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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by RosessXO

  1. 3 hours ago, Arabesque said:

    As @SleeveToBypass2023 said, it is perfectly normal to be able to eat more as you progress. Your calories increase & your portion size increases. Your tummy is stretching more that it is getting a little looser, plus your more healed & your tummy is less fussy & sensitive to certain or random foods. The trick is not to exceed either of those. And, yes, it’s okay to have the odd days when you eat less on those days you don’t want to eat more or can’t eat more.

    Almost 5 years out & I still have days I’m not all that hungry (went through a few months of not being hungry earlier this year - it was great). I also have meals where I don’t want to or can’t finish my usual portion of that particular meal. Sometimes certain foods can sit more heavily at odd times than other times. I like to think it’s because I don’t need to eat more that day or simply because my tummy isn’t in the mood for that food/meal.

    Yes chips like Doritos are slider foods. Crackers, pop corn, pretzels, chocolate, sweets like cake biscuits, etc. all pass through your digestive system more quickly & therefore don’’t fill you up so you are able to eat way more than you should. If you do eat any of these types of foods portion out a small amount to eat & put the rest away in the cupboard. Or don’t keep them in your house to tempt you.

    There are healthier options to some of these like instead of chips (corn or potato) air fry some thin slices of other vegetables. Try baking/air frying some fava Beans or chick peas & sprinkle your own flavours (sea salt, chilli, paprika, garlic, etc.). Or get some edamame (I got mine from the freezer section at the grocery store).

    Constantly weighing & recording food can mess with you sometimes but if you are someone who may be making less great choices or are worried about portion sizes you may have to keep it up if only for most meals.

    Yes, I actually discovered these amazing chip alternatives. They are high in Protein, only 150 calories per bag, and taste just like chips! They're called Legendary chips, which I got today at GNC. Chips are my weakness so I'm happy to have found a healthy high high-protein alternative.

    Other than that, I have no junk food in my house and like to keep it that way. I'm too weak right now to keep anything tempting in my house. It's full of Water, Protein Shakes, protein chips, and Quest protein Cookies. You get the picture if I get a sweet craving, lean meats, nuts, veggies, etc..

    I am going to start tracking my food again, too. I feel that helped me stay accountable. I am just so terrified of falling all the way back into my old habits. I can't allow that to happen. :(

    Thanks for responding and being helpful :) ❤️

  2. 10 hours ago, Spinoza said:

    I totally understand this. It's not a bad thing AT ALL to step away from the scales if they aren't helping you.

    Honestly - if you stick to your plan you will lose more weight than you have already - much more. The issue is that the loss is never linear. If you get stressed by stalls and regains then maybe weigh yourself once a month and Celebrate your losses then. I was and am a daily weigher but I could tolerate the highs and lows associated with that.

    Yes - the food volumes we can tolerate increase in the months and years after surgery. If you focus on a diet of Protein and veggies you're not likely to go too far wrong.

    See, when I don't lose, it messes with me so much. From Feb to March 7th, I only lost 8 lbs, which messed with me so much. It triggered a binge where I just ate crappy foods for like a week until I came to my senses. But now I am terrified of the scale bc I don't want to fall into that horrible mental state again. So, for now, I am just keeping it away until next month.

    I do agree with everything you said and feel I can definitely lose much more if I just stay consistent and on track.

    I appreciate your kind words. ❤️

  3. Yes, it is usually those slider foods that I can eat so much with no problem. I feel like these last 2 weeks, I have been eating more than I should, and it's just kind of scary that I can. I prepped my meal and have my Water and Protein Shake ready for tomorrow. I just want to do a refresh. I'm so scared of weight gain, and this tool is not working for me. I know this is the "honeymoon phase," and I really want to take advantage of it, too.

    Thanks for answering! ❤️

  4. HI All!

    I had gastric sleeve surgery on 12/6/23. As of March 7th, I am 45lbs down. I stopped weighing myself after this date, though, bc I was becoming OBSESSED with the scale and would fall into a deep sadness each day I didn't lose at least a pound. So, I decided to put it away and focus on my feelings and habits.

    Anyway, lately, I've noticed I can eat much more than I was. I watched a YouTube video about a doctor explaining that after month 3, patients tend to notice they can eat more. He mentioned that it usually freaks them out at first because not being able to eat a lot at all was the major tool in helping the weight loss, but to not be alarmed because it's normal and to focus on healthy foods, working out, etc. Still, it's scaring me because I am scared I will fall into old bad habits and start overeating again.

