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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What was your “Moment” ?

    I have several things that come to mind on what was the last straw, but for me it was when my family visited and I was the only fat person there. My entire family is thin. Combine that with my thin husband..I felt like those old movies where you see the huge fat loud mouth wife (lol no I'm not that bad - looks around to see if husband is watching me type) with the small husband.. Everywhere we went I hated I was bigger than my husband (he eats tons and anything he wants - but due to his job he walks 12 miles - 6 days a week) so he remains thin. Add to the above; people would look at me then my grocery cart when shopping...then judge..and even say things even though 99.9% of the cookies, kids cereal, ice cream etc were for my husband. They never saw my cottage cheese, salads etc., just zeroed in on the garbage. I had one person tell me "no wonder you're fat" looking into my cart. Needless to say my smart ass came out..i said I can lose weight..you'll always be a rude ass**** who obviously has a "small penis" complex feeling the need to insult others to feel better about his small Insecurity package. One of the larger straws that pushed me to have surgery. I never told my husband out of total embarrassment.. Until recently.
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Pre & Post-Surgery Vitamins UK

    I have very fine hair as well..just start to love hats! Beanies, slouch, stocking, berets, BB caps etc! I just tell myself - this too will pass! Good luck.
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Please help - Gastric Bypass vs SADI

    Your surgeon is right it is your decision, but, your surgeon also knows based on past patients experience and your health background, stats etc., what she feels based on her experience what would be the best for you. The surgery itself, the aftercare and long term outcome. I've never had to throw up, get the runs or any issues with my bypass. I feel most ppl don't have issues, but you hear about these that do, because why post everything is great I have no issues or questions? I chose the bypass because I have the worst luck known to mankind and I just knew I'd start getting acid refux/GERD if I didn't and I'd be back for a revision later. I've had no issues - none! I'm not sure why you think getting a SADI wouldn't have a chance to effect you the same way a standard bypass would. There is still the possibility of nausea/vomiting etc. I think if you only have 100 lbs to lose ....I agree with your surgeon, it might be a bit much unless you have diabetes or a BMI of 50% or higher. Just my two cents..although with todays economy..maybe its only worth a half cent! Finally, you won't spend your entire life only eating a spoonful of food at each meal, just smaller portions.
  4. Ask yourself this: Would you tell him about a gallbladder surgery or hernia repair? I wouldn't bother telling him. You're not being secretive ..just why tell him? If he questions you about scars then tell him (honest is the way to go) but, if you answered I'd not bother telling him about those other surgeries then why would you for WLS? As far as the large family large portions thing, just tell your BF you have a small appetite, which you do and you want to continue to keep your shape and like the benefits of eating healthy and you're carb sensitive so you don't eat a lot of starches - potatoes and rice..its not a lie..you are 😉😆 Lastly you wrote "What do you think? Should I tell him? I don’t understand why other people have to focus so much on my plate. I honestly can eat normal portions of food if it’s the right food (veggies go down very easily, but things like rice or potatoes are quick fillers)." Ask him why he comments and notices what and how you eat. This might tell you how to proceed, whether you tell him or just put him on "notice" that he comments a lot on YOUR eating and plate and you've noticed it. 😉
  5. "McCormick cake batter extract is also a delicious addition to vanilla bases and is available at most grocery stores" this sounds amazing! I never knew they made such a thing!! I decided to buy the deluxe too, for the size of the containers and different options. I've already made Fairlife core elite (42 protein grams) ice cream and it was wonderful...A nice change of texture from just drinking my protein! Thank you for responding to this post, amazing tips!
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Pre & Post-Surgery Vitamins UK

    In answer to one of your questions, I took bariatric vitamins before surgery thinking to put myself on the right track before surgery. My dietician was surprised to find out I was..but I thought I was supposed too..they gave me several months of samples before surgery... I started biotin, collagen etc., bioton shampoo/conditioner all months before surgery. Results: My hair is still shedding tons 5 months post op regardless a lot!, I don't know about my labs yet .. That's next month. Its not about what you do before since your body decides to divert its energy to surviving on reduced calories afterwards and growing hair is not on your bodies needed requirements. So, each body is different - hopefully yours will react better!
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    No, I wish other than the pain..unfortunately or fortunately I've had no issues. Not even feeling "full"
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Significant. I'm just thankful its winter and I can wear stocking caps. I've been losing it for about two - three months now. There is nothing you can do. Biotin etc..work on growing hair, not keeping it. The hair falling out now is old hair. I've read it should start stopping around 6-8 months post op <crossing fingers>. I have heard it comes back thicker, although I think that's just because you're used to the thinner hair so it seems like it. I'm not losing as quick as others..only down 70. This month and last two months have slowed significantly. Happy New Year back at you!
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Total regret

    I think the OP said its been 15 years since they had surgery..
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Ninja Creami -- It's Amazing

    Thank you for the basic recipe. I just purchased one based on several posts saying it was great.
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Beet Root Powder/ nitric oxide question...

