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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Wow! Congrats! I'm still a ways out from my goal 😣 Great job. Unfortunately, I've only lost 69lbs so far, it seems my goal of 120 is years away. Actually, I'm getting a little worried..I seem to be slowing down quite a bit. I completely understand about the bounce back..I've heard a lot about it and think you've got the right idea to lose another 20 to nip it in the bud! Again, congrats you did great - just do the last thing to show the world and update your ticker to celebrate!
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Big Boned…🤔

    I'm going to remember this one!
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    I need help

    The best option would be to contact your old bariatric team. They can set up a comprehensive diet and give you guidance on what and how to kick start your new plan. If for some reason you can't do that, look at how and what you've been eating, cut back on calories, carbs and fats. Are you going over the maintenance limits? Its the same rules as before you had surgery: less calories in than you burn off. Go back on a reduced calorie, carb fats diet.
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA


    300-500 calories a day at 6 months seems low, at least by my bariatric teams outline and booklet/plan given to me. I'm at 4 months and eating regular food at 800 per day. I'm told its right on track. Have you spoken to your doctor/dietician? Perhaps do as I was told instead of three meals a day - have 5 small meals to get you to where you need to be? Either way, I'd check with your doctor.
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I'm sorry to hear you we're denied. Just keep pushing them. It amazes me that insurance companies refuse to pay for bariatric surgeries and weight loss drugs BUT have no problem paying for a lifetime for the health consequences of being obese. I know I'm going out on a ledge here for potential condemnation but..those same insurance companies will pay for gender reassignment surgeries AND reconstructive "cosmetic" surgeries for gender reassignment (that in the long run is cosmetic to align with how patient perceptions are - no different than skin removal mentally) but they won't pay for some just as necessary bariatric surgeries and skin removal surgeries! Both can be mentally debilitating! I always thought perhaps a class action lawsuit forcing insurance companies to pay for these things is what's needed. No one elects to be obese and insurance companies treats obesity as "its your fault" you're obese so they won't pay. I wish you luck, preserver and eventually you'll get it! Lastly, I'm told bariatric surgery is cheaper in some states if you have to pay yourself, so shop around and research research research making sure you have a good bariatric team! Also, make sure that if you do go out of state that they don't have a long travel restriction like mine did (90 days) first! Good luck!
  6. You're welcome! The allulose has been great for me as well! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Success with Berberine?

    I did. I noticed no difference in my blood sugars, blood pressure, nor my weight. I took it for 6+ months. Of course this was all before WLS. My bariatric team took me off all my supplements other than my multi and calcium post op.
  8. Allulose. Its a rare sugar that naturally occurs in fruits like figs and raisins. “It’s about 70% as sweet as sugar. Allulose is a monosaccharide so it doesn't act like sugar by altering insulin/glucose blood readings and doesn't have that artificial taste. Also, like with any sugar/substitute start out with small quantities but most people who eat allulose in moderation won’t notice any issues. I hope this help. I purchased a bag, dipped my finger in it and had my husband try it - no artificial taste at all! Lastly, I just buy whey isolate - the highest quality there is on bulksupplements.com and add it to everything (including my crystal light), soups, broths..etc., so I get my protein without the "protein drinks"! It has no flavor and very little smell if any.
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    I DID IT!!!!

    Congratulations! Enjoy your skydiving, you deserve it!
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Fighting the sirens song...

