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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jcbydesign

  1. jcbydesign

    Physician heal thyself ....

    You have expressed exactly how I felt about my life, the desperation and the self loathing. But only after three months being banded I have a new perspective and hope. Oh, sometimes I get depressed, frustrated or unhappy but it's much less than before because the hope is there. Please keep sharing with us as we can all relate, we all have the same heart hurts and the same years of struggling.
  2. jcbydesign

    Excess Skin

    I have only lost about 1/3rd of my weight and I already look saggy and baggy everywhere...hate that my boobs hang down and my belly, too. Now my arms are going and the top of my thighs. I would never want to stay fat like I was but I certainly don't have the money for PS, either. At least we look better in our clothes and are healthy!
  3. I go to a great small local group that meets once a month (6-10 usually) and we have lunch together and just 'talk' band. It's more like this forum only in person. I much prefer this to the official support group where they have speakers and very little personal interraction. Maybe you should consider changing your format? Just a thought.
  4. I immediately went on a week long 'last meal (s)' eating spree. Then I realized I was out of control and running out of time and might not have my surgery and so I was in a panic and turned into 'mighty dieter'...LOL!
  5. jcbydesign

    Gone For Good Club- August 2006

    Here's my beginning stats: H-220, B-211, C189, G135 BMI 32.4 Aug 9: 189.5 (21.5 +.5) Aug 16: 186.5 (24.5 -3) Aug 23: 182.5 (28.5 -4) Thanks for adding me. This is a great incentive. I hope you keep it up for every month. Janey
  6. jcbydesign

    Who is having success with their Band?

    Nope, no problems here, either. Most people don't have problems and then those are usually minor. This is the SAFE surgery...
  7. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    My weight's started coming off again...yippee! I just may have beat the depo plateau! I feel like I've climbed out of the black pit to find a beautiful rainbow... OK, that may be overly dramatic but that's how I feel. I also have a BMI NSV! It's below 32 for the first time in a zillion years.... Plus I'm 5 pounds away from the September Challenge goal. :peace: This is a great WLS day...and I intend to start it by toasting with my morning Protein shake to all of us on this journey together and give thanks for everyone's support.
  8. My first NSV! My labs came back and the doc said they are all well within normal range. I am so excited because one of the reasons I had this surgery was my high lab tests and fear that any moment I'd be diabetic, have a heart attack or worse. Woooohoooooo! :clap2:
  9. jcbydesign

    I'm normal...my labs say so!

    Thanks! I am so relieved. It's pretty scary to get back lab tests, including stress tests, that say you are on the downward slope...so now I want to get off all my meds...that's my second NSV goal!
  10. jcbydesign

    I'm normal...my labs say so!

    Thanks! You are doing great...big congrats.
  11. jcbydesign

    Does anyone have a scale addiction?

    I just gave my scale to my daughter two days ago because I was becoming crazed with the scale...and getting more and more depressed. So, now I am driving myself crazy wondering what my weight is! LOL!
  12. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    I got my second fill yesterday of .6cc so now have 1.6cc. I hope I get some restriction this time. Today is mushy day... How are the rest of you doing with your fills? Anyone at the sweet spot yet? What levels are you at? Having good results?
  13. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    I am so sorry you have to have the steriods and hope you can get adjusted enough to start to lose. Not gaining will be a win for you right now! I have the same type problem with the depo provera. My surgeon told me that I should be concentrating on getting to the right restriction so that the hunger/eating part is under control. Perhaps you should also set your sights on getting to the 'sweet spot'? Good luck...
  14. It's the doctor's fault! :omg: I went to see my gynecologist for a follow up last week and asked her about the weight loss stoppage. She actually got red in the face and said "Oh I am so sorry, it's my fault!" "I knew you had your surgery and I shouldn't have given you those two Depo Provera shots". Huh? Well, it seems that the hormones (evidently heavy duty) in the Depo shots (she gave me two within a month to stop spotting) coupled with the estrogen that is released when you lose fat has caused my problem. (estrogen is stored in the fat cells and unless you gained all your weight after menopause, we all have it stored in our fat cells). The good part is that it is self limiting...as soon as my body is free of the those hormones I will start to lose again and that since it's been over six weeks since the last injection I should be rid of the stuff soon, I hope. (I might start spotting again but that's another issue). So, for menopausal or even some peri-menopausal women, the reason the weight comes off a little slower sometimes is the release of estrogen from fat cells. It doesn't stop the weight loss but does tend to make it slower in some but not all of us. It doesn't effect women prior to that because you are producing and using estrogen regularly for menstrual cycles, etc. I feel much better understanding why this is happening...at least it's not anything I am doing. I told her what I am eating and she said that averaging 700 calories per day is fine (I went back over what I have eaten on FitDay for the past month and it averages out closer to 700) and won't stop me losing weight. She said there is no scientific proof that eating less calories will slow down your metabolism...because your metabolism works harder to break down the fat cells for energy. The body doesn't have a 'brain' it just has processes and if the body needs more energy than you take in it will automatically start to break down the fat cells to get the energy it needs. The process is complex and includes the retaining, using and excreting the Water the bodies needs to break down, use and eliminate the fat cells...so can be a roller coaster ride on the scales. That's her explanation, take it for what it's worth...one doctor's opinion based on scientific principles. Sometimes our bodies appear to have other ideas...LOL! She did warn me not to eat more than I am now because then I'd gain weight...eeek! This WLS is certainly an adventure !
  15. jcbydesign

