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Posts posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. 5 hours ago, Victoria **** said:

    Most, if not all, of us have experienced a stall in weight loss not long after having the surgery. Check your bowels; you may be constipated. Just stick with the program. Talk to your surgeon, if you don’t see progress. I did that and discovered that I had had only the first of several procedures in my revision surgery.

    Thank you for responding! My bowel movements are daily so that isn't the issue. I've read stalls are common, but I wasn't expecting one only 3 weeks post op!

    May I ask, you said you checked with your doctor when you had a stall? Then you had a revision? I had a RNY, what more could they revise at that point?

    I'm sticking with the program..don't really have a choice even if I didn't want too...major surgery done..no going back. 😋 I know its fairly common to experience these stalls, but, it doesn't make it easier its still frustrating!

  2. 12 minutes ago, tynisha said:

    Hi all. I had my surgery on August 14th. I was on wegovy prior to. I find myself hungry more often than I expected but still eating small portions. I was usually a fast eater so I’m trying to eat slower. Sometimes I get stuffed because I ate too quickly. Im trying to balance eating when Im hungry + drinking Water in between meals and waiting enough time before eating. It’s more difficult than I expected because sometimes Im preparing my food and get super hungry while cooking.

    I feel your pain...the Water consumption along with the waiting before and after eating makes it a chore trying to get the large amount of liquids in..especially because I'm not thirsty. I keep waiting for the intolerance to foods, the feeling of full (yes, I'm aware it takes months for the nerves to regenerate to fill "full") something that would keep me from wanting to eat other than I didn't go through all this to not lose weight. Add on top of that I've not lost any weight for 10 days - I've about had enough! Yes, I'm getting my Protein in, no I'm not over eating (1/4 cup max each meal 2 meals with one high protein shake) its just stuck!

    I know I'm supposed to let the program work..but hey!! I'm doing my part..when does it do its part? 😋 So, yeah I feel your pain!

  3. 14 minutes ago, pintsizedmallrat said:

    Not necessarily; men typically have a higher percentage of muscle mass than a woman who is the same height and weight. While everyone is different, in general a man will be able to consume a greater number of calories in a day.

    This is exactly what I was saying, just worded differently, but I should have left off "same weight" and stated that's the difference in weight goals tho...I knew better.

  4. On 9/7/2023 at 6:20 AM, Ginnnnie said:

    @Jonathan Carlson she said i am doing fine with my caloric intake. she did recommend more carbs as it will regulate the Protein (she says)
    not sure what my muscle mass is to be honest. Dont have a baseline nor know how to measure.
    but will an increase in muscle mass cause the body to not loose weight for that lengthy period of time ?

    dont get me wrong i am all for very toned no loose skin body and if that is the case yippiiee!! (lol)

    Yes, .muscle weighs 7 times more than fat. How are your cloths fitting? You can lose inches without losing weight!

  5. On 6/6/2023 at 11:46 AM, losinglosinglosing said:

    I wonder if you need to bump that up a bit, especially if you're physically active. My target was 1200 at that point. Not saying yours should be, but you might getting to the point that is too low to keep you satiated... which is a recipe for binging.

    I also think your goal weight might be too low. You and I are the same height. I'm currently 148 and can't imagine being any smaller than this. I already look a bit gaunt. 145-150 seems like it might be a better goal for you?

    I think your suggestions are great, although, the goal weights for the same height are probably the difference between male and females... So her goal weight is right on for her height!

  6. 1 hour ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I live in Denver, and we have a Starbucks on nearly every corner, and none of them offer any sugar free options except vanilla. I love Jordan's Skinny syrups. They have white chocolate mocha Syrup that's no calories, no sugar, no carbs and it's AMAZING. I love all their flavors.

    I was told no caffeine because it dehydrates you, and we have to be very mindful of our hydration. Especially if we deal with Constipation. But if I find I REALLY need the pick-me-up, I get it from tea or from Arbonne natural caffeine energy powders (absolutely LOVE them).

    Luckily for a lot of ppl coffee is a laxative! 😖 but yes, it is a dehydrate as well. I look at it this way...I've given up every other food/drink I like...I think coffee ican be one small guilty pleasure, plus it can be good for you too - or at least for those ppl around me....

  7. 8 minutes ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I get it at Walmart. They also have a few other flavors in this brand, but I just prefer white. I put avocado on it and LOVE it. I also put butter, cinnamon, and Monkfruit sweetener on it if I want some cinnamon toast (I can only eat 1 piece since I have such a small stomach, but it's REALLY good).


