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Posts posted by Carriejess

  1. Thanks to everyone for your well wishes, i did say that i would post before and after pics thread but i dont think i will now.

    I have posted an album on my profile though if anyone wants to look (just click on my pic) they are not really before pics though as they are from new years eve so i had already had my band for over a month and i think i was approx 1 and a half stone lighter. I could not find any before ones saved on my laptop.

    The other pics are from Friday night, the new dress worked as i think i may be in love (well maybe lust!)


  2. Did anyone see this that I posted yesterday?

    Any of you experienced bandsters got any info?

    Afternoon - i am not sure that mine has moved at all (it might have done due to weightloss and your body readjusting itself but i have not noticed)

    I have definately seen on other poeples posts on the site that if you have damaged your band or it has slipped etc due to sickness etc then it really really hurts and you are normally taken to hostital.

    When was your last fill? Do you think it had moved before then as i am sure that your fill doctor would have said something if they were concerned?

  3. Hi every1,:biggrin:

    Gt bak this mornin I am nw officially BANDED n I feel great. I no wat u mean by the cripplin wind nw and them wind tablets arent doin a thing I've been on all 4s literally while my partner pats my bak lol nt a pretty site!!!!

    Everythin went like clockwork whilst in Belguim just lookin forward 2 seein the results!! I lost 6lbs on the pre op diet and lost another 6lbs whilst bein in the hospital, however I think that was mainly fluid!! bt nether the less its 12lbs!!!! lol

    Thanks SJS x

    Banded 1st Sep

    Glad your back and everything went well - congratulations!

    Give it a couple of weeks and you will be feeling your self again except even thinner!

  4. thats fantastic news, well done to you, if you did not live so far away i whisk you off your feet in a flash as you are beautiful.


    Ahh thanks Garry, distance makes the heart grow fonder :biggrin:

    you can look at the pics on the 'before and after - pictures only' thread - i will be posting mine over the weekend as i will be going out and celebrating tomorrow night!!

  5. I've got my date - 6th October to get banded. I've been reading alot of your posts and some of you seem to have a lot of discomfort. I'm hoping this passes? Can anyone tell me, do you always feel that you have the band there, is there a time that you eventually get back to 'normal' and just get a full feeling without the nausea and wind etc. and everytime you have a fill do you always get sick/nausea and how quick does this pass?

    Sorry for all the questions, I think now I've got the date and its not too long off, I'm just getting a bit nervous.

    Hi Debs

    Congratulations on your date, i had the op in October. The nausea/wind etc are symptoms of you and your body getting used to the band. You will learn what you can eat amd how to eat it etc over time and unfortunatley there is no way to skip the learning curve for that part (and it will drive you mental for a while.) There will be just as many times when you get something stuck or you realise that you cannot eat something to days where you cannot believe how much rubbish you have managed to stuff in your face because you need a fill or your band is being a bit weird!

    I dont suffer with wind, pb etc anymore, yes i occassionally think to myself 'jesus carrie you could have eaten that a bit slower because you are going to be able to feel it sitting in the top of your stomach for an hour'. But then i probably spent most nights having to lay on the sofa because i had eaten too much and felt sick before the band.

    We can all moan a bit on here and people can develope real problems like Freckles and Garry but im sure that they would not go back to being without it! Unfortunately its easier to talk about the common probs we all have on here because i am pretty sure that my flatmate nods in all the right places but she has not got a clue about what i am really saying!

  6. Good to see you had a good holiday homecare im off to florida next june .Well done on looseing on holiday 2lb off is better than 2lb on so you have done well.

    Like you when i used to go on holiday if i went for a weeks holiday i put on a stone and two weeks a stone and a half so not putting on any weight now going on holiday is a blessing.

    Give it a few days and you will be back on track.

    Bobo - just seen you pics...you look amazing!

  7. Hi Carriejess - so pleased for you. That must have been a real bonus to have lost 5lbs without even trying when you are so near to your target. And even with your bad weekend a couple of weeks ago when you were scoffing all sorts of stuff like treacle sponge etc! It's heartening to know that you have had your periods of not losing as well, I am finding it really hard going at the moment. I stand at 10st 10lbs currently and need about another 1st 3lbs to reach my first target so I know it is going to be tough to get there, was hoping to be there by Christmas but don't realistically see that happening now. But still a lot better than last Christmas/New Year so mustn't complain too much I suppose. Not surprised you feel like a new person with a new life, you've worked hard for it so very well done and look forward to lots of good times. Keep dropping in to keep us up to date with your last bit of progress and how things are in the romance department (cos I'm nosey!), take care Bigsis xx


    I stayed at some weights for ages...12.7...11.4 and 10.7 are the ones that i remember with absolutley no fondness. I think your body just plays tricks on you and then suddenly once you are on the verge of a complete mental breakdown it thinks that maybe it should stop playing around and give you some pounds back!

    The romance front is currently rubbish, the amazingly good looking thai boxing intsructor turned out to be a cheat...life is so unfair! But i am ever hopefull and i have a new dress to wear on friday night! I think i might even post in the before and after pics section depending on what the pics look like!

  8. Congrats Carriejess, That's fab!!! You must be so happy and you look beautiful in your profile pic. How long ago were you banded?

    Sorry, could have answered this in my previous post!

    I was banded in October, i have lost in fits and starts and had quite a few plateaus where nothing happened...but it comes off eventually. I thought that i would stay at 10.7 forever and then i randomly lost 5 pounds without even trying. The band works in mysterious ways!!

