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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bubbyville

  1. bubbyville

    Here is something fun.

    1. What is your occupation? In home daycare provider AND an independent sales consultant for Crayola's Big Yellow Box 2. What color are your socks right now? White 3. What are you listening to right now? The 9:00 evening news 4. What was the last thing that you ate? Salad 5. Can you drive a stick shift? tried many times -sober and drunk and it doesn't matter - my feet and hands just can not work together!! 6. Favorite Color: Olive Green is my favorite - but really anything green and that deep burnt tiger lily orange. 7. Music Preference: I enjoy the 80's music the best (yes, I am living in the past) - and then anything else - esp country 8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom - it's a daily thing 9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I took this from Penni - I don't know you but I have seen you around the site. 10. What song do you want played at your funeral? I don't know - all I know is that I cry every time I hear a song that someone had at their funeral - I just can't think of a song right now. 11. Favorite drink? Brandy old fashions are my old fav - haven't had a drink since the surgery - now I do enjoy a diet sprite with sugar free tropical punch kool - aid - oh, yeah 12. What is your favorite sport to watch? Which ever sportmy kids are playing at the time. 13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yes. I change my hair color like I change my undies - ok not that extreme but I keep people guessing - anyting from blonde to dark brown to reddish brown. (blonde fits me better) 14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Glasses forever! (*since 5th grade) 15. Pets? I have a 4 year old boy isn't that enough- he has even accomplished peeing and even pooping outside - aren't I lucky!! 16. What will you stay home to watch? Grey's Anatomy - Thursdays, Biggest Loser - Wednesdays and House on Tuesdays!! 17. What is the best movie you have seen? I think the best movie depends on where I am in life - I really enjoyed "In Her Shoes" - "Wedding Crashers" - "Elf" - "Shrek" - "Valley Girl" - "Big Daddy" mainly good humor and gushy girl films followed by kid movies...... 18. What is your favorite day of the year? The birth day of all of my children. (Christmas is next in line) 19. What do you do to vent your anger? I like to yell and swear if no children are present - 20. What was your favorite toy as a child? barbies 24/7 21. Fall or spring? Both - love the color of fall and the green (birth) of spring 22. Hugs or kisses? Both, and very often!! 23. Vanilla or Chocolate? chocolate, DUH!!! 24. Do you want your friends to email you back?? Most will - and yes, I want to read their answers too 25. Who is most likely to respond? Hopefully all of them. 26. Who is least likely to respond? they all better 27. Living arrangements? live with my husband of 14 years and 3 kids - 28. When was the last time you cried? when I watched the movie "In Her Shoes" just two nights ago - 29. What is on the floor of your closet? clothes that no longer fit!!!!! and many dust bunnies 30. Who is the friend you have had the longest? my best bud, Diane who is my complete oposite in life BUT we couldn't be any more connected 31. What did you do last night? took the family out to eat "texas roadhouse" and followed up with a walk around the Gander Mountain 32. Favorite smell(s)? fresh hot brewing coffee in the morning - 33. What inspires you? My husband, my parents and children 34. What are you afraid of? birds (dead or alive) - 35. Favorite food? Again, depends on my mood - mexican is good - love salads and that Italian Sausage Soup with tomatoes, zucchini and mushrooms is right up there. 36. Favorite car? I am currently enjoying my BIG FORD TRUCK (my honey and I switched vehicles because of gas prices - he drives the van hehe) 38. Least favorite person right now? My husband was on this list yesterday for about 25 minutes - but otherwise.....I enjoy most people. 39. How many years at your current job? 2 years for daycare and 2 months for Big Yellow Box 40. Favorite day of the week? Friday at @ 4:05 pm - when all the kids go home. 41. Where you WANT to live in? I want to live where ever my family takes me. I have been in Wisconsin all my life and really don't have any desire to go anywhere else. (BUT I do really hate the winters - or anything under 50 degrees - and then on the other hand I don't like anything over 80 and humid so I am pretty screwed!!!) Where else can I live that it is 60 degrees on a Thursday and then 32 on Friday with Thunder and Lightening along with freezing hail and several inches of snow all in one day!!!!
  2. bubbyville

    I'm so excited!

