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Posts posted by Carriejess

  1. Any tips carriejess or anyone else out there who can help, i need to get my head round this band again and get head strong, im just finding it difficult x

    Hello love

    How much is in your band? Are you finding it difficult because you are not restricted? How long till your next fill?

    If your head is not in the right place right now i think you have 2 options...

    1) Just go with it and eat what you want within reason until your next fill.

    2) Go completley hardcore until your fill...this normally works for me. Do slimfast or just make yourself thick Soups to have etc Dont give yourself the option to eat anything else. I know this is drastic but its the only way it works for me. I need the band to control how much i can eat, if its not doing that then i have to strip it right back to basics like i did when i lost weight before the band. Of course i always used to put the weight back on again but you wont because its only until you get a fill.

    People say to me now 'as you have lost the weight now are you going to have the band removed' um NO, if i dont have restriction i will eat and eat and eat i know this because i still do it now if im not tight enough. Its OK to struggle, we have all struggled probably most of our lives so its going to take more than a few months or a year to learn to eat like thin people without a bit a plastic round your stomach.

    Just dont get too stressed about it, your band will work its just not 100% at the moment!


  2. Hi Everyone

    Lots of new faces!

    Freckles...im finding it easy to maintain at the moment but im definatley not losing! I have decided that i want to lose another stone so i have changed my ticker accordingly. I have also just given myself quite an aggressive fill and made a massive batch of smooth vegetable Soup to see me through the week! Im so glad that you were able to eat a reasonably normal meal and good luck!

    Im not on here as much but if anyone has anything they need help with or any questions please just pm me, i dont want to miss peoples questions if i have not been on for a while and there are 100 pages to read!


  3. okey dokey here goes...

    CW - sorry i did not reply to your post and welcome to restriction land

    Freckles - are you going to get a defill? Are you losing?

    Rose - good luck with your fill, you wont feel a thing!

    mmm - dont worry about your gain, at keast you know that it will come off again

    Cathy - i agree with Garry, hopefully you are just healing slowly

    Anita - i went through stages of not losing anything and it is really irrtating but it will start to move

    Bev - thats amazing congratulations

    Just have a small rant about my port which is really close to my skin now and i keep laying on it at night which makes it hurt! :) Oh if only i could have afford to have it moved!

  4. Ok everyone I really need an answer to this......define productive burping please.

    I have had a discussion with my (banded) daughter and she says its when you lose the whole meal.

    I always thought it was just gloop and a few things that hadnt been chewed properly.

    What are everyone else's views?

    I also find that if I have overeaten (chance would be a fine thing eh) but it feels like that on a tiny amount, then if I crunch some ice cubes in my mouth, or even let them melt it eases the horrid choking/uncomfortable feeling in my chest.:blink:

    I agree with you i have never thrown up a whole meal always just that last little bit that you knew you should not have eaten!

    Having ice or a drink with loads of ice in numbs your throat so its easier to eat...maybe you could try doing that before you eat so you can get a few more calories in Freckles?

    I wish i had PB'd my whole meal tonight as my freind owns a chip shop and i finally succumbed and ate a whole jumbo battered sausage and about 10 chips!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was amazing! But not a good start for my pre holiday diet, i think i could do with a small fill but i dont want to give myself one because of the plane journey....oh dear looks like i may have to resort to will power!

  5. To all you new October Bandsters...Congrats! If you would like to find the thread for October 2009 you can find it here: October 09 Bandsters - Lap Band Surgery and Lap Band Discussion Forum

    Halloween Challenge:

    Julie.Ann----------(16lbs) -1.1, rolleyes.gif

    Nazzy--------------(18lbs) -3.0, :wub:

    CarrieJess----------(5lbs) :sad:

    GiddyupGrandma-(10lbs) -0.5, rolleyes.gif

    Ruby124-----------(17lbs) :sad:

    Annecolorgreen---(10lbs) :tongue2:

    Sarahp626----------(8lbs) :blush:

    Hallfamilyx2-------(10lbs) :blush:

    Ewiedbingcott-------(8lbs) -1.0, rolleyes.gif

    Loveislovely -------(8lbs) :blush:

    Great Job Nazzy! I am jealous. Maybe we can catch up next week! :eek:

    Stayed the same this week but i was not really expecting to lose...would have been nice though!

  6. hi everyone,

    Firstly i would like to say how happy i am to have found this forum as you all inspired me to go ahead with booking my gastric band. i am currently booked for surgery on the 29th september. i've got really mixed feelings about it but mostly excitment when i look to the future. i have loads of questions to ask that i can't remember them all at once lol. but il ask the few i do remember!

    i booked with bridget at pro beauty but havent heard much info from her is this normal or should there be more contact?

    how much are the fills?

    wil i get any kind of info on whet to eat and what not to eat before or after the op?

    also i booked the Campanile hotel around 4weeks ago but they never took out the payment do they withdraw this when you arrive?

    sorry for all the question but there just little things that are playing on my mind. good luck to those going for surgery and welldone to all those who are losing those pounds wel stones i should say can't wait to join ya!! thankyou

    Welcome to the thread!

    I booked through Bridget and i did not get much info from her either so dont worry.

    Sometimes the info you get from Bridget, Chris and Fred can take a long time as i think they are so busy. Most of the answers you are looking for can be found on these pages. You will need to do a low fat diet for 2 weeks before the op to help shrink your liver. Nothing drastic just a sensible healthy diet. You will get a pack containing info on what you can eat after the op when you go.