    Thank you..I'll give it a try when I can have bread again...I miss my avocado toast!

  8. On 1/21/2022 at 5:29 AM, eholmes89 said:


    I can’t even explain how much this post means to me! Thank you for posting it!

    I thought I was the only one in this very rocky annoying boat.

    7 months out for me - I’ve lost 73lbs. Dropped 6 dress sizes, and yes I will even agree that I look great! However……

    I am 7lbs from my end goal… since before Xmas I have been bouncing up and down the scales 2-3lbs and can’t seem to shift anything.

    i have days I loose a lb - get excited and then jump back on a few days later and it’s back there again 🤨

    I have had very supportive family and friends however they don’t understand why I’m so frustrated. Because they just see that I’m ‘skinny’ now and should just be happy.
    i am happy.. but I want to reach my goal.

    I have adjusted my meals. Increased my Protein intake. Increased my Water intake… I’ve started exercising (mainly walking and sit ups)

    I can see a difference in terms of my body is changing still, I’ve lost 1/2 inch in my waist, but nothing has moved on the scale. So although I look more defined I still want that scale to change!

    I think this is just the final mile and it’s a struggle when you see the scale move every week for the past 6-7 months for it to stop is a bit of an anticlimax. But it’s gotta stop at some point right?

    Maybe this is the weight my body is comfortable with and I need to get used to us… the only comfort is that I haven’t ‘gained’ weight …

    Keep going you will get there…

    If this helps (I know its frustrating) but muscle weighs 7 times more than fat..so if you're working out more, you're increasing muscle mass which could explain the stubborn scale... You're probably losing fat quick but replacing it with muscle so it seems like the scale isn't budging, especially if you're not going up a lot! This make sense?

  9. 21 hours ago, BrooklynHearted said:

    Hello. I am trying to prep in advance of my liquid diet and understand that I can have fat free Salad Dressing. Which ones have you all used that are best? And has anyone tried making their own? Wondering if I can use Soy Sauce on veggies since it has no fat or carbs. Thanks!

    I highly recommend G. Hughs brands..low cal, no sugar low carb, I personally love their thai chili dipping sauce (if you find it buy several it sells off the shelf quick), teriyaki and pineapple ginger sauces taste great as well! Their yum yum sauce is a huge seller, I think its #1.

    As far as soy sauce, I personally wouldn't - too much sodium. Instead try something like Braggs liquid aminos, gluten free or coconut aminos they taste just like soy sauce or as Nicolechip said lemon with seasonings! I've also used Greek yogurt with season packets like ranch...

  10. 2 hours ago, LindsayT said:

    The only sugar-free Syrup product Starbuck has is the vanilla. They have several herbal teas that are nice. I enjoy the peach tranquility. I have also started drinking caffeine and also enjoy an iced green tea. I wish they'd offer more sugar-free options. It's hard not falling back into the coffeehouse coffee habit.

    Starbucks used to have sugar free raspberry... Apparently its difficult to find now. I can't wait until I can go back to caffeinated coffee! How far post op were you before you tried caffeine again?

  11. 15 hours ago, SleeveToBypass2023 said:

    I actually had diabetes when I started the process. My A1c was around 7.6 or so and my glucose levels were usually around the 160-170 rang when I would test. I was on 3 diabetes meds, a cholesterol med, a blood pressure med, 2 anti-inflammatory meds. Not only did having diabetes not delay things, having comorbidities actually helped speed up the approval process for me.

    I know you wanted gradual changes to your eating, and to a certain extent you can still have that. But it's important to start getting your mindset and habits changed at least a little before surgery. Once you have it, you have to make drastic changes pretty fast. Better to start now. I would start by eliminating soda and anything carbonated. Get caffeine from coffee (the kind you can make at home) using sugar free sweeteners and low/no calorie Creamers (or almond milk) and tea (personally, I prefer tea). Swap out regular chocolate, candy, popsicles, pudding, etc to the sugar free kinds. Start lowering your carb intake and try cutting down on Pasta, bread, potatoes, etc... There's Keto versions of bread that taste fantastic.

    Look at the way the bariatric diets require you to eat (protein first, then veggies, then carbs) and try to plan your meals around that (protein helps you feel full longer). Practice getting in at least 64oz of Water now so you can be used to drinking it a lot. You can still eat yummy foods, just change the way you do it. It's less jarring if you start the process now.

    I did Atkins Keto for years...you actually found a keto bread that tasted "fantastic"? I never did and believe me I looked, they all tasted nasty to me! If you don't mind...what brand I'd love to eventually add it to my healthy eating routine later?!

