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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tracie30

  1. tracie30

    Learning to live as a Banster!!

    Like many of you I have dealt with my weight my entire life. I was a cubby baby, then I was a cubby toddler and when I got to adolescence I was an overweight teenager. Everyone told me I would lose my "baby Fat" but it never happened. Now I am overweight adult who struggles daily with making the right choices. I can't begin to tell you how many times I joined Weight Watchers. At least 30 times since I was 18 years old. I would lose 20 or 30 pounds and quit, then regain that weight plus more. Like many others I have been on this weight loss roller coaster my entire life. I was banded on October 16th, 2008 and have had 3 fills. Currently I have 5.5 ccs in my 14 cc band. I have lost 51 pounds since my surgery. So I am obviously very happy with my band. I will be honest, sometimes I continue to eat when I know my pouch is full. Sometimes I am enjoying my dinner so much and almost get upset when I realize my band is telling me to stop eating but then I have to realize, that's my band's job and I obey. With Christmas quickly approaching I get worried about my eating. I will be traveling 7 hours to my mothers house. In the past I viewed traveling as a 7 hour long pig feast. Almost like I convinced myself that stopping at gas stations and buying candy and soda and chips, oh my! that I was somehow exempt from calories. Or maybe I thought since I was so exhausted from the drive that I "worked" off the calories. Whatever my mindset has been, it's time to change these habits, especiallly those habits that only come up a few times a year. I'm going to take the Boy Scout oath when traveling this year: Always be Prepared! I am going to pack our food and snacks so that I am in control of what my husband and I eat. I am going to bring lots of water so I'm no tempted to stop at Starbucks ( I love Starbucks and look for every excuse to stop). When I set out on my journey to become a bandster I was fully informed. I was fully educated by my surgeon, his staff and my personal research. However, being educated does not mean doing. Learning to live as a bandster has been an adjustment. I'm learning to trade off food because I track calories and know what has been in my mouth every second of the day. I journal every bite, taste, meal and snack. If I have dessert with my lunch and that puts me over my calories, then it means no dinner (which happened to me on Tuesday). Everyday I focus on listening to my band. To realize those full signals that I have always ignored. Every week I omit another item from my grocery list that I would have purchased and brought into my home. I am enjoying more fruits and vegetables and eating things I would have never considered. I thank God everyday that I was able to be banded. It is teaching me to tame the food addicted animal that exist within me. It's trial and error but for once in my life I feel that I am in control! Good luck on your journey! Merry Christmas!!!
  2. tracie30

    What was your "Moment"?

