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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LastOptionAtty

  1. We share the same date!! I began my pre-op diet today and those Jr. Bacon Cheeseburgers would have been nice today... :scared: good luck and stay positive! You're doing great!

    Hey Kris Praying for you! Please check in when you can!!! :thumbup::thumbup:

  2. LastOption,

    Glad to see that you are totally focused. I understand what you mean when you said, I feel kind like I am going thru the motions regarding surgery its weird I am not nervous or scared or happy or sad I am just going thru the motions.

    Did any of you ever feel that way? redface.gif

    I didn't feel nervous or scared until the day of my surgery, when I was walking to my room:scared2: :scared:. My boyfriend held my hand, and we prayed, and then I felt better:thumbup:. On the second night after my surgery, I woke up in the middle of the night in so much pain that I woke up crying :hurt: . That was the only bad day that I really had.

    I have lost now a total of 18 lbs and have had 1 fill 3cc's. This has been a discovery of me, people around me and and life in general. I wish you ALL THE BEST in your journey. Take your time in the healing process :cool2:.

    Thanks so much!!! I will check in asap! Congrats on the 18 pounds!!!!:thumbup::thumbup:

  3. Well I am finally back from Pre-op. It went well I lost the 10 pounds!!!:cursing::thumbup: Right on the nosethank God! I had to give more blood, reviewed my cat scan its not a hiatal hernia its another kind I told her to leave it she said there is a great posibility that beacuse it is big nothing will get caught in there its the small ones doctors worry about. So she claimssss the pain will be very slight I till made her give me an Rx for pain meds.

    All my labs look good and my blood pressure was actually very low:thumbup:

    Still not nervous or scared so I guess thats good!:tongue:

  4. I'd be honored to join! Excercise is vital to this tool of our to work. Unfortunately, I don't particularly love it. But, I always feel better after doing it.

    Today, I did 30 minutes on the treadmill and 30 minutes of weight training on my upper body.

    GOOD STUFF!!!:(:thumbup:

    I plan to get in something tonight possibly spin class if the weather holds up today! Welcome!!

  5. Less than 24 hours and counting. I get banded tomorrow! Anyone else?

    I wrote my plans for this evening on my blog (so I won't take your time here), come and visit me there!

    But good luck to everyone. Contact me if you want to correspond!

    mmmm...I love Water and broth. I love water and broth. I love water and broth.:wink:

    Have a great day!!! Best wishes looking forward to your updates!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

  6. Whyyy am I sick :thumbup: I take a communter bus to work and someone was coughing on Thursday it was just a sore throat and now I nose is stuffed up beyond belief:frown::party: I found some new vblogs and two other people had colds and it didnt delay the surgery. I am trying to take everything I can to clear it up by Tuesday I am already going to be in hot Water for not following the preop diet I was really hoping to get a few more good workouts but I can barely breathe :w00t::cheers2: Oh well I am going back to church its been a longggggg time but its time.

  7. Hi there is anyone else ready for next Friday? :thumbdown:

    I have all my shopping done, the folks are coming on Thursday evening. How are you feeling? Did you get all your shopping done? :lol:

    I ordered the book Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band by Swell & Rohrbough I plan to read it throughout this week. Best wishes!!!

  8. Well less than a week to go! Yesterday I found out my therapist didn't send in my letter:cursing: I meannn I say her th evening before and she was the one saying oh its only a week away! A/w she got it done:cursing::lol::thumbdown: But I did call the Dr.'s office on Monday to check to make sure they had everything and I was brushed off by the peson who anwered the phone :mad: I don't like last minute. I have BCBS and this year it has been changed and they need pre-certification before approval so waiting till the week before seems slacker-ish to me but whatever.

    I ordered the book Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band it finally came yesterday I am going to read it cover to cover.

    I am down about 6 pounds but now I caught a horrible cold:frown: and skipped the gym this morning I must go and workout though. I plan to go tomorrow to after church and before some volunteering I need to get done.