    crabbygirl - Congrats on your patience to wait for the LapBand. You will be so happy with your decision!!!! Lap Band was the only choice for me -and after having it for 4 months now, I am extremely happy with it! Continue learning - ask your questions this is the best place to get all the info you need - good and bad. Keep in mind, not everyone experiences the same thing. As for which doctor - pick the one you feel most comfortable with, the one that will have a good after care for your fills etc. And hopefully one that is close to you. Again, good luck in your search - Tracy
  3. bubbyville

    No water during meal

    icuwalsh- I was one of those people who would go out to eat and drink 3-4 glasses of diet coke with my meal. After banding, you do tend to follow the rules for fear of anything coming back up- (PBing). There is also no drinking prior to eating. It really isn't as hard as you think. If needed, I will take that one sip after completing a meal. Sometimes a little sip helps get you through. THe band has been awesome for me - knowing what I do now - experiencing what I have over the past 4 months - I would do it again in a heart beat. Best of luck with your decision. Tracy
  4. bubbyville

    New from Rockford Illinois

    Lunasprite - hey welcome aboard. I am north of Rockford - 20 minutes north of Janesville WI - I got my band 4 months ago and am down @ 54 #'s. This is a great place to find out anything you want to know about lapband and more - Good Luck Tracy
  5. bubbyville

    DR APPTS - NSV's

    :eek: I had doctor appointment hell yesterday - and it was the best day!!! My first appointment was my yearly female exam :omg: - I absolutely love my doctor!! She always walks in the room and gives me a great big hug and we don't stop talking until she leaves the room. BUT this time she walked in and stopped. She just stared at me and I believe couldn't believe her eyes!!!! This is the first time in a long long time that she didn't have to break into that " We need to talk about your weight" talk. Then she looked back in my file and confirmed what I already knew - I hadn't been this weight FOREVER!!! I actually enjoyed going to the doctor. It is great when the doctor (or people in general) do notice the weight loss change BUT also the emotional change in you. She said I was just soooo full of life where in the past I always was upbeat but had some saddness in me. (true very true). In between appts, I had lunch with an old co-worker. When I stopped to pick her up, my old boss (a much younger man) came up to me and hugged me and told me he couldn't get over how good I looked. ANd my lunch date just stared at me from across the table - and said she couldn't get over the change in my face. (ok and the rest of me too but my face tells the story) So, my last appointment was with my general doctor ( I haven't seen her since my pre-surgery physical). I wanted her to re-think my blood pressure meds. I haven't taken them since my surgery due to being sooooo sick. Once I felt better, I decided NOT to take them so my DR. could get a real me reading. She stopped at the door and just shook her head (I am begining to cry as she walks into the room). She asked why I was :think crying. I told her I couldn't begin to thank her for recommending the lap band to me. I feel awesome - have energy again - my favorite hobby is no longer sitting on my big butt!! I just feel so full of life!! She agreed she noticed a drastic change weight wise but also she is glad to see the real "ME" again. OK to finish off my long winded story...... My new meds have been CUT in half!!!!:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: I need to go back in 2 months to see how they react with me. Our goal is once I reach goal - maybe no more blood pressure meds. I even got a high-five from my pharmacist. Thanks for letting me share in my NSVs!!! I am just bursting at the seams inside (and finally not the seams in my pants!!! ) Tracy
  6. bubbyville

    Opposites attracts!

    My husband and I are opposites in many ways - it has been the best match and has made for an awesome relationship/family!!! He's a sports freak - playing or watching. Me, not really. He's a hunter/fisher - the outdoors type. Me, more of the homebody. He's messy. I am neater - not a freak but neater. He never went to church when he lived with his parents. My family went weekly. He wasn't into family. I knew and spent time with all the family growing up - great aunts/uncles, my parent's cousins, etc. (my fav thing to do during the holidays was to visit everyone!! - he just doesn't get it) He was shy (yes was- I have changed him) I love people - am far from shy. We can be so opposite BUT then we can be so on the same page in life, raising our children and where we want to be in 5, 10+ years. I find opposites attract not only in love but in friendship, too. My best girl-friend in the whole world is so not me in many ways but we are the most connected people. I am touchy feely - she doesn't want to be touched. I will talk to anyone about anything - she holds everything in. I can make a decision rather quickly (i.e. what paint color) - it takes her forever!! I love my family but enjoy nights away from the kids- she has never been away from her children overnight! I got lap band to better me - she was very unhappy with my decision. Her mother just passed away (6 hours south of where we live) and she didn't want me to go to the funeral - I listened to her and felt so helpless. Because of the way she handles things, I gave her space and time. After 2 weeks, I mailed her a letter telling her how I hurt for her and included the poem by ee cummings "I carry you in my heart". We met about 3 days later and she handed me the funeral card she made for her mother. It had the same poem on it. See, we are so different but so much alike it is scary. I have been blessed many ways by the opposites in my life! Tracy
  7. bubbyville