  12. 2 minutes ago, firesafety said:

    they tell me about 4 months - insurance requirement. I do not have a surgery date as of yet but sometime in November. Have health issues is the main reason for the gastric sleeve. so far I have had a psych evaluation, 2 dietitians visits - useless in my mind. a endoscopy because of a hernia surgery 18 years ago, had to see the cardiologist because of the heart bypass I had 7 years ago, EKG and stress test just for his clearance. have 1 more appointment with my nephrologist because he will not clear me until there is a surgery date due to the fact, he doesn't like the fact I am cutting carbs and eating too much Protein. I understand that because of the fact that I have stage 3 kidney Dease with only 1 kidney working. So, more labs a chat before he clears me. have to visit my endocrinologist because of my diabetes, have to make a plan to resolve the insulin resistance before surgery and then right after to check how my medications will need to be adjusted. Have to point out that all these doctors insist that surgery is no longer a choice but more of what is needed. my family also insist that I have surgery. Am hesitant about it to be totally honest. I feel that I do not overeat and have been on sugar free diet for 15 years now. But have tried and failed too many times on various diets never losing more that 15 lbs before hitting some kind of plateau and stall for weeks. So frustrating. I am going forward to have the sleeve. will post my progress as I know more.

    I agree about the nutritionist visits being a waste of time (imo)...most, not all, of us have researched, dieted and know what we should and how we should eat for years as we have fought the weight...its whether we actually do it. Mine consisted of 5 mins of you doing this, you doing that..."yes" ok..see you next time. Its all insurance hoops!

  13. 25 minutes ago, Victoria **** said:

    The major fatigue will get better. It’s a result of the surgery. As for the “3-week stall,” check your bowels. Have you had a bowel movement since the surgery? I ended up in the ER with severe Constipation. The doctor prescribed Miralax and Lactulose.

    Thank you for responding, yes I'm regular daily since the third day post surgery. I appreciate the suggestion though. Sorry you went through that!

  14. I had this exact problem myself. I talked to my doctor and was told it was one of three things:

    1. The nitrogen gas they use to expand your abdomen tends to saturate shoulders (leak) and neck regions causing pain or

    2. You unknowingly tighten your shoulders to compensate for the surgical would pain, or

    3 The surgical tables are really really hard and uncomfortable causing pain to shoulder and back if you're not used to laying on a solid hard plain.

    I hope this helps, I had to get muscle relaxants my shoulder and back hurt so much!

  15. On 9/5/2023 at 11:20 AM, Nissi88 said:

    Hi All, it’s been 15 days and I go in and out of strength, today I’m feeling very weak. Is this normal at this stage?

    That's about the timeframe I hit the wall for feeling weak and major fatigue. It was an effort to go upstairs...or even want to walk. I told my GP and they gave me a B12 shot..finally a week later I'm getting past it. Just hang on for a few days or check with your doctor. It will eventually pass as long as you're following the program your surgeon set up!

  16. Hello fellow August WLS patients! I had mine on the 21st..no one told me my entire stomach would be a solid black bruise and after one month is finally showing signs of abating.

    I have hit the dreaded "3 week stall" going on 10 days of a pound here and a pound there along with major fatigue. I just keep telling myself it will all be worth it - my new life long mantra!

    Good luck everyone!

  17. I personally would check out BulkSupplements.com. I've been using their non flavored whey Protein isolate, Calcium and a few others. Its the easiest absorbed and metabolized at a reasonable price. It was recommended to me by a few professional body builders I know personally. It truly has no flavor, I put it in several of my meals each day.

    Plus, the company promotes the following which I appreciate (hope this helps also if you subscribe you save although you don't have to):

    Pure Raw Ingredients

    No Additives. No flavorings. No Fillers. Just pure, bulk powders


    FDA Inspected Facility

    cGMP, FDA registered, regularly inspected manufacturing facility


    Lab Tested for Purity

    Each supplement is tested by a 3rd party laboratory



    COAs are available for all of their products upon request

  18. I'm so happy I found this topic, it's a relief!

    Before finding this topic I just assumed it was my body/metabolism/stomach (I refuse to call it a "pouch" - It's still my stomach) adjusting to pureed/soft food after 5 weeks of liquid. I'm glad to see my instincts were right and the stall is normal!

    I do understand why people worry though, to go through all this and then not see any movement on the scale the last 10 days after only being post op since August 21 can make anyone anxious. You can know the science behind it, but, its still anxiety causing.

    Thank you everyone for your wisdom and personal experiences on your weight loss journeys!

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