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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by binab

  1. Oh My Goodness! Thank all of youso much for taking time to help me try to win this life changing surgery. You will never know how much it means to me and how badly I want this done! Thank you again so much for your support!!!

    Actually we do. ;) Welcome to the forum and good luck! I voted for you. Hope you’ll stick around, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience here to help you through your journey!

  2. I pb'ed at work yesterday; it was awful! There was an awkward moment with a coworker who wandered in while I was doing my thing. She never did go to the bathroom and I got a weird vibe from her. I think she must think I have 'tossed up' all this weight. Uhg... (No one knows about my wls.)

  3. I go to support group every week and although I am a new bandster, I'm one of the smallest and at 41, youngest, people there. I do feel judged in the group, which is too bad. I continue to go though, as I have learned so much from them. I figure if I am ever questioned, I will remind them of their own words. Nearly all of them have said repeatedly that their only regret with getting the band was not getting it sooner. I am thankful that I was able to start when and where I did... My only regret is not getting it four years ago when I first considered it.

  4. I was an impulse snacker, particularly at work. Lots of my friends keep well stocked candy dishes at work and I would hit them each time I walked by or when I got stressed. A handful of fun size butterfingers over the course of each day really adds up. I'm very proud that I haven't touched them since a few days before pre op started. Oddly, I'm not and never have been a snacker at home.

  5. I'm only a month post op, so I am still learning. Although I don't have 'restriction' yet, I do get the soft reminder (i.e. a hiccup) when it's time to stop. It is almost always when I am about to a cup of food. Seems my stomach shrank anyway during pre op and post op, and although I'm sure I COULD eat more if I tried, that would just be reverting back to old ways and I didn't pay all this money to go backwards.

    I focus on two main things every day, getting in my Protein and my liquids/water. I am very careful to stagger my Protein intake pretty evenly between my meals and have yet to be hungry. So far, so good... You can do it! ;)

  6. For those that are done having kids but have bad monthly issues and aren't ready for a hysterectomy, I highly recommend you ask your ob/gyn about an endometrial ablation. Best money I have EVER spent (next to my band). I had mine in 2008, have nearly no cramping and nothing more than mild spotting when it is my tom. Ymmv, but I couldn't be happier with my results...

  7. My husband is also the only person that knows. I feel a little guilty about not telling my bff, but she made it clear shortly before my surgery that she was against it. We know several others who have done it and been successful, and I guess she's noticed me asking them questions, so she asked me if I was doing it. I told her I had looked into it a few times over the years. She promptly told me that everyone she knows has trouble with it, throwing up and stuff. Then showed me a picture of one of her cousins who recently lost a lot "and she did it all on her own". My friend has seen me lose to goal on several occasions, and also seen me gain back and then some every time, yet I knew from that conversation that she wouldn't understand. :( It makes me sad not to be able to share my experience with her. (I actually wish she would do it for herself...)

  8. I had my first fill yesterday. My surgeon does a group info session with the first fill. All fills in my office are done under flouroscope, and we had to drink a small amount of barium. The fill amount was determined by how quickly they saw the barium go through the band. In our group the fill amount ranged from 1cc to 3cc...mine was 3cc.

  9. I second the fleet recommendation. Like you, I had taken MoM for several days, then added Miramax. When it was finally ready, it was impossible to pass without extreme straining and I wasn't going to do that no matter what. I was one step from going to the ER for impaction about 6 days post OP when I learned about the Fleet liquid Glycerine. I used two actually and found relief within 15 minutes. I went to four stores to find it (it's not the same as the stuff in the big box). The box is about 3 inches tall; finally found it at Walgreen's. Would definitely recommend if you get to that level of desperation make your family leave the house before you do it. I never had to do anything like that before, it was awful. I must have been making a lot of noise during that 15 minutes; the dog and the cat were both sitting at the doorway to the bathroom with very concerned looks when I came out. But I didn't care, I was a new woman and thankfully haven't had an issue since. I know that's all TMI, but learning about that product was a lifesaver at that moment! ;)

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