    So I was just wondering, has anyone noticed this? I noticed I can eat more than I was 2 months ago. It's freaking me out a bit bc I'm scared I'll overeat, esp bc certain foods are easier to overeat than others. The other day, I got a bag of organic Doritos and ate the whole bag throughout the day. I know I shouldn't have, but I was weak. :(

    So, has anyone experienced this? Has it affected your progress at all? Please be kind. ❤️

    Thanks! :)

  5. 12 minutes ago, GreenTealael said:

    I personally think the right path is the one you can stay on the longest that does not feel like a burden. Are these challenges helping you or are you just counting down the clock? Are you someone who can have things in moderation or need to cut things out completely? I would start there.

    I would 1000% recommend replacing your sugar syrups/creamers with sugar free versions or a Protein Shake. I did this from the start and I never went back to using sugar in drinks (There were 2 times when I couldn’t get a substitute once on vacation and once at a local cafe. I used 1 packet of sugar to take the edge off a heavy Oolong tea but I knew I would not use sugar regularly so i made peace with the decision).
    If you don’t want to use a substitute, that’s ok too but it may or may not impact your progress.

    Good luck!

    Hi thanks for responding! I actually do use the Premier Protein shakes every day for my coffee. I have a nespresso machine so I use 1 pod (like 2oz coffee) and a Protein Shake. I do the Starbucks / Dunkin iced coffees on Sundays. But bc I have a bad relationship w food I feel this is still bad.

    I actually love the challenges. They make me motivated and when I’m disciplined I feel so good. It’s once they’re done or if it’s a Sunday I’ll go off diet. Idk what it is about Sundays that make me feel like I just wanna be lazy and eat comfort food. 😞

    And yesss I am the type of person that moderation can turn into a binge so I just try to stay away from certain foods all together. This surgery is helping me though. It’s helping me stay away from a lot of the wrong foods and if I do want something I can’t eat too much of it.

    How has your journey been?

  6. HI my lovelies ❤️

    I am just about 3 months post op (surgery was 12/6/24) and 1 lb shy of being down a total of 40lbs. While this is great I feel like I should be down more, or wish I was down more. I can't help but see others with close to 60+lbs down within the same time frame. I know we're not supposed to compare ourselves, it's literally the worst thing to do, but I can't help it. :(

    I was apart of the Tuesday Talks meeting last week which there were 2 women there that assured me that they lost at a similar pace, losing about 10lbs a month every month after the surgery. One of the nice ladies explained that 10lbs/month = to 120lbs down in 1 year. When I thought of it like that, I did feel better and more assured however I am still struggling with self depleting thoughts.

    Also, the last 2 weeks I been struggling with eating the wrong foods and snacking on foods I shouldn't be eating which I'll beat myself up even more mentally. My biggest struggles are iced coffee with sugary syrups and pizza/chips. I will have these about 1 x a week the last 2 weeks. How the day goes is it's usually a Sunday, I'll get a sugary coffee for breakfast and then end the day with 1 of those single serving bag of chips and 1 slice of pizza. I've done this now the last 2 Sundays. While it may not seem like a lot Im worried that I will start sliding down the wrong path and give into my old ways even more. The luxury of this surgery is Im incapable of overeating now and these foods still stay within a "normal" caloric range for the day (about 1400cals) but still, I know I shouldn't be eating them at all.

    I also workout 5 days a week now and have been consistent with this since late December. I do about 1.5 miles on the treadmill at the gym 3xs a week and then do a step ups aerobic type of exercise 2 days a week at home. I always leave my workout super sweaty with a high calorie burn on my Apple Watch.

    So with all this being said, I feel like I eat perfectly 6 days a week w 1 day where I'm "off", workout 5 days a week every single week taking off 2 days usually Wed and Sunday to let my body rest.

    Is there anything else I could do to speed up my weight loss? Or do you think this is "normal" and I'm on a good path?

    I also do these week to 2 week challenges with my bf that help me stay on track too. For example we did one from 2/12 - 3/1 and the rules were no junk food, fried foods or sugar and workout 5 days a week. I completed the challenge and lost 6 lbs total. But it was the day after the challenge where I ate pizza and iced coffee w mocha.

    We started a new challenge today which ends on Saturday 3/9. After that I'll be partaking in Ramadan beginning Monday 3/11 this year which will also help to keep me disciplined.

    Please do share your thoughts and how you combated your bad food habits?

