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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Carriejess

  1. Hey bobo thanks for tip im just after managing to get a coffee down thank god i really dont know what happened but im gona stay on liquids for a day or 2cos i can actually feel my insides swollen and my throat is killing me from heaving so much so im not even chancing food... I was at my doc today asking about plastic surgeons she said she'l write to plastics in dublin see if i could get it free but im not holding my breath cos of the times and little funding but sure its worth a shot but one way or another it'l be done lol i was thrilled i was 6st 7lb lighter on her scales and 8st 7lb lighter than when i was at my heaviest so cant complain and hopefully a few days on liquids will leave me a few more lb down and then with fill next week i plan on staying on liquids the monday nite till the sat try give the fill a good chance to settle and a week on liquids usually shrinks the stomach too so fingers crossed il hit the 7st mark but i vow not to eat shit cos any time i have done recently it aint been nice and my latest experience last nite has put me right off... and odgemodge i drink vodka and red bull no probs sure once the red bull hits the vodka and ice it loses its fizz but i also have a few beers too and have had no probs

    You are an amazing weight loss machine flirty you should be so proud of yourself!!!

  2. Ah no garry they defo got stuck whick was big shock for me as i would consider them a slider food so i dont know whats going on but coffee or nothing is staying down this morn so i think il avoid eating for a few days and hope il be able to get liquids down soon

    does it feel like they are still stuck? i have heard that pineapple juice is good as the acid disolves anything..also warm drinks normally help. Hope you feel better soon xx

  3. Freckles, Your so right about the Ryan Air thing, I was hugely offended by that too!!

    Odge - Im so jealous your going so soon, and can't wait to hear all about it so I can join in soonish.(July) LOL :blink:

    Ok, something I gotta ask, when you go into get op, do you take nighties??? are you naked when they operate, if something goies wrong, will i be charged loads, and has anyone ever had serious complications with Chris, I can only find one incident on here with a woman who they had trouble coming back round - I don't want to put a downer on things, im doing it anyway, but I'd like to know what the worst could be! :thumbdown:


    Hope no-one minds me asking this, garry's gonna get an ear ful when I get a hold of him for question time over a coffee :thumbup:



    p.s Everyone's pic is so lovely, seriously I know we're losing the weight for health reasons but everyone looks gorgeous!

    Hi Penny

    Hospital gown and knickers for the op... Dr Chris said to me when i went that if there were complications and you had to go back into theatre for some reason (really really unlikely as its only a 45 minute op) he would do it free of charge, the only charges may come from the hospital for theatre time and nurses.

  4. Hi to anyone who has not been banded yet i also have no regrets about having my surgery with dr chris and his team and i would do it 100 times over again. I am only 26 pounds from goal, after i had my surgery i had a couple of fills with a uk surgeon and he commented on how well he thought the surgery had been done with the port placement and especially how neat and small the scars


  5. Hi carrie i dont have a heliogast band i have a (sagb) swedish adjustable gastric band which comes in a few different sizes i think that is why we were unsure.

    Hi bobolady, did you pay extra for your band? I am sure that when i had my op the band you have was more expensive, or maybe that was a different band and i am just getting confused!

  6. band sizes arent shown on your post op info, but on the heliogast booklet you should have got, there is a barcoded sticker with the date and your name on it i think..it says somewhere on it either 'HAGE' or 'HAGA'. the hage band is the heliogast evolution band, which seems to be the most usual band chris uses for women. it takes 7-9ml fill, and the HAGA is the heliogast advantage band, which is for larger patients or men usually..im not sure on this but i think it takes 12-14ml fill. i know i found this out through some heliogast website, and i did state it correctly about 2 or 3 months back. so see if you can find it on the paperwork you were given post op. thats terrible and not right what he said about anyone who knows anything about fills should know what size it is!..how could they know!? it could be dangerous just guessing, and any reputable fill provider would never guess. i know wendy said she would not fill us without this information, so it must be that important Gillian x

    When i went for my pre op evaluation the night before surgery dr chris gave this whole speach about the different bands he might use on the day depending on what he thought would be best. However i dont think that anyone on here has a different band to the ones mentioned by gillian. From this thread its obvious that the aftercare offered is not the best but i do agree that the care given in belgium is fantastic. I think the main problem is that they need to employ someone else as frederick cant handle the amount of aftercare patients they have, if they had another member of staff maybe he would be able to spend more than 5 mins with each person which is reasonable if you are giving them £90! The needles and specialist Water only cost me about £200 and i have 100 enough to last the rest of my life!!

