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Posts posted by MLC3409

  1. Funny you mention that. I have seen a few people have gotten sick just before surgery.

    well, as far as the ones that passed neither of them was due to surgery complications. One was a drug overdose. She had so many issues after surgery and had to have a couple of emergency surgery to repair sutures. That however was on her! She did not follow the plan and less than three weeks post op she was eating Doritos. Well one c got lodged in her suture line and they had to repair it. She also over ate regular food and got some kind of blockage.
    the second one that passed she actually committed suicide. Now that MIGHT have been surgery related because your body goes through so many hormonal changes as well. So that is something that if you start feeling regret know that it is Normal but find a therapist to talk it out with.
    my other friend he had issues during surgery and they ended up putting him in a medical coma for two weeks. He was a large guy like me, well he was bigger by like 60 pound at around 450. I don’t know what all happened but I know he was having bleeding issues. But he was ok in a couple weeks and he was doing well the last time I talked to him.
    my other friend I think she just gave up and has gone back to “normal “ for her. So she is gaining weight.
    I do know I have to work on my mental health and stay disciplined after. And it shows how stuff we can control and some stuff we can’t. We just have to go into this knowing it is only a tool not a cure.
    so since you have kids I would really say make sure you have a therapist. It will be rough for a few weeks after surgery I’m sure. everything else is out of our hands.
    I know it is cliche but I follow the AA motto.

    Accept the things we can not change, Change the things we can, And may God grant us the wisdom to know the difference.

    all I’m in charge of is what food I put in my body and how much I exercise. Everything else is out of my hands.

  2. Yeah, I have a machine for mine but I’m still getting use to it. The mask is irritating and I can’t use the nasal one.
    I completely understand wanting to be healthy. I originally was going to have surgery 36 years ago. I was two weeks from my surgery date and found out I was pregnant and then ended up with chickenpox. So here I am trying again. 😂

    yeah I don’t really have many people to talk to about this either. My daughter is good , my ex I have not told because he is all about the negative (we see each other almost everyday it’s complicated) two of my friends that had the surgery have passed, one I don’t talk to anymore, he had a really bad experience, the other lives in another state and she is in a gaining condition right now so I don’t think it’s good to talk to her. I have a couple others but we aren’t friends anymore.
    It is nice to have a group to talk to.

    I can only wish you all positive vibes.

  3. Well if it helps at all. I did the same for my kids and grandkids. You are not alone and the thoughts are real. I sadly know all too well the horror stories. I have had multiple friends go through it and I have seen the good and bad. It is hard because your fear gets in your head and you start questioning everything. I have only come to on realization. I AM going to die it is just a matter of when. If it is during surgery then I have made sure all I can do is done. To be honest if it isn’t during surgery it could happen on the drive home. We just never truly know. Now I am much older than you and my kids are grown but my grandkids are still young (6,11) so I try to do as much as I can with them incase I fall asleep and never wake up ( I also have sleep apnea).

    you honestly can’t live in the what might happen. You live each day like it’s your last and don’t let tomorrow steal your today.

    write the letters, tell them how much you love them and then put them up. Make your peace and then clear it from your mind.

    sorry hope some of that was helpful?🤷‍♀️

  4. Try finding Bariatric Surgery cookbooks. I got one that goes from preop to 6weeks and beyond. Try thrift books stores online. That is where I found my two. I got a cookbook and I got a smoothie book. There are so many. I am trying to set myself up for after surgery success

    I got a Gastric Sleeve cookbook. If you Google search bariatric cookbooks you should be able to find some great ones.

  5. Oh I pray for that will power!!! I have already set boundaries with my ex and told him I will not be going out to eat anymore and that I will be cooking my own meals so he needs to stop inviting me over for dinner! I do t know hat he is going to do now that he won’t be able to “control” me with food.

    I didn’t tell him about surgery just that I am working on slimfast meal plan. He is a negative about everything.

    I have been having all my “favorite foods” the last couple of weeks and I don’t know if it is the mindset change or what but I am finding them less enjoyable as before. I think it is because I’m just looking at them as food now and not so much craving them.

    I hope the will power lasts through and I plan on having sashimi and air fry asparagus for my 6 week meal! I planned it so that I can have something enjoyable to kick off my regular meal plan.

    🤞🏻 here’s to positive vibes to you

  6. I start my pre op tomorrow. The thing I have noticed even without the preop is if I am dehydrated I can be dizzy. I would make sure you’re drinking enough Water. As far as the other. I think some of it might be from the Protein Drink you might have chosen? I know some of them have that effect. Like when I was on slim fast for a while it would do that.
    I would check the Protein Drinks to see if they might contain more Fiber or carbs than what is recommended. (I just found out mine do 😒) I spent over $35 for a 24 pack so I’m not going to change now. I just won’t use them for post op

    if you are having TMI bowel movements lol then maybe you want to add some water or double what you’re drinking because that will cause dizziness because of dehydration.

    Hope it helps. Also check your meds, if your on any, that might need to take with food that before wasn’t an issue you might need to take when you have your Protein drink.

