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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Strange symptoms gastric sleeve/gallbladder removal

    I'd contact your surgeon, especially since you were "fine" beforehand. It might not or might be stricture, I'm not a doctor so contact your surgeons office. Stricture presents symptoms that can "include nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, feeling fullness in the upper-middle abdomen, and trouble eating" "The patient may also experience pain when swallowing or experiencing difficulty swallowing." ** This is what you're describing!? "Generally, when a patient complains of feeling like food is getting stuck, or they are throwing up, we immediately assume it is an anastomotic stricture. An anastomotic stricture after gastric bypass is the most common complication. "Near 60% [of patients] present a mild stricture (with a diameter between 7 and 9 mm), [with] 28% asymptomatic. This complication is easily treated by endoscopic procedure if it is diagnosed early (3 to 4 weeks) after surgery. Routine endoscopy 1 month after surgery is the only objective scientific way to determine the real true incidence of this complication." You are better off directing your concerns to your doctor just to be safe!
  2. Thank you for sharing your surgical journey. I've heard nothing but horror stories about plastic surgeries in Mexico and other countries, so it gives me hope that perhaps I won't have to live like this wrinkled old elephant or person in a too large skin suit for the rest of my life!
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Undergarment recommendations

    I looked at your suggestions using the links, people are now saying these are Chinese knockoffs that are just stretchy tank tops... I'm not sure when you purchased yours. I'm going to try Maiden forms actual website since they look like a good suggestion..just not from Amazon (which unfortunately is becoming more and more difficult to find real original brands on their site - I wish they'd do something about it!). Just an FYI.
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Loose Skin

    I highly recommend Arrowroot. Its has anti-inflammatory properties, Antiseptic/antibacterial properties and; It doesn't have the same starch that yeast thrives on and absorbs sweat great. Its also low in calories, high in fiber, may also help with constipation and diarrhea and clear out cholesterol! https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/arrowroot.html Its what I use and it works great! I hope this helps!
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    New Member - same old story :-)

    Wow, I'm sorry your friend is going through all that. Here in the U.S. we always here about how our healthcare system is horrible compared to the UK's, I know yours isn't any better. .I have two good friends who've told me personal horror stories with their own health issues and trying to even get to see a specialist was forever. ๐Ÿ˜” Each has pros and cons. I'm glad you were able to get yours done and I hope the best for your friend.
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    New Member - same old story :-)

    Preach sister preach! I've always said the exact same things. I go one step further; insurance will pay for cosmetic surgery changes for people going through transgender reassignment surgeries (removing dermal layers etc.) but not skin removal for bariatric patients! Both are surgeries to help the outside match the inside - to help people see themselves as they internally perceive themselves! What's the difference?
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Finally!!! 199!!!

    I did the exact same thing! Although, I knew he weighed less, not anymore! Thank you btw!
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Finally!!! 199!!!

    I just wanted to tell someone: I'm finally below 200lbs! <does the happy dance> I finally weigh less than my husband - whew! Thank you everyone for being on this forum and sharing your wisdom with others. Its helped at low stressful points and at times made me laugh on this lifelong journey.
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Thank you, very wise words!
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Liquid Diet Questions

    I concur with AmberFL, each surgeon has their own requirements. I was on liquid diet for 2 weeks pre-op and 3 weeks after... Hopefully your bariatric team gave you a diet plan for all phases but of your journey! Mine was no caffeine (no teas or coffees), protein drinks, broths, sugar free Jello and of course all the water I wanted! Oh joy!
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    New Member - same old story :-)