    I'm having a food slump! I in no way get the water in each day I'm supposed too.. I'm not thirsty and to be honest I really hate going to the restroom 20+ times a day IF I do get close to the required 64+ oz a day. Plus, I don't understand why I need to, I didn't drink that much beforehand, so I don't understand why suddenly having a smaller stomach requires a sudden huge mandatory increase in water consumption!? Plus, I am sooooooooooooooooooo burnt out on the same foods over and over and yes over. I detest eggs (always have) and have always preferred something like avocado toast for breakfast and a cup of coffee. I detest cooking so I tend to eat the same thing every single day - something I can cook in quantity. Lately its been turkey chili with added protein powder. Chicken breast with veggies is boring/bland... Then there's the chicken of the sea - white fish with veggies..again just not my thing. So, I just eat the same thing over and over. I have to admit, I miss sauces, thai noodles and pizza and foods I can dip! I have a food texture problem so it leaves quite a few things off my plate..plus I'm hypersensitive to carbs - racing heart feeling jittery so I eat very low carb (under 25) low sugar, low calorie in other words low taste (to me anyway). I do what I have to to lose the weight and become healthy.. But its taken a lot of joy out of life, the holidays just plain suck now...all the family traditions came to a stop because of me (we used to all get our favorite restaurant dishes and share pot luck style for New Years), bake cookies with a Cookie exchange (no one wants my healthy protein balls - I eat them because I need protein, not because they're great tasting). I know I'm suppose to eat for fuel, but, we all eat for joy - if people didn't there wouldn't be different foods, cooking styles and spices, we eat at get togethers, social times, celebrations - I can't and don't want to inflict my eating restrictions/requirements on everyone else. I fight that siren song and battle it every week, anyone else? Anyone have any reasonable suggestions? (I added reasonable because my dietician suggests things like - " you want crunchy "eat a celery stick" you want noodles try palm noodles..etc. NOT even close. I think dieticians in bariatric clinics should have been a bariatric patient themselves so they'd understand their suggestions suck. Perhaps I'm asking if anyone else is or has gone through this...slump.....I find its easier to just not eat than eat another healthy bland boring food. Sorry for the rant.
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Fighting the sirens song...

    This /l\ sounds more reasonable and something I can live with! How long have you been doing this? When you met your goal or beforehand? I keep my calories at 800 or less (4 months post op) my protein between 75 and 80 grams - nothing crosses my lips without extra protein added including my crystal light (the only thing I allow myself with processed chemicals because I don't like plain water it makes me gag) , carbs 25 or less, no/low sugar, non-fat or no fat, no sodium, no processed additives and mostly organic etc.. Etc.. I think I'm just being overly strict and controlling with my food intake which is making me grumpy and sick of the whole thing. I will try to incorporate some of your ideas - thank you.
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Energy Increase?

    800! 75+ protein...liquids +- 45 oz.. (I know should be more but...).
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Absolutely hate myself now

    "I’m sick and tired of my stupid food choices and eating the same boring things every day. I just want to eat like a normal person! I have to keep reminding myself that this is only temporary and part of the process." Oh wow..I just posted this very topic (sirens song post). I am beyond sick of the food choices! I was glad to see I'm not the only one right now going through this..and hopefully is only a stage. Thanks for your post.
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Stalls and plateaus

    Omg this made me spit out my water laughing! "Hollow" poop! Thanks for the much needed laugh!
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Energy Increase?

    I'm still waiting for the energy increase...and waiting....and waiting...soon..anytime now.. .. .
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Anybody dealing with "you don't need surgery"

    Your comment about slapping stupid people made me laugh! My answer is this: If I went around slapping stupid people making stupid comments I'd be slapping people 24/7! Although, all the swinging my arms back and letting go would be good exercise and probably therapeutic Just a fair warning, I'm a major smart A** so my response is my personality... Good or bad. Just do as I do; ask to see their medical license. Explain your doctor, who has the experience, knowledge and an actual medical degree in their medical opinion feels its a necessary medical procedure, then tell them you appreciate their bedside manner, "medical expertise" and judgement! I also like to add that insurance companies don't like to pay for "the easy way out" and unnecessary procedures, they don't go around approving surgery unless its necessary! If that doesn't stop them ask them why they think its "the easy way out"? Then shoot down their preconceived stupid concepts with facts and how its the furthest from easy to lose weight. Last option, ignore them and do what you need to do for you! After all, you can lose weight and get healthy, they'll always be stupid! Lastly, it always amazes me that people question or make comments about a medically approved procedure. Do they question a vasectomy ... or a cesarean birth, how about rhinoplasty for a deviated septum to stop nasal issues...how about a root canal..after all they could take the easy way out for these procedures...
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Fighting the sirens song...