    You can look at companies like WLS who give fill packages in the UK for a certain amount of time, alternatively Dr Chris's assistant Fred does fills in the UK for between £90 and £100 each. Your local private hospital or clinic may offer them also.

    I paid the Hotel when i arrived, as long as you have confirmation of your booking it should be fine.

    Hope this helps x

  7. Yo Peeps

    TIM - thanks for the compliment, p.s im only 5"4

    Wishfull - glad your feeling restriction

    Mandy - hopefully you might feel restriction in a few days, sometimes it can creep up on you!

    Hope all those who have just gained a band are feeling ok x

    Anyone who has been on a plane with their bands have any advice for me. I am going to the Gambia next tues its 6 hours on the plane did anyone feel any difference? I will take a needle just incase, i dont want to take any fill out before i go incase i dont need to ?? And yes i just bought 4 bikinis (last time i wore a bikini i think i was about 5) today which i will be wearing!!

    And i have a new boyfriend!

  8. ill tell you what you just dont realise that although you have not reached your target weight the difference people see in you can be quite a lot even if you dont think so yourself, i have taken inspirtion from you guys on here that have recently posted photos i went and found some old ones and some current and put them on myprofile. Even though i am only half way through my journey and want to loose another 5-6 stone it has motivated me doing this, give it a bash you will be surprised.



  9. Hi sorry to be a pain, can anyone help me with my question above, as I have been contacted by WLS and not sure how to move forward? Thanks for your help x

    Hi Dr Chris does have an aftercare service but you will pay each time you go i think its approx £100 a go, you can get fills from you local private hospital, prices vary but approx £75-£300 per fill depending on which doctor. WLS is the only one i have heard of that offers a package, there are lots of people on here who think they are great and the price seem s quite reasonable to me, bear in mind the amount of fills you will needin the first yr prob between 5-10 depending on how much they give you each time

  10. Sorry guys, just one more question.

    When the band is first fitted there is no liquid in it, do you still get weight loss at this time up until the first fill. Do you always need to get a fill? How often do you have to have a fill?

    Well done to Cassie for reaching her target

    Thanks again.

    You wil still lose after the op even though there is no liquid in it you still have a band restricting your stomach. Plus you have had surgery so there is fluid/gas restriction etc and you just will not feel like eating. You may keep some restriction after the swelling has gone down until you have your firts fill, normally 6 wks after the op. Your first fill will probably be a double fill (3ml) then you should have restriction again. There will be times when you feel that you do not have restriction, this is called 'bandster hell' this is the period of time when you will be frustrated, you may curse your band every day for not doing its job properly...this is when you need a fill. Everyone goes through this, it doesnt make it any easier for you at the time. Most people acheive there sweet spot in a 10 cc band between 6-9 cc's (this is the time when you will not need a fill for ages like me im at 7.5). You could be completley different, but you will continue to lose whilst you are waiting to get to your sweet spot. You will need to keep getting filled until you get to a maintanable fill level. For instance you may feel great restriction at 5 cc but then you will lose a stone and that restriction will go because as you lose weight your stomach shrinks as well and your you will need a fill to counteract this.

    It is not an easy balancing act but it will work out in the end!

  11. Hi Everyone

    My date is fast approaching I was just wondering if anyone could answer a few questions for me.

    Where about will the incision be, I'm assuming just below braline and above waist? where will the port be? Is it around the same area?

    Do I have to do a liquid diet for 2 weeks, or is it just a low fat diet?

    I believe it's a liquid diet for 2 weeks after op. Do you think slim fast would be ok for that two weeks until the mushie food starts?

    After having the op (during the time of liquid diet) if I am in pain, can I take pain killers, swallow whole tablets i.e. paracetamol?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I do find all your advice invaluable.


    ok here goes....

    Scars are - one in the centre of my chest under the bra line, one a few inches above the belly button, one just to the right of that, one on the left hand side of my chest a few inches below rib cage, posrt scar on the right hand side of my chest just below my ribs. None of the scars are longer than a cm and if i was wearing a bikini now no one would be able to tell as they are very faded.

    Only a low fat diet is required for the 2 weeks prior this is to help shrink your liver, you do not have to go mental just a sensible diet more like weight watchers or slimming world that kind of thing.

    You can swallow tablets after the op, they will give you some to take with you, you can take any painkillers you like when you get home, i took normal ones because i hate the fizzy disolvable ones although they are better.

    You could do slim fast on your post op diet but it is full of suger. I would try and stick to natural stuff that will give you all the nutrients you need like homemade Soups, yoghurt etc......try and keep it varied. The worst bit about liquid and mushies is the boredom because you eat all the same food all the time which can make you crave naughty things. It is entirely possible to eat a packet of wotsits whilst you are doing your post op diet!

  12. Halloween Challenge:

    Julie.Ann-(16lbs) :thumbup:


    Any other takers? Nazzy, what can I put down for your goal?

    I dont think i have ever posted on this thread before which is random seeing as i was banded in October!

    Julie.Anne i know i have reached goal but i want to lose another 7 pounds, can i be in you challenge? I think 5 pounds will be a bit more realistic for me at the moment by Halloween.

    I finally got to put pics on the before and after pics thread!

    To all those who are being banded in Oct you can look forward to probably the most confusing and rewarding year of your life!

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