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Posts posted by Carriejess

  1. Absolutely Carriejess, as we all know, food eaten at weekends doesn't count at all - same as if no-one sees you eating something you shouldn't! Can't be saints all the time can we? Just shouldn't go beating ourselves when we do have a bit of a lapse. And you are allowed everything you've listed above and anything else you fancy if you are in an official relationship mourning period. I'm sure it won't be long before another one comes along - give yourself a little time to lick your wounds and then get out there and take your pick of men who I'm sure will be falling at your feet looking as gorgeous as you do. You have done fantastically well, you are at the place we all strive to be. Look after yourself, Bigsis xx

    Thanks Bigsis, its always nice to have someone remind you of the weekend food rules! Mind you i am sill not sure that this level of food is acceptable for anyone, think i might do the Cambidge diet for a week next week...i will get these last 7 pounds off!!!

  2. Hi Thanks everyone for being so great, I have emailed Dr Chris as advised! Can someone tell me who Fred is and how to contact him for the package, should I be accepted? Your a great bunch thanks for replying so quickly x

    Welcome Oliverdog

    congrats on your decision, you will find that everyone on here will be happy to answer any q's you have...i cant remember the run up to the op to be honest but i will be more helpfull when you are a bandster!

  3. OMG peeps its sunday and 7pm at that, where has the weekend gone?

    Before I go on, welcome Oliverdog, woohoo Carriejess new you, new life. It's horrid when a relationship ends but hey your stunning and no doubt 100% MORE CONFIDENT! Go and enjoy life sweetiexx

    Right ramblings of the weekend, had my induction at the gym and realised they have idiots guide switches on all the machine, so I didnt need a degree in computing. But i do need a set of headphones, cos it's all high tech and each bit of equipment has a tv on it and you can change chanels and allsorts. How things have changed. I was bored on each machine after 5 mins so i did another lap on the machines.... go me go me!! Then for a jacuzzi and sauna. Bliss. That was friday. Saturday, I went to London for my 1st fill with Wendy and she was lovely. Had 2 attempts with the needle but hit the right spot on the 2nd go and now I have 3mls in the band and on liquids.

    Came home last night and the daughter was going out and the bf was having her baby.... until she was brought home at 9.30 p***ed as a fart. Hadnt made it from the friends house and i ended up putting her to bed and undressing her! But she was up at 7.30 this morning for the car boot trawl.

    So today iwalked around 2 car boot sales, visited my ole ma, and been back to the gym, had a swim and all and then walked both dogs along the beach. Now im knackered and realised that yet again rambling total crap!!!!

    But to let Homecare know(even thou she's on holiday). That the nether regions were scary as ya like. I'm 45 got grey hair, over weight, wear glassess, have a prothesis ( as Dr C calls it), seen the ads for tena lady and to top it off discovered on friday that with the aid of a mirror, I also have grey in other regions!!!!!! Can it get worse. Oh and I found out what a hollywood is!!!

    Ramblings over - chat to you all laterz.



    Lost 23lbs to date

    Banded on 07/07/09

    Hi Lisa

    Thanks for your message....p.s i always have a Hollywood :)

  4. Well my work for today is done then! Glad to have lightened your day a little and yes, growing old disgracefully is the way to go - Freckles can be our role model as she is ever so slightly in front in age but forging her way ahead in the disgraceful stakes! (That's a compliment Freckles!)

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend and not bought a box of Fox's Whipped Creams biscuits at Sainsburys like me - of course I have no intention of eating them myself, they are for when my grandson visits! I don't even like them (nose extending 12" while typing that!)

    Bigsis xx

    do dark chocolate digestives, triple chocolate gateaux, Peanut Butter out of the jar, wine, Syrup sponge pudding, chedder cheese and cream count as good weekend food choices do you think?!

  5. Hello Everyone

    Well done to all those recently banded, look forward to seeing those pounds start to drop!

    I am so totally bored, plus i just split up with my boyfriend and i have really bad acid reflux which is affecting my wine intake! Does anyone else have any experience with acid reflux, i cant decide if i am too tight or not?

    Freckles, you need to start eating more...or eat the same amount but choose foods with a higher energy value which will make you feel better. When you first get banded its fine to not eat much but if you keep on eating like that you will store calories because your body thinks you are starving yourself and you wont lose, especially with all the other pressure in your life. I did that for ages and felt rubbish for ages.

    Lol do what i am doing and eat treacle sponge pudding with cream to help your emotional problems! Oh dear i think i may regret this day tomorrow!


  6. Hi guys!

    Well i spoke to my nurse today and she said 2 of my scars are over granulated which means the heal on the outside instead of the inside so they are bumpy!!!!:)

    Also having real problems with my hair falling out it doesn't show but it just won't grow!!!! So i went to holland and barrett and bought some high strengh silica complex which should help!!!!!

    Doctor also gave me some lactulose today so no more stool problems for me!!!!!

    Hope everyone is well!!!!

    Jo x

    Hi Jo m

    My hair fell out to, but dont worry it will stop doing it!

  7. Hi I bought that simply salmon thats advertised on tv and managed to eat 4/5ths of it and it was lovely some kind of lemon sauce over it yum. Feel as if its getting easier now.

    Im going on the 11th at 3.30 for a fill at Glasgow green. Cant wait.

    GARY let us know how you get on. Thinking of you with fingers crossed.

    Carrie It was me who asked about your date Im sooo pleased, what city in Scotland are you visiting?