  7. Hi Everone

    Hope you all had a good easter and congrats Gillian on you weight loss!

    I am suffering from severe head hunger today (think too much alcohol over the weekend did not help!) I just want to eat everything but i still have really good restriction and i cant! I know i should not moan because really i dont need the food, guess you cant win either way...just want to fill the bath up with chinese and stick my head in it :)

  8. i have lost 4 stone but i am naughty and i have not done any excerise really but i know i need to really start now to help get the rest off. I am having a re program at the gym tomorrow which will have only 10 mins cardio and the rest weights and then i will run outside for the cardio as i hate doing the treadmill, bike etc in the gym its so boring and you can just stop when you want. At least you know that however far you go outside you have to get back!

  9. Hi everyone, seems like peoples bands are starting to work for them now which is awesome!

    Flirty congrats on the loss...wish i had lost 6 stone then id be done!

    I also stopped losing weight about 4 weeks after i had my op, i think most people do that as your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to the fat. Its important that you do make sure you eat enough or your body will stay in starvation mode as it thinks it must keep all of the weight as it does not know when the next meal will be or you will just have no energy and keep fainting like naughty flirty. I learnt from other posts that a good trick is to stay between the 800 and 1200 hundred calorie range but vary it on different days so your body thinks its getting a varied diet this seems to work for me.

    I started running today..i actually cant believe i can type that i have never run anywhere before now. It was slightly (only slightly) easier than i thought it would be but then i am lucky that i live in the country and the scenery is lovley and there are no cars or poeple to watch you.

    Flirty i am not on Facebook, stupid really but i never wanted to be on it coz of the photos and tagging etc. Everyone i know is on and i use my housemates so i dont have to set up a profile. Its ridiculous because i look good in photos now but its a mini goal for me once i have lost another stone.

  10. Hey caroline where did ur mum get her tummytuck ? I cant wait to get my arms done their first on my list but im terrified of bad scars

    Hi Flity, sorry i havent been on in a while, my mum went through beaucare in belgium.

    I think with arms you have to carefull and choose a really good surgeon though to minimize on scars. I have been doing some research and there is the arm lift where they make a cut by your arm pit and pull the top of your arm up like a sleeve and cut the excess and then sow back up so you only have the one smallish scar under your arm.

  11. Hi carriejess, did your mum have Tummy Tuck with CDB and if so does he also use/do liposuction and tighten the abs and stomach muscles at the same time.

    Hi mmm, no my mum went through beaucare in belgium (they only do cosmetic sugery not weightloss) not sure if they tighten muscles etc my mum had the tummy tuck because of us children rather than losing weight so i dont know if they need to tighten muscles also? Sorry i cant be more helpful i will ask her when she comes back from holiday. She also had a face lift through them the year before and i know that she is very happy with everything and would recommend them. Actually i think she has sent so much business their way with all her friends going that her next op should be free!

  12. Hi gillian yeah i can eat bread steak pizza chips everything and in any amounts... But this fill will surely make some differnce if even only a bit of restriction id be happy least id know the next fill would make a big difference fred said i should be ready for a Tummy Tuck in 3months or end of summer so i was thrilled he thought that but i think il look into getting my arms done sooner i also wont be able to have a straight forward tt he said id have to be cut round waist and the top bit pulled down and lower bit pulled up and prob another op over that cos my belly is kinda split hard to explain so im not too happy bout that sounds very messy and id say awful scars

    Hi Flirty

    My mum had a tummy tuck last year and ger scars look relly good now. I would love to have my ams done but i cant afford it prob til next year now!

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