    Hope all is well!:lol:

  9. :thumbup: How's everyone? Good I hope! I made it to the gym on Tuesday after my follow up blood work at the hospital then home to watch Obama well him and the Mrs. she is so fly:thumbup: I want to be grown like that at 45!!!:smile:

    I was a lil po'ed today.. the one friend I told about my surgery I am 90% sure told another friend we have in common. :) She really just asked me what I decided to do about lapband b/c I mentioned it to her like last year and about my father taking to me about wls.

    I am po'ed about the way she did it... b/c it was more so to let me know he told her. In all my years of this weight loss journey SHE HAS NEVER ASKED ME ANYTHING..EVER...about losing weight never offered support or anything. Not in a bad way but its just not a topic we really get into. I think that is what has me upset b/c it wasn't a sincere thing. I eventually wrote her back (it was via email) telling her I am having it done same time as the henia next week. She wrote back saying ok good and dont be super woman have support there. That was even more proof he told her b/c I really only told him b/c I needed a ride home and he's the one tht suggested I ask my Mom to come.

    The deal is I don't feel ashamed but I dont want to broadcast it either mainly b/c I am just getting to the point of accepting that I need such drastic help. I am very independent and this still feels like giving up in order to get what I really want... if that makes sense. I've come to peace with my choice b/c ultimately my goals are to lose the weight and be healthier and I can't get it done without a real tool like surgery... I've tried and have good outcomes but they did not last. :) I need help but it just bothered me that he told her. I called him and asked him if he said anything to her... he asked why am I asking that:glare: I said well she made a comment that made wonder and I've only told him and my mom, dad and sister sooooo.... He said no he didn't. But I really didnt even have to ask...

    Anyhoo... tick tock. Still not feel nervous I did look at hernia surgeries on youtube not cute but a pretty basic...

  10. Well back from the gym. I went to Walmart to get a few more items from the list I posted. I was debating my gym time since the spin class is later so I went after Walmart and did 45 mins on the eliptical get it out of the way. I am mostly resting until later and doing laundry and cleaning up since the parental units :biggrin:will be here in 10 days. Geeeshhh time is flying by! I still don't feel weird or nervous not sure why but I guess it will sink in sooner or later. I have a hernia and I have seen a few more blogs and vlogs with info on that duo procedure. I'll just be glad to move foward. I found some old pics and I just shook my head I feel like I wasted so must of my life being obese I am just glad that it didn't hold me back fom my other goals and dreams. But I am just ready to not be this size anymore, be tired any more, have joint pain anymore, self image issuses anymore...:)

  11. :thumbup:HI EVERYONE!!!!:):biggrin::wink2::mad2::thumbup::thumbup::w00t::w00t::w00t::thumbup::thumbup:

    How goes it??!!! Any workout or workout plans to report?? I hope so!!!!

    I did Step aerobics and Kick boxing = 2 hours Saturday

    Yoday I did 45 mins of the eliptical , Weight lifting clas and Kickboxing =2 hours and 45 mins.

    I plan to do:

    Monday -Spin class (1 hr) Eliptical (1hr)

    Tuesday- Spin & Eliptical

    Weds- TBA I may go to work I work in DC and they are saying it will be a mess so we will see.

    Thursday- Treadmill (home):w00t:

    Friday-Treadmill (home):smile:

    Satuday-Step and Combat:thumbup:

    Sunday- Eliptical and Body Pump.:thumbup:

    What are your plans!?!:thumbup:

  12. Just back from the gym:thumbup: I really only have two speeds 125 mph and 0. Like I don't do shades of grey my view on life is very black or white...like Spiderman said that is my gift and my curse. It makes me very on point in my life but things like weight loss you need to enjoy the shades of grey and to be forgiving to yourself. I am working on that.

    I did 2 classes Saturday and 2 today plus the eliptical:w00t: too much I know but it was a good workout.