    The answer to why I'm not losing...

    I went to my surgeon for a fill today and told him about the Depo. He also said that this could be the cause for my not losing the weight. He was pretty disgusted that the GYN didn't think about my surgery prior to giving me the shots. He said that he's had many patients run into trouble with the Depo but that not everyone is affected. I am one of the 'lucky' ones. So, he told me we'd concentrate on getting me the proper restriction so that at least I would have the bandworking to help me with eating the right amount without 'dieting'. He gave me a big hug and told me to try not to get discouraged, stay off the scale (I gave it to my daughter) and to increase my aerobics exercise to at least four times per week with walking the other days. :phanvan I now have 1.6cc's and I am praying I have restriction now.
  16. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ August Chat

    Just start posting...don't be shy we are all working this together.
  17. jcbydesign

    Letter to all....from LOTSOFKIDS

    I can't even begin to tell you how badly I feel for you. I would think it's more like a hurricane that turned into a tornado and now you're headed into outer space! I will pray for you that you don't have to have brain surgery. I know losing weight may seem irrelevent but it really isn't as less weight makes for better surgical outcomes and shorter recovery time. Keep us posted when you can.
  18. jcbydesign

    looking for bellingham bandsters

    There is a WLS group in Bellingham ( forgot the name) and if I remember right it meets at the hospital. You might call and ask them about it. I think they are a mixed group, though. Probably not enough people for only a lapband one. Good luck.
  19. jcbydesign

    The answer to why I'm not losing...

    Thank you all for the support! :love: think the body does everything it can...including using organs for energy until the last possible moment and then the heart goes and anorexics eventually do die. So, sad...they are our mirror images so I have lots of compassion for them. We don't see how fat we 'were' and they don't see how skinny.
  20. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    I have not lost any weight the past three plus weeks. Well, that's not exactly true since I have gained and lost five pounds several times and ended up this week with a 1.5lb gain. I am eating 500-750 cal average per week (checked back on FitDay). Breakfast is an egg, hard cooked or Protein drink. lunch is 1/4-1/2 cup protein (fish, chicken, shrimp cottage cheese) andthe same for dinner with 1/4-1/2 cup veggies. No carbs added. If I get real hungry I drink a Protein shake between meals (90 cal, no fat and no carb - Nectar) or eat a couple cubes of Light Laughing Cow cheese (5 cubes equal 35 cal). I drink well over 64oz per day and walk or do 30 aerobics at home. What am I doing wrong? I am 58 and 3 yrs post menopause. I have not gone off my diet since I had the surgery 5/23. I lost 17.5 lbs the first five weeks (not including the 8 pounds I gained over night of surgery) but suddenly it's stopped and fluctuated like crazy. Several someones said I need more calories per day BUT Bypass patients eat very little, less than 500 cal usually plus they have the malabsorption and their bodies don't shut down. They lose a lot of weight rapidly. Why? What's the difference between us eating very low calorie protein/veggie diet and their diet/calories? Need some hand holding..:think Thanks again, Janey
  21. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    Have a great trip. Don't worry, I just went for my first fill and it was a snap. Didn't even feel it. We worry about things and then when it's over we wonder why! Sending you good thoughts...
  22. jcbydesign

    I got my lap band yesterday

    Sounds like you are doing everything right and are well educated in what to expect. Welcome to lapland!
  23. jcbydesign

    What is your height?

    I'm 5'4+ and wanted to get down to 135 but after reading the 'size instead of weight' post I think that's a better way to go. Thanks!
  24. jcbydesign

    May 2006 Band Crew ~ July Chat

    This is not a good week. I went for my first fill and got no restriction. I have been just perfect on my food and water, hungry but perfect. Exercise, on track. Results: TWO pound GAIN! :faint:
  25. jcbydesign

    First Fill Today....!

    I am so scared that my surgeon will not give me enough for restriction. I have been following band eating and I am tired of starving! How much did you get the first time and how much do you think you should have gotten? Anything I can say to encourage him to give me an adequate amount? I'd rather go back for an unfill than get no results. Any info is very welcome. :rolleyes:

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