    Freckles hope your bums recovered.:) Jx

    Hi Homecare

    He lives in Edinburgh and St Andrews, so both really, i love Edinburgh and St Andrews is lovely with all the beaches but not as exxiting!


  8. Hi Peeps

    God i need to come on more often, it takes longer to read all the posts than to just log on each day.

    Thanks for everyones birthday wishes!

    Flirty hope your infection clears up, other than that i am so jealous of you right now!! But i do feel a long weekend in Ireland coming up, love to help you paint the town red in my size 10 dresses!

    I cant remember who asked my about my date, but yes i am officailly part of a couple now so it must have gone well. He lives in Sotland some of the time as he works off shore so im flying over on Tuesday and agree that it is a beautiful city.

    Starsky i have a desk job and i am glad that i took a week off work, i don't think i would have been able to go back on the Monday because of the way you sit on an office chair. I have heard lots of people say that they went back after a few days so maybe i am just a baby.

    Happy Wednesday!

    Carrie x

  9. Carrie,

    Just wanted to say well done on your fantastic weight loss. If thats not inspiration I dont know what is ??

    I hope that next year I can say the same.

    Have you had many problems with restriction or otherwise along the way ?

    Keep up the good work.


    Hi Starsky

    I have not had any problems with the band apart from when i have cheated it with naughty slider food!

    I am lucky because i can do my own fills so i can control my restriction very easily. I am at 7cc in a 10cc band and i think it will probably just be maintenance from now on. My outlook on food has definately changed, i dont rely on it now its just to give me a bit of energy and stop my stomach making noises! Of course its still lovely to have treats and much easier to eat a bowl of cake covered in cream than a plate of chicken and veg. The main problem i have now is getting enough Fluid in. Its easy to not drink very much and end up with a massive headache at the end of the day. I also find it very dfficult to eat before about 1pm but the later it gets the more i can eat.

    Everyone goes through the awful stage where you are not at the correct restriction level and you feel as if you can eat everything but when you do get to the right level the difference is amazing. I have always tried to eat foods which do not slide through too quickly (once your allowed to of course) a proper meal will stay in your stomach and keep you fuller for longer even if you can't eat that much of it rather than a bowl of Soup and a yoghurt. The one lesson i still have not learnt is to stop eating when your starting to get full, i still push it until i cant physically eat any more even if it is a much smaller portion.

    I have also overfilled myself before which a scary experience! Its better to go through the horrible eating anything stage and get to a good level of restriction rather than pushing it and overfilling which is awful!

    I have also really tried not to become obsessed with the weight loss and think like a person who does not have a food problem. Normal people will still go out with their friends and have a few glasses of wine or eat a chocolate bar occasionally if they fancy it and not feel guilty.

    Hope this helps and please anyone ask any questions if you want.

    Good luck!

  10. Hello to everyone old and new,

    I dont seem to have time to visit any more but today is my birthday and also the day that i officially have a normal BMI!

    Just wanted to post to say that if i can do it (the girl who has tried and failed at every diet under the sun) anyone can.

    Its been so long since i have been on here that i did not know that Flirty has had her op, please could you send her my jealous best wishes!

    Good luck


  11. Hi Everyone

    Not posted for a while, i have felt really awful about myself for a while and not being at goal yet.

    I finally said yes to the most amazingly attractive and nice guy who asked me out and we are now together and i feel great.

    Just shows you how the band can change your life!

    Congrats to all who have just had their ops or who have decided on the surgery.

    Flirty wish i was having the plastics too!

    Garry looks like you had a great time...i know i have proper restriction as there just comes a point after a small amount of food that you feel like you are going to vomit if you eat anymore and you cant even stuff anymore in unlike pre band when just another slice would make you feel ill but you would have it anyway.

  12. Just popping in to say 100 lbs gone FOREVER!!!!

    I decided to do a fat girl happy dance when I lost 100 lbs, but it seems I may have to settle for just a happy dance since the fat girl seems to have left the building!




    Congrats!!!!!!! you are incredible!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. so you haven't had any problems that i hear on the site about never eating bread again etc....is there anything you find your stomach can not take?

    I've noticed I'm becoming scared that this might actually work! Which creates a whole new set of anxieties but I've been getting worried about people who say they can never drink soda again or alcohol or bread. I thought it just shrunk your stomach so you couldn't eat as much of things

    Not really, there are a few things like soda, sausages and lamb which i cant eat. chicken, bread and Pasta i can eat but only very small amounts...im sure there are other things which i cant think of right now.

    However it may be that you cant eat bread after you have been banded you will just have to wait and see. The band has changed the way i look at food completley, it does not hold the same appeal as it used to, i eat because im hungry and if i want something then a tiny ammount satisfies me. When i first got the band you get head hunger and the same emotional issues where you want to eat but because its so much work you get to the stage where you just cant be bothered and its easier to find another way to deal with your problems.

  14. lbt just sent my msg half through typing!

    I know that this is stopping my weight loss as i am now in starvation mode, i cant go to the gym as i have no energy.... I think i might get a timer to remind me to eat.

    Any suggestions would be really welcome!


  15. Hello everyone

    Its nice to here how everyone is doing.

    I have 18 pounds left to go and im depressed because i havent already lost the last little bit, how stupid is that! I have stopped eating over the last week because i have just completley gone off of food (lol i cant believe that this has happened as pre band this would have been impossible) my restriction is perfect but i just forget about eating and then i feel really ill. Its another vicious cycle but with not enough food rather than too much.


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