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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubbyville

  1. bubbyville

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    O.k. I must admit ..... I am the one that always talks backwards and keep my friends laughing. One Friday night, my friend and I were at Famous Daves (our almost every Friday night hang out). We were in deep discussion about Hugh Hefner (sp). I was truely amazed at this old fart with all these extremely young women as his girlfriends. I told my friend, "I bet Hugh has to take a lot of Vivarine to keep up with those girls." She smiled at me (knows me tooo well) and said "Well, I am sure keeping awake is not his main problem - but then again older people tend to go to bed earlier than most." I was lost at why she was worried about his sleeping habits when it dawned on me what I had said and I blurted out "oh my god, I mean Viagra!!!" - as the waitress appeared with our food. I think my friend and I bout wet our pants. We are now known as the Viagra girls. Here is another good one - this one my friend actually shared with my DH and they BOTH still harrass me to this day...... I was talking to my friend (again, friday night outing) about my husband's hunting schedule....he loves to deer hunt. And that weekend I told my friend that my husband was going MULLET HUNTING. She looked at me and just laughed. She said " do you need a special hunting permit for that?"as she was laughing so hard that tears came to her eyes. She continues" Rabbit Season, Duck Season, Mullet Season......" "SHHHHH, be very very quiet, I'm hunting mullets"......needless to say, I will never live that down. tracy
  2. bubbyville

    Explain your name on LBT...

    Bubbyville - Bubby is the pet name that my DH and I have called each other since we started dating almost 17 yrs ago. We started with "Buddy" but that isn't the term one would like to be called when you are dating someone. So we changed it slightly and "Bubby" definately fits us!! Our first house was in the country right outside an uncorporated town called Bussyville. (several times a year they have to fix that sign - kids enjoy painting a big P over the nice huh. So, we decided that we lived in Bubbyville - population 2 (at the time- gosh, that was @ 15 yrs ago ). It is something that we still call each other and are very proud that Bubbyville now has a population of 5!! Tracy
  3. I am so excited!:clap2: :clap2: Got the call from the surgery coordinator today - after a few weeks of jumping through the insurance hoops.....I got my approval. So, the new and approved date is June 20th. Just wanted to share the good news. Can't wait for that band!! Tracy
  4. bubbyville

    6 Month Band Anniversary 11/10/05

    josephine - Oh, my gosh!!!! Congrats on your success!!!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: Your success is SOOOOOO motivating. I am hopefully starting my lapband journey on June 13th and starting @ 266 #s. What you have accomplished, gives me hope that I can be successful, too. Keep up the awesome work - Tracy
  5. bubbyville

    The journey continues..

    Elektralite- I am right there with you in the jumping through hoops.. I have my surgery scheduled for June 13th at this point. I called insurance and they said it was covered under my plan with nothing to hold me back. Well, met my dr (ok, already know him.....we sit on the sidelines each week at our girls' :soccer: game). He is an awesome individual and calmed my nerves very quickly. We scheduled my date - hoping to do it the week after school gets out.....before summer school starts. (this date works best for me because I do daycare and my summer census is lower then than during the school year). AND suprise suprise suprise....insurance slapped me with their conditions....First of all they complained that we didn't submitt the correct information. So, I did my psych eval and did my nutritional eval like they requested.....and re-submitted everything. (we are trying to ignore the 6 mo doctor supervised diet that they are requesting). We also got a letter from my regular doctor that says this is the only answer for me - she does not suggest any other diet or drug because of other health issues. I have been to one support group meeting -- we are required to attend atleast 6 meetings post op. The group was small and very interesting -There have only been @ 40 LB surgeries at my local hospital - great success stories and very good after care :nanahump: . I just talked to the bariatric nurse and she thinks if the insurance company can get off their lazy :tape: asses and reply within the next week or so .....my surgery is still a go on June 13th. (otherwise the schedule is now full through August) I am extremely excited but starting to feel the crunch....If I am approved, I need to start my 10-day liquid diet about June 1st. That really isn't that far away. I also need to inform my daycare families about time off/get my mom to come for a few days to help with my three children, go shopping and the list goes on and on. I just wish I knew what was happening. Good luck at your journey of hoop jumping - Tracy
  6. Ok - I choked on a banana......because I am sexy and I do what I want.... tracy
  7. bubbyville

    Let's make that date -

    Ok WI banders - Let's set a date to get together - What do you think........ Tracy
  8. bubbyville

    What do you drive?