    I have always been in such denial about my weight. My feeling have been hurt from people, including my mother by saying..."You have a pretty face, if only you could lose weight". I don't think people realize that is not a compliment. Anyway, I was meeting with a business consultant and he was talking about losing weight before vacation. I didn't think he needed to lose a pound but he made the comment that his wife didn't sign up for what he has become when she married him. That made me think about my husband and what he signed up for. Then I found out that my consultant who consults with myself and 12 other collegues once a month, was taking all of them to Breakfast and lunch on a regular basis. I was shocked when I discovered he had never taken me out to eat, he just met me in my office. When I started asking questions about why he wasn't taking me out to eat, he informed me that he didn't want to be an "enabler". Wow! That cut me to the bone. At that time I realized how others were seeing me and I decided to talk to my PCP. She ran some tests and told me that I was diabetic, had PCOS and high blood pressure. Further tests revealed sleep Apnea. All of these events lead me to my decision to have LB and I am so happy I did. I have lost 51 pounds and my blood pressure is down to normal and my glucose levels are back to normal. I guess it took being insulted to lead me to my PCP and have a heart to heart about what I was doing to myself.
  3. I am 8 weeks out and going into my 9th week. I too am having the hiccup issue and the gas. I had my 3rd fill yesterday and ask my Dr. about this and he told me hiccups are probably caused by drinking too fast (which I am). He said gulping would cause that. He said the gas is probably due to my eating habits changing. Eating more veggies can have that effect on you. When you went 7 hours without eating and then had cottage cheese, I would suspect that you went too long between meals and your stomach is still sensitive from having surgery and that might have caused your pain. Try to eat something every 2-3 hours so you don't hurt your healing stomach. The one thing I have realized about this surgery is it is a constant learning experience. Our bodies have changed and will never be the same. Good luck in your journey! Hope I helped you a little!
  4. Hi Sarah, I'm Tracie 30 years old, 5'7 and 339 at my heaviest. I was banded October 16th have lost about 44 pounds. My reason for being banded was simple. I want to be healthy. In your post, you reminded me of myself at your age. You're right, the world is not always kind to overweight people but you have to live life now. Just because you get banded and lose weight your life is not going to magically become perfect. I have been heavy my entire life but I accomplished so much while being 300+lbs. I finished college, I own an insurance agency where I employ 4 people. I have been married 11 years to a wonderful man who does not have a weight problem and yet he has never seemed to view me as a fat girl. He tells me everyday (true statement) that he thinks I'm beautiful. My life has been amazing weighing over 300 lbs. My reasons is truely to be healthy. I can read between the lines that you think once you lose weight that your life will have more value than it does now. You need to learn to love yourself before you embark on this journey or I fear you may have other problems arise when the weight is gone because life is not perfect and it won't be just because you lose weight. Getting a job should have no bearing on your weight. Employers need hard working, dedicated people everyday. I caution you to find out what your passion is and what you want to acheive and follow your dreams absent of how much you weigh. Good luck to you!
  5. What is PBing? I see that referenced a lot but have no idea what it means. I am guessing it means vomiting but I just don't know for sure. Can someone please let me know what it means? Thanks. Tracie
  6. tracie30

    A very STUPID Question!!

    Thank you very much! I have experienced PBing. You're right...it's not a pleasant experience. Thanks again for clearing up my confusion!!!
  7. Hi Jenny, I think everyone who posted has great points but I would recommend breaking these issues down into managable tasks. Get out the Bandster Rules and pick 2 of these you can tackle and make as natural as breathing. Once you have those 2 down, maybe 2 weeks, tackle 2 more. This way it's not so overwhelming and you can get back on track. That's what I'm doing to try to keep from falling off my wagon. Hope this can help you! Good Luck! Tracie
  8. Hi Everyone! I had my surgery on October 16th and like many of you I fear that the band won't work for me. I weigh myself twice everyday (once in the morning and once in the afternoon). I have 6.5 cc's in my 14 cc band and I have restriction but I want more because I think it will work even better for me. I have my 3rd fill scheduled for Dec 12th and I think that one will hold me for a while. The point of this thread is to share with everyone what I am dealing with personally and some things I have come to realize. I have lost 44 pounds since I was banded. This weekend I had more energy than I have had in a long time. I am assuming its coming from the little weight loss I have had. I also notice that I am losing about 1-2 pounds consistantly and am learning to be ok with that. I think many of us get freaked out when we don't wake up the morning after surgery and discover that we didn't lose the 100 pounds or more that we struggle with. I know I will have moments when I get down on myself but I am learning to enjoy this journey. To focus my attention on not only eating better but taking care of my skin, hair and improving myself overall in anticipation of the new physical me. I don't want to be the same miserable person that I was when I was 339 pounds. I want to look forward to all the things I will be able to do when I lose weight. I want to relish in those moments when I can cross my legs and put socks on without having to contort my body into embarrassing positions. It would be nice to wake up tomorrow and be 150 pounds lighter but in reality, I have to be patient. Good things are coming for me and will come for you too. Let's congradulate each other on those 2 pound loses as we do the 100 pound loses and be proud that we have 2 pounds less on our bodies. In a year when I am much thinker, I want to remember the journey rather than the negative self talk I have been having with myself. Good luck to everyone! Tracie
  9. tracie30

    Tomorrow is the big day!