    I cut back on food, watchng calories, drinking shakes and lots of Water.

    My friend and I hit up Coscto and I got fuze drinks, Water, 100% fruit juice boxes and calcuim chews. I did order my Kit it has multivitams, protien, and clacium for the first month that ran me about 100 dollars. I ordered unjury 2 big ones chocolate and unflavored and some samples of strawberry and vanilla to try them out.

    That's all for now!:)

  13. Hi All!:yikes:

    I must admit Adkins as never my fave diet yesterday I had the worst headache by 4pm:cursing: I don't do pain and for the most part I stee clear of any and all issues that would bring pain my way:rolleyes: I said let me go to Wendys and get a Jr. bacon cheeseburger and take off the bun then I said let me get 2 b/c there was a lot of traffic and I was starving I swear before I knew it I inhaled :tongue_smilie:BOTH burgers with the Buns. O my goodness they tasted like manna from heaven. I called my sister to confess. I told her I was reading through the paperwork I had to sign and if I dont lose enough the Dr. can opt to do open surgery vs. lasp. eeekkk:scared2: I did do the treadmil last night. I slipped again today b/cthere was an office party I had a sandwich and 2 ok 3 pieces of cake... :wink: I tried to stop at one but I should know better that first bite is a slippery slope.

    I did cook tonight and packed lunch for tomorrow. I called my old gym buddy and we are planning to workout this weekend. :crying: and on Monday. I went to the sneaker sports store on the way home and I invested in new pair of Brooks and good socks. I am taking my multi and filled my Vitamin D Rx I hope I feel a difference soon.

    Tomorrow back on track. I am PMSing and in the past I'd be eating all day so I am glad that I am at least sticking with some of the plan.

    That's all for now! :tt1:

  14. Dear Sxevan9, Weight Loss Surgery with the Adjustable Gastric Band is the best weight loss book I have found. It contains " Everything You Need to Know Before & after Surgery to lose Weight Successfully". Borders has it. I'm reading it for the 3rd time. Good Luck, Hasta Pronto, George:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    Thanks for the recc I am ordering it now!

  15. Shopping List

    General Items


    Gas X Strip

    Smooth Move tea


    Unjury unflavored Protein mix

    Papaya enzyme

    Protein powder


    30th , 31st, & Feb 1st & beyond

    10 calories or less per serving drinks

    Crystal light

    Crystal light hydration

    Diet Snapple

    Diet Green tea lipton

    Fruit 2 o all flavored waters not containing vitamins


    Diet V8 splash

    K2O protein water

    Minute Maid Light

    Sugar free koolaid w/ a sugar substitute

    Aquafina/ nestle flavored waters

    Sugar free popsicles

    Lowfat veggie, beef, chick broth

    Sugarfree jello

    ~100% juices (diluted w/ water)-No pineapple, orange, grapefruit or Tomato for 1 month

    To Do:

    -mini of 48 oz. a day

    -6oz an hour


    Shopping List Days 4-15 Feb 2nd - 16th


    Atkins Advantage


    Muscle Milk

    Slimfast Protein

    South beach


    To Do:

    -1 Protein Shake every 4 hours

    -Drink clear fluids 10 cal or less in between shakes


    Shopping List - Day 15 Feb 17th

    ~Peanut Butter- Smuckers Low Carb, Skippy natural, smart balance, and natural (5 grams of sugar or less)*


    ~Instant/homemade mashed white or sweet potatoes*

    ~Oh yeah Protein Bars


    Yogurt- Dannon Lite & Fit Activa, WW

    Eggs or egg beaters

    Low fat cheeses

    Milk –Skim, 1%

    Soy milk- -Continent light vanilla soy or WestSoy Lite vanilla rice milk

    Canned Goods


    Tuna in water


    Low fat mayo


    Fresh lump crabmeat






    Bananas, melons

    Canned fruits in natural juices (no pineapples unless in smoothie)

    Sugar free apple sauce

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
