
  13. JMO

    I have a crazy question for you!

    I was told by Dr Woodman in TN that they bill the ins. (United Healthcare) a total of 6000.00 for the surgery. That does not include after care...
  14. My garbage disposal LOVES leftovers... lol just kidding.. I have three kids in school so pakage it in a cass. dish and present it the teachers like you made it just for them.. You could take it to church and do a pot luck sunday school class. And my fav.. Have a left over dinner night at home with your family.... Not only will it feed you but there is no cooking and little clean up for you.. Good luck w/ the leftovers... Jenny
  15. Hello all, This is the second time I wrote this the other one just disappeared???? :embarassed: :faint: Ok so I have been lurking alot and posting a litlle for the pass month or so. I heard about the lapband in dec of last year. I have done TONs of research and decided to do it.. I am a mother of three children under the age of 5 and a wife to a wonderful man. I am at the highest weight of my life right now and just ready to make a life change. ( I am 6'2 and 315lbs w/ BMI of 40) So today is my LCD day(life changing day) I am commited to changing all my old bad habits and making new ones. I have two appointments next week to see a psyc dr and a nutritionalist. once that done my doctor will file the ins. I am praying I get approved. I have united and have been told they are real good about approving. I am seeing Dr woodman in Memphis Tn. Anyone heard of him? Anyways just wanted to say thanks for all of your inspiration you all have offered and be prepaired I sure I will have LOTS of questions.. :help: Jenny (soon to be bandster)
  16. Hello all, My name is Jenny, I have been lerking alot and posting a little on this board for about a month or more. I was told about the lap band in Dec of last year and started researching it. I have decided to go with it. I am 6'2 and 315lbs. and a BMI of 40. I am a mother of three children and a wife to a wonderful man (who is also going to get the band) I just had my 1st appointment last friday and today is my LCD day (life changing day) I am commited to change all my habits and start over with new ones. :hungry: You guys on this board are so inspirational. I have an appointment on the 3rd and 5th to see and psyc dr. and a nutritionist, as soon as that is done, they will submit it to my ins. I have been told that the ins. I have is really good about approval. (I have united) I am seeing Dr. Woodman in Memphis Tn anyone heard of him? Just wanted to say thanks and prepair all of you, I will need you to keep me in line and I am sure I will have LOTS of questions.....:help: Thanks ] Jenny (soon to be bandster):clap2:
  17. I just got back from my dr. and she is writing my letter of recomendation!!!! Yeah.... I have my appointment with Midsouth Bariatrics on the 20th. Did everyone else get nickled and dimed to death for their surgery. I have to go to a psyc dr and a nutritionist and both charge a filing fee?/?? 50.00 and 120.00 that ins wont cover.... And I just found out that my Lapband dr charges a 500.00 participation fee??? Is that leagal? seeing that he is getting 1000's from my ins. Its like their double dipping.. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this same sitituation.. I am still excited, I am hopeing to be banded by summer.... :clap2:
  18. JMO

    What size do you want to be?

    I hear ya! BUT I am 6'2 and in a size tight 24 now. In high school I was a 16 and SKINNY!! I played Basketball, softball, and vollyball. After three 10lbs babies all c-section with in 4 years, I would be over joyed if I got in an 18 comfortabley!!! lol (With a nice new set of perky boobabages)lol I want to be in a size where I stand out because I'm Tall with great legs again, not stand out because I am FAT!!!! JenMomto3
  19. I have been hooked on butter sprays sense WW. I can't B. I. N. B is good but I tend to like the Parkay better, Its thicker and covers food better. I no longer buy regular butter for anything!!! Jenny
  20. hi, I am also new and just looking in to the lapband. I just went to a semanar tonight. Some ins. will cover it and some wont. From what I gathered tonight you have to have a BMI of min 35 for the DR. I am seeing, but that is something you will have to ask the Dr. in your area. You may have to self pay because your BMI is on the lower side.
  21. JMO

    Tennessee Bandsters ??

    I am in Memphis. I am not Banded yet! I have a seminar to attend tomorrow. I am so excited that my ins. covers it (if its medically ness.) I don't know if I will qualify b/c I am healthy except that I weigh 310lbs. My feet hurt, my back hurts, and now the smallest amount of cleaning, walking, rushing anything gets me out of breath. I am praying that somehow, someway this will work out. I am so glad I found this site. It has answered so many questions. I am so glad to know that I am not the only person in this world that has a problem with food. I wake up thinking about what I am going to eat for lunch, at lunch i think about what I can eat at dinner and at bedtime I am thinking about what I am going to eat the next day. I am always thinking of food. My best friend (skinny) will call and be like dang, I just realized that I haven't eaten today I forgot. OMG HOW COULD ANYONE FORGET TO EAT!!!! I sure have never done that.... So if there are any Memphians maybe you could give me some tips!!! Jenmomto3
  22. JMO

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Bm's are hard for kids. My son would cry when we flushed it, so I would wait to flush till he was out of the room. He was great when it came to te-teing but BM's were tough. I had a poo poo party after one week of going on the potty, with presents,cake, and friends who sleep over. so it was a huge deal after that we never had another problem.
  23. Medicare just approved the lapband in January. Usually other private ins. companies follow with in a year or so.. Medicare sets the bar, the others try to stay with them.. ( thats not saying some ins. cover things that medicare doesn't but they usually follow their lead) Hang in the, I was in the same boat with Bcbs. our employer had it wrote out of the policy but withmuch fuss from many employees we now have it as a option. I am just starting the process I have my first visit next week.
  24. JMO


    If you like Zucchini you will love this and it is so easy... Zucchini and squash with onions fry with pam. once cooked to how you like it add rinsed Black Beans. salt and pepper to taist spoon on a flour tort. and bake till crispy. serve with ff sour cream and salsa... ohh its heaven... ( you can also add shredded chicken to get some more Protein. ) Jenny

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
