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Posts posted by Meisha

  1. @ChunkCatDANG GIRL! You look great! I'm so sorry you're struggling with POTS. That stinks, but it sounds like you've got a plan in place to help you manage until - 2025 (so ridiculous).

    I can't believe it's been almost 6 months already! I sometimes forget that I had it done (until I try to eat fast - LOL!). I'm down 77 pounds since my highest - 69 since the surgery. I still struggle with not being able to see the change (because I see my self every day), but occasionally I'll see a picture of me or see a reflection at a certain angle that makes me go... wait... a... minute! :) I'm down 2 jeans sizes (probably actually down 3 sizes because let's be honest, those 24s were STRETCHED to capacity! LOL!). I could get my 20s on a few weeks ago but I couldn't breathe, so there's that.

    I did go on a cruise week before last. That was interesting. I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted and I found that I'm now starting to naturally lean toward healthier/smarter choices. I only gained 2.2 pounds that week and it came off very quickly.

    The big news is that I've scheduled my knee surgeries!!! Getting one done in June, the other in October! I'm nervous because of the unknowns (pain after the surgery, rehab, not being able to drive, etc), but I'm more excited because I'm ready to have my life back! New body, new knees... I'm going to be unstoppable!

    Can't wait to hear how everyone else is doing!

  2. 15 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    How is everyone doing now?? I'll be officially 12 weeks out tomorrow! I'll post my stats then and update you guys. I can't believe we are all getting to the 3 month mark...

    I was trying to find this page on the forum yesterday to do a check in, but work got in the way. Thankful for my job, but also ready to retire. 🤣

    It’s nice getting closer to “normal”. I still forget sometimes that I’ve had surgery and have to stop myself before ordering a Coke Zero or drinking out of a straw. Otherwise, 57 days out and I’m doing well! I feel great!

    Can’t wait to hear how everyone else is doing!

  3. 18 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    I have been losing and gaining the same 2-4 lbs for a month now. Stalls are stupid. They swear the weight comes off the fastest in the first 3 months but that has not been my experience past the first two weeks. It is frustrating.

    Sarcasm always helps. 😂

    I'm in the same boat! I've been yo-yoing between the same 3 pounds for a week now. Juuuuuuust enough to not feel its necessary to call the dietician. Ugh. I've lost 33.4 since surgery, 41 total if you include the 8 pounds I lost before surgery. QUESTION: When people ask, do you tell them how much you've lost since surgery or how much you've lost overall? I don't want to give anyone a false impression that I've lost 41 pounds since surgery, but do they really care that I lost 8 pounds before surgery?

    I need to add more movement to my daily routine. I'm averaging about 2000 steps per day thanks to my need-replacing knees and I tried a chair aerobic workout this week. Clearly it was NOT a beginner video. I was sucking wind at 2 minutes into it - and it was only 10 minutes long! I had to stop at 4 minutes in. It was disheartening, but I won't be deterred.

    @ChunkCat & @NickelChip - Y'all are my people! Sarcasm is my love language. :)

  4. Have you dreamed you've eaten something you know you shouldn't?

    Last night I dreamed I was in a convenience store eating a Twix candy bar. I woke up in a panic. Not only because I was worried about the ramifications of eating all of that sugar, but also because I'm allergic to wheat. I seriously woke up ready to grab my epi-pen in preparation of anaphylactic shock. 😅

  5. On 12/29/2023 at 1:30 PM, SomeBigGuy said:

    Just checking in for the first time in a couple weeks. Surgery was on Nov 20, and doing well from that, however, I caught covid just before Christmas, so haven't been able to do much this week. It's still hanging around making work difficult, but luckily I can work from home. Just hoping its gone by next week because this sucks.

    Besides that, I had a stall with a 3-5lb regain for about 2 weeks before it started dropping again, but things are moving along again. That "week 3 stall" is real, so don't get discouraged by it, the weight loss will resume.

    @Meisha - I can relate, I had the Christmas + covid pity party, and ate chocolate and Cookies I shouldn't have had, and I did not tolerate that well at all, lol. I guess in a way it was a good reminder to get back on track. Suddenly I wasn't as tired of Protein Shakes after getting sick from that.

    Oh mylanta! I’m so sorry that you had such a rough time over the holidays! But I’m glad you’re back on track!

    I finished week 4 and FINALLY at the chewing food stage!!! So far I’ve had sautéed shrimp, a half of a piece of turkey bacon, and some ground turkey! Hallelujah! I’m looking forward to having my energy back!

    The cortisone shots I got in my knees have worn off, so I’m rejoicing with every pound lost that I’m inching closer to being out of pain. So far I’ve lost 30.4 since surgery. Woo-hoo!

    My daughter had RNY surgery Wednesday. She’s pretty pitiful right now but it’ll be nice to be able to do this journey with her when she’s feeling better.

    Here’s to a new year full of health and hope!! Blessings, my friends!

  6. 12 hours ago, ChunkCat said:

    Have you tried things other than just walking? Like chair Tai Chi (or standing Tai Chi if your knee can handle it)? It seems gentle but it gets your heart rate up! Also, you could try just walking for 5-10 minutes at a time, a few times a day. Or whatever time feels best without stressing your knees. You can even do those walk in place videos on YouTube in your living room! I can sympathize with the knee issues, I've torn both of mine and sometimes they flat out won't cooperate! Plus I have pretty bad arthritis and fibro, so exercising for me is challenging. I have to be creative! And doing things a bit at a time is what works best for my body...

    Great ideas! Thank you so much!

  7. Hey hey!

    I could use your help. I’m supposed to be walking 30 mins a day, but here’s the rub… I need to have both knees replaced. I had gel injected into both knees a couple weeks before my surgery and it helped temporarily, but now my really bad knee is hurting again.