    Thank you for the replies. Summerseeker : "Food should not be boring. I just do not live to eat it anymore." I don't Iive to eat, I never have, but good food contributes to a good life. "Variety is the spice of life" variety I can't have. Yes, I knew this goes into this but, it doesn't make it any easier! What I was attempting to say is its boring because; 1. Unlike you I detest cooking so the thought of sitting down to think out my weeks meals sounds tedious and time consuming (even if necessary) I really wish I had the time and inclination to do it and I'm jealous of those who are willing and able.. I just don't want to add yet more measuring, weighing prepping to my day off since I do enough of that weekly in very exacting details (down to microns) 😛 Perhaps its also the lack of options..see #2; 2. With this new way of eating and my intolerance of carbs it makes my options very limited. After all there are five food groups and I've eliminated 3 of the five as it is - grains, most dairy unless you want overly processed artificial dairy and fruits. Add to that my food texture issue (symptom of ADHD) ..this leaves me with low fat beef, fish and chicken for proteins and veggies (non starchy). I do track everything I eat and drink as well although I love your way of if you get your proteins in and still want a "biscuit" and a bite of noodles you have it. Perhaps, I'm being overly controlling of my diet out of fear of regaining the weight and its causing me to feel this way. Arabesque: I understand why drinking water and peeing is important and your body should adjust to more water consumption, but, after 9 months I still go 20+ times a day - very inconvenient when I work managing a pathology lab - I have to remove a lab coat, gloves and mask, then go through decontamination processes each time I exit the lab and then upon entering resuit up and on top of that no drinks allowed in the lab - so in order to get my water in I have lunch time and when I get home OR leave the lab for my sip. So, this means working 10 hours a day it gives me a very short window to get my water in especially since I can't drink large quantities at once. I should have explained better (but my post was already long). My apologies. I guess my lack of "thirst" has developed from years of training from this job and my last. I just worry about not getting the required amount in. Anyway, its just me whinging. I'm just finding it difficult and quite frankly tiring (getting up several times a night to pee doesn't help).
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What am I doing wrong?

    You are right where you should be. Only worry if your surgeon/bariatric team is concerned. Keep up the good work!
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What am I doing wrong?

    What do you consider slow? What are your stats: pre-op, at time of surgery? On average 2lbs a week is considered "normal" but will vary since everyone is different. 19lbs in 6 weeks is above average. Per my surgeon 10lbs per month is right on track, unless you we're extremely obese then it comes off quicker at first but eventually slows down.
  20. Exactly...I suspect just wanting to be a "cool kid" is more likely 😋
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Weight loss and menopause

    Perhaps bariatric surgery etc. isn't for you? There is no "fast" way to lose weight that's safe and healthy. If you're not losing as fast as you'd like perhaps you should consult your doctor...
  22. Yes to memory problems! Memory, A lot more clumsy too!
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Chia seeds, Ideas anyone?

    This sounds delicious! I wish I could try it..unfortunately I'm over sensitive to carbs. I haven't had fruit since before surgery 😔
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Chia seeds, Ideas anyone?

    I use chia seeds in my protein balls. There are tons of protein ball recipes, I just pick one and add the seeds!
  25. I eat for a snack: They're made with whey protein, baked and have 18-20 grams protein (depending on flavor), low carb and a few spices. Great if you need a crunch and they have several flavors. I also use them for taco salad; ground turkey with taco seasoning, avocado ,Greek yogurt (for sour cream taste), skim cheddar cheese and lettuce and G Huges chili Thai sugar free low carb or no sugar salsa - delicious!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
