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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Jewels68

  1. I think everyone is doing great. I had a small un-fill yesterday. They said I was really swollen for all the heartburn over the weekend from being too tight. Now I'm at 6.0cc. I can go back next wekk for .25cc's, which seems to be my sweet spot and I didn't even know it. I just had to push it a little bit more....
  2. Jewels68

    NWWLS Support Group?

    She is 22 and so excited... We spent all day there.
  3. Jewels68

    NWWLS Support Group?

    I'm going with my daughter today to see Dr. Michaelson. She's going to having a band in soon we hope. Insurance will pay for it, just need to make sure she's ready to do it.
  4. I think we are all doing great. Where would we be right now without it??? I sure know where I was headed and it wasn't a pretty site. I do have more energy as well. I just wish I could gt my butt out there and walk some more. Right now I walk maybe 1-3 times a week. I've told myself, even 15-20 everyday will not kill me to get started. I don't need 2-4 miles and not like it.
  5. I also use a toddler spoon & fork. And I also use a salad plate or the plate that goes with your tea cups. Seems to really help with the over eating or putting too much on my plate.
  6. The tighter I get, the more food that gets stuck. I really have to remember to chew chew chew.
  7. I'm 6.75cc's in a 10cc band. So far so good. Although I think I might be too tight right now. Felt fine on Thursday & Friday, but this weekend started getting really bad heartburn. Today I feel a little bit better. For about a month I gained 7 pounds then I lost it a several pounds more. Now I feel I'm at a stand still again. I haven't lost anything since the last fill. But I too notive the inches. On 9.3.08 a few montsh before surgery to 2.2.09 I have lost almost 12 inches. Clothes are fitting great or not at all now. I sure thought the weight would have come off faster. My doctor had me all pumped up. He said it would be like being on Phen-Phen I wouldn't be hungry and the weight would fly off. He must have been high off all the $$$ signs he was seeing. But I do feel better about myself and what I eating. No where near what I used to eat that's for sure. I just hate the slimming....
  8. Jewels68

    Scary overfill experience

    Thanks for the support. Great job on your weightloss. Funny thing- not eating much I'm not losing. Eating more when I felt better I was doing great.
  9. Jewels68

    Scary overfill experience

    I thought I was almost at my sweet spot. Hubby said don't get a fill. I thought .25cc would be fine. This weekend as been a nightmere. Can't eat much and drinking to much better. Slimming all weekend. I'll be back there on Monday to have at least .10cc taken out. WHo would have figured 1/4cc would be too much.
  10. Jewels68

    still having problems from over fill

    I had a fill on Thursday as well. Too much I think. I was fine at the doctor's office. But this weekend has been a nightmere. HEARTBURN like no other. I can drink- but it burns my throat so much. I'm taking so many meds to get it to stop. I'll have to go in on Monday too. I too have slimmed every time I have tried to eat this weekend. Not fun. No full blown throw up though.
  11. I have a 10cc band. Right now I have 6.5cc's in it and might be a tiny bit too tight this last time. I had 3cc's put in at surgery- 11.26.08 1st fill 12.29.08 ~ 2cc's 2nd fill 1cc 1.16.09 .5cc taken out- too much at that time 3rd, 4th & 5th fill .5cc's felt great 6th fill last Thursday. I think is too tight again. HEARTBURN like no other. Monday I'm calling to have a .10cc taken out. So far so good. These past three weeks I have lost about 8 or 9 pounds. I can eat 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food at a time. Taco's are my new fav. One and I'm full. Old days I could have eaten three or four.
  12. I had another small fill yesterday. Now I'm at 6.5cc's of a 10cc band. So far so good. I really have to chew alot better than I did before. Might even have to get rid of a few items I ate before. Good news was I lost 3 pounds in 1 week since my last appt.
  13. I'm loving the band too. After my second fill they had me to tight. Went back the next day and they took .5cc out. I have gone back three more times for .25cc each time and really feeling the restriction now. After the unfill I gained 5 punds back. As of this morning (2 weeks later) I have lost the 5 pounds plus 2 more. I too also love the NON scale victories. I'm down from a 24 to a 18/20 pants now. Shirts are starting to get pretty baggie too. My mother in law is going to a party where you take 5 items and trade with others to get to the right size you need. I'm going to sell more of my stuff on Ebay and just shop at Wal-Mart & Target & Kohl's. They have great cheap stuff to keep me going. Congrat's to everyone who was banned in November... I love my band!
  14. I was up three pounds this morning. Knew I would be after what I have been eatting this week. When is your trip to Hawaii? How much do you have in your band right now?

  15. Jewels68

    Wanted: Loser!!

    Angie- how did you get your weight ticker to show starting weight?
  16. Jewels68

    Wanted: Loser!!

    I really love you graph you have. I think I'll start something like that too. Is there a site for those?
  17. How are things going with this last fill? I've been doing so good this past week since my last appt. Yesterday I ate too much, plus it was a salty meal (stir-fry) I feel really puffy this morning. Just took my meds so hopefully it helps soon. I haven't weighed myself this week. I'm waiting for Friday or Sat. I got tired of watching it go up and down everyday. lol

  18. When I had my second fill, at first I felt fine. Then that night and the next morning ~ I felt the same way, couldn't hold anything down. Went back in the next afternoon and they took out .5cc's. I feel really good right now. I can go back after the 26th.
  19. Yeah, I think we're there. I ate 2 oz steak and most of my artichoke and I was full. Don't you just hate the stuck feeling?


    Yes, I'm going on Thursday. AM is better for me.

  20. 4 pounds is great. I couldn't get to the meeting. Husband worked late and my daughters had my car. I'm going to make sure I hit the one on Thursday next week.


    When do you leave on your trip? Can you get another .5cc next week? My next appt. is the 26th. I think I will only let them put .5cc in at a time.


    I know Deanna told me last week to only take 1/2 to 1 cup of food and no more. Even if I'm hungry only take that much. I'm trying to use a small salad plate at dinner. Tonight were having steak & artichokes. We'll see how I do.

  21. How do you feel now after the fill? Do you gurgle at all? lol

  22. I'm feeling pretty full after eatting. Last night I had two hard shell tacos and I was stuffed. I felt like I over ate really. Today I just had a frozen burrito and fell full. I'm waiting to see today how long it lasts. I think I'm finally getting to where I need to be. But I'm sure it will take a few weeks to know for sure. I really need to stop weighing myself everyday. And just stick to one day per week. I might have to give my scale to my husband or daughters to hide for me. lol

  23. How did it go today? I'm going to try and hit the meeting today. Thursday mornings are better for me.


    Hope your fill went great.

  24. Jewels68

    I'm Gurgling...

    My gurgle ended up with me being way too tight. Once I got past the liquid phase after my fill I couldn't eat anything with out getting sick. She took out 1/2cc and I feel great. I little gurgle in th emorning and the rest of the day it's a lot better.

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