  9. I was actually told by so called friends that if I lost weight i wouldn't be as funny. in my head this translates to they'll have no one to laugh at behind my back anymore!!!! and this from so called mates! I feel like you- it ends now :biggrin:

    That is ridiculous! It also shows there weakness and insecurities about you changing, i know it sounds weird but they need the reassurance that when you are thin you will be the same person. That still does not excuse what they said in the first place!

  10. Oh my god oh my god...just got on the scales after avoiding them for a good couple of weeks and i have lost 5 pounds! 2 pounds away from my goal of 10 stone...i cannot believe it!!!

    I just needed to share that with everybody, i am hoping that the amount of victory dancing that i am doing at the moment will shift the other 2 pounds :wub:

    Freckles - beautiful baby, congratulations and you look fab, also glad that you are feeling better.

    Gary - its great that you are feeling well after everything and love the new pic.

    To all the just banded and almost banded - the band is the best thing that i have ever done for myself, it has given me a new life and i know that it can do the same for all of you x

  11. Hello Everyone

    I too can eat anything just in very small portions, stodgy food like bread, Pasta and rice i can eat less of say one thin slice of toast but leaving the crust. Sausages i always find really hard to eat but technically it will go down. I don't really get stuff stuck anymore because i know how much of each type of food i can eat and how to eat it without causing a problem.

    I am dating again now and dinner dates are always interesting, i always try and talk alot to counterbalance the fact that i am eating really slowly and never finish anything!

  12. Hi everyone,

    been readin all th threads I'm booked in with Dr CDB for the 1st Sep , 13 days nw nt countin or anythin like! LOL. I've been on here previously bt nw I have started the pre-op diet I need some help with suggestions on what to have. By low fat does that mean calorie counting or just low fat??;)

    Also was just wondering if there is anyone else booked in 4 surgery on th same day as me???


    SJS x

    Hi SJS

    Well done for making the right choice.

    Low fat is just low fat...just try to stick to the tradtional diet thing of yoghurt and fruit for Breakfast, salad for lunch and Protein and veg for dinner...or something along those lines! Some people try and do slimfast or something to get a good headstart but they are very sugary.

  13. Had my stitches out today, it was totally painless, but it feels stange not to have any dressing on. Going on mushies on wednesday...I cant tell you how much I'm looking forward to some cauliflower cheese, I've been waiting for this ever since I read one of the posts on there mention it.

    If anyone has some god ideas as what to eat while on mushies please can you share some with me. Dont think I'll lose much weight if I just eat scrambled eggs and cauliflower cheese!!!!

    Shell......How was it for you today at the docs, getting your stitches out?

    Carriejess..... your beautiful and I agree with everything Freckles has said. Everything happens for a reason, Mr right is out there somewhere, and you'll find him when you least expect to.

    C A........Dont get too disheartened, youll get through this blip, everyone keeps saying how tempermental these bands are. Hopefully your next fill will be more successful..fingers crossed

    Take care everyone:wink:


    My fav thing for mushies was veg Soup but make it yourself and make it really really thick, finish with creme fraiche yum...fills you up for ages and if you cant eat it all you can just keep reheating it. Also my favourite treat for mushies was the inside of a quiche lorrainne or something, scoop out the middle and leave the pastry x

  14. Hello everyone

    Managed to eat reasonably non calorific foods today but that maybe because i have spent 6 hours driving than anything else!

    CA - Sorry about your defill but i have to agree and ask why they put 2mls in you in the first place!!! I know how it feels to be overfilled and not be able to swallow your own spit and its awful, stick with it and you will soon be back on track.

    Shel and Ivesy - congrats on the pounds off, even if it is Fluid its not going to go back on!

    Freckles - Lady im worried about you. When was your fill and how long have you been this tight for?

    Jackie - thanks for your message x

    Update on the whole lovelife issue, im over it (sort of) I have not spent this amount of money to lose my confidence after building it up again therefore i am going on a date with a thai boxing teacher on Weds night...lol get back on the horse and all that jazz!


  15. carrie, thats bordering on pornographic what you wrote there.

    I m sorry to hear about your breakup but i agree with the othere whats for you wont go by you and from what i see by your picture it wont be too long till you have another worthy of you.


    Hi Garry

    Thanks for your nice words! I would not advise anyone to eat the amount of pornographic food that i have eaten this weekend...you will just feel sick and fat! I mean i have just made myself cheese on toast..i cant even eat bread!

    What is wrong with me :)

  16. Hey Carriejess cant believe you have nearly made it to your goal..... So is it realistic to want to get down to what is termed my ideal BMI and weight. My niece had the op a year ago and hasnt exercised and eats basically whatever she wants but seems to be stuck on 5 stone loss but is still 13 stones. Id like to get reight down to my ideal weight but havent spoken to anyone who's done that..... How long has it taken you and how many fills did you have.... tell me to bog off and mind my own business if ya like :-S. Just intreged and detremined to be good and exercise and be as good as i can be for a food addict. Not under any illusions, it will be hard. My neice didnt even stick to the liquid thing after each band fill.


    I think it is realistic to reach your goal, i currently weigh 10.7 my goal is 10 but my secret goal is really 9.7. I do not excercise as much as i should or at all really! However i do know that if i want to acheive my goal then i need to be in the gym, controlling my food intake is just not going to cut it anymore. I would advise you to get in to a gym routine asap so that it stays with you throughout your experience like Garry and alot of the others on here have done. I think i have about 7mls in my band i hardly ever have fills anymore, i was banded at the end of october. Best thing i ever did and i couldnt be happier with it (well i could if i were 9 and a half stone!)

    The weight normally comes off quite easily at first but when you get to about 2 stone to goal it gets harder and harder just like it does with any deit and excercise plan..the difference is that it is a hell of alot harder to try and put weight back on again!

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