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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by eggplantMan

  1. @SleeveToBypass2023 was my relationship to food supposed to change? I do think I can usually tell the difference between head and real hunger. real hunger usually causes physical symptoms down in my gut like an ache. while head hunger is just that desire for more or for something specific. I can't say I never have head hunger and I deny it all the time and sometimes do give in. But when I say I eat and I don't feel full. I don't believe that's head hunger. Though I could be wrong.

    You're right that I do eat fast or normal speed. I just eat until I guess I feel full. but it seldom ever comes.

    Thanks for your lovely advice.

  2. 9 hours ago, summerseeker said:

    I think that you really need to contact your team. You need some real help here. Its not normal to feel permanently hungry after this surgery. Occasional head hunger is more usual. Do you feel a restriction ?

    You really need to fill yourself with good quality food now. Has your team said you must keep carbs out of your diet ? I ask because you sound as if you eat Protein or carbs. Your body needs the Protein to function well. Eat your protein first, then the vegetables and then you can eat the carbs. Try to eat better carbs like fruits, skin on potatoes, brown rice and Pasta and quality wholemeal or seeded bread. 

    You are more than likely eating 2000 plus calories a day because you are at a plateau now. The only way to reverse this is to reduce your calories and eat better. Find a calorie tracker you like and be honest with it.

    Thanks for your help. While I do have a team, Unfortunately they don't really function like I see many other people say on the internet say their team does. My team did the surgery and now they just say eat less and the surgeon says go to PCP for every concern. Even if I had to go to the hospital for an obstruction I'd likely go to a completely different hospital at random.

    I felt permanently hungry right after this surgery for about 5 weeks. It did pass once I got on solids again but that feeling of fullness only lasted maybe 6 weeks. Now 4.5 months out I'm essentially always starving. For example I had a Premier Protein bar and felt nothing from it. I then had another one 40 minutes later and only then did I feel some sense of fullness but only for about 10 minutes. But that's just Breakfast and that's already 40g of protein and probably 370 calories.

    I do sometimes feel restriction but it passes very quickly and I'm left starving again. For example if I ate a piece of chicken and broccoli. Maybe a chicken breast and a cup of broccoli florets. Just plain. I'd get through half and would feel full but that only lasts maybe 10min.

    As for keeping carbs out. The team did say to prioritize protein and have carbs last as you mention. As for no carbs, well they may have said it but at the same time I don't recall it.

    I figured I was eating way more calories. But I'm quite hungry so it's not always easy when they voice in my head says hey you need to eat. That month where the hunger went away was amazing. That's what I was expecting things to stay as. But they haven't. Now I eat lean meat and more or less it just passes quickly. Leaving me unsatisfied.

  3. I had my surgery around 4.5 months ago in the middle of the summer. It was a gastric bypass and it went well. I've lost 23% of my bodyweight from surgery date or 350lbs to 270lbs. But I have largely been stuck at 270-280 since late September and it's now December. I'm a male and 6'2".

    I try to get my Protein in but it's very hard to do. Not because it is too filling like some say but just because I don't like it very much. But I do try eating meat, cheese, Protein Shakes and bars.

    I couldn't tell you how many calories I eat a day. All I know is that I'm always starving. just after surgery I was starving and then it went away for a month but it's been back. It's something I struggle with because if I knew I had to have this much willpower I probably wouldn't have gotten the surgery. I always read people saying that protein is filling but to me it just isn't. I can eat an entire chicken breast that I overcook no problem. I eat it and I'm still hungry after. My sugar and carb cravings are worse than ever. i was never ravenous before surgery but now because I can't be satiated i just want want want. it's crazy. I try to stay away but one thing leading to another and I do end up having this or that cookie, cake or candy. I was hoping dumping syndrome would be bad and cause me to not eat poorly. But the threshold to make me dump is higher than the amount of sweets I'd normally eat before surgery anyway. I have dumped but it's mostly if I eat something really bad.

    The only thing that does fill me is carbs. That was true even before surgery.

    I'm just looking for any advice or wisdom on this matter. Thank you

  4. While some doctors will tell you that you can never have NSAIDS again with a bypass. It's important to not just trust doctors because they are doctors. They too have biases, likely in the sense of being overly cautious for their patients. That may serve them to feel good but it's not necessarily pragmatic/

    The most recent study [1] on this topic confirms that you essentially need continuous use of NSAIDS for around 30 days to create significant risk of ulceration for the post operation bypass patient. Non continuous use does not indicate significant risk. Sleeve doesn't have the same issues.

    [1] - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35595650/

    I can share that I did ask my surgeon about this and he said it's OK to take NSAIDS very sparing
    ly. I took that to mean as little as possible.

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