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Posts posted by LastOptionAtty

  1. Last night was part 1 of my Psch consult. It was not what I expected she asked me about the procedure I guess to make sure I know what I am getting into, she asked about after care and support, also about my self esteem, and fatigue and any pains I have. Other things like meds, if I have ever been committed :lol:lol etc. She asked about family history and my medical history things like my cholesterol level which is 110 and my sugar levels which is only 84. I explained I am in good shape aside from this extra 168 pounds I have lol well not so lol I guess. :) She said next week will be about the diet post surgery. Yesterday I made a cheat sheet/shopping list for the various stages. I am going to Costo to stock up on the clear juices and Water and Soups I will need for at least 2 months. I will post my list in case anyone wants to see it or needs ideas!

    I feel a bit guilty I ate McD's 2 days in a row I havent had McD is over 2 months. :scared2:I am sad about the boyfriend but it was the right thing to do. :thumbup: He seemed very nice and very kind but I need to be with someone who is honest point blank. I said I would give myself 24hrs to have a "pity party" but that's been 72 hours or more ago now so I need to get serious I may have to put myself of a liquid diet if I can't stay focused. I am good all day but the evening is the worst:thumbdown:

    I still have not used the new treadmill. What is wrong with me? 15 darn minutes? Huh :) Not good and not a good indicator. Although I got the results of my labs my Vitamin D levels were too low so that can explain a lot of my fatigue and blah-ness (is that a word? lol) the Dr sent a Rx and I will fill that when I get back.

    On the up side I am going away on a lil trip and can't wait to just have some me time. I am leaving my cell and laptop!!! FREEDOM! :thumbup:The place has a great spa and lots of things to do that are health and spiritually related I am in need of that right now!

    Have a great rest of the week gang! :)

  2. Mannnnn I missed!!! I wonder if its on line yet?! I will check back in once I catch up I do like the concept and the clips looked really good!

    I did catch Larry King Live he had Oprah's team talking about her weight loss efforts and advice for others that was informative.

  3. Congrats on the NSV. I am very encouraged by your "testimony". I was in a 22-24 and I am now in a 16-14. I'm out 1 1/2 yrs and would love to be at goal this August. My problem is the extra fat around my stomach. I know that it's a good 5-8 #'s. I would love to have Lipo but I don't see that happening unless God provides(yes, I have asked him).

    Again, congrats and yes, I understand the tears of joy.

    LOL I know that's right! Congrats on your lost thus far!!! My sister lost about 40 pounds on WW with me and she has a belly still and she is swearing by this program called Slim in 6. Its a great cardio workout I saw her for the first tiem in 4 months and that extra cardio has burned then belly fat a lot!:wink_smile:

  4. I can't lie, I am so jealout of you right now, but you know something, I know that I will get there. I was a size 22/24, and I am now down to a loose 18. I have gone from a high of 267 to 204 right now, and I know that by my wedding anniversary, I will at least be 160, that is only another 40lbs, but my ultimate goal will probably be 150.

    My only question is, what about the skin? Do you have a lot of loose skin or has all or at least most of it gone back to size? :huh2:Just wondering what I have to look forward to.


    WOW CONGRATS TO YOU!!!!!!:wink_smile:

  5. Travel Lady you have lost weight that is wonderful! I like your mindset its just time to refocus and set some small goals. When I did WW I tracked everything and that helped me a lot. If you rather do it on line try the daily plate.com its very handy. I actually rejoined WW and plan to keep going the mental stuff is the hard part. There is a co-worker who just told me she was 280 pounds 15 years ago and did a 12 step program to help get it off and keep it off and its a battle everyday. So there are resources out there to help you as well! Please join our 30 day exercise thread!!!

  6. Happy New Year ALL!!!

    My new year did not go as planned at all bf and I broke up over some lies he told and the worst part was he got caught and kept lying... I have no time for that honestly if he had just said ok here's the deal I would have forgiven him but no he wants to be an a-typical man and keep the lie going. Ughh frustrating b/c I really liked him a lot and he treated me very, very well but I think in his attempt to impress me he said something that he shouldn't have. I am trying not to dwell too much b/c my surgery is on the 30th (they gave me the wrong date) and I still need to lose that 10-15 pounds. This weekend was a waste I should have gone to the gym or at least done the treadmill at home but I didn't.

    Today is a new day though I taste tested this Protein packet by Jay Robb and brought my mini blender it wasn’t too bad and I added fresh strawberries. Its 11 and I am ready to eat now.

    I feel kind like I am going thru the motions regarding surgery its weird I am not nervous or scared or happy or sad I am just going thru the motions.

    Did any of you ever feel that way? :wink_smile:

    My goals for today are to stay on point and do 15 mins mini. On treadmill.


  7. Oh no I am thankful for sharing your story b/c in the end it is a matter of calories in calories out and you were clear you had some iffy food choices and I think that is wonderful that you got that book! I am sure it has some good advice I love Prevention magazine. You are right 3 -10mins is a good way to get in your 30 plenty of us do that on here maybe 10 in the am 10 mid day at work and 10 in the evening. The best thing is once you get in a groove you'll good harder and longer! Wii Fit is GREAT!!! Also boxing... I do it wth my heart rate monitor and burned a couple hundred calories in a 30 minute match!!

    Yes please buy the Oprah magazine its great!