    Thank you, this is what I was looking for...experience with it vs. outcome! Thank you everyone for your responses.
  12. Does anyone have any experience with taking beet root? If so: 1. When after surgery (RNY) can/did you start taking it? 2. Results you've seen/experienced: good and bad. 3. Did you start at maximum dose, or work your way up? 4. Powder, pills or juice..or? 5. Did you take it before or start after your surgery? I'm looking for decrease in BP, increased energy and more O2 to the brain..you? Thanks in advance for your response!
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Beet Root Powder/ nitric oxide question...

    I really appreciate the response! I was asking because my blood pressure hasn't lowered and my pre-diabetes has gotten worse since losing weight. Also, I'm looking to increase brain/blood O2 saturation levels. I've done my research on beet roots (only scientific research papers/studies) and they've found significant improvements in some of the reasons I'm looking at adding it to my vitamin regimen. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4425174/ (from the library of medicine) one of numerous I've read. I'm sorry about you son in laws uncle, I haven't seen any conclusive research studies on beet roots curing cancer. I was thinking the powder, only pure non GMO no additives only dehydrated then powdered put into my water would be a good option because we have to drink water anyways. Plus, with stomach size and my need for more proteins with very very low carbs (no fruit etc) due to my hypersensitivity to carbs (why they're looking at pre-diabetes hypersensitivity) it would be a good option for me. I'll take your advise and just wait for my 6 month check up next month and ask them. I just thought I'd put it out here on the forums to ask those who've actually taken it for their input! Thanks!
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Facial difference

    Thanks for posting the tip, I never thought about that. I've held off getting my new Star card and passport after hearing about ppl who had surgery, lost weight and then not being allowed to enter a country because they didn't look like their pictures - just one more thing to add to my list (A good thing)!
  15. I'm 5 months post op and have really noticed only a small difference in energy thus far. I keep hoping I'll notice a change..soon I hope! I spoke with my dietician at my 3 month check-in and she didn't seem concerned (of course its not her slugging around), but, she did ask about my calorie intake, iron supplementation and the dreaded water consumption question (I don't get the required Lake Superior quantity by any means) but I do get the minimum 48oz or close. All she said was we'll know more at your 6 month because of the blood tests for nutrients. To be honest I was expecting more concern, she was more interested in my reaction to carbs - I get a racing heart if I eat too many.. This was discussed because she wanted me to add fruit to my diet that's when I explained the racing heart (I currently keep my carbs below 50). Anyway, I'm sure the energy comes back at different times for each individual, until mine does...I'm in stand by mode Good luck on surgery - just take one day at a time and listen to your body!.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Capsule Vitamins?

    Thank you, I'm thinking its at 6 months that we're allowed to start capsules, but I couldn't remember.
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Facial difference

    I noticed at around 35-40 lbs. They say you lose weight first the last place you put it on. For me it was my face.
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    weight lifting and high intense cardio

    Muscle weighs 7 times more than fat, so if you're weight lifting the scale might move downwards more slowly, but the inches come off quickly! I used to be a fitness/body building instructor and I'd hear this complaint a lot. Be more concerned with how you feel and how your clothes fit instead with if you're body building or free weight lifting.
  19. This sounds delicious! I decided to break down and buy one. Which model does everyone have? I recently started drinking the fairlife Elite Core protein drinks which I actually don't mind (yay for 42 protein grams each), but if I can incorporate them into a "treat" it would be all the better! Thanks for your responses in advance! 😊
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Do you bruise easily now?

    I've always bruised easily, but upon asking my doctor causes he said: heredity, anemia (low blood iron) and getting older i.e. thinner skin - less fat padding. Perhaps if this is new to you the last two?
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Having worked in a dermatology clinic...(although I'm not a doctor) I heard this complaint a lot. Keep the stretch marks moisturized, Cereve is what was recommended. But if it gets to itchy..corticosteroid cream can help with the itch... If it gets to bad..see a dermatologist. This occurs because your skin is attempting to heal itself, the nerves transmit the itch feeling as part of it healing.
  22. Thank you for replying. Like I said, I've been contemplating it.. Perhaps buying an extra warranty make but help. I noticed most people had issues with it between 1 month and 3.. Again, thank you for the answers...anything to break up the monotony of the same foods over and over would be welcome.
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    As long as your team thinks you're golden...then I wouldn't worry about it! I never said your calories weren't healthy calories..but too many good OR bad will put weight on. To be honest, I'm not sure why - if you're keeping in contact with your team and doing as they want..and they're happy with your progress why you're asking? The scale won't always show a downward trajectory, muscle weighs 7 times more than fat so if you're putting on muscle sometimes the scale will show a small gain..water weight ..time of the month...etc will account for 5 lbs.
  24. I've read several posts about people raving about the Creami, it sounds great! I'm just very hesitant after reading all the negative reviews with mechanical breakdowns ...cutting the plastic container putting shards of plastic in the ice cream...etc. How long have you had it and how is it performing for you?
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    What does your bariatric team say? We both had surgery in August and according to my team I should be at max 800 calories a day, 50 carbs max a day and 80 grams of protein. 1200 calories a day sounds closer to a maintenance amount... On average on maintenance a person should get from 1200 - 1800 per day. I'd check with your surgeon/dietician and see what they say since each surgeon has their own plan, but if you're putting weight on and sticking to the diet..they need to know. Good luck I hope this helps. I'd add more exercise and less carbs and calories..but I'm not a medical doctor.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