    "As is๏ปฟ the ๏ปฟpractice here I had an assessment with a psychologist who confirmed I was a suitable candidate and a dietician who ๏ปฟagain confirmed I was a suitable candidate but in the process managed to make me feel like I had already failed, in her words I was "Much heavier than most people who come to us" As she was a gate keeper and I ๏ปฟneeded her approval to progress I๏ปฟ did not complain. That time will come๏ปฟ." Your last sentence made me laugh, I can picture it. I've always thought that dieticians should have all gone through the bariatric process in order to work at a bariatric clinic. They really don't understand nor have the empathy to comprehend what they're saying " you want something crunchy have some celery," "Oh, you're missing noodles? Try heart of palm noodles they're delish and taste just like regular Thai noodles" and my personal favorite; "you want a treat or snack have a glass of tea!" Unfortunately, despite all their training and understanding of nutrients they don't understand its not will power we lack, we've all lost 100's of pounds on our dieting, nor is it a lack of knowledge knowing what we should be eating - its our bodies demanding certain foods, talking over our common sense. Dieticians act as if we just don't have the knowledge or that we just eat garbage for the heck of it. Food processed today was made to be addictive, why else are populations getting heavier than ever before? Good for you doing what you had to and choosing to address her comments afterwards to get what you need. I did the same thing with my dietician and psychologist (she said she really thought our session helped me open up) nope, I'm not one to talk about my feelings, I just didn't dispute her so I could get my surgery and oh yes date of palm "noodles are delish" to my dietician bleh..they're nasty to me, because I enjoyed eating slimy rubber bands! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Congrats on your journey and doing what you had to do!
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Finally!!! 199!!!

    It is, thank you!
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Protein post op

    Fairlife Core Elite: 42 grams each shake and they're the closest thing to tasting like just chocolate milk with no chalky taste I've tried and believe me I've tried them all!
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Finally!!! 199!!!

    Thank you. ๐Ÿค—
  15. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Perhaps, but, I'm getting the amount of calories; 800, protein; 80, Carbs; 50 my surgeon/dietician put me on. That being said, I thought the same thing, but, I'm hesitant to go against doctors orders or diet plan. I have an appointment February 21, so maybe at 6 months they'll up my caloric intake. ๐Ÿ™ I posted this concern of mine because I thought surely my clinic knows what works and yet my weight slowed way down. Anyone at 800 calories 5-6 month out too? I thought this was the norm at this stage...
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Yeah...my butt hurts now! I just have to replace it with muscle so I have something to sit on!
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Mine would if it wasn't so saggy now! "Has ๏ปฟ๏ปฟ๏ปฟthe Dr given any explanation? Any advice? My dietitian keeps telling me we are losing inches not necessarily pounds. I call BS. All I know is I have 17 more pounds to lose to get๏ปฟ new knees. After that I hope to lose another ๏ปฟ60 so my hubby can buy me a face lift (he doesn't know it yet) SURPRISE DEAR ๏ปฟLOL" I see my doctor next month for my 6 month check in and in two weeks my blood tests. It will be with the dietician, to be honest she's seemed kinda pointless. Just says you're eating as you should...perhaps add some fruit, to which I explained again when I eat carbs my heart races and fruit is high in fructose soooo. Then she'll suggest something like those nasty palm heart noodles, boy those were a mistake..again texture issues. It was like eating a bowl of slimy rubber bands. She gave me a G7 to monitor my blood sugars after the fruit discussion oh joy! I agree with the inches vs. pounds being BS. Last time I checked fat or "inches" weigh something. You can't lose inches without weight - unless I'm packing on muscle (weighs 7 times more than fat) but I assure you that's NOT it! Lolol "surprise dear" face lift, I love it! ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜† 17 lbs should go quick for you and you'll have new knees soon enough! Thank you for the laugh, at this point it is well appreciated!
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Don't want to jinx myself , but ......

    Congrats!! I'm sure you feel relieved! I'm at the point where I've been in a stall or at least a weight loss slow down stall for a few months myself. But I've only lost about 3 lbs the last month..21 over 3+ months and I'm only at 5 months post op! As annoying and worried as I'm sure you've been.. I hope it helps some knowing you made me feel relieved knowing it might only be temporary. Again, congrats and you're soooo close to your goal now - you've got this!
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    I appreciate you responding and your suggestions. I don't know about beef jello..I have texture eating issues. Is it just like regular jello? My day goes like this: Breakfast: Coffee w/heavy cream (1 tsp), my multivitamin chew, 1 calcium chew, .5 mg taurine, 2.8 grams magnesium glutamate, 2 tsp collagen protein w/hyaluronic acid all in my coffee, 1 pro/prebiotic 3 strips turkey bacon at 30 calories each and one egg or 2 egg white egg bites with 1/2 teaspoon red pepper Lunch: 1/2 cup turkey chili w/mushrooms and teaspoon G. Hughs chili Thai dipping sauce (no sugar 5 calories 2 carbs) with 1 tablespoon Fage Greek yogurt or Atkins protein bar. Dinner: Fairlife Core Elite protein drink (42 grams) or above chili 1/2 cup or 3oz chicken breast w/broccoli florets - 2 IF I have a snack: its .5 cup fair life chocolate elite core creami protein ice cream 10+- protein grams. This is all I eat for a max of 800 calories. I lost 21lbs before surgery (started diet before surgery May 29th) and lost 50lbs since surgery on August 21 to today. I just don't understand why I've only lost 21 lbs in three months and only 3.8lbs this last month.
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Facial difference