    I don’t want to strain anything I shouldn’t, but I know that exercise is important. Y'all have any ideas about alternative ways of getting my “steps” in?

  8. 2 hours ago, BoilerBob said:

    I had my one month post op appointment with my surgeon. No big issues. Then that night I felt a sharp ripping pain in my abdomen when I turned over in bed and have had a few more instances of pain since then. Messaged the surgical team and they told me it was super common as tissue is still angry so take it easy and go back to immediate post op pain management for a few days.

    Other than that am on soft food and still making a batch of egg drop Soup every few days. Made a crockpot barbacoa with super soft beef that tasted like the best thing ever after no meat for a few months.

    Oh man! I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you recover quickly!

    Barbacoa sounds AMAZING right now. I start the pureed stage this week.

  9. 18 hours ago, gbrown said:

    I had my sleeve on nov 28 th. So far I have not lost any weight. I’m beginning to feel like I might have messed up.

    GBrown, Hang in there, honey. I had mine on the 28th as well. I had a 3 pound weight gain over the last 2 days. Hello 3-week stall. *sigh* It stinks, but it will pass. If you're following your doctor/dietician's plans, it'll happen. Also, my surgeon told me they pumped me up with about 10 pounds of Fluid when I was in the hospital - they probably did that for you, too. Just breathe and trust that your body will do what its supposed to do.

  10. On 11/28/2023 at 7:27 AM, brandycsiz said:

    Tomorrow is my day, I am so nervous and wondering if I am making the right choice ( I know I am). Tonight I need to pack for the hospital and make sure my boys are good.. I am little frustrated that I have not lost anything on the Preop diet ( I stepped on the scale this morning)...

    Good Luck to the few people who today is there big day!!

    How are you doing, Brandy? I had my surgery yesterday as well and I’m feeling weirdly OK. I expected to feel like hot garbage, but my only real complaint is how tired I am.

    I got released from the hospital this morning and my husband and I went exploring around the town we’re in after I had a nap. Our AirBnB is near the botanical gardens which has a Christmas light display so we are going to walk through that for a few minutes then call it a night. We have my follow up appt tmrw AM then we’re starting the drive home. I’m ready for my own bed and my own pillow!

    Hope everyone is doing well!

  11. On 11/16/2023 at 8:55 PM, Longview Lady said:

    How did the drive home go??

    Wishing you all the best.

    Hey! I haven’t gone yet. Surgery is set for the last week of November. I’m a little nervous, but still excited. My dr’s preposition diet only requires the day before surgery as a full liquid day 🤷🏻‍♀️ but I’m starting to make changes on my own - I’ve eliminated carbonated beverages, caffeine, alcohol, and Monday I’m saying goodbye to a. Obsession I didn’t know I had… gum!

  12. 4 hours ago, rootsbeforebranches said:

    I'm on Day ONE of my three-week long, 800cal/day, clear liquid + Protein Shake ONLY pre-op diet. 😩 To say that I'm already feeling in over my head is an understatement. From what I've read though, I should only have to deal with this ravenousness for about 4 more days or so before my body gets used to it. Hopefully, that time comes sooner than later.

    I've started having the flutterbies for sure and have had moments where I consider if I'm strong enough to do this for another 20 days. But, I've been trying to stay focused on different YouTubes of people discussing their experiences and before/after pics -- that helps me keep my eye on the prize. 🤪

    Sending strength to everyone else in this pre-op liquid hellscape, you are a champion! 💥

    YOU’VE GOT THIS!!! I am so proud of you! Don’t forget to give yourself grace, my friend. You’re taking big steps to big changes. I know you can do this!

  13. 4 hours ago, rootsbeforebranches said:

    I'm on Day ONE of my three-week long, 800cal/day, clear liquid + Protein Shake ONLY pre-op diet. 😩 To say that I'm already feeling in over my head is an understatement. From what I've read though, I should only have to deal with this ravenousness for about 4 more days or so before my body gets used to it. Hopefully, that time comes sooner than later.

    I've started having the flutterbies for sure and have had moments where I consider if I'm strong enough to do this for another 20 days. But, I've been trying to stay focused on different YouTubes of people discussing their experiences and before/after pics -- that helps me keep my eye on the prize. 🤪

    Sending strength to everyone else in this pre-op liquid hellscape, you are a champion! 💥

    YOU’VE GOT THIS!!! I am so proud of you! Don’t forget to give yourself grace, my friend. You’re taking big steps to big changes. I know you can do this!

  14. 15 hours ago, ZeeGee said:

    Your day is fast approaching, only a few more for you right?

    fairlife chocolate was my fav until I tried the Premier Protein Cafe Latte and now I’m addicted to it lol funny enough it doesn’t taste like coffee to me but more like swiss miss hot coco 😂

    Mmmm.... I love the fairlife chocolate! And I've been putting the caramel Premier Protein in my coffee instead of flavored Creamer. :)

    Brandy - my date is the 28th! :)

    1 hour ago, brandycsiz said:

    Thank you for posting this... I have my gastric Bypass sx on Nov 29th.. I am super nervous but know that I am going to get my life back and be able to do everything I have always wanted to do...

  15. Ugh. Sorry for the double posting. This site and my tablet don’t like each other.

    How’s everyone doing? How are our post-op folks doing? Thanks for the update ChunkCat. Praying your tummy decides to cooperate and stops acting like an angry toddler.

    How are our folks doing the pre-op diet doing? My date isn’t until after Thanksgiving so I’m still in the “food funeral” stage. 🤣

    How are y’all handling the nerves? Every time I start getting those butterflies, I remind myself of what I’m looking forward to (tying my shoes without getting out of breath, not having to push the table away to get into a booth at a restaurant, getting rid of that d*** CPAP!).

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