    Keep checkin in!!:thumbup::smile:

  8. Thanks so much for your candid reply. You are right weigh loss really is about your mindset. I am learning that again. I had a good run with WW after 6 years on and off and it was because I madeup my mind that I had to give it my all this time and it did work. I became really fustrated when I lost (only) 45.6 pounds and increased my exercise and that didn't help and it al came back slowly and I feel so unable to get it togethr on my own I just eat and eat but I thank you for reminding me the band is only a tool and I need to stay focused. Thanks so much!! :smile:

    Can I recc. the Jan Oprah magazine to you if you have not picked it up. There is a great plan Bob Green has to get back on track like start with 23 day and increase, cut out soda and hih cal drinks, etc to take step by step managable changes to get to goal.What workouts are you going to begin with?:thumbup:

  9. Just found this thread. Is it too late for me to join you guys? I've been banded 19 mos and haven't lost ANY weight since surgery *Yikes*. I'm more motivated now than I've been in a long time. I'd like to commit to 30 minutes a day, for 4-5 days a week. There's no excuse for me to not be able to stick to that - except of course, I'm a bit lazy. I'm gonna try really, really hard. This is it, I HAVE GOT TO DO SOMETHING! The band has been waiting far too long for me to decide to work with it!

    WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME SKHOPP!!! Please join us!! I hate to be nosey but I am still pre-op and just took the leap of faith to go forward and I am seekingany and all words of wisdom. What has your Dr. said about no weight loss in over a year? I see you said something to teeffect of not workng with the band...is it that you never found th 'sweet spot' to get the right restriction? Did you keep getting fills? Were you able to rule out slippage etc.?

    Looking forward to your updates!:thumbup:

  10. Christmas was wonderful. My bf and I went to a fancy hotel at the Inner Harbor and had a great Christmas morning workout. :blush: He finally told me his weight... 363 I figured he was about 350. He still says wls isnt something he considered but we will see he has lost 130 pound by just cutting back on food and lifting weight and doing very little cardio. I just signed him up for a 2 week pass at my gym I told him being in a healthy relationship is very important to me. We had a good workout and I am looking forward to another one this evening. :tongue2:

    I am one month and 3 days away from my surgery day. Weird. That barium was nasty but not as nasty as I thought it would be but I think its is totally out of my system now:tongue_smilie: they did warn me that the kind after surgery is way worst. I need to buckle down and lose these 10 pounds I am paying for WW still so I need to go and at least I'll have the weekly check in to keep myself on track with.

  11. Thanks everyone! I am doing pretty good with drinking lots of Water, trying to drink more and more everyday, it is hard to get into that habit. I'm also working on actually eating 3 meals a day, I never did that before. I think right after the holidays I will try a combination liquid diet with maybe one small meal a day. And then eventually do all liquids!

    My Doc recc'd the same and she also said to do 3-4 days a week of at least 30-45 minutes of exercise!!!! Add the exercise!!!:thumbup:

  12. Jan. 29th, 2008! I rushed and had everything done in like a week :thumbup: in case my insurance changed but I checked into the change and it wasn't a big deal so I told them I would wait :tt2: I still need my Psych letter and PCP letter but since I have time I didn't rush them I'll have them by the 2 nd week in Jan. so its just a wait and see and lose 10-15 pounds :sad:

  13. Well this may be TMI but that barium is moving thru me! I have another on line journal on another message board and I put it all out there so you have been forewarned lol Also forgve the many typos I type with 3 fingers but I am quick and therefore that equally a lot of typos! :thumbup: A/w I will try my best to proof-read!

    A/w I bought some K20 protien Water the mixed berry flavor its not bad at all. It has 5 gms of protien and only 50 calories in the whole bottle. I tried the ensure it was ok but it has a lot of carbs. There is a pre-mixed protien shake I started taking last year b/c of all the working out I was doing its from Worldwide it has 21 g of protien and 2 net carbs it isn't bad tasting at all. I am trying to get my system ready for post-op.

    I am really just playing the waiting game at this point, now I am wondering if I should have had the Dr. squeeze me in before the New Year. My boyfriend has a nice New year's eve planned for us though and I didnt want to miss that plsu I have some work stuff I need to wrap up. I want to use this time to lose the 10-15 pounds the Dr. told me to so I will focus on that.

    She did not put me on a liquid diet thank God! Just a Atkins like plan I can do that I may do more of a South beach and have 2 fruits a day though. I can do 10-15 in a month like that.

    I had the nerve to break the knob on my treadmill already! So I didn't even get to use it yesterday! :youcandothis: My boyfriend said he will take a look at it this weekend. I told himt o bring gym clothes we are gonna work it outttttttt all weekend!

    I am excited for Christmas the plan at first was to go down south to his family but he found out he has to work on Friday :sad: so I said let's do a nice hotel and we are going tonight to a very upscale hotel downtown Baltimore it is usually $400 a night its less than half of that for Christmas eve! :tt2:

    Happy Holidays ladies!!!

  14. YEAHHHH EBONY!!!!!! CONGRATS GIRLLLLLLL!!!! WHAT GREAT PROGRESS!!!! Good plan to max out your time off!!! Oh I went to my eating class on Monday and she made the point that you should max out your eating and exercise in the first 6 months to get the best results b/c that's when the body is still a bit confused and will use up the stored fat without hitting a plateau so keep pushin!!!

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