  7. Maybe it would work swapping around the food. Like save your shake for later in the day and have your meal at lunchtime or around like 3. Then maybe your sugar will be more stable and if it does start to drop you have the shake and it brings it back up.

    im glad you’re able to work with your dietitian on figuring it out.

    i am on the same diet starting next week.

  8. Hey Alex! I’m so glad you took the steps towards a healthier life at 31. I have been struggling with weight for my whole life. I have raised two kids, limited with things I could do with them. Ji feel days I have robbed them of memories that we could have made together. Now here I am at 55 and I ,reading your post, feel everything you’re feeling. I now have two grandchildren and the first time I took them to the fair and I was not able to go on the rides with them. It was a flashback to not being able to do things with my kids. So I took the leap too. My surgery is 12/27.
    sorry got sidetracked, yes the liquid diet is hard. Don’t be so hard on yourself for a slip of having a piece of cheese. The important part is you didn’t binge! That slip up is in the past. What you do today is what is important. Start over. I have taken a new thought on food. Everything I ate yesterday is done. My choices and decisions today is what is important. Find something to keep you busy. If you feel like “slipping “ take a walk then come back. Take a drink of Water, shake, or make a smoothie.

    I have downloaded some mind games that take a lot of thinking. I will sit and play the game and before I know it time has past and it is either meal time or bedtime.

    I am focusing on the restrictions are only for 8 weeks. Two pre and 4-6 post. I keep reminding my self it is 8 weeks out of the 8+years I have to enjoy my new life!

    sorry for rambling. Wishing you the best with your surgery

  9. 1 hour ago, NickelChip said:

    Oh, ugh. I agree with MLC3409 that you should start with the doctor who ordered the study, or ask if you can request the letter yourself and then give it to your surgeon. But that's ridiculous. The one thing I am grateful for is all of my providers are affiliated with the hospital, so everybody talks to everybody and all my test results, orders, etc., are all in one portal. I'm just nervous because this is so close to the end of the year. I keep having nightmares that something will delay the surgery and then the new year will somehow screw everything up with coverage changing or something, and send me back to square one. The last thing any of us need is more stress, so I really hope you get this sorted out soon.

    Oh I am right there with you on that with the end of year. I found out Friday afternoon that my insurance “approval “ is actually still pending 🥺🥺🥺

    I am like you though all my appointments, tests, and everything are all affiliated with the same hospital and I have a patient portal that gives all providers access to the information.

  10. I think more it is the over all stress. It is frustrating when it seems people aren’t doing their job. Who ordered the sleep study? That is who needs to get the report.

    I would call the sleep study and ask who they sent the report to. Then contact them and find out what the next step is. It is frustrating when things get put off to the last minute. It might just be a few phone calls to deal with.
    I just had issues with my nutritionist and my dr office. I saw her back in May and I just found out the Dr office never got her assessment. Come to find out it was an error on the transmission of the paperwork.

    take a couple of deep breaths. Start with the sleep study center then move to the dr.

  11. Yeah!!! I was hoping you would reply!! I bought a cookbook too. It is for sleeve patients https://www.walmart.com/ip/876757602

    my granddaughter (11) has been cooking little stuff for herself and her little brother. Mostly just Rahman and hot dogs, or quesadillas in the microwave. My grandson (6)has learned to make noodles in the microwave lol. Your daughters are the perfect age to learn to cook stuff!!

    I am finally got my stuff together and I think I’m ready!! Not just waiting for everything to get here so I can organize it.
    next weekend is the kitchen purge (since I live alone) All unopened items are being donated to my local food bank.

    I love having y’all to talk to. 😊😊

  12. Hmmmm I know on Facebook there is a woman that makes freezer meals that just go from the freezer to fridge then into crockpot she is “My Family Dinner” I think she is a family of 5 also. There are a bunch of videos to watch and her website. I’m sure you can just make meals and freeze them for later like casseroles that can just go in the oven to be cooked. Unless your other half cooks?

  13. On 11/29/2023 at 11:53 PM, MLC3409 said:

    I am 4 weeks now from surgery. I got my date of 12/27. I have been doing pre op since April but I ran into a health issue that took priority. Now that is taken care of this last stretch has gone quickly. I have a 2 week liquid with one meal a day. Then I have a 1 week liquid only up to surgery. Of course after surgery is the two week post op liquid and then adding in purée food for week three.

    I don’t know where to start and everything is so expensive.

    I have gotten some of the stuff I will need but none of it food or the Protein Drinks and shakes. That part I am actually finding rather overwhelming on what to get and how much

    And advice from anyone?

    So I am better prepared now! I completed the list of suggested items, I got my Protein Shakes for my preop weeks, got my Water flavoring, and I got myself a two week starters kit from Celebrate Vitamins. It is a Protein powder with the Vitamins already included so at least that first week I won’t have to worry about everything. Then for the following week I got a Vitamin starter kit that has what I will need. I figure by week three I will be better about getting things I need.

    I am feeling a bit better going into this whole thing now.

  14. Hey!!! Another December 27th person. I think we have more than 3 now!! I have been going through all the stuff my doctors and nutritionist gave me. Organized my meal plans by weeks and just finished ordering the list of stuff they suggested. I already had most of it from previous diets.

    hopefully one of the other people will post too. They have made some plans for family for the first few weeks to make things easier. They have some great ideas too.

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