    Got me one of those BIG FORD TRUCKS!!! - it is is my husbands But since the gas prices have gone up, he drives my van back and forth to work... ....I get my truck :biggrin1: !!
  9. bubbyville

    Why are YOU Fat?

    why am I fat? Perfect timing for that question - My mother just call yesterday and told me she had found a card I made for her back in 3rd grade for mother's day. (fyi- I was an average sized kid until I had my tonsils out in 2nd grade - and then food just tasted better - my mom's theory) the card read: What "MOM" means to me - ......it means homemade Cookies ......it means cake and brownies ......it means lots of hugs ......it means lots of kisses ......it mean buttered popcorn and chips n dip ......it mean family but most of all it means love My mom and I agree that those foods listed above were part of my life. My mom was always baking for us and for her demons - she was a lonely/emotional eater. I learned many bad habits from her. Unlike my life today, fast food was not part of our lives back then. We just had too many wrong foods available in our house. Today, my problem is fast food - it is too easy. I also don't know when to stop until it is too late. (things that I am working on now :party: ) I also find that my energy level is at an all time low. (working on that too- actually raked the back yard for 1 hour today - this is big!!) My husband is very supportive and wants to work with me on change. My oldest (11) knows my struggles and is very helpful. We had supper at Subway last night - and she told me we should cut McDonald's down to once a week. She also asked if we could do our "Mother/Daughter walk and talk" again. Looking forward to change and better health - for me, my husband and my kids!! Can't wait for that band.
  10. bubbyville

    What's your slogan??

    for my name- Let the Tracy Begin. ok for bubbyville- Crunch All You Want. We'll Make Bubbyville.
  11. bubbyville

    So - what's your status?

    I have been married almost 14 years - our date is October 31 - and yes it was on Halloween. When we were done at the church, we went trick-or-treating at a few houses around the church. I was lucky enought to marry my best friend - and someone who has been able to put up with me for so long!! : ) Tracy
  12. bubbyville


    Enjoying all the stories. When I had finished 6th grade, my best friend and I made plans to hang all summer, but first, she was going to go on a vacation with her grandma and great aunt. She never returned from her vacation - she died in a head-on car collision. It was the first death that I remember - the first funeral - and with a closed casket, I didn't believe she was really inside. The night of the funeral was extremely hard for me, I remember my parents helping me walk out of the church. We got home and my folks helped me into bed. I crashed rather quickly but was awoken a few hours later and there she was standing at the bottom of my bed, smiling at me......scared the crap out of me. From that point on, I just considered her my angel. Tracy
  13. bubbyville

    The new me!

    Diane - AWESOME!!!! I am starting pretty close to where you started ...... I am very excited at the changes..... you should be very proud!!! THANKS FOR SHARING!!
  14. bubbyville

    Nontraditional Curse Words

    What a laugh.... My MIL had a problem saying "crap" around the grandchildren - and now she has changed it to "crayola" which all the kids are picking up on. My favorite is "what a BEEHIVE" for B*TCH! My autistic daughter had an issue saying "Oh, Damn" at everything that was a struggle for her.....her teacher and I pulled together to change it to "Oh Tarter Sauce" - thanks spongebob!! Tracy
  15. bubbyville

    Hi im new

    Cookinjillie - congrats on your upcoming band date! I, like you, also need to lose that 100 or so lbs. I am looking at June 13, 2006 for my banding. This site is full of great information-and awesome people and has been a great tool in my research. Good luck and keep us posted. Tracy
  16. bubbyville

    Wisconsin: Where are you??

    Well - hello everyone.:wave: Hello Margo, JS and xoxlatanya- and our northern friend nightingale2u, Yes, lets plan a Sunday after Easter - Why don't we plan on the last Sunday of April... NOW where should we meet?? Margo - do you have a place in mind. If there is a problem with the date - let me know and we can always pick another day. I am excited to meet all of you and hear your band stories. The nurse called yesterday and they had a computer glitch and that delayed my paperwork to the insurance. They got everything sent on Tues. so hopefully my insurance company won't drag their feet - I want to get this thing going - waiting just really stinks!!
  17. bubbyville

    Wisconsin: Where are you??