    We're the same age, I worried about the old age wrinkles setting in when I first thought about WLS. I told my husband " you get a fat younger looking wife with breasts, or thin wrinkled old lady with sagging smaller breasts but healthier!" Either way the choices suck. So far I only have the turkey neck..my face still has no wrinkles.. Its like waiting for the other shoe to drop. So, I completely understand it bothering you, it bothers me. I knew from looking at other WLS patients - they all look older/old (even young WLS patients) that it would happen ๐Ÿ˜” my only saving grace is I've been on Retain A for awhile...its just a matter of time... ..literally.
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    August 2023 Surgery Buddies!

    Anyone else at 5 months noticing the weight loss is slowing down? In the last 3 months (my scale averages it out) I've lost 20.4lbs. From December to today 3.8lbs - less than a pound a week!! I'm not happy. I do exactly as I was told: 1. No more than 800 calories 2. No more than 50 carbs 3. Low calories, low low sugar, low low fat 4. Drink the equivalent of Lake Superior every day 5. I'm always active, stairs, dog walks, cleaning, treadmill, Occulus, etc etc... 6. Take all my vitamins I didn't go through surgery, liquid diets, being hungry all the time (including now) to have weight loss come to a screeching snails pace this soon after surgery! Is there such a thing as a complete slow down/stall 3-4 month post op for several months? I worry because everyone says its "normal" to slow down at 6 months..but this started at 4, what will happen at 6?
  22. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Leg Compression device

    I only wore the Pneumatic compression leg device the first day in the hospital until I left. Do you have a known circulation issue the doctors are/were trying to circumvent with having you wear it so long? Unless your bariatric team or GP specifically tells you you need to utilize the device I don't feel you need too wear them again.
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No drinking rule with snacks?

    I actually did the math and took it to my surgeons office asking exactly how did they expect me to do it!? I further explained I'd have to drink right up to bedtime and sleep was just as important in the healing process, so if I drank just before bed..I'd be getting up several times in the night. I was told they "know right out of surgery there is no way to get in the entire water requirement." They just want you to try. My math (basic because I suck at math): Average "day" (excluding time for activities you can't be actively drinking water i.e. driving, showering, different tasks at work): 12 hours No drinking water 30 mins before and after and during a meal: 90 mins+- 90 x 3= 270/60 = 4.5 hours per day you aren't allowed to drink 12 hrs a day +- - 4.5 can't drink. = Leaves you 7.5 hours to get down 60+-oz each day 7.5 hours to get down 60oz each day @ 2oz. max each "drink" = .12 to get your sip in. In other words not real easy or possible if you also add nauseous! This isn't taking into consideration snacks (which I didn't do and still don't). Needless to say they found me funny. I wasn't going for "funny!" Said they'd never had a patient break it down before. I told them I'm a Histologist who manages a laboratory measuring in microns/millimeters/centimeters etc. everyday what did they expect?.. Perhaps they should have done the math before asking patients to do something! I asked who has time for that!? That's when they said to work up to it, its not expected for awhile, to just try..its a goal to shoot for. Eventually you'll be able too. So no worries, just do the best you can! ๐Ÿ˜†
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Oh Happy Day! Finally hit my goal

    Congratulations omrhsn! You've achieved so much!
  25. This /\ Stand your ground. Only you and your surgeon know what's best for you. Tell them to support you or get out of your way - you have a long healthy life to achieve and they can help you celebrate it or stand back and watch.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