    Good Luck Wendy! I was nervous too but by this time tomorrow it will all be worth it and the journey begins. Once you get through the first day or two, it gets better! I'll keep you in my prayers! Tracie
  10. tracie30

    Hello From Mike in NY

    Welcome Mike! This is the best thing you can do for yourself!! Keep us posted on your weight loss! Good Luck!
  11. tracie30

    Mourning food already

    Hi Everyone! Please know that this surgery is not the end of your world. I am 4 weeks post op and I had to call my doctors office and beg for a fill tomorrow because the swelling is gone and so is my restriction. I can eating anything and everything even though I shouldn't be. I have 4.5cc's in a 14 cc band, believe me, when you get to the other side of this, you're going to realize that you are stilling dealing with the same "head" hungry and that at some point, nothing is off limits. I also feel that food is my best friend. Thank God for LBT! Good luck to each of you!!!
  12. Hi Everyone! I am sure this have been thought of prior to me but I wanted to share some ways I am surviving the liquid diet. My Dr. put me on the carnation Breakfast diet and I have been getting bored with chocolate and French vanilla (strawberry was aweful...in my opinion) So I went to the baking section of the grocery store and purchased flavored extracts. The orange extract mixed with the French Vanilla taste like a Dream Sycle. The banana is delicious!!! Peppermint extract, French Vanilla Carnation and warmed milk for breakfast...so good!! There are tons of flavors to choose from. All you need is a couple of dropped so I dont think it's adding more than 5 or 10 calories but it helps to get through the diet and add some variety. I hope this helps everyone. I am sure you could add the extracts to your vanilla Protein shakes too!!! Surgery 10/16/08 - Whoo hoo!!!
  13. Hi Everyone! I just wanted to share an idea I had about excerise. I just purchased one of those "Interactive Dance Mats". I thought it would be a good way to move without being bored out of my mind and staying in my own home. I purchased it on QVC today for $36 (including taxes and shipping). It's simular to a Nintendo Wii but it just plugs into your TV and and you can get started. It also has hand sensors so you have to move your arms too. It looks like a total body workout. I think it will be a great way to challenge myself and have fun with dancing. Also it will be a way of getting a workout through the hard winter months here in Ohio. If you purchase it and don't like it you have until the end of January to return it back to QVC. Just want to share! Good luck!
  14. tracie30

    Banded 10/21 and have ???

    I was banded on Oct 16th and I had also had that lump in my throat. I believe it is just the swelling because everyday it seems to get better. I researched Lap Band for almost 3 years and there was things I never read about such as the large stomach growling but the pouch is full. That was the strangest thing for me. This phase of the band is a little discouraging but hang in there, it will get better. When you are putting on those skinny jeans you won't remember this part of Bandster Hell. At least that's what I tell myself!!! lol
  15. tracie30

    Is 3 weeks to soon?

    I was banded last Thursday and I have my first fill scheduled for this Tuesday which is 2 days sly of 3 weeks. Is this too soon? My doctor told me I needed a fill every 3 weeks until I have enough restriction. Anyone else having fills this often?
  16. I was banded last Thursday. I was told to drink Protein shakes which I can't stand anymore. I am having 300 to 500 calories at most every day since my surgery and I am so hungry I could literally eat the keyboard!! Even if I wanted to eat, I am not sure I could. I feel like there is something stuck at the bottom of my throat. It's not painful but I have thought it to be the restriction, but I have not had a fill yet. Is this just the "bandster hell" I have seen others refer to? I have researched to find out how you're supposed to feel and eat the first couple of weeks after surgery but I haven't seen anything on this forum. Could someone share there experience with "Bandster Hell"? I would greatly appreciate it.
  17. I was banded on Thursday and today was my best day. The gas was horrible and I am still having issues that just seem abnormal but I feel so much better today compared to the 2nd and 3rd day. I under estimated this surgery. I thought I would be 100% in 2 days but as I found out...it takes a week or two to get feeling like your old self. Good luck to all of the new Bandsters!!!
  18. BlakQueen, I wish I could help you with the ticker but the one I have is not set up correctly because I can't update it. I know there was directions posted one time; if I come across them again I will PM you. Thanks everyone!!! I know I just need to hang in there. It will get better. It's just a new experience and I appreciate your patience!
  19. I know I don't have "head hunger". I haven't eaten a bite in 3 weeks...I know I am starving!!! My dr told me after the surgery that he left 3cc's in my 14cc band. I am scheduled for my first fill on Tuesday. Seems quick but my dr. told me I will get a fill every 3 weeks until my restriction is tight enough. I just hate the feeling in my throat...it makes burping hurt and hard but man does it feel good when I get it out.
  20. I am 4 days post op...Wow! I can't believe how quickly it all went My dr. required 2 weeks carnation diet pre op and 2 weeks post op. First of all, I am sick of carnation, second I am so hungry. I had chicken broth and Jello today in addition to my 2 carnation shakes and as I sit here my stomach is growling. I feel some restriction and have been sipping Water to help with the hunger but so far it hasn't worked. I thought lapband would make that nagging hunger away. Does anyone know how long that hunger sicks around? Does the hunger go away when you get to the puree stage? I have 10 days left until I can eat puree and I can't wait. Also the gas is horrible. I seriously feel like someone has punched me between my shoulder blades...my poor husband has rubbed my back until his hands are sore. All feedback is appreciated!!!
  21. tracie30