    Also, please be kind ❤️ Thanks for reading! xoxo

  7. On 1/16/2024 at 1:30 AM, RosessXO said:

    Today (January 16th) is my birthday. 🥳

    This year I opted out of the birthday dinner’s I’m usually taken to by friends and family. I am 40 days post op and while I am now in the “eat whatever I can phase” ofc I’m following the low carb / high Protein / no sugar diet I’m advised to follow by my bariatric nutritionist.

    So for my birthday this year, I didn’t want to go to a restaurant knowing I can’t eat too much food right now + I didn’t want to be tempted by restaurant foods.

    But I did want to know if anyone else had surgery close to their birthday like me and if so, did you allow yourself a birthday treat? Like a cupcake 🧁?

    I haven’t had sugar (other than my Protein Shakes and yogurts) since late November so idk how it will affect my stomach either but I was thinking of just getting a little birthday cupcake 🧁 for myself tomorrow.

    I’d love to hear others input or experience.

    Thanks! ☺️

    I COMPLETELY forgot to respond. :( SO firstly I want to say tysm for all that responded. I did end up having 1 small slice of strawberry shortcake (my fave) and 1 slice pizza. That was IT! And I got right back on track the next day. Funny thing is, I was at a stall for 2 weeks not losing anything and then eating that actually kicked up my weight loss which I lost 4 lbs that week! Funny how that happened.

    I hope everyone is doing amazing. :)


  8. Today (January 16th) is my birthday. 🥳

    This year I opted out of the birthday dinner’s I’m usually taken to by friends and family. I am 40 days post op and while I am now in the “eat whatever I can phase” ofc I’m following the low carb / high Protein / no sugar diet I’m advised to follow by my bariatric nutritionist.

    So for my birthday this year, I didn’t want to go to a restaurant knowing I can’t eat too much food right now + I didn’t want to be tempted by restaurant foods.

    But I did want to know if anyone else had surgery close to their birthday like me and if so, did you allow yourself a birthday treat? Like a cupcake 🧁?

    I haven’t had sugar (other than my Protein Shakes and yogurts) since late November so idk how it will affect my stomach either but I was thinking of just getting a little birthday cupcake 🧁 for myself tomorrow.

    I’d love to hear others input or experience.

    Thanks! ☺️

  9. On 12/30/2023 at 10:05 AM, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    You didn't stretch anything out, but you definitely want to stop with the carbs, especially this early out. The 2 big things to pay attention to, and limit, are sugar and carbs. Very, very important to stick to the diet.

    Thanks so much for responding. I spoke with the nutritionists as well which she made me feel so much better too. She told me not to worry about what I did bc everyone in the beginning is learning as it is a brand new way of life we're adjusting to so I did feel better about that. It's been a week now and I been on track. :)

    So I am looking at your weight loss tracker. You started around the same weight as me and as of now you're 228 lbs, is that right? That's amazing! That gives me hope. ❤️

  10. Hi everyone! I just found this forum after doing a Google search and very happy I did. This is my first post and just looking for some advice.

    I had gastric sleeve surgery on Wednesday 12/7. Did 2 weeks liquids and last week started soft foods. Since I started on soft foods last Wednesday, I haven’t been able to eat too much of anything without getting that “stuck” feeling or way too full feeling. Then, everything started grossing me out. Like all foods other than chicken broth.

    On Christmas I had about 4oz of stuffing and that was it. That went down pretty good but I didn’t eat more than that bc I’m not supposed to. Then yesterday I got a quart (32oz) of Matza ball Soup from a diner in the morning and ate off that all day which went down perfectly fine. I didn’t eat it in all one sitting but all throughout the day.

    Then today I had homemade chicken soup that had soft veggies, potatoes, rice and bits of chicken. I had about 2 cups of that throughout the day.

    At this time I’m not supposed to be eating carbs but I slipped up w the potatoes, rice, matza and that bit of stuffing on Christmas. I’m feeling so guilty and worried I fucked up already 3 weeks in.

    I really struggle not to eat and drink at the same time too. I usually have a drink w my food because it makes the food go down better. I don’t chug but take small sips. Do you think I’ve stretched my new stomach out and ruined things?

    I was doing so amazing since surgery but it’s just been these last few days I been making bad choices and feel like I’m overeating and eating the wrong things. I’m wondering if it’s bc I got mY period 3 days ago which makes me super hungry. Could that be why my carb cravings went up?

    Anyone else not be perfect in the beginning? Do you think I’m too far gone? Please no mean comments. I’m already beating myself up as it is. 😔

    Thank you. ❤️

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