    Let's talk Halloween!

    ah, yes Halloween - October 31 - it is my anniversary!!! My honey and I got married and then left the church and went trick or treating down the street. It was so much fun. My three kids will go around our neighborhood on Sunday. I love the houses about 1 block down, they not only try to out do each other with the most halloween decor BUT for trick or treating, the have hot dogs and koolaid for the children and beverages available for adults....hmmmm seems we always go back for seconds. Have a great halloween !!! I know I will. Tracy
  8. bubbyville

    Dry Heaving....Eww :(

    xx lil xx Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. After throwing up/dry heaving for a month - one month after being banded I do know (unfortunately) how you feel. I did have to go in and get another barium swallow done after my month long episode and nothing moved - everything was were it was supposed to be. Take care of yourself, and make sure you put in fluids - even though it may be hard - it helps!!!! and it will keep you from getting dehydrated. Hope everything is ok Tracy
  9. My mental health eval was an hour - hour 1/2 long test. The questions were stupid. One question would be, do you like yourself? followed by do you love your mother, followed by do you want to blow up an office of people? Ok not that extreme but very strange questions. (they are looking for the real nut jobs I believe) Then I had to come back a week later to have a psychologist talk to me on how this surgery may change things esp. the emotional side - how it may or may not effect your relationships. I do believe the psychologist told me he would call in 1year to see how things worked out for me. The nutritionalist visit went over the pre-op diet, the diet after surgery and then weekly meal suggestions. This information is soooooo important for your success with the band. You are one step closer to the surgery with these visits - congrats and good luck!!! Tracy
  10. bubbyville

    Females Only:Anyone have an IUD???

    I also have the Mirena IUD. I have had is for approx four years and have loved it!!! I have no PMS!!! and some months I don't even spot. When it was inserted there was some cramping and I did bleed a few days after - but it wasn't any worse than an annual female exam. My IUD is only good for 5 years - and I hope to get it out and put a new one in right away!!!! Good Luck Tracy
  11. bubbyville

    Need to Vent...need support!

    Hello Margo - my fellow cheesehead - WOW!!! you've done great this past year. Awesome job. Head - hunger has been a fight for me this past week (is it the lovely weather that we are having....rain....dreary.....almost too much like fall weather). When the craving starts fighting me, I have to allow myself to have whatever it is that I need. If I keep denying myself, I tend to over indulge. CHances are once I taste what is desired, after one or two bites, I realize it really isn't doing it for me. Hope things turn for you!! Maybe head to a support meeting - just to get yourself back in the mindset. Take care Margo Tracy
  12. bubbyville

    I kind of don't believe it....

    Paulax, At my last support meeting, we were talking about shopping for new clothes and bringing in our old clothes for exchange. I raised my hand and asked if I was the only one who took my old baggy clothes and put them in a box in the basement incase I needed them again (like I did for every failed diet before). I know that I will NEVER need those big clothes again but this is still a new awesome journey that I am still getting used to. Where I am today, I haven't been in years (like almost 14 years). I am finding old clothes that I packed away that I can wear again - and even found some pants that the elastic is now shot because it sat toooo long. Everyday I am becoming more confident with the weight I have lost and can't wait for the lower numbers yet to come. Congrats on your weight loss - Tracy
  13. bubbyville

    Was your first fill at 4 or 6 weeks?

