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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by MADE IT 2 MY GOAL..OH YEAH


    What to wear the day of Surgery???

    I was banded on August 18. Tomorrow will make one week and I have lost a total of eight pounds since I had the surgery.

    What to wear the day of Surgery???

    The day of surgery I wore regular clothes. Jeans, T-shirt, socks, shoes. But for the ride home. I wore a pair of night pants that were really lose and a the biggest night shirt I could fine. Panties were out of the question, the seam was right where 2 of my incesions were and as for a bra, I have an incesion right between my breast but a little lower than the clevage area, so I didn't wear one home. Just wear something really loose fitting and comfy.

    what is causing this pain

    Thanks for the reply. But, the pain is gone. I'm not sure what it was, but I am thinking it was gas pains.

    Omg my port is detached!!

    First off, I hope everything is better or getting better for you, I didn't catch the date you posted this. OMG, I can't believe that your port is/was detached. That has to be horrible. And the fact that nobody ever even thought to Xray it to make sure nothing was going on with all the pain you were having, that makes it even worse.

    Were is all my Chattanoogians at?

    Don't live in Chattanooga put I am really close to Chatt-town. I live about 30 miles from Chattanooga. I live in Jasper, Tn.

    big fill, anyone?

    Haven't had my first fill yet. 2moro I will only be 1 week post-op. 6.5 and a record huh? Well congrads!! We all gotta set some kind of record dont we? How long post-op are you?
  7. Ok, I post on here quite alot and answer posts as well whenever I can. I has kinda posted on this subject before but not the way I am now. I was banded on Aug.18. so I am 4 days post-op. I have done good on my liquid diet, I havent cheated (although I have wanted to so bad). I know that in the end, I will look back at all of this and know it was worth it, but right now, I'm not so sure if it is or isn't. Let me explain. It's not that I am hungry. This only happens when it is supper time. During the day when I am alone and don't have to worry about anyone eating, I am fine. I'm cool. But, when it is time for everyone to eat, I start getting so mad at everyone. Like tonight. The kids and my parents had Arby's for supper. When I found out my dad was going to get Arbys I went crazy. I started crying saying that everyone gets to eat anything they want but me, I'm stuck here eating sugar free jello and sugar free popsicles and drinking broth and waters. My mom calmed me down enough to where I stopped crying. After they all ate, my dad took the kids fishing for a couple hours (I guess so that I could have a little relaxing time). My husband gets home at 8 p.m. after being at work since around 2 this morning. He sits with me for a while and we talk and stuff. We make sure the kids get their showers and we take ours. Then he goes into the kitchen and warms him up 2 Arby sandwhiches and a large thing of Arby Fries, puts Arbys sauce on his fries and sandwhich, gets him a Mountain Dew, and starts eating a drinking. Then my youngest son decides he wants to eat another Arby sandwhich then so does my dad (we are staying with my folks for a while). Once again, I start to become hateful. Talking about it must be nice to eat something like that instead of sucking something down. I feel that when the eat this kind of stuff infront of me, they don't care one bit about what I am having to go through. I know I shouldn't get mad cause they have to eat even though I can't. So what's wrong with me. To beat it all, I haven't only lost eating for now, I have also had to quite smoking (cold turkey), and had to stop drinking cokes. All at one time. I thought that I'd be able to atleast cut down on my smoking while going through this but I had to stop all at once. I have bad asthma (which actually has improved alot)and plus it isn't good for the band. And everyone knows about the caffine. So, please, can someone please help me. Am I losing it, am I going crazy? What? Is anyone else having these feeling like I am, or am I the only one?

    Some advice please (nice advise would be nice)

    To everyone who has responded to my post so fast with all the wonderful tips, I greatly thank you. It means so much that people I don't even personally know (heck I don't even know your real names lol) would take the time out to stop and help me with a problem I am having. I am going to take this one day at a time, and hey, I only have 9 more days until I can get to pureed foods. I'm sure that while everyone else is eating, I'll be fine with my chicken (or what ever I am having that night). I have an aunt that went through the same thing, I am going to call her and see if she and I can get together and her help me out while I am going through all of this, not just phase 1 but throughout the whole thing. She had the Bypass a few years ago, so she does know what I am going through. That idea come from my mom and from you restless monkey, thank you so much. I guess I am going to get a little bit more walking daily which is a good thing. Who knows I may be able to talk my husband into going to the store and getting me some dumb bells so I can start using them for my arms. And maybe get me some ankle weights for when I walk. I do feel alot better know that I am not the only one that has felt this way and I am not just some grumpy bitter person. This is normal. Like I said in my earlier post. I may not see it now, but, I know that when it all is said and done and I look at myself in a full length mirror and like what I see, I will know that it was all worth it. So, again, thanks to everyone for their responses.