    Hey Margo - Sorry it took a while for me to get back to you. I had to move the computer for a few days while my builders added a few walls to my basement on Friday/Saturday. We finally have the basement all framed in.....now we need to get the building inspector down here to approve and also tell us where he wants the electrical. I ran to Waukesha on Saturday to meet my folks and we went to the Machine Shed for lunch. Do you know where that is? Cute place - my kids (11 & 8 - girls and 3 - a boy) ordered kids meals and the kids meal came in a John Deere Wagon. How cute BUT what a terrible thing to do to a little boy - we couldn't keep the wagon. He was totally bummed. Anyway, I have classes on Friday and Saturday at the UW-Whitewater so this weekend won't work for me. Next weekend is Easter - which depending on my daughters soccer game - Saturday may work - I get the schedule later tonight - (it is in the van that my husband drove to work today.) Otherwise, I think I will have to push for a Sunday - later this month. How does that look for you? Let me know. Hope all is well - talk to you soon Tracy
  18. bubbyville

    Potty-Training Boys???

    Ok - so I am going through this potty training thing too with my 3 1/2 year old boy. The sad thing is, he was partially potty trained at the age of 18 months by my daycare provider. We gave up because there were more misses than hits. What is the deal with doing #2 on the potty. This is so frustrating. He can keep himself dry all day long but hides when the #2 is on the way. Normally, it happens during nap time so currently the diaper still goes on ...... but otherwise I have to watch him and constantly know what he's doing for fear of the pooping/hiding routine. Yes, pull ups are terrible!! When I potty trained my oldest (now 11) I put her down for a nap with a pull up on and she proceeded to poop in it and then take it off and smear the stuff everywhere. So, learned my lesson the hard way. Currently using preschool as a incentive. We'll see. Tracy
  19. bubbyville

    Wisconsin: Where are you??

    Margo - I think coffe/tea would be nice....I would also like to hear about your banded life and your success. My schedule can be somewhat crazy with doing in home daycare and raising 3 children- so let's see what will work with both of our schedules. Check your calendar.... Tracy
  20. bubbyville

    Wisconsin: Where are you??

    Hey Margo - I am not too far from Brookfield. I live in Fort Atkinson - bout 40 minutes away. I am having my surgery (hopefully) here in Fort Atkinson with Dr. Erickson. Congrats on the weight loss and inches!! How has life been banded so far ?? Any suggestions for someone just starting. Tracy
  21. bubbyville

    What does everyone do for a living?

    After 20 years in the printing field, I quit my job to be a full-time mom and a inhome daycare provider. ( I think the $11,000 in daycare charges the year before had a lot to do with it.) My kids love having me at home - so does the hubby.
  22. Hi Everyone- First off, I want to give a little background since I neglected this information in my initial intro :embarassed: . My name is Tracy and have been married for @ 14 years. I am a mother of 3 great kids (11, 8 and 3). I am have my surgery scheduled for June 13 - currently waiting on insurance. I currently am 267# and BMI of 45 - and looking forward to a newer and better me. (wow'd at all your successes) I work out of my house as a daycare provider to 5 children plus my 3 year old. Because of my job, I need to give my parents advanced notice of any time off. My doctor said I should be ready to go after 1 week - from reading past threads - I am confused on recovery time. I do understand everyones recovery is different - I am hoping that after 1 week I will be close to normal.(not that I have ever been normal). My summer load is smaller than what I carry right now - so that will help. My surgery is scheduled for a Tuesday, and I would like to bring the kids back that following Monday. What do you banders thinK?? Thanks for helping a newbie.
  23. bubbyville

    time off from work - help

    Thanks everyone for your comments - Hopefully, with the smaller group this summer (only 3 fulltime kids) and with the help of my oldest daughter, I will be able to get help with the lifting of the youngest child. My son is the one that I worry about the most - he likes to jump on his momma. Once he sees the marks on my belly - I think he'll understand. I am going to push for 2 week but may have to take a couple back earlier. (If anything - we can do a lot of outside playing while I sit back and veg.) thanks again.
  24. Hello everyone - I currently have my surgery scheduled for June 13, 2006. Waiting for the insurance approval. I have ejoyed this sight and all the information everyone has shared so far- I thought I had done my research BUT this site provides alot more. Look forward to talking/reading more That's all from- Bubbyville

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