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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by xtightend

  1. Hi everybody,

    Its been years since I posted. I lost about 35 lbs after surg and then everything went wrong. In 2010 I had both knees operated on separately to repair old football injuries that had left me barely able to walk. Then our house was wrecked in a storm. THEN just as my knees felt better I got an infection in both eyes where I could barely see for 8 weeks. THEN just as everything was better...I fell off a ladder and broke 11 vertebrae, 4 ribs, punctured a lung, and bruised my heart. I ended up in a body cast but luckily everything still works.

    Now I am out of the body cast. Fully recouperated and even doing P90X workouts. I never even got a chance to try out the repaired knees they are great!

    Everybody has a certain amount of bad luck. I figure I must be good for a while now.

    Hope you all had a better year than I did.


  2. I am 5 weeks post op and about to have my first fill Jan 6th. I am back in the gym weightlifting and feel like I need more Protein. I have tried to eat chicken, pork, turkey and eat slow and chew chew chew but keep getting stuck. I have eaten some refried Beans and of some chili but a diet of mashed potatoes and grits is too much carbs. Any suggestions other than a "meat smoothie? " I am drinking Protein Drinks when I have them.

  3. To make myself go at 5am even on days when I didnt feel like it I said to myself "If you go to the gym today you can goof off and do a very light workout". When I got there I would end up doing the same intensity workout as always.

    The problem with getting up at 4:30 am everyday was you get used to it and going to bed early. Like being on European time. When we went out with friends and came home really late...like 4am. I would get jetlag without even going anywhere.

  4. Over the years I typically have done something like this:

    Mon - chest: bench, incline bench, decline bench, pec deck, flys or cables

    Tues - back: pulldowns, close grip pulldowns and about 6 different Hammerstrenght plate loaded back machines, dumbell rows

    Wed - shoulders: vertical rows, seated military press, shrugs, foward, plus 4 or 5 various shoulder machines

    Thurs - legs: leg press or squats, power squat machine,leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises, donkey kick machine

    Friday - core: hanging leg raises, roman chair, torso twist machine, back and side extensions, medicine ball in roman chair to partner

    Sat - arms: close grip bench, tricep machine, tricep pushdowns skull crushers, cable tricep curls. Bicep curl machine, curl bar, dumbell curls, cable curls

    Sunday - off

    Everyday also includes 3 sets of some ab exercise. My workout partner and I had about 20 we used. We also did 30 min of cardio every day.

    We would get to the gym at 5am everyday except sat when we went later.

    We kept this up for years until one day (A day where I had done the above shoulder workout with 3 sets of seated miltary press with 145lbs) I was called by my cardiologist after routine tests and told I had a serious heart prob caused by a virus. A week later I was in the best heart hospital in NY getting a defibrilator installed. Now amazingly 13 months later my heart is almost back to normal and I am cleared to lift weights again. In the meantime I gained weight which I have now lost 30 # of thanks to being banded. I dont want to build back all the muscle .There is no need to lift the kind of weight i used to(at 45 years old I came in 3rd in our gym's weight lifting contest) but it sure feels great to be back. I thought I would never be able to feel a good workout again.

    The moral of this long story is go to the damn gym if you can. You never know when you won't be able to.

  5. Well I am back lifting weights. I lifted as part of work outs almost continuously since HS football but then had to stop a year ago for health reasons. I am now cleared to go back to weight training and have been for one week.

    Two observations:

    1. I have lost 30 lbs and its amazing what a difference that little bit of weight makes you knees, feet, legs etc. i am now back to running on the treadmill instead of just stairmasters and eliptical for cardio.

    2. It takes months and years of work to create muscle fibers but they will swell up very quickly after resuming work outs....(hence "getting pumped"). I have found over the years that I gain weight when this happens because the muscles retain Water. Do not be discouraged the diet is still working.

    Instead of lifting heavy I know wear a heart rate montior on my chest that displays heart rate on the wristwatch. I am lifting hi rep low weights right now keeping my heart rate where i want it. I will switch it up and go heavy or go for super slow reps or supersets in a few weeks.

  6. My second day back in the gym after banding 11/25 B:thumbup:urned 550 calories on the eliptical in 30 min. My cardiologist just said my heart has recovered almost all the way and I am cleared to lift weights again after the bariatric surgeon oks. Maybe next month. yay.

  7. I think you guys have inspired me to start lifting again. Right now I am 3 days post surgery but soon. I have done a lot of weights over the years but now will focus on lighter weights and cardio. The days of big powersquat sets are over. My job entails just talking on a cell phone and pointing at things a lot anyway.

    Maybe tomorrow I will just visit the gym for a light treadmill walk.

  8. Well...I am all banded. Things went well. They kept me in intensive care overnight due to my heart condition. I could not walk because I was hooked to O2 sensor, heart monitor, IV, Cpap machine, leg inflatable things. so I just got out of bed and walked back and forth the 2 ft I enough cable to do. Today I just went for a walk on the beach. I have lots of gas rumbling around and some pain. I have eaten a little broth and some Jello. I havent been hungry at all.

    The only bad part was when they made me drink barium for the xray. I drank the whole can to the bottom but then found it was all goop at the bottom. They forgot to shake it up! I had to drink a second can! That was uncomfortable.

    I will stay home today and watch the Detroit Lions lose on TV and I will stay away from work until next Tues.

    Keep up the good work O.G. and everybody.

  9. I figure once I tell people I can't untell them and I have no control over who THEY tell. The last thing I want is the pros and cons of this surgury to be the topic of Thanksgiving dinner conversation lol.

    Because I will have just gotten out of ICU the day before (they are keeping me in there because of my heart) I will stay home on Thanksgiving but my DW and kids will go. I will watch the Detroit Lions get beat on TV.

  10. I am getting banded two days before Thanksgiving and getting out of the hospital the day before. We usually eat at my mom's and then eat an entire Thanksgiving dinner AGAIN at my wife's mom's the same day! I am not going to even go. My mom will worry. I probably will tell her cause she can always tell when I am lying anyway. As long as I don't end up on the prayer chain at church.

    My mother in law can just think I have "stomach issues" which is kinda true.

    Our daughter came home from college last weekend to cook me a whole Thankgiving dinner with everything before the pre op diet began. What a last meal!

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