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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by BlondePatriotInCDA

  1. BlondePatriotInCDA

    NEW GLP-1 Program at BariatricPal!

    Is the prescription sent after your team of Telehealth doctors consult with you, or do you have to go to your own doctor and pharmacies with a prescription? Are insurance companies contacted by your Telehealth team to advocate for your patients or is that left up to the customers?
  2. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No longer obese

    Congratulations! Quite a personal achievement, be proud of your accomplishment!
  3. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Beating Myself Up

    You need to ask yourself; would "I" have eaten more fries, hamburger etc., before surgery than I did this time? If the answer is "yes" than there is no need to beat yourself up over this. The surgery is working as intended both physically and mentally. 1. You ate poorly = you feel poorly + 2. You ate what you shouldn't have and you're aware you did and felt guilty for it and did a self correction! + = surgery working as intended! I do understand the "slippery slope" feelings, we all feel that if we "cheat," but its not going to happen if you're aware it exists and put on the breaks. We're human and things we used to eat taste good, we can't live a entire life depriving ourselves, an occasional small side track off our track to better healthy eating will happen - just so it doesn't become an every day thing its fine!
  4. BlondePatriotInCDA

    50 and over crowd?

    Happy birthday early!
  5. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No drinking rule with snacks?

    It's nice to see I'm not the only one Nepenthe44 to break down the science for them and yes that when you do they view it as noncompliance and being difficult. I've even had it suggested that if there's not enough time in my day - wake up and drink a few sips during the night. Science states we as humans require uninterrupted sleep more than those few sips of water. So Nepenthe44 I hate to agree because there will be those that say they really do care, but I do, what people fail to remember is the dieticians are doing a job, one most likely they've never personally experienced for themselves; being a bariatric patient vs. nutritional counseling for bariatric patients having never experienced bariatric struggles. I finally suggested the next time she had the stomach flu and was nauseated and exhausted - wanting to vomit picking up a glass and start drinking water and to make sure to get her 80 grams +- of protein in and getting down 60+ ounces of water, she finally "understood." What is a requirement on paper doesn't always equate to what actually works for people much less a bariatric patient. Its all theory. A body is set up that when you need water lo and behold you feel thirsty! I realize the nutritional requirements for the human body per weight/sex are all fairly similar but the comparisons/suggestions for likes/wants vs needs on food replacements isn't even close E.g. heart of palm noodles vs Thai noodles - in NO way are they taste comparable. So to suggest when I say I miss Thai noodles - heart of palm noodles as a replacement is absurd. That's like suggesting when I say I want a hamburger to replace it with a 3oz of fish - not equal! I didn't say "I miss protein"! They don't understand the struggle and since its their job, not a family member or a true friend they really don't "care." Lastly, I realize they are trying to help and its their job to help me achieve my goals in a healthy way (for those who are thinking this as they read this), but in reality they don't really have a personal investment in my success. I do as they suggest, for the most part, but I also decide what goals are obtainable realistically and which aren't based on consumption quantity vs. time in my day vs. work schedule vs. my employers needs.
  6. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Abdominal pain

    Have you completed a food time log vs. when the pain comes on? I'd also compare times with what types of food, perhaps you've developed a food allergy or a systemic adverse reaction to a type of compound such as starch or even excess proteins. A food log with times of both eating and pain onset might help diagnose the complaint since they've done all the standard dx scans.. Add to the log moods (for hormonal shifts) along with tracking macros in detail. Sometimes people develop adverse reactions to fiber as well. Have you added anything new to your diet? Lastly, track where the pain is centralized; upper quadrant, lower..right/left etc. as well as type of pain; shooting, sharp etc. Time of the month and BM's as well. The more you can track the more you can help the doctors determine what is contributing to your pain. Good luck! Let us know what you find out.
  7. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Off to a slow start after surgery. Anyone else?

    Don't take me wrong, I'll take any weight loss as good. That's what I was trying to convey as long as its going down its a win..am I happy I'm one of the slower losers, no, but its still a loss! Hence the "(sigh) slow or not..its a downward trend. 😀" Thanks Arabesque for the words of encouragement none the less! 😃
  8. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Off to a slow start after surgery. Anyone else?

    Yeah, men have it easier since muscle burns calories faster and they genetically have more muscle! I understand the "hoping" you'd be different and would lose like he did...its still early for you. Just stick to the program and it will come off! Good luck on your journey..soon enough you'll be looking in the mirror and seeing the new you and putting too loose clothing on soon enough!
  9. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What does "full" feel like to you?

    Same. I also get the hic ups sometimes. They don't tell you its not a "normal" pre surgery full feeling, they should so we know what to expect. Then again most haven't gone through it who are dieticians/doctors. I just switched doctors (my old doctor decided to be inpatient only) and my new GP had bariatric surgery in 2019 (said she normally doesn't share personal info but figured it would be helpful) and she agreed, most of the bariatric journey isn't with practitioners who understand.
  10. BlondePatriotInCDA

    No drinking rule with snacks?

    They should do this for all bariatric patients! It brings it home seeing it yourself!
  11. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Off to a slow start after surgery. Anyone else?

    Yes! In fact, my entire weight loss since surgery has been slooooow. I don't recommend kicking the scale - it hurts 😋 I even talked to my bariatric "team" who just didn't seem concerned. It only added to my anger..to go through all this to lose 4" lbs a month 3 months in and still at 6 months! Where did my honeymoon period go?? Only 80 lbs since starting the pre surgery weight loss portion... 80 lbs in 9 months, that's less than 10 each month! 😠 So yeah, I understand your frustration. I at this point wouldn't be to worried, you retain lots of fluids for several weeks following surgery, plus the standard response you'll read on here is the "your body is going through a lot and could be doing a self check reset reevaluating" at this point. I'd give it at least a month and as long as you're hitting nutritional goals and nothing feels off you'll be fine - (sigh) slow or not..its a downward trend. 😀
  12. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Peanut Butter

    The easiest way to tell if you can have something like peanut butter on a liquid diet as explained to me by my dietician "if you tip the containers over and it spills out - its a liquid, if not - its not." Simplistic I know..but it answered my question when I asked about peanut butter.
  13. BlondePatriotInCDA


    Congratulations Lindsay! You look amazing and beautiful, congratulations again on reaching your goal!
  14. BlondePatriotInCDA

    1 Year Post Op... Has anyone had this issue

    I too thought about SIBO, most symptoms fall in line except the point tenderness., but everyone is different so good call to mention it!
  15. I had one at two weeks post op, six weeks then at three months, one coming up at six months, nine months and then I'll have a one year and finally an 18 month. Then a required one time every year after that. Along with the yearly check ups I'll have a nutrient blood draw labs each year.
  16. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Liver Shrinkage Diet struggles

    Wow four weeks! I thought the three I did sucked, I feel for you. Just keep telling yourself one more hour, one more day towards getting the healthy thinner body you want, need and deserve! My husband did the same thing for me..lol still does. Just remember you CAN do this, its just a small blip on your new journey and the results will be worth it. I added no sodium clear broth packets to my fatty liver reduction diet which helped, it was "hot soup" with flavor and 5 calories and was helping with water intake. Could have as much as I wanted and it wasn't plain water or another protein drink! https://www.amazon.com/Hormel-Chicken-Bouillon-Sodium-Packets/dp/B0077DMWO0/ref=sr_1_5_pp?crid=2OTVXLTYW0OD9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.lQfKYERXvAhUropfp5TcloiXDN09ZoegzxDIPbqvPsdG2SFel1Y2bZSDa-edU5IODMVLcTFZN7J_gN1J76UWRJ5alR_86je9RVJ7FT5B8fLCIu-Gu7R1P9CR4QwfZLXQSmYDC2T6w1YEIitQSLjlj6dtcWr9e9jsWqXzvU0vEStk6z7EO14TcHw9L8V52hbuymxrnf7R0fRn-6u0Hfi7Zg6T2nbJ6hPrQT4cjccBJc3kbDGnNXGQ3wuSN1klYubiT2jVe3qUR5qmQ2XYpBGvIOL9iJQXcem-L96snZm7jSE._KgKbU2PA1ogwJ3vncdpxEFEDsXdAL0MfVmhXtWkCx8&dib_tag=se&keywords=kosher+chicken+bouillon&qid=1708370322&sprefix=Kosher+chicken+%2Caps%2C260&sr=8-5
  17. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first

    I agree this one is great! Not having to worry that a chair offered is one you'll be able to comfortably fit in! People who haven't gone through all this don't understand the whole host of negativity - self conversations that goes through obese peoples heads constantly, from fitting in chairs, fitting in booths, people judging your grocery cart (personally had people make comments to me), hearing comments, seeing cute fashion trends but not being able to participate, people doing the butt shuffle away from you when on bench seating or aircraft seats out of fear of being touched by your fat (as if its contagious) etc... So being able to sit with extra room comfortably is a huge victory! Congrats!!
  18. BlondePatriotInCDA

    1 Year Post Op... Has anyone had this issue

    You've stumped me. The other options would be an intestinal obstruction or maybe a peptic ulcer? Although, with some diminished signs and symptoms after changing your probiotics - which can cause gas build up etc.. Did this all start when you started originally taking these? Good luck, let us know when you see the specialists and that you're okay!
  19. BlondePatriotInCDA

    1 Year Post Op... Has anyone had this issue

    I agree with Catwoman about it possibly being constipation. How long has this been occurring, does it go away later in the day, do you have your ovaries/uterus? Is it point tender (hurt to palpate area) or just generally tender as you said? Do you have a fever to go along with nausea? I personally would lean towards appendix with the symptoms you describe, but 6 months of you noticing this seems excessive. Perhaps its in the process of going bad? How have your bowel movements been? Do you eat a high fiber diet (gas producing)? Do you eat the same things, is your diet varied? Gallbladder issues don't normally present with abdominal swelling, nor appendix issues. I've had both removed. The appendix was horrible; started out like the flu, but constant vomiting towards the end 3 days later. I'd throw up, lay back then throw up again ..over and over - found out I'd waited to long and it was close to rupturing and gallbladder is usually (as you know since you said you used to have gallbladder associated pain) is sharp jabbing pain - still usually no swelling. I too am curious, let us know what the doctors find!
  20. BlondePatriotInCDA

    6 month blood labs..question.

    Yes, I was told 64oz, yet I'm honestly only getting +-48oz. I KNOW I should be getting more, but I'm just not thirsty and I get busy/sidetracked and forget because I'm not thirsty so I don't get my required in. So much f I'm not getting close to my goal how could I be over hydrated? I know its silly to worry since I have my appointment this week..but I still wonder. I'm a need to know person, A laboratory manager ..so its just who I am..researcher! "I honestly don't think I've ever had my hydration level tested, so I have no clue about that one! Have you been eating any high sodium foods? Or started doing strength-training recently? Both can cause some Water retention. Other than that...??? high WBC usually means you're fighting an infection - although I just googled albuterol, and you're right - it can increase white blood cell count. That could be what's going on. I would imagine that if you were early out of surgery and your body was trying to heal, that could cause an increase as well - but since you're six months out, then no - probably not that. More likely water retention or the albuterol. Let us know what they think...I'm curious." - Catwoman7 No, I don't ever add sodium and my diet is low in sodium, so its not edema. This is why I'm worried - if it was a diet with excessive sodium I'd not worry. No on strength training "lately".. just light hand weights which I've been doing for months. Regarding the high WBC count, I don't have a known illness/cold/sick.. Thank you for your questions and potential reasons. I guess I'll know soon enough and I'll PST the doctors answers.
  21. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Idaho BMI in Meridian area

    As a fellow Idaho resident, I want to wish you good luck on your weight loss journey! Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your surgeon since I'm in CDA.
  22. BlondePatriotInCDA

    Dealing With Negative Comments

    Exactly this. Why feel the need to explain to judgemental people? Judgemental people will always judge, these are the same people who fail to look inwards or at the mirror. Next time ask "did I ask for your opinion?" Also "I expect support from my family and friends, but f you can't do this - keep quiet!"
  23. BlondePatriotInCDA


    I thought the exact same thing! 😂
  24. BlondePatriotInCDA

    What Made You Smile Today?

    My husband made me laugh today; I was kinda bummed because I hate shopping at grocery stores and its hard to find different foods that I can eat..so I'm looking at a label and I see movement to my left out of the corner of my eye.. Its my goofy amazing husband doing the electric side and booty shake down the isle towards me to the grocery store music...singing down the entire isle!. 😂 he's usually pretty reserved so it made me burst out laughing!
  25. BlondePatriotInCDA


    What about CICO? = Calories In Calories Out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