    I had surgery on 6/20/06 and have not had a fill yet. If I was ready for one, I could have gotten one at 6 weeks out. Tracy
  14. I also do not feel hungry. I do not have a fill yet either. Wheetsin like you, I lost my hunger during my pre-op liquid diet. I do find that I force myself to eat at times just because it is lunch, Breakfast or supper time and that is what you do. I am not complaining - it is really teaching me the difference between head hunger and actually feeling hungry. I struggled with a peanut/nut craving though - very short lived BUT definately needed the salt. Tracy
  15. bubbyville

    What happens during a full moon?

    I used to work in a rehabilitation facility - and there were all different types of disabilities there - (an awesome place to work!!). I could always tell when there was a full moon - seizures were more common - and the clients were usually wilder than normal. (more outbursts) I myself don't notice much of a difference - just tend to stay up later at night (usually go to bed @ 9ish) Tracy
  16. bubbyville

    Time off from work?

    I was ok after 1 week but really needed that 2nd week to get my energy level back up. Everyone is different - I know someone who had surgery on a Monday and went back to work on Thurs. Good luck!! Tracy
  17. bubbyville

    Your Favorite Garage Sale Buy ~ What is it?

    I hit garage sales when I have time....running a daycare, it is the best way to get new toys without spending a lot of money! My son started getting into Thomas the train about the same time as our big city-wide rummage sale (last year). I bought a rather large box of tracks, bridges, buildings,and people - along with about 20 engines (some battery operated) and 25 other train parts for only $50.00. I considered this a steal -esp since one of the engines alone are @ $15.00 at Toys 'r us. Tracy
  18. bubbyville

    If you disagree with me, YOU HAVE NOT GOT A CLUE!!!!

    GO PACKERS GO!!!! Tracy
  19. bubbyville


    THE GOOD: Having energy to keep up with the housework, the laundry, the husbands crazy schedule and three active children!!! THE BAD: All my clothes look baggy - I think oompa-loompa describes it best!! THE UGLY: My best friend has not spoken to me since my surgery - I stopped to see her twice at work and she ignored me. She has no problem telling everyone my business as of late - but won't talk to me. I miss her terribly :cry and don't know what else to do. (we used to go out about every Friday night for Mommy time) Tracy
  20. bubbyville

    HELP again!

    Surby - I would def. call your doctor. I had puking right after surgery. That did continue on and off for a few weeks. then...... I had major pukes for a week then was good for a couple days then again another week of sickness then I had one good week followed by another week of yuck and believe me....I know what you are going through!! My doctor was very concerned about my fast weight loss and also about not getting enough fluids into my bod. I had to do a barium swallow and an upper scope - everything is where it belongs and looks great - so we have no real reason for the horrible sickness that I had. I now am on 3 weeks of no puking !!! something to Celebrate. Take care of your self - remember to get in your fluids as much as you can - Tracy
  21. Ginger - Welcome and congrats on being banded. I wanted to let you know that I haven't had a fill yet and I am @ 2 months out. I am still seeing the scale go down. There was a lady at my monthly meeting that went almost 7 months with out a fill because she was having good restriction and also a good/healthy weight loss. I myself am in no hurry to get a fill because I am not eating inbetween meals and have a good restriction!! and as long as the weight continues going down - As for side sleeping - when it feels comfortable for you - do it. This is definately a individual thing. Hope all goes well !! Tracy
  22. Ok 3loves - tell me that the peanutz phase ended soon after it started. It is driving me well NUTS. Tracy
  23. bubbyville

    Open vs Closet Bander Questions

    Before surgery, I only told my mother/father and inlaws (and of course my husband and kids). I wanted to get through the surgery before I told the whole world. Now, I will share my story with anyone who asks or comments to me on my changing appearance. (50# in 2 months needs some explaining) I have been sick a lot during this time so alot of people are worried about me, too. The rumors in a small town are very very interesting. I will say that people are definately hesitant to ask - they know something is different about me and tend to think I have a new hair color or did something different with my hair. I am a person that has no problem sharing or talking with friends/family - I have shown my belly scars to many people at many different places. If your lucky, I will even let you feel my port. Tracy
  24. bubbyville

    I'm new!

    Welcome aboard JDru Good luck in getting your approval. Tracy
  25. My weirdest craving since surgery has been cold cold drinks. The more ice the better. Lately, I have been having a "Peanut/Nut" craving. (maybe for the salt?) Tracy

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