    I guess I'm one of the fortunate ones

    That's great! I was one of the lucky ones too. I had my first consultation on July 29 and had surgery on October 16th. No PCP diet, just blood work and pysc. eval. Good luck on your journey!! BTW...I am very jealous that you got the news in Hawaii...lol
  22. I know everyone out there has a story but my surgery is Thursday and I feel like I need to vent and have some clarity. Like most, I have been over weight my entire life. Unfortunately no one else in my family was. I was raised by a single month who weight an astonishing 111 pounds when she delivered me. That's right...111 pounds. I exceeded that weight in Fourth grade. food was always an area of focus in our home. Never seemed like enough food and so when there was food I would pig out...feeling like it would all be gone tomorrow. My mother, not knowing how to communicate with me always critique my weight and as a form of motivation (as she tells me now) she would say cruel things. This lead me to hiding food and eating when I felt it was safe. When I started dating my husband (who has no trouble with his weight), my mother would tell him not to take me out to eat on our dates. She would tell him I didn't need additional access to more food. This would embarrass me to a point that I wanted to hide under a rock, even though I knew she was looking out for me. She just didn't know how to go about being dignified about the situation. Even though I have come to terms with why I eat so much...it's hard to control those emotions. Now I have been married 11 years and my husband has never made one comment about my weight...NEVER! Even though I have gained 100 pounds since we married. My mother and I are very close however I can tell that she doesn't understand how I got to where I am. No one in my immediate family is over weight and even though I have finished college, have a successful marriage, and own an insurance agency. No one in my family has accomplished half of what I have done and even still I am looked at as the family member with problems. When I decided to have weight loss surgery I researched for nearly 3 years. When I made my final decision I made sure I was doing this for a healthy me and not just to conform to what they think I should be. My mom will be with me for my surgery and I am really glad for that but when I am thinner and healthier and I am going to remind her that I am still the same person she has known my entire life, regardless of the package and that my reasons for WLS was because I wanted to live longer not be the size she always insisted I be. Thanks for listening!!
  23. tracie30


    Welcome to LBT!! You are going to be so glad that you found this site. It becomes your resource for all your questions. Best wishes in your Weight Loss Journey!!
  24. My surgery is scheduled for next Thursday. I just got off the phone with the pre-admission nurse who was asking me my history. He ask if I have sleep apnea and I said yes. He ask if I have a machine...I told a white lie and said yes. He said make sure you bring it with you. The doctor who would prescribe the machine is booked 3 weeks out. My surgery is next week. What if I "forget" it at home, which is nearly 3 hours away from my the surgery facility, will they cancel my surgery or will they loan me a machine? I hate lying but if I needed an emergency surgery would they say "sorry you dont have your cpap machine". I am 4 days without eating. I am a little moody and cranky. I just dont want to go through all of this and be told, too bad!! Anyone have a situation like this? What did you do?
  25. tracie30

    A Personal Issue

    Thanks for giving me clarity on that issue. I am so close to having the surgery and I am just waiting for the shoe to drop and someone tell me my surgery has been postponed due to something I haven't anticipated. Thanks again for the advise!

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