    Some advice please (nice advise would be nice)

    Thanks for the tips Restless Monkey, When it is dinner time I can go walk up and down the road maybe that will keep my mind off what they are doing. And yes, in a way, I am grieving for the old me, the one that could eat 2 burgers but I dont want that old person back. I have already lost 7 pounds and am only 4 days post op. My surgeron does offer psych consultation but the problem is, my surgeon is 2 hours aways and I can't really drive that far with the gas prices.

    Some advice please (nice advise would be nice)

    Hey Paula, you know, when I found out they were going to Arbys I ask my mom and dad both nicely if they would take the kids down there to eat instead of bringing it home and me having to smell it and see it. My mom ask if it would be easier if they brought it back and just went out back to eat it, and before I could answer this, my dad said no. My dad wasn't really all for me having this surgery done. After he said no, I just turned and walked away. While he was gone to get the food, my mom and I talked. She thinks that food is like a fear now and I need to face it head on. That if I leave to go to another room whenever food is around, it will only get worse. The only way I could explain this to her was like this. She smokes so I told her, its like if you were trying to to stop smoking and everyone around you was still smoking and wanted to go be right in the middle of them smoking, it would be so tempting for you to pick up that cigg. lite it and start smoking it. That is how it is with me, when I see food that is hot and smells good, Im going to want to eat it, it doesnt matter if i want to eat it or not, it is a response that I have had for so long. I don't think she completely understood what I was trying to say cause she seemed to get mad at me for saying it. My dad did say he was sorry for what he said, but then turned around and ask me if I wanted to come in there with them while they all were eating and me eat some jello or a popsicle. When I told him I'd rather not, he told me I needed to just suck it up. I know that since nobody else in the house has had this done, there is no way in the world they know what I am going through. There are no support groups close to where I live except for 1 and it is like 30 minutes away and I have to pay $40.00 to attend it. I don't have the gas money to get there much less the money to pay to attend. So what do I do? This site does help alot, because you know what I am going through. I just don't want to push the people I love the most away from me and I am scared that is just what I am going to do.

    !st day of mushy foods.....HELP!

    Sounds like clumping. Are you eating to fast or to much and are you eating what was reccomended? I was told that if you eat to much or to fast and not what you are suppose to this is what will happen. I hope you get to feeling better.

    No "real" food makes me crazy

    Ok I had my lapband done on the 18th and I am going CRAZY!!! My diet consists of G2, bottled water, sugar free Jello, sugar free popscicles, and broths. I'm about tired of it. You wanna know whats worse though. The commericals on TV. I keep seeing commercials with these huge beautiful juicy hot bacon cheeseburgers with tomatoes, lettuce, and onions. (I hate onions, but at this point if you'd hand me one I'd eat it) I called the Doctors office today to see if maybe I could eat some cream of chicken ( i love cream of chicken) and of course, NO was the answer. I have to stay on clear liquids only. Someone answer this for me. Why the clear liquids? I know Phase 2 is to teach you how to each in moderation again not sure about whats beyound that but I have no idea what this liquid diet is for. Maybe for you stomach to get use to having something wrapped around it, for the healing process, I DONT KNOW. All I know is, I want something real!! Can someone please tell me how they got through this Phase without wanting to smack someone beside you because they have chips or even worse, a small slice of pizza? PLEASE HELP ME!!!

    Post op question

    I found that walking (A WHOLE LOT) help to ease the gas pains.

    Post op question

    I found that walking (a whole lot) help get rid of the gas pains.

    Disney World and the meal plan....

    We went to Disney in March of this year and I can tell you now, if you ended up eating inside the park you better be rich. My hubsand and I are going back in October and what I am planning on doing is taking buying a little grocries while we are there and packing a little lunch to take to the parks with us.
  16. I have talked to a few people and we all agree that it would be a good idea to start a little chat room and invite everyone who was banded on 08/18. Why only those banded on 8/18? Because we all are basically going through the same things at the same times. I (along with a few other people) think it would be a good support group, maybe be able to vent and listen to people vent, share our stories, our worries and other things. So, if you were banded on August 18 and would like to join this chat room please click on the link below and it will take you directly to the chatroom. I hope that whoever reads this will click this link. If you do and nobody is there at the time, please keep going back to it. I know that I will check on it several times a day and hopefully I will be able to meet someone in there. If you want to, my email is sandmdeering@gmail.com, you are more than welcome to email me. OK, here comes the link for the chatroom. ChatMaker.net - Make your own chat room! - #August18thbandbuddies :wink2:

    No "real" food makes me crazy

    I am on a clear liquid diet until Sept. 1. We are having a cookout that day. Everyone is going to have hamburgers and hotdogs that day except for me. I am going to have my hubby grill me up a small piece of boneless chicken, then I am going to put it in the blender with some seasonings and chicken broth and puree it (since Phase 2 calls for pureed foods) Now I have a question. In my folder it says that you can have 1 1/2 ounces 3 times a day. No snacking between meals and remember ur fluids and Protein. I am assuming that the 1 1/2 ounces means for everything not per food you want to eat, right? I think 1 1/2 ounces of chicken should be plenty. I think that I am going to drink me a slimfast sometime during that day so that I stay fuller longer. I have been complaining about not being able to eat "real" food. But as I think about it, I am afraid of when I start Phase 2. I mean, you are still really limited as to what and how much you are allowed to eat, but you get 1 1/2 ounces 3 times a day, and I'm really afraid that I am going to end up gaining instead of losing. Does anyone else have that fear?

    I am now banded

    Well everyone, I am now banded. I had my surgery on the 18th (AUG), stayed overnight and come back home on the 19th. I have to tell you the truth though, on the way to the hospital up until they gave me some happy juice on the way to the OR, I was about to back out of having it done. Yeah, my nerves got the best of me. Thank goodness for the happy juice. I am home recovering pretty well. I am still a little bit swollen, I am still in alot of pain, (my hubby says that where the pain is, is where the port is). It hurts to get up, it hurts to sit down, it hurts to move. He says that I have to move around or it wont get any better. So can someone please tell me how long it was before you stopped hurting so bad where your port is?

    No "real" food makes me crazy

    :smile:I can advance to PHASE 2 on Sept.1. I was guessing that the reason for the liquid diet is for the healing process. The computer is my hobby and it does help alot. I know this is all going to be worth it in the end so I dont mean to complain. I just really needed to vent. Ive tried to say the same thing that I said on here to my husband, my mom, and my dad, but none of them have been through this and don't have any idea what it is like.

    I am so hungry!!

    I was banded on the 18th also and was able to have protein shakes as soon as I got to my room. I wouldve drank them if the nurses had brought them to me but they never did. I dont have hunger pains like you are talking about, but boy is my stomach growling. I don't think I can remember my stomach growling as much as it does now. I don't like the broth either but I have found something pretty darn good. I have drank down some vegetable beef broth and it was actually really good. Plus you get get like chicken Noodle Soup and drain the broth out of it and drink it. Give the Noodles to one of your kids or someone else. Give the Veggie broth and Chicken Noodle Soup broth a try, I think you may like it. As for the sticky stuff from the tape, I have no clue as to how to get it off. I have the same problem. It seems like the more I rub off, the more comes back.

    New to site, 3 day post out

    Welcome to the site Deborah and congrads on your lapband. I was banded only 1 day before you. So I guess we are pretty much going through the same process at the same time. I like yourself am only able to do liquids, jello, the broth from the soups, and Protein Shakes until Sept.1. But, I'm not suppose to eat pudding. :smile2: Anyways, I'm glad to hear you are doing well with your recovery.

    oily skin

    OK, so I have noticed that since I got banded on Aug 18th, my skin has been really really oily. I don't have oily skin either. I have been washing my face like crazy cause of this and even been using daily oil control stuff from pro-active but it's not working. It's 3:15 in the morning and I just got up to use the bathroom, rubbed my forehead and it was like rubbing your hand across silk, it was that oily. Is anyone else going through this or is it just me and can anyone give me some advice about it?

    Who's Getting Banded in August???

    I had 2 C-Sections, this procedure (in my opinion) was nothing compared with pain of the 1st C-Section, now with the 2nd C-Section, I can honestly say, this this procedure, I had less pain with the 2nd C-Section.

    I am now banded

    You know, its funny. The Doctors says that you are back to feeling normal (pain wise) in about 2 days. The post above me says it took about a week and a half and this is day 2 for me. I can't help but to wonder, what is normal to the doctors.

    I am now banded

    wow there sure is alot of 18th bandsters out there. I had no idea. I just woke up from a nap and it took me all of 5 minutes to get up from the bed cause of the pain. If its not any better by tomorrow, I'm calling the doctor and see what i can find out. To the woman that was talking about her legs hurting, it may just be muscle cramps from the surgery. They will work themselves out. Just walk as much as you can without overdoing it, and warmth helps it alot. Good